Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_Boosts(self):
        boosts = Boosts(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, -5)
        assert boosts['atk'] == 1
        assert boosts['def'] == 2
        assert boosts['spa'] == 3
        assert boosts['spd'] == 4
        assert boosts['spe'] == 5
        assert boosts['acc'] == 6
        assert boosts['evn'] == -5

        kw_boosts = Boosts(atk=1, spe=2)
        assert kw_boosts['atk'] == 1
        assert kw_boosts['spe'] == 2
        assert kw_boosts['spa'] == 0

        other = Boosts(atk=-1, spd=1, evn=-3, spe=2, acc=2)
        assert boosts['atk'] == 0
        assert boosts['spd'] == 5
        assert boosts['evn'] == -6
        assert boosts['spe'] == 6
        assert boosts['acc'] == 6
Ejemplo n.º 2
class BattlePokemon(object, EffectHandlerMixin):
    Represents a pokemon in a battle.
    def __init__(self, pokedex_entry, level=100, moves=(), ability=abilitydex['_none_'],
                 item=None, gender=None, evs=None, ivs=None, side=None):
        Note: If evs/ivs are not specified, they will be calculated according to randbats (see
        self.pokedex_entry = pokedex_entry
        self.name = self.base_species = pokedex_entry.name # base_species for transform etc.
        self.side = side
        self.level = level
        self.moves = {move: move.max_pp for move in moves}
        self.types = list(pokedex_entry.types)
        self.item = item
        self.gender = gender    # None, 'M', or 'F'
        self.evs = evs
        self.ivs = ivs
        self.stats = self.calculate_initial_stats(evs, ivs)
        self.hp = self.max_hp = self.stats['max_hp']
        self._weight = pokedex_entry.weight
        self.ability = self.base_ability = ability
        self.status = None
        self.boosts = Boosts()

        self.is_mega = False
        self.has_moved_this_turn = False
        self.will_move_this_turn = False
        self.damage_done_this_turn = 0
        self.was_attacked_this_turn = None # when set, should be dict with keys "move" and "damage"
        self.turns_out = 0 # for fakeout and speedboost
        self.last_move_used = None
        self.is_switching_out = False # for pursuit
        self.is_active = False
        self.must_switch = None
        self.is_resting = False
        self.turns_slept = None
        self.is_transformed = False
        self.illusion = False
        self.item_used_this_turn = None
        self.last_berry_used = None
        self.base_data = {}     # for transform
        self._suppressed_ability = None
        self._effect_index = {}
        self.effect_handlers = {key: list() for key in BaseEffect.handler_names}

    def pp(self):
        """Allow pp to be read/set using `self.pp[move]` """
        return self.moves

    def can_mega_evolve(self):
        return (self.item is not None and
                self.item.is_mega_stone and
                not self.side.has_mega_evolved and
                not self.is_mega and
                not self.has_effect(Volatile.TWOTURNMOVE) and
                not self.has_effect(Volatile.LOCKEDMOVE) and
                self.item.forme in self.pokedex_entry.mega_formes)

    def mega_evolve(self, battle):
        if __debug__: log.i('%s is mega-evolving!', self)
        forme = self.item.forme
        self.forme_change(forme, battle)
        self.side.has_mega_evolved = True
        self.is_mega = True

    def forme_change(self, forme, battle=None, client=False):
        assert not self.is_transformed

        self.pokedex_entry = new_forme = pokedex[forme]
        self.name = new_forme.name
        self._weight = new_forme.weight
        self.stats = self.calculate_initial_stats(self.evs, self.ivs)
        self.types = list(new_forme.types)
        new_ability = abilitydex[new_forme.abilities[0]]
        if new_ability != self.ability and not client:
            self.change_ability(new_ability, battle)
            self.base_ability = new_ability
        if __debug__: log.i('%s changed forme to %s!', self.base_species, self.name)

    def effects(self):
        return self._effect_index.values()

