Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_crosscat_constraints():
    class FakeEngine(crosscat.LocalEngine.LocalEngine):
        def predictive_probability_multistate(self, M_c, X_L_list, X_D_list, Y,
            self._last_Y = Y
            sup = super(FakeEngine, self)
            return sup.simple_predictive_probability_multistate(
                M_c=M_c, X_L_list=X_L_list, X_D_list=X_D_list, Y=Y, Q=Q)

        def simple_predictive_sample(self, seed, M_c, X_L, X_D, Y, Q, n):
            self._last_Y = Y
            return super(FakeEngine, self).simple_predictive_sample(seed=seed,

        def impute_and_confidence(self, seed, M_c, X_L, X_D, Y, Q, n):
            self._last_Y = Y
            return super(FakeEngine, self).impute_and_confidence(seed=seed,

    engine = FakeEngine(seed=0)
    mm = CrosscatMetamodel(engine)
    with bayesdb(metamodel=mm) as bdb:
            CREATE GENERATOR t1_cc FOR t1 USING crosscat(
                label CATEGORICAL,
                age NUMERICAL,
                weight NUMERICAL
        gid = core.bayesdb_get_generator(bdb, 't1_cc')
        assert core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(bdb, gid, 'label') == 1
        assert core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(bdb, gid, 'age') == 2
        assert core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(bdb, gid, 'weight') == 3
        from bayeslite.metamodels.crosscat import crosscat_cc_colno
        assert crosscat_cc_colno(bdb, gid, 1) == 0
        assert crosscat_cc_colno(bdb, gid, 2) == 1
        assert crosscat_cc_colno(bdb, gid, 3) == 2
        bdb.execute('INITIALIZE 1 MODEL FOR t1_cc')
        bdb.execute('ANALYZE t1_cc FOR 1 ITERATION WAIT')
        bdb.execute('ESTIMATE PROBABILITY OF age = 8 GIVEN (weight = 16)'
                    ' BY t1_cc').next()
        assert engine._last_Y == [(28, 2, 16)]
        bdb.execute("SELECT age FROM t1 WHERE label = 'baz'").next()
        bdb.execute("INFER age FROM t1_cc WHERE label = 'baz'").next()
        assert engine._last_Y == [(3, 0, 1), (3, 2, 32)]
        bdb.execute('SIMULATE weight FROM t1_cc GIVEN age = 8 LIMIT 1').next()
        assert engine._last_Y == [(28, 1, 8)]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_crosscat_constraints():
    class FakeEngine(crosscat.LocalEngine.LocalEngine):
        def predictive_probability_multistate(self, M_c, X_L_list, X_D_list, Y, Q):
            self._last_Y = Y
            sup = super(FakeEngine, self)
            return sup.simple_predictive_probability_multistate(M_c=M_c, X_L_list=X_L_list, X_D_list=X_D_list, Y=Y, Q=Q)

        def simple_predictive_sample(self, M_c, X_L, X_D, Y, Q, n):
            self._last_Y = Y
            return super(FakeEngine, self).simple_predictive_sample(M_c=M_c, X_L=X_L, X_D=X_D, Y=Y, Q=Q, n=n)

        def impute_and_confidence(self, M_c, X_L, X_D, Y, Q, n):
            self._last_Y = Y
            return super(FakeEngine, self).impute_and_confidence(M_c=M_c, X_L=X_L, X_D=X_D, Y=Y, Q=Q, n=n)

    engine = FakeEngine(seed=0)
    mm = CrosscatMetamodel(engine)
    with bayesdb(metamodel=mm) as bdb:
            CREATE GENERATOR t1_cc FOR t1 USING crosscat(
                label CATEGORICAL,
                age NUMERICAL,
                weight NUMERICAL
        gid = core.bayesdb_get_generator(bdb, "t1_cc")
        assert core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(bdb, gid, "label") == 1
        assert core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(bdb, gid, "age") == 2
        assert core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(bdb, gid, "weight") == 3
        from bayeslite.metamodels.crosscat import crosscat_cc_colno

        assert crosscat_cc_colno(bdb, gid, 1) == 0
        assert crosscat_cc_colno(bdb, gid, 2) == 1
        assert crosscat_cc_colno(bdb, gid, 3) == 2
        bdb.execute("INITIALIZE 1 MODEL FOR t1_cc")
        bdb.execute("ANALYZE t1_cc FOR 1 ITERATION WAIT")
        bdb.execute("ESTIMATE PROBABILITY OF age = 8 GIVEN (weight = 16)" " BY t1_cc").next()
        assert engine._last_Y == [(28, 2, 16)]
        bdb.execute("SELECT age FROM t1 WHERE label = 'baz'").next()
        bdb.execute("INFER age FROM t1_cc WHERE label = 'baz'").next()
        assert engine._last_Y == [(3, 0, 1), (3, 2, 32)]
        bdb.execute("SIMULATE weight FROM t1_cc GIVEN age = 8 LIMIT 1").next()
        assert engine._last_Y == [(28, 1, 8)]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def execute_phrase(bdb, phrase, bindings=()):
    """Execute the BQL AST phrase `phrase` and return a cursor of results."""
    if isinstance(phrase, ast.Parametrized):
        n_numpar = phrase.n_numpar
        nampar_map = phrase.nampar_map
        phrase = phrase.phrase
        assert 0 < n_numpar
        n_numpar = 0
        nampar_map = None
        # Ignore extraneous bindings.  XXX Bad idea?

