Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_collect_data(self):
        basico.add_parameter('quantity', initial_value=1)
        mod = basico.get_current_model().getModel()
        assert (isinstance(mod, COPASI.CModel))
        data = basico.model_info._collect_data(cns=[
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Reference=Time',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Compartments[compartment],Reference=InitialVolume',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Compartments[compartment],Reference=Rate',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Compartments[compartment],Reference=Volume',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Compartments[compartment],Vector=Metabolites[X],Reference=InitialParticleNumber',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Compartments[compartment],Vector=Metabolites[X],Reference=ParticleNumber',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Compartments[compartment],Vector=Metabolites[X],Reference=ParticleNumberRate',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Compartments[compartment],Vector=Metabolites[X],Reference=Rate',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Compartments[compartment],Vector=Metabolites[X],Reference=Concentration',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Compartments[compartment],Vector=Metabolites[X],Reference=InitialConcentration',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Values[quantity],Reference=Value',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Values[quantity],Reference=InitialValue',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Values[quantity],Reference=Rate',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Reactions[R1],Reference=Flux',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Reactions[R1],Reference=ParticleFlux',
            'CN=Root,Model=The Brusselator,Vector=Reactions[R1],ParameterGroup=Parameters,Parameter=k1,Reference=Value'

        data2 = basico.model_info._collect_data(names=[
            'Time', 'Compartments[compartment].InitialVolume',
            'Compartments[compartment].Volume', 'X.InitialParticleNumber',
            'X.ParticleNumber', 'X.InitialParticleNumberRate',
            'X.ParticleNumberRate', 'X.Rate', '[X]', '[X]_0',
            'Values[quantity]', 'Values[quantity].InitialValue',
            'Values[quantity].Rate', '(R1).Flux', '(R1).ParticleFlux',
        self.assertTrue(data2 is not None)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _scan_item_to_dict(item, model=None):
    if model is None:
        model = basico.get_current_model()

    if isinstance(item, int):
        problem = model.getTask('Scan').getProblem()
        if item >= problem.getNumberOfScanItems():
            logging.error('No Scan item: {0}'.format(item))
            return None
        item = problem.getScanItem(item)

    assert (isinstance(item, COPASI.CCopasiParameter))
    int_type = item.getParameter('Type').getIntValue()
    type_name = _scan_type_to_name(int_type)
    cn = item.getParameter('Object').getStringValue() if item.getParameter('Object') else None
    num_steps = item.getParameter('Number of steps').getIntValue() if item.getParameter('Number of steps') else None
    min_val = item.getParameter('Minimum').getDblValue() if item.getParameter('Minimum') else None
    max_val = item.getParameter('Maximum').getDblValue() if item.getParameter('Maximum') else None
    log = item.getParameter('log').getBoolValue() if item.getParameter('log') else None
    current = {
        'type': type_name,
        'num_steps': num_steps,

    if log is not None:
        current['log'] = log

    if min_val is not None:
        current['min'] = min_val

    if max_val is not None:
        current['max'] = max_val

    if int_type == COPASI.CScanProblem.SCAN_RANDOM:
        dist = _scan_distribution_type_to_name(item.getParameter('Distribution type').getUIntValue()) \
            if item.getParameter('Distribution type') else None
        current['distribution'] = dist

    elif int_type == COPASI.CScanProblem.SCAN_LINEAR:
        values = item.getParameter('Values').getStringValue() if item.getParameter('Values') else None
        if values:
            values = values.replace(',', ' ')
            values = values.split(' ')
            values = [float(v) for v in values]
        use_values = item.getParameter('Use Values').getBoolValue() if item.getParameter('Use Values') else None
        current['values'] = values
        current['use_values'] = use_values

    if cn:
        obj = model.getObject(COPASI.CCommonName(cn))
        if not obj:
            logging.warning('missing object in scan item: {0}'.format(cn))
            current['item'] = obj.getObjectDisplayName()
        current['cn'] = cn
    return current
Ejemplo n.º 3
def copasi_aic():
    """Calculates the AIC based on the last parameter estimation run

        SSR = weighted sum of squares
        N = number of data points
        K = number of parameters being estimated (note that this is one more than the number of parameters
        in COPASI, since the SSR is also a parameter being estimated; so this is basically K = parameters + 1)
        AIC = Akaike's information criterion
        AICc= corrected Akaike's information criterion (for low N)

        AIC = N * log(SSR/N) + 2*K

        AICc = N * log(SSR/N) + 2*K*(K+1)/(N-K-1)