    def set_effect(self, effect, override_immunity=False):
        assert not self.is_fainted()

        if effect.source in self._effect_index:
            if __debug__: log.d('Tried to set effect %s but %s already has it', effect, self)
            return FAIL

        if not override_immunity and self.is_immune_to(effect.source):
            if __debug__: log.i('%s is immune to %s!', self, effect.source)
            return FAIL

        self._effect_index[effect.source] = effect

        if __debug__: log.i('Set effect %s on %s', effect, self)

    def confuse(self, infiltrates=False):
        if not infiltrates and self.side.has_effect(SideCondition.SAFEGUARD):
            return FAIL

        return self.set_effect(effects.Confuse())

    def has_effect(self, source):
        return source in self._effect_index

    def get_effect(self, source):
        return self._effect_index.get(source)

    def remove_effect(self, source, battle=None, force=False):
        `battle` must be passed if there is a possibility that `source`'s effect has an on_end
        method that uses battle.

        `battle` may be omitted if `source` is known to be a move or status, but must be included
        for abilities in general.

        Return True if effect was removed
        effect = self._effect_index.pop(source, None)
        if effect is None:
            if __debug__: log.d("Trying to remove %s from %s, but it wasn't found!", source, self)
            return False

        if __debug__: log.i('Removed %s from %s', effect, self)
        if not force and 'on_end' in effect.handler_names:
            effect.on_end(self, battle)
        if source is self.status:
            self.status = None

        return True

    def remove_trap_effects(self):

    def clear_effects(self, battle):
        self.activate_effect('on_end', self, battle)

        self.effect_handlers = {key: list() for key in self.effect_handlers}

    def suppress_ability(self, battle):
        if __debug__: log.d("Suppressing %s's ability", self)
        self.remove_effect(ABILITY, battle)
        self._suppressed_ability = self.ability
        self.ability = abilitydex['_suppressed_']

    def unsuppress_ability(self):
        assert self.ability == abilitydex['_suppressed_']
        if __debug__: log.d("Unsuppressing %s's ability", self)
        self.ability = self._suppressed_ability
        self._suppressed_ability = None

    def cure_status(self):
        if self.status in (None, Status.FNT):
            if __debug__: log.d("Tried to cure %s's status but it was %s", self, self.status)
            if __debug__: log.i("%s's status (%s) was cured", self, self.status)
            self.status = None
            self.is_resting = False
            self.turns_slept = None

    def calculate_stat(self, which_stat, override_boost=None):
        stat = self.stats[which_stat]
        if override_boost is not None:
            boost = override_boost
            boost = self.boosts[which_stat]
        if boost == 0:
            return stat

        boost_factor = (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4)
        if boost > 0:
            stat = int(stat * boost_factor[boost])
            stat = int(stat / boost_factor[-boost])

        return stat

    def is_fainted(self):
        assert (self.hp <= 0) if (self.status is Status.FNT) else True
        assert (self.status is Status.FNT) if (self.hp <= 0) else True

        return self.status is Status.FNT

    def calculate_initial_stats(self, evs, ivs):
        ivs = (31,...), evs = (85,...) except for:
        gyroball: ivs.spe=0, evs.spe=0, evs.atk+=85
        trickroom: ivs.spe=0, evs.spe=0, evs.hp+=85
        shedinja: evs.atk=252 evs.hp,def,spd=0
        if evs is None or ivs is None:
            evs_, ivs_ = self.calculate_evs_ivs()
            self.evs = evs = evs or evs_
            self.ivs = ivs = ivs or ivs_

        max_hp = self._calc_hp(evs[0], ivs[0])

        stats = [int(int(2 * self.pokedex_entry.base_stats[stat] + iv + int(ev / 4)) *
                     self.level / 100 + 5)
                 for stat, ev, iv
                 in zip(('atk', 'def', 'spa', 'spd', 'spe'), evs[1:], ivs[1:])]

        return PokemonStats(max_hp, *stats)

    def _calc_hp(self, ev, iv):
        base_hp = self.pokedex_entry.base_stats['max_hp']
        return (1 if base_hp == 1 else # shedinja
                int(int(2 * base_hp + iv + int(ev / 4) + 100) * self.level / 100 + 10))

    def calculate_evs_ivs(self):
        Order of stats: hp, atk, def, spa, spd, spe
        evs = [85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85]