    if ast.is_query(phrase):
        # Compile the query in the transaction in case we need to
        # execute subqueries to determine column lists.  Compiling is
        # a quick tree descent, so this should be fast.
        out = compiler.Output(n_numpar, nampar_map, bindings)
        with bdb.savepoint():
            compiler.compile_query(bdb, phrase, out)
        winders, unwinders = out.getwindings()
        return execute_wound(bdb, winders, unwinders, out.getvalue(), out.getbindings())

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.Begin):
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.Rollback):
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.Commit):
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.CreateTabAs):
        assert ast.is_query(phrase.query)
        with bdb.savepoint():
            out = compiler.Output(n_numpar, nampar_map, bindings)
            qt = sqlite3_quote_name(phrase.name)
            temp = "TEMP " if phrase.temp else ""
            ifnotexists = "IF NOT EXISTS " if phrase.ifnotexists else ""
            out.write("CREATE %sTABLE %s%s AS " % (temp, ifnotexists, qt))
            compiler.compile_query(bdb, phrase.query, out)
            winders, unwinders = out.getwindings()
            with compiler.bayesdb_wind(bdb, winders, unwinders):
                bdb.sql_execute(out.getvalue(), out.getbindings())
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.CreateTabSim):
        assert isinstance(phrase.simulation, ast.Simulate)
        with bdb.savepoint():
            if core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, phrase.name):
                raise BQLError(bdb, "Name already defined as generator: %s" % (repr(phrase.name),))
            if core.bayesdb_has_table(bdb, phrase.name):
                raise BQLError(bdb, "Name already defined as table: %s" % (repr(phrase.name),))
            if not core.bayesdb_has_generator_default(bdb, phrase.simulation.generator):
                raise BQLError(bdb, "No such generator: %s" % (phrase.simulation.generator,))
            generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator_default(bdb, phrase.simulation.generator)
            metamodel = core.bayesdb_generator_metamodel(bdb, generator_id)
            table = core.bayesdb_generator_table(bdb, generator_id)
            qn = sqlite3_quote_name(phrase.name)
            qt = sqlite3_quote_name(table)
            qgn = sqlite3_quote_name(phrase.simulation.generator)
            column_names = phrase.simulation.columns
            qcns = map(sqlite3_quote_name, column_names)
            cursor = bdb.sql_execute("PRAGMA table_info(%s)" % (qt,))
            column_sqltypes = {}
            for _colno, name, sqltype, _nonnull, _default, _primary in cursor:
                assert casefold(name) not in column_sqltypes
                column_sqltypes[casefold(name)] = sqltype
            assert 0 < len(column_sqltypes)
            for column_name in column_names:
                if casefold(column_name) not in column_sqltypes:
                    raise BQLError(
                        "No such column"
                        " in generator %s table %s: %s"
                        % (repr(phrase.simulation.generator), repr(table), repr(column_name)),
            for column_name, _expression in phrase.simulation.constraints:
                if casefold(column_name) not in column_sqltypes:
                    raise BQLError(
                        "No such column"
                        " in generator %s table %s: %s"
                        % (repr(phrase.simulation.generator), repr(table), repr(column_name)),
            # XXX Move to compiler.py.
            # XXX Copypasta of this in compile_simulate!
            out = compiler.Output(n_numpar, nampar_map, bindings)
            out.write("SELECT ")
            with compiler.compiling_paren(bdb, out, "CAST(", " AS INTEGER)"):
                compiler.compile_nobql_expression(bdb, phrase.simulation.nsamples, out)
            out.write(", ")
            with compiler.compiling_paren(bdb, out, "CAST(", " AS INTEGER)"):
                compiler.compile_nobql_expression(bdb, phrase.simulation.modelno, out)
            for _column_name, expression in phrase.simulation.constraints:
                out.write(", ")
                compiler.compile_nobql_expression(bdb, expression, out)
            winders, unwinders = out.getwindings()
            with compiler.bayesdb_wind(bdb, winders, unwinders):
                cursor = bdb.sql_execute(out.getvalue(), out.getbindings()).fetchall()
            assert len(cursor) == 1
            nsamples = cursor[0][0]
            assert isinstance(nsamples, int)
            modelno = cursor[0][1]
            assert modelno is None or isinstance(modelno, int)
            constraints = [
                (core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(bdb, generator_id, name), value)
                for (name, _expression), value in zip(phrase.simulation.constraints, cursor[0][2:])
            colnos = [core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(bdb, generator_id, name) for name in column_names]
                "CREATE %sTABLE %s%s (%s)"
                % (
                    "TEMP " if phrase.temp else "",
                    "IF NOT EXISTS " if phrase.ifnotexists else "",
                        "%s %s" % (qcn, column_sqltypes[casefold(column_name)])
                        for qcn, column_name in zip(qcns, column_names)
            insert_sql = """
                INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)
            """ % (
                ",".join("?" for qcn in qcns),
            for row in bqlfn.bayesdb_simulate(
                bdb, generator_id, constraints, colnos, modelno=modelno, numpredictions=nsamples
                bdb.sql_execute(insert_sql, row)
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.DropTab):
        with bdb.savepoint():
            sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bayesdb_generator WHERE tabname = ?"
            cursor = bdb.sql_execute(sql, (phrase.name,))
            if 0 < cursor_value(cursor):
                # XXX Automatically delete the generators?  Generators
                # are more interesting than triggers and indices, so
                # automatic deletion is not obviously right.
                raise BQLError(bdb, "Table still in use by generators: %s" % (repr(phrase.name),))
            bdb.sql_execute("DELETE FROM bayesdb_column WHERE tabname = ?", (phrase.name,))
            ifexists = "IF EXISTS " if phrase.ifexists else ""
            qt = sqlite3_quote_name(phrase.name)
            return bdb.sql_execute("DROP TABLE %s%s" % (ifexists, qt))

