Ejemplo n.º 1
 def path_sat(self, pathname):
     sat = {}
     for name in pathname:
         nov, val = nov_val(name)
         bits = Center.snodes[nov].choice['bits']
         vals = [get_bit(val, 2), get_bit(val, 1), get_bit(val, 0)]
         for ind, b in enumerate(bits):
             sat[b] = vals[ind]
     return sat
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get_sats(self, val):
     assert (val < (2**self.ln))
     satdic = {}
     for ind, vn in enumerate(self.varray):
         v = get_bit(val, ind)
         satdic[vn] = v
     return satdic
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def reduce_vk(self, vk):
        ''' return: vk12, vk3, cvr '''
        hit_bits = set(self.varray).intersection(set(vk.bits))
        ln = len(hit_bits)
        if ln == 0:  # vk is totally outside of sh
            vk3 = vk.clone()
            return None, vk3, None
        if ln == 3:  # vk is totally overlapping with sh
            return None, None, vk.compressed_value()
        # vk is partially in sh, producing a vk12, and cvs
        vk12 = None
        dic = {}  # part of vk.dic lying outside of sh
        for b, v in vk.dic.items():
            if b not in hit_bits:
                dic[b] = v
        vk12 = vk.__class__(vk.kname, dic, vk.nov)

        cvs = set([])
        vlst = range(2**self.ln)
        hit_dic = {hbit: self.varray.index(hbit) for hbit in hit_bits}
        for val in vlst:
            covered = True
            for hit_bit, position in hit_dic.items():
                if get_bit(val, position) != vk.dic[hit_bit]:
                    covered = False
            if covered:
        return vk12, None, list(cvs)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def fill_rest(self, sat):
     s = set(range(Center.maxnov)) - set(sat.keys())
     if len(s) > 0:
         lst = tuple(s)
         for v in range(2**len(lst)):
             ssat = sat.copy()
             for ind, k in enumerate(lst):
                 ssat[k] = get_bit(v, ind)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def morph(self, n12):
        n12.vk12dic = {}
        chs = {}
        excl_cvs = set([])
        # all possible values: for 2 bits:(0,1,2,3); for 1 bit: (0,1)
        allvalues = [(0, 1), (0, 1, 2, 3)][n12.sh.ln == 2]
        tdic = {}

        for kn, vk in self.vkdic.items():
            bs = vk.bits[:]
            out_bits = set(bs) - set(n12.sh.varray)
            if len(out_bits) == 0:
                if vk.nob == n12.sh.ln:
                elif vk.hit(n12.hsat):
                    raise Exception(f'Wrong vk: {vk.kname}')
                    pass  # drop this vk
            elif len(out_bits) == vk.nob:
                # vk is totally outside of sh
                tdic.setdefault(allvalues, []).append(vk)
                # vk divided: in sh 1 bit, out 1 bit
                outb = out_bits.pop()
                vk12 = VKlause(vk.kname, {outb: vk.dic[outb]}, vk.nov)
                bs.remove(outb)  # bs now has only 1 of vk that is in sh
                in_index = n12.sh.varray.index(bs[0])
                vs = []
                for v in allvalues:
                    if get_bit(v, in_index) == vk.dic[bs[0]]:
                tdic.setdefault(tuple(vs), []).append(vk12)

        for val in allvalues:
            if val in excl_cvs:
            sub_vk12dic = {}
            for cvr in tdic:
                if val in cvr:  # kv does have outside bit
                    vks = tdic[cvr]
                    for vk in vks:
                        sub_vk12dic[vk.kname] = vk.clone()
            vkm = VK12Manager(self.nov - n12.sh.ln, sub_vk12dic)
            if vkm.valid:
                node = n12.__class__(
                    n12,  # n12 is parent-node
                    n12.next_sh,  # sh
                    n12.sh.get_sats(val),  # val -> hsat
                chs[val] = node
        return chs  # for making chdic with tnodes
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_segment_sats(self, chil_keyvalue):
     ''' assert check:
            varray length can be 1, 2 or 3, where sat-value can be:
            (0,1), (0,1,2,3) or (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
         operational example:
             varray: [231, 8]: names of two variables,
             varray[0] == 231, varray[1] == 8
             And sat chil_keyvalue: 2 == bin( 10 )
         return value is a list of tuples, as like:
             [(231,0), (8,1)]:
             variable-231 has boolean chil_keyvalue 0
             variable-8   has boolean chil_keyvalue 1
     assert (chil_keyvalue < (2**self.ln))
     lst = []
     for ind, v in enumerate(self.varray):
         # every bit in varray represent a variable(original name)
         lst.append((v, get_bit(chil_keyvalue, ind)))
     return lst