        # Use correct IVs for hiddenpower
        for move in self.moves:
            if move.is_hiddenpower:
                has_hiddenpower = True
                ivs = list(HPivs[move.type])
            has_hiddenpower = False
            ivs = [31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31]

        HP, ATK, SPE = 0, 1, 5

        # Adjust HP stat for substitute/bellydrum/stealthrock
        if self.item is itemdex['sitrusberry'] and movedex['substitute'] in self.moves:
            while self._calc_hp(evs[HP], ivs[HP]) % 4 > 0:
                evs[HP] -= 4
        elif self.item is itemdex['sitrusberry'] and movedex['bellydrum'] in self.moves:
            if self._calc_hp(evs[HP], ivs[HP]) % 2 > 0:
                evs[HP] -= 4
        else: # stealth rock weakness
            forme = self
            if self.item is not None and self.item.is_mega_stone:
                forme = pokedex[self.item.forme]
            elif self.name == 'castform':
                if self.item == itemdex['heatrock']:
                    forme = pokedex['castformsunny']
                elif self.item == itemdex['damprock']:
                    forme = pokedex['castformrainy']
            eff = effectiveness(Type.ROCK, forme)
            mod = None
            if eff == 2:
                mod = 4
            elif eff == 4:
                mod = 2
            if mod is not None:
                while self._calc_hp(evs[HP], ivs[HP]) % mod == 0:
                    evs[HP] -= 4

        # Minimize confusion damage for non-physical pokemon
        if (not any(move not in (movedex['seismictoss'],
                                 movedex['metalburst']) and
                    move.category == MoveCategory.PHYSICAL for move in self.moves) and
            movedex['copycat'] not in self.moves and
            movedex['transform'] not in self.moves and
            len(self.moves) == 4 # for remote pokemon with unknown moves.
            evs[ATK] = 0
            if has_hiddenpower:
                ivs[ATK] -= 30
                ivs[ATK] = 0

        # Reduce speed for gyroball/trickroom
        if movedex['gyroball'] in self.moves or movedex['trickroom'] in self.moves:
            evs[SPE] = 0
            ivs[SPE] = 0

        assert all(0 <= ev <= 85 for ev in evs), evs
        assert all(0 <= iv <= 31 for iv in ivs), ivs

        return evs, ivs

    def is_immune_to_move(self, user, move):
        """Return True if self is immune to move"""
        for on_get_immunity in self.effect_handlers['on_get_immunity']:
            immune = on_get_immunity(move.type) # check type immunity first, then move
            if immune is None:
                immune = on_get_immunity(move) # for bulletproof, overcoat, etc.
            if immune is not None:
                return immune

        if Type.GRASS in self.types and (move.is_powder or move == movedex['leechseed']):
            return True
        if move.category is MoveCategory.STATUS and move != movedex['thunderwave']:
            return False

        if user.ability is abilitydex['scrappy'] and move.type in (Type.FIGHTING, Type.NORMAL):
            return False

        return effectiveness(move.type, self) == 0

    def is_immune_to(self, thing):
        """ `thing` may be a move Type, Status, Weather, POWDER, or Volatile """
        for on_get_immunity in self.effect_handlers['on_get_immunity']:
            immune = on_get_immunity(thing)
            if immune is not None:
                return immune

        if thing in Type.values:
            return effectiveness(thing, self) == 0

        if thing in self.STATUS_IMMUNITIES:
            return any(type in self.STATUS_IMMUNITIES[thing]
                       for type in self.types)