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.AlterTab):
        with bdb.savepoint():
            table = phrase.table
            if not core.bayesdb_has_table(bdb, table):
                raise BQLError(bdb, "No such table: %s" % (repr(table),))
            for cmd in phrase.commands:
                if isinstance(cmd, ast.AlterTabRenameTab):
                    # If the names differ only in case, we have to do
                    # some extra work because SQLite will reject the
                    # table rename.  Note that we may even have table
                    # == cmd.name here, but if the stored table name
                    # differs in case from cmd.name, we want to update
                    # it anyway.
                    if casefold(table) == casefold(cmd.name):
                        # Go via a temporary table.
                        temp = table + "_temp"
                        while core.bayesdb_has_table(bdb, temp) or core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, temp):
                            temp += "_temp"
                        rename_table(bdb, table, temp)
                        rename_table(bdb, temp, cmd.name)
                        # Make sure nothing else has this name and
                        # rename it.
                        if core.bayesdb_has_table(bdb, cmd.name):
                            raise BQLError(bdb, "Name already defined as table" ": %s" % (repr(cmd.name),))
                        if core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, cmd.name):
                            raise BQLError(bdb, "Name already defined" " as generator: %s" % (repr(cmd.name),))
                        rename_table(bdb, table, cmd.name)
                    # Remember the new name for subsequent commands.
                    table = cmd.name
                elif isinstance(cmd, ast.AlterTabRenameCol):
                    # XXX Need to deal with this in the compiler.
                    raise NotImplementedError("Renaming columns" " not yet implemented.")
                    # Make sure the old name exist and the new name does not.
                    old_folded = casefold(cmd.old)
                    new_folded = casefold(cmd.new)
                    if old_folded != new_folded:
                        if not core.bayesdb_table_has_column(bdb, table, cmd.old):
                            raise BQLError(bdb, "No such column in table %s" ": %s" % (repr(table), repr(cmd.old)))
                        if core.bayesdb_table_has_column(bdb, table, cmd.new):
                            raise BQLError(
                                bdb, "Column already exists" " in table %s: %s" % (repr(table), repr(cmd.new))
                    # Update bayesdb_column.  Everything else refers
                    # to columns by (tabname, colno) pairs rather than
                    # by names.
                    update_column_sql = """
                        UPDATE bayesdb_column SET name = :new
                            WHERE tabname = :table AND name = :old
                    total_changes = bdb.sqlite3.total_changes
                    bdb.sql_execute(update_column_sql, {"table": table, "old": cmd.old, "new": cmd.new})
                    assert bdb.sqlite3.total_changes - total_changes == 1
                    # ...except metamodels may have the (case-folded)
                    # name cached.
                    if old_folded != new_folded:
                        generators_sql = """
                            SELECT id FROM bayesdb_generator WHERE tabname = ?
                        cursor = bdb.sql_execute(generators_sql, (table,))
                        for (generator_id,) in cursor:
                            metamodel = core.bayesdb_generator_metamodel(bdb, generator_id)
                            metamodel.rename_column(bdb, generator_id, old_folded, new_folded)
                elif isinstance(cmd, ast.AlterTabSetDefGen):
                    if not core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, cmd.generator):
                        raise BQLError(bdb, "No such generator: %s" % (repr(cmd.generator),))
                    generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator(bdb, cmd.generator)
                    unset_default_sql = """
                        UPDATE bayesdb_generator SET defaultp = 0
                            WHERE tabname = ? AND defaultp
                    total_changes = bdb.sqlite3.total_changes
                    bdb.sql_execute(unset_default_sql, (table,))
                    assert bdb.sqlite3.total_changes - total_changes in (0, 1)
                    set_default_sql = """
                        UPDATE bayesdb_generator SET defaultp = 1 WHERE id = ?
                    total_changes = bdb.sqlite3.total_changes
                    bdb.sql_execute(set_default_sql, (generator_id,))
                    assert bdb.sqlite3.total_changes - total_changes == 1
                elif isinstance(cmd, ast.AlterTabUnsetDefGen):
                    unset_default_sql = """
                        UPDATE bayesdb_generator SET defaultp = 0
                            WHERE tabname = ? AND defaultp
                    total_changes = bdb.sqlite3.total_changes
                    bdb.sql_execute(unset_default_sql, (table,))
                    assert bdb.sqlite3.total_changes - total_changes in (0, 1)
                    assert False, "Invalid alter table command: %s" % (cmd,)
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.CreateGen):
        # Find the metamodel.
        if phrase.metamodel not in bdb.metamodels:
            raise BQLError(bdb, "No such metamodel: %s" % (repr(phrase.metamodel),))
        metamodel = bdb.metamodels[phrase.metamodel]