        :return: the aic based on above calculation
        :rtype: float
    prob = basico.get_current_model().getTask("Parameter Estimation").getProblem()
    N = prob.getExperimentSet().getValidValueCount()
    K = prob.getOptItemSize() + 1
    SSR = prob.getSolutionValue()
    if isnan(SSR) or N == 0:
        return float("inf")
    return N * log(SSR / N) + 2 * K
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create_data_handler(output_selection,
    """Creates an output handler for the given selection

    :param output_selection: list of display names or cns, of elements to capture
    :type output_selection: [str]

    :param during: optional list of elements from the output selection, that should be collected
                   during the run of the task
    :type during: [str]

    :param after: optional list of elements from the output selection, that should be collected
                   after the run of the task
    :type after: [str]

    :param before: optional list of elements from the output selection, that should be collected
                  before the run of the task
    :type before: [str]

    :param model: the model in which to resolve the display names

    :return: tuple of the data handler from which to retrieve output later, and their columns
    :rtype: (COPASI.CDataHandler, [])

    if model is None:
        model = basico.get_current_model()

    dh = COPASI.CDataHandler()
    columns = []
    for name in output_selection:
        if name.startswith('CN='):
            obj = model.getObject(COPASI.CCommonName(name))
            if not obj:
                logging.warning('no object for cn {0}'.format(name))
            cn = name
            obj = model.findObjectByDisplayName(name)

            if not obj:
                logging.warning('no object for name {0}'.format(name))

            if isinstance(obj, COPASI.CModel):
                obj = obj.getValueReference()

            cn = obj.getCN().getString()

        if during is None or (during is not None and name in during):

        if after and name in after:

        if before and name in before:
    return dh, columns
Ejemplo n.º 5
def evaluate_model(test_model, evaluation=default_evaluation, temp_dir=None, delete_temp_files=True,
                   sim_dfs=None, sol_dfs=None, temp_files=None):
    """evaluates the given test model and updates it with the calculated metrics and estimated parameters

    :param test_model: the model to test
    :type test_model: petab_select.Model
    :param evaluation: optional function to evaluate the test model with. defaults to func:`.default_evaluation`
    :type evaluation: () -> pandasDataFrame
    :param temp_dir: optional temp directory to store the files in (otherwise the os temp dir will be used)
    :type temp_dir: str or None
    :param delete_temp_files: boolean indicating whether temp files should be deleted
    :type delete_temp_files: bool
    :param sim_dfs: optional array, in which simulation data frames will be returned
    :type sim_dfs: [] or None
    :param sol_dfs: optional array in which found parameters will be returned
    :type sol_dfs: [] or None
    :param temp_files: optional array that returns filenames of temp files created during the run
    :type temp_files: [] or None
    :return: COPASI objective value of the evaluation
    :rtype: float
    # create petab problem
    pp = test_model.to_petab()['petab_problem']

    created_temp_dir = False
    if temp_dir is None:
        temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        created_temp_dir = True

    if not os.path.exists(temp_dir):
        os.makedirs(temp_dir, exist_ok=True)

    model_id = test_model.model_id
    files = core.write_problem_to(pp, temp_dir, model_id)

    # load into basico
    out_name = 'cps_{0}'.format(model_id)
    cps_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, out_name + '.cps')
    core.load_petab(files['problem'], temp_dir, out_name)

    files = list(files.values())

    files = files + basico.get_experiment_filenames()

    # run parameter estimation
    sol = evaluation()
    if sol_dfs:

    simulation_results = basico.get_simulation_results(values_only=True, solution=sol)
    sim_df = basico.petab.create_simulation_df(pp.measurement_df, simulation_results)
    if sim_dfs:

    # compute metrics
    llh = basico.petab.petab_llh(pp, sim_df)
    test_model.set_criterion(Criterion.LLH, llh)

    task = basico.get_current_model().getTask("Parameter Estimation")
    prob = task.getProblem()
    obj = prob.getSolutionValue()


    # update estimated parameters
    for param_id in test_model.parameters:
        value = test_model.parameters[param_id]
        if str(value) != 'estimate':  # not isnan(value):  # we only want to include what we estimated
        name = 'Values[{0}]'.format(param_id)
        if name in sol.index:
            test_model.estimated_parameters[param_id] = sol.loc[name].sol

    # write result for testing
    result_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'result_{0}.yaml'.format(model_id))

    # delete temp files if needed
    if delete_temp_files:
        for file in files:
        if created_temp_dir:
            # since we created the temp dir, lets get rid of it
    elif temp_files is not None:
        # add temp files to the list of temp files:
        temp_files = temp_files + files

    return obj
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def setUp(self):
                      'The Brusselator')