        if thing is Weather.SANDSTORM:
            return any(type in (Type.GROUND, Type.ROCK, Type.STEEL)
                       for type in self.types)

        if thing is POWDER:
            return Type.GRASS in self.types

        if thing is Weather.HAIL:
            return Type.ICE in self.types

        return False

        Status.BRN: (Type.FIRE,),
        Status.PAR: (Type.ELECTRIC,),
        Status.PSN: (Type.POISON, Type.STEEL),
        Status.TOX: (Type.POISON, Type.STEEL),
        Status.FRZ: (Type.ICE,)

    def take_item(self): # by force, e.g. from bugbite, knockoff, magician, trick etc.
        item = self.item
        if (item is None or
            not item.removable or
            self.ability == abilitydex['stickyhold']
            return FAIL

        self.activate_effect('on_lose_item', self, item)

        if __debug__: log.i('Removed %s from %s', self.item, self)
        self.item = None
        self.last_berry_used = None
        return item

    def set_item(self, item):
        assert self.item is None

        self.item = item

    def use_item(self, battle):
        Use the item held by this pokemon.
        Return FAIL if item was not used successfully. It is assumed that the item can be used.
        item = self.item
        assert item is not None and item.removable and item.single_use

        if item.is_berry:
            if self.eat_berry(battle, item) is FAIL:
                return FAIL
            if __debug__: log.i("%s used its %s", self, item)
            self.last_berry_used = None

        self.activate_effect('on_use_item', self, item, battle)
        self.activate_effect('on_lose_item', self, item)
        self.item = None
        self.item_used_this_turn = item

    def eat_berry(self, battle, berry, stolen=False):
        Eat a berry, which may be held by this pokemon or stolen from another (via bugbite or pluck)
        assert berry.is_berry

        if not stolen:
            foe = battle.get_foe(self)
            if foe is not None and foe.ability is abilitydex['unnerve']:
                return FAIL

        if __debug__: log.i("%s ate the %s", self, berry)
        berry.on_eat(self, battle)
        self.last_berry_used = berry

    def weight(self):
        weight = self._weight

        autotomize = self.get_effect(Volatile.AUTOTOMIZE)
        if autotomize is not None:
            weight -= autotomize.multiplier * 100
            return weight if weight >= 0.1 else 0.1

        return weight

    def transform_into(self, other, battle, client=False):
        When client=True, success check and ability end/start effects are skipped. client=True is
        used by the battle client only.
        if (not client and
            (other.is_fainted() or
             other.has_effect(Volatile.SUBSTITUTE) or
             self.is_transformed or
             other.is_transformed or
            return FAIL
        if __debug__: log.i('%s transformed into %s!', self, other)

        self.is_transformed = True

        self.base_data['moves'] = self.moves
        self.base_data['types'] = self.types
        self.base_data['gender'] = self.gender
        self.base_data['stats'] = self.stats
        self.base_data['ability'] = self.ability
        self.base_data['weight'] = self._weight

        self.name = other.name
        self.moves = {(movedex['hiddenpowerdark'] if move.is_hiddenpower else move): 5
                      for move in other.moves}
        self.types = list(other.types)
        self.gender = other.gender
        self.stats = other.stats.copy()
        self.stats['max_hp'] = self.max_hp
        self._weight = other.weight

        self.boosts = Boosts()
        self.boosts.update(other.boosts, self.name)
        if __debug__:
            if self.boosts: log.i('%s copied %r', self, self.boosts)

        if other.ability.name not in ('stancechange', 'multitype', 'illusion'):
            self.remove_effect(ABILITY, battle, force=client)
            self.ability = other.ability
            ability_effect = self.ability()
            if not client:
                ability_effect.start(self, battle)

    def revert_transform(self):
        """ This should only be done on switch out or on faint """
        assert self.is_transformed
        self.name = self.base_species
        self.moves = self.base_data['moves']
        self.types = self.base_data['types']
        self.gender = self.base_data['gender']
        self.stats = self.base_data['stats']
        self.ability = self.base_data['ability']
        self._weight = self.base_data['weight']
        self.is_transformed = False
        if __debug__: log.i("%s's transform reverted", self)