        # Let the metamodel parse the schema itself and call
        # create_generator with the modelled columns.
        with bdb.savepoint():

            def instantiate(columns):
                return instantiate_generator(

            metamodel.create_generator(bdb, phrase.table, phrase.schema, instantiate)

        # All done.  Nothing to return.
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.DropGen):
        with bdb.savepoint():
            if not core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, phrase.name):
                if phrase.ifexists:
                    return empty_cursor(bdb)
                raise BQLError(bdb, "No such generator: %s" % (repr(phrase.name),))
            generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator(bdb, phrase.name)
            metamodel = core.bayesdb_generator_metamodel(bdb, generator_id)

            # Metamodel-specific destruction.
            metamodel.drop_generator(bdb, generator_id)

            # Drop the columns, models, and, finally, generator.
            drop_columns_sql = """
                DELETE FROM bayesdb_generator_column WHERE generator_id = ?
            bdb.sql_execute(drop_columns_sql, (generator_id,))
            drop_model_sql = """
                DELETE FROM bayesdb_generator_model WHERE generator_id = ?
            bdb.sql_execute(drop_model_sql, (generator_id,))
            drop_generator_sql = """
                DELETE FROM bayesdb_generator WHERE id = ?
            bdb.sql_execute(drop_generator_sql, (generator_id,))
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.AlterGen):
        with bdb.savepoint():
            generator = phrase.generator
            if not core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, generator):
                raise BQLError(bdb, "No such generator: %s" % (repr(generator),))
            generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator(bdb, generator)
            for cmd in phrase.commands:
                if isinstance(cmd, ast.AlterGenRenameGen):
                    # Make sure nothing else has this name.
                    if casefold(generator) != casefold(cmd.name):
                        if core.bayesdb_has_table(bdb, cmd.name):
                            raise BQLError(bdb, "Name already defined as table" ": %s" % (repr(cmd.name),))
                        if core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, cmd.name):
                            raise BQLError(bdb, "Name already defined" " as generator: %s" % (repr(cmd.name),))
                    # Update bayesdb_generator.  Everything else
                    # refers to it by id.
                    update_generator_sql = """
                        UPDATE bayesdb_generator SET name = ? WHERE id = ?
                    total_changes = bdb.sqlite3.total_changes
                    bdb.sql_execute(update_generator_sql, (cmd.name, generator_id))
                    assert bdb.sqlite3.total_changes - total_changes == 1
                    # Remember the new name for subsequent commands.
                    generator = cmd.name
                    assert False, "Invalid ALTER GENERATOR command: %s" % (repr(cmd),)
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.InitModels):
        if not core.bayesdb_has_generator_default(bdb, phrase.generator):
            raise BQLError(bdb, "No such generator: %s" % (phrase.generator,))
        generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator_default(bdb, phrase.generator)
        modelnos = range(phrase.nmodels)
        model_config = None  # XXX For now.

        with bdb.savepoint():
            # Find the model numbers.  Omit existing ones for
            # ifnotexists; reject existing ones otherwise.
            if phrase.ifnotexists:
                modelnos = set(
                    modelno for modelno in modelnos if not core.bayesdb_generator_has_model(bdb, generator_id, modelno)
                existing = set(
                    modelno for modelno in modelnos if core.bayesdb_generator_has_model(bdb, generator_id, modelno)
                if 0 < len(existing):
                    raise BQLError(
                        bdb, "Generator %s already has models: %s" % (repr(phrase.generator), sorted(existing))

            # Stop now if there's nothing to initialize.
            if len(modelnos) == 0:

            # Create the bayesdb_generator_model records.
            modelnos = sorted(modelnos)
            insert_model_sql = """
                INSERT INTO bayesdb_generator_model
                    (generator_id, modelno, iterations)
                    VALUES (:generator_id, :modelno, :iterations)
            for modelno in modelnos:
                bdb.sql_execute(insert_model_sql, {"generator_id": generator_id, "modelno": modelno, "iterations": 0})

            # Do metamodel-specific initialization.
            metamodel = core.bayesdb_generator_metamodel(bdb, generator_id)
            metamodel.initialize_models(bdb, generator_id, modelnos, model_config)
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.AnalyzeModels):
        if not phrase.wait:
            raise NotImplementedError("No background analysis -- use WAIT.")
        # WARNING: It is the metamodel's responsibility to work in a
        # transaction.
        # WARNING: It is the metamodel's responsibility to update the
        # iteration count in bayesdb_generator_model records.
        # We do this so that the metamodel can save incremental
        # progress in case of ^C in the middle.
        # XXX Put these warning somewhere more appropriate.
        if not core.bayesdb_has_generator_default(bdb, phrase.generator):
            raise BQLError(bdb, "No such generator: %s" % (phrase.generator,))
        generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator_default(bdb, phrase.generator)
        metamodel = core.bayesdb_generator_metamodel(bdb, generator_id)
        # XXX Should allow parameters for iterations and ckpt/iter.
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.DropModels):
        with bdb.savepoint():
            generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator_default(bdb, phrase.generator)
            metamodel = core.bayesdb_generator_metamodel(bdb, generator_id)
            modelnos = None
            if phrase.modelnos is not None:
                lookup_model_sql = """
                    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bayesdb_generator_model
                        WHERE generator_id = :generator_id
                        AND modelno = :modelno
                modelnos = sorted(list(phrase.modelnos))
                for modelno in modelnos:
                    cursor = bdb.sql_execute(lookup_model_sql, {"generator_id": generator_id, "modelno": modelno})
                    if cursor_value(cursor) == 0:
                        raise BQLError(
                            bdb, "No such model" " in generator %s: %s" % (repr(phrase.generator), repr(modelno))
            metamodel.drop_models(bdb, generator_id, modelnos=modelnos)
            if modelnos is None:
                drop_models_sql = """
                    DELETE FROM bayesdb_generator_model WHERE generator_id = ?
                bdb.sql_execute(drop_models_sql, (generator_id,))
                drop_model_sql = """
                    DELETE FROM bayesdb_generator_model
                        WHERE generator_id = :generator_id
                        AND modelno = :modelno
                for modelno in modelnos:
                    bdb.sql_execute(drop_model_sql, {"generator_id": generator_id, "modelno": modelno})
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    assert False  # XXX
Ejemplo n.º 4
def execute_phrase(bdb, phrase, bindings=()):
    """Execute the BQL AST phrase `phrase` and return a cursor of results."""
    if isinstance(phrase, ast.Parametrized):
        n_numpar = phrase.n_numpar
        nampar_map = phrase.nampar_map
        phrase = phrase.phrase
        assert 0 < n_numpar
        n_numpar = 0
        nampar_map = None
        # Ignore extraneous bindings.  XXX Bad idea?

    if ast.is_query(phrase):
        # Compile the query in the transaction in case we need to
        # execute subqueries to determine column lists.  Compiling is
        # a quick tree descent, so this should be fast.
        out = compiler.Output(n_numpar, nampar_map, bindings)
        with bdb.savepoint():
            compiler.compile_query(bdb, phrase, out)
        winders, unwinders = out.getwindings()
        return execute_wound(bdb, winders, unwinders, out.getvalue(),