    def change_ability(self, new_ability, battle):
        Change this pokemon's ability. This effect will only last while the pokemon is active.
        This pokemon's original ability remains saved in self.base_ability.
        assert self.is_active, "Tried to change inactive pokemon's ability"
        assert issubclass(new_ability, abilities.BaseAbility)

        if ((new_ability.name in ('illusion', 'stancechange', 'multitype') or
             self.ability.name in ('stancechange', 'multitype'))):
            if __debug__: log.d("Failed to change %s's %s to %s", self, self.ability, new_ability)
            return FAIL

        self.remove_effect(ABILITY, battle)
        self.ability = new_ability
        self.get_effect(ABILITY).start(self, battle)

    def deduct_pp(self, move, target):
        deduction = (2 if (target is not None and
                           target.ability is abilitydex['pressure'] and
                           not move.targets_user)
                     else 1)
        self.pp[move] -= deduction

    def get_switch_choices(self, forced=False):
        return self.side.get_switch_choices(pokemon=self, forced=forced)

    def get_move_choices(self):
        move_choices = self.accumulate_effect('on_get_move_choices', self,
                                              [move for move, pp in self.moves.items() if pp > 0])
        return move_choices or [movedex['struggle']]

    def apply_boosts(self, boosts, self_induced=True):
        assert not self.is_fainted()
        assert self.is_active

        # Only abilities have on_boost
        boosts = self.get_effect(ABILITY).on_boost(self, boosts, self_induced)

        return self.boosts.update(boosts, self.name)

    def __str__(self):
        if self.name == self.base_species or self.is_mega:
            return self.name
            return '%s (%s)' % (self.name, self.base_species)

    def __repr__(self):
        types = ((' [%s, %s]' % (self.types[0], self.types[1]))
                 if tuple(self.types) != self.pokedex_entry.types else '')
        moves = ['?', '?', '?', '?']
        for i, move in enumerate(self.moves):
            moves[i] = str(move)
        rv = '\n'.join([
            '%s %s %s%d/%d  L%d%s' % (str(self), '(illusioned) ' if self.illusion else '',
                                      self.status + '  ' if self.status else '',
                                      self.hp, self.max_hp, self.level, types),
            '[%s]' % '/'.join(move for move in moves),
            '%s  %s' % (self.ability, self.item)] +
                       [repr(e) for e in self.effects if e.source not in (ABILITY, ITEM)] +
                       ([repr(self.boosts)] if self.boosts else []))
        if self.is_fainted():
            rv = '\n'.join(line.join(('\x1b[38;5;8m', '\x1b[0m'))
                           for line in rv.splitlines())
        elif self.is_active:
            rv = '\n'.join(line.join(('\x1b[1m\x1b[38;5;10m', '\x1b[0m'))
                           for line in rv.splitlines())
        return rv

    def debug_sanity_check(self, battle):
        for effect in self._effect_index.values():
            if effect not in self.effects:
                log.wtf('%s: %s in _effect_index but not in effects', effect, self)
                raise AssertionError

        for effect in self.effects:
            if effect not in self._effect_index.values():
                log.wtf('%s: %s in effects but not indexed in _effect_index', effect, self)
                raise AssertionError

        if self.is_active and self.status not in (None, Status.FNT):
            assert self.has_effect(self.status), repr(self)

        if self.is_active and self.status is None:
            for status in Status.values:
                assert not self.has_effect(status)

        if self.is_active:
            assert battle.battlefield.sides[self.side.index].active_pokemon is self
            assert self.side.active_pokemon is self
            assert battle.battlefield.sides[self.side.index].active_pokemon is not self
            assert self in self.side.team
            assert not any([handler_list for handler_list in self.effect_handlers.values()])

        assert self.hp <= self.max_hp