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.Begin):
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.Rollback):
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.Commit):
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.CreateTabAs):
        assert ast.is_query(phrase.query)
        with bdb.savepoint():
            out = compiler.Output(n_numpar, nampar_map, bindings)
            qt = sqlite3_quote_name(phrase.name)
            temp = 'TEMP ' if phrase.temp else ''
            ifnotexists = 'IF NOT EXISTS ' if phrase.ifnotexists else ''
            out.write('CREATE %sTABLE %s%s AS ' % (temp, ifnotexists, qt))
            compiler.compile_query(bdb, phrase.query, out)
            winders, unwinders = out.getwindings()
            with compiler.bayesdb_wind(bdb, winders, unwinders):
                bdb.sql_execute(out.getvalue(), out.getbindings())
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.CreateTabSim):
        assert isinstance(phrase.simulation, ast.Simulate)
        with bdb.savepoint():
            if core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, phrase.name):
                raise BQLError(
                    bdb, 'Name already defined as generator: %s' %
                    (repr(phrase.name), ))
            if core.bayesdb_has_table(bdb, phrase.name):
                raise BQLError(
                    bdb, 'Name already defined as table: %s' %
                    (repr(phrase.name), ))
            if not core.bayesdb_has_generator_default(
                    bdb, phrase.simulation.generator):
                raise BQLError(
                    'No such generator: %s' % (phrase.simulation.generator, ))
            generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator_default(
                bdb, phrase.simulation.generator)
            metamodel = core.bayesdb_generator_metamodel(bdb, generator_id)
            table = core.bayesdb_generator_table(bdb, generator_id)
            qn = sqlite3_quote_name(phrase.name)
            qt = sqlite3_quote_name(table)
            qgn = sqlite3_quote_name(phrase.simulation.generator)
            column_names = phrase.simulation.columns
            qcns = map(sqlite3_quote_name, column_names)
            cursor = bdb.sql_execute('PRAGMA table_info(%s)' % (qt, ))
            column_sqltypes = {}
            for _colno, name, sqltype, _nonnull, _default, _primary in cursor:
                assert casefold(name) not in column_sqltypes
                column_sqltypes[casefold(name)] = sqltype
            assert 0 < len(column_sqltypes)
            for column_name in column_names:
                if casefold(column_name) not in column_sqltypes:
                    raise BQLError(
                        bdb, 'No such column'
                        ' in generator %s table %s: %s' %
                        (repr(phrase.simulation.generator), repr(table),
            for column_name, _expression in phrase.simulation.constraints:
                if casefold(column_name) not in column_sqltypes:
                    raise BQLError(
                        bdb, 'No such column'
                        ' in generator %s table %s: %s' %
                        (repr(phrase.simulation.generator), repr(table),
            # XXX Move to compiler.py.
            # XXX Copypasta of this in compile_simulate!
            out = compiler.Output(n_numpar, nampar_map, bindings)
            out.write('SELECT ')
            with compiler.compiling_paren(bdb, out, 'CAST(', ' AS INTEGER)'):
            out.write(', ')
            with compiler.compiling_paren(bdb, out, 'CAST(', ' AS INTEGER)'):
            for _column_name, expression in phrase.simulation.constraints:
                out.write(', ')
                compiler.compile_nobql_expression(bdb, expression, out)
            winders, unwinders = out.getwindings()
            with compiler.bayesdb_wind(bdb, winders, unwinders):
                cursor = bdb.sql_execute(out.getvalue(),
            assert len(cursor) == 1
            nsamples = cursor[0][0]
            assert isinstance(nsamples, int)
            modelno = cursor[0][1]
            assert modelno is None or isinstance(modelno, int)
            constraints = \
                [(core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(bdb, generator_id, name),
                    for (name, _expression), value in
                        zip(phrase.simulation.constraints, cursor[0][2:])]
            colnos = \
                [core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(bdb, generator_id, name)
                    for name in column_names]
                'CREATE %sTABLE %s%s (%s)' %
                ('TEMP ' if phrase.temp else '',
                 'IF NOT EXISTS ' if phrase.ifnotexists else '', qn, ','.join(
                     '%s %s' % (qcn, column_sqltypes[casefold(column_name)])
                     for qcn, column_name in zip(qcns, column_names))))
            insert_sql = '''
                INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)
            ''' % (qn, ','.join(qcns), ','.join('?' for qcn in qcns))
            for row in bqlfn.bayesdb_simulate(bdb,
                bdb.sql_execute(insert_sql, row)
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.DropTab):
        with bdb.savepoint():
            sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bayesdb_generator WHERE tabname = ?'
            cursor = bdb.sql_execute(sql, (phrase.name, ))
            if 0 < cursor_value(cursor):
                # XXX Automatically delete the generators?  Generators
                # are more interesting than triggers and indices, so
                # automatic deletion is not obviously right.
                raise BQLError(
                    bdb, 'Table still in use by generators: %s' %
                    (repr(phrase.name), ))
            bdb.sql_execute('DELETE FROM bayesdb_column WHERE tabname = ?',
                            (phrase.name, ))
            ifexists = 'IF EXISTS ' if phrase.ifexists else ''
            qt = sqlite3_quote_name(phrase.name)
            return bdb.sql_execute('DROP TABLE %s%s' % (ifexists, qt))

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.AlterTab):
        with bdb.savepoint():
            table = phrase.table
            if not core.bayesdb_has_table(bdb, table):
                raise BQLError(bdb, 'No such table: %s' % (repr(table), ))
            for cmd in phrase.commands:
                if isinstance(cmd, ast.AlterTabRenameTab):
                    # If the names differ only in case, we have to do
                    # some extra work because SQLite will reject the
                    # table rename.  Note that we may even have table
                    # == cmd.name here, but if the stored table name
                    # differs in case from cmd.name, we want to update
                    # it anyway.
                    if casefold(table) == casefold(cmd.name):
                        # Go via a temporary table.
                        temp = table + '_temp'
                        while core.bayesdb_has_table(bdb, temp) or \
                              core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, temp):
                            temp += '_temp'
                        rename_table(bdb, table, temp)
                        rename_table(bdb, temp, cmd.name)
                        # Make sure nothing else has this name and
                        # rename it.
                        if core.bayesdb_has_table(bdb, cmd.name):
                            raise BQLError(
                                bdb, 'Name already defined as table'
                                ': %s' % (repr(cmd.name), ))
                        if core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, cmd.name):
                            raise BQLError(
                                bdb, 'Name already defined'
                                ' as generator: %s' % (repr(cmd.name), ))
                        rename_table(bdb, table, cmd.name)
                    # Remember the new name for subsequent commands.
                    table = cmd.name
                elif isinstance(cmd, ast.AlterTabRenameCol):
                    # XXX Need to deal with this in the compiler.
                    raise NotImplementedError('Renaming columns'
                                              ' not yet implemented.')
                    # Make sure the old name exist and the new name does not.
                    old_folded = casefold(cmd.old)
                    new_folded = casefold(cmd.new)
                    if old_folded != new_folded:
                        if not core.bayesdb_table_has_column(
                                bdb, table, cmd.old):
                            raise BQLError(
                                bdb, 'No such column in table %s'
                                ': %s' % (repr(table), repr(cmd.old)))
                        if core.bayesdb_table_has_column(bdb, table, cmd.new):
                            raise BQLError(
                                bdb, 'Column already exists'
                                ' in table %s: %s' %
                                (repr(table), repr(cmd.new)))
                    # Update bayesdb_column.  Everything else refers
                    # to columns by (tabname, colno) pairs rather than
                    # by names.
                    update_column_sql = '''
                        UPDATE bayesdb_column SET name = :new
                            WHERE tabname = :table AND name = :old
                    total_changes = bdb._sqlite3.totalchanges()
                    bdb.sql_execute(update_column_sql, {
                        'table': table,
                        'old': cmd.old,
                        'new': cmd.new,
                    assert bdb._sqlite3.totalchanges() - total_changes == 1
                    # ...except metamodels may have the (case-folded)
                    # name cached.
                    if old_folded != new_folded:
                        generators_sql = '''
                            SELECT id FROM bayesdb_generator WHERE tabname = ?
                        cursor = bdb.sql_execute(generators_sql, (table, ))
                        for (generator_id, ) in cursor:
                            metamodel = core.bayesdb_generator_metamodel(
                                bdb, generator_id)
                            metamodel.rename_column(bdb, generator_id,
                                                    old_folded, new_folded)
                elif isinstance(cmd, ast.AlterTabSetDefGen):
                    if not core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, cmd.generator):
                        raise BQLError(
                            'No such generator: %s' % (repr(cmd.generator), ))
                    generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator(
                        bdb, cmd.generator)
                    bayesdb_schema_required(bdb, 6, "generator defaults")
                    unset_default_sql = '''
                        UPDATE bayesdb_generator SET defaultp = 0
                            WHERE tabname = ? AND defaultp
                    total_changes = bdb._sqlite3.totalchanges()
                    bdb.sql_execute(unset_default_sql, (table, ))
                    assert bdb._sqlite3.totalchanges() - total_changes in (0,
                    set_default_sql = '''
                        UPDATE bayesdb_generator SET defaultp = 1 WHERE id = ?
                    total_changes = bdb._sqlite3.totalchanges()
                    bdb.sql_execute(set_default_sql, (generator_id, ))
                    assert bdb._sqlite3.totalchanges() - total_changes == 1
                elif isinstance(cmd, ast.AlterTabUnsetDefGen):
                    unset_default_sql = '''
                        UPDATE bayesdb_generator SET defaultp = 0
                            WHERE tabname = ? AND defaultp
                    total_changes = bdb._sqlite3.totalchanges()
                    bdb.sql_execute(unset_default_sql, (table, ))
                    assert bdb._sqlite3.totalchanges() - total_changes in (0,
                    assert False, 'Invalid alter table command: %s' % \
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.CreateGen):
        # Find the metamodel.
        if phrase.metamodel not in bdb.metamodels:
            raise BQLError(
                bdb, 'No such metamodel: %s' % (repr(phrase.metamodel), ))
        metamodel = bdb.metamodels[phrase.metamodel]

        # Let the metamodel parse the schema itself and call
        # create_generator with the modelled columns.
        with bdb.savepoint():
            if core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, phrase.name):
                if not phrase.ifnotexists:
                    raise BQLError(
                        bdb, 'Name already defined as generator: %s' %
                        (repr(phrase.name), ))

                def instantiate(columns):
                    return instantiate_generator(bdb,

                metamodel.create_generator(bdb, phrase.table, phrase.schema,

        # All done.  Nothing to return.
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.DropGen):
        with bdb.savepoint():
            if not core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, phrase.name):
                if phrase.ifexists:
                    return empty_cursor(bdb)
                raise BQLError(bdb,
                               'No such generator: %s' % (repr(phrase.name), ))
            generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator(bdb, phrase.name)
            metamodel = core.bayesdb_generator_metamodel(bdb, generator_id)

            # Metamodel-specific destruction.
            metamodel.drop_generator(bdb, generator_id)

            # Drop the columns, models, and, finally, generator.
            drop_columns_sql = '''
                DELETE FROM bayesdb_generator_column WHERE generator_id = ?
            bdb.sql_execute(drop_columns_sql, (generator_id, ))
            drop_model_sql = '''
                DELETE FROM bayesdb_generator_model WHERE generator_id = ?
            bdb.sql_execute(drop_model_sql, (generator_id, ))
            drop_generator_sql = '''
                DELETE FROM bayesdb_generator WHERE id = ?
            bdb.sql_execute(drop_generator_sql, (generator_id, ))
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.AlterGen):
        with bdb.savepoint():
            generator = phrase.generator
            if not core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, generator):
                raise BQLError(bdb,
                               'No such generator: %s' % (repr(generator), ))
            generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator(bdb, generator)
            for cmd in phrase.commands:
                if isinstance(cmd, ast.AlterGenRenameGen):
                    # Make sure nothing else has this name.
                    if casefold(generator) != casefold(cmd.name):
                        if core.bayesdb_has_table(bdb, cmd.name):
                            raise BQLError(
                                bdb, 'Name already defined as table'
                                ': %s' % (repr(cmd.name), ))
                        if core.bayesdb_has_generator(bdb, cmd.name):
                            raise BQLError(
                                bdb, 'Name already defined'
                                ' as generator: %s' % (repr(cmd.name), ))
                    # Update bayesdb_generator.  Everything else
                    # refers to it by id.
                    update_generator_sql = '''
                        UPDATE bayesdb_generator SET name = ? WHERE id = ?
                    total_changes = bdb._sqlite3.totalchanges()
                                    (cmd.name, generator_id))
                    assert bdb._sqlite3.totalchanges() - total_changes == 1
                    # Remember the new name for subsequent commands.
                    generator = cmd.name
                    assert False, 'Invalid ALTER GENERATOR command: %s' % \
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.InitModels):
        if not core.bayesdb_has_generator_default(bdb, phrase.generator):
            raise BQLError(bdb, 'No such generator: %s' % (phrase.generator, ))
        generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator_default(
            bdb, phrase.generator)
        modelnos = range(phrase.nmodels)
        model_config = None  # XXX For now.

        with bdb.savepoint():
            # Find the model numbers.  Omit existing ones for
            # ifnotexists; reject existing ones otherwise.
            if phrase.ifnotexists:
                modelnos = set(modelno for modelno in modelnos
                               if not core.bayesdb_generator_has_model(
                                   bdb, generator_id, modelno))
                existing = set(modelno for modelno in modelnos
                               if core.bayesdb_generator_has_model(
                                   bdb, generator_id, modelno))
                if 0 < len(existing):
                    raise BQLError(
                        bdb, 'Generator %s already has models: %s' %
                        (repr(phrase.generator), sorted(existing)))

            # Stop now if there's nothing to initialize.
            if len(modelnos) == 0:

            # Create the bayesdb_generator_model records.
            modelnos = sorted(modelnos)
            insert_model_sql = '''
                INSERT INTO bayesdb_generator_model
                    (generator_id, modelno, iterations)
                    VALUES (:generator_id, :modelno, :iterations)
            for modelno in modelnos:
                    insert_model_sql, {
                        'generator_id': generator_id,
                        'modelno': modelno,
                        'iterations': 0,

            # Do metamodel-specific initialization.
            metamodel = core.bayesdb_generator_metamodel(bdb, generator_id)
            metamodel.initialize_models(bdb, generator_id, modelnos,
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.AnalyzeModels):
        if not phrase.wait:
            raise NotImplementedError('No background analysis -- use WAIT.')
        # WARNING: It is the metamodel's responsibility to work in a
        # transaction.
        # WARNING: It is the metamodel's responsibility to update the
        # iteration count in bayesdb_generator_model records.
        # We do this so that the metamodel can save incremental
        # progress in case of ^C in the middle.
        # XXX Put these warning somewhere more appropriate.
        if not core.bayesdb_has_generator_default(bdb, phrase.generator):
            raise BQLError(bdb, 'No such generator: %s' % (phrase.generator, ))
        generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator_default(
            bdb, phrase.generator)
        metamodel = core.bayesdb_generator_metamodel(bdb, generator_id)
        # XXX Should allow parameters for iterations and ckpt/iter.
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    if isinstance(phrase, ast.DropModels):
        with bdb.savepoint():
            generator_id = core.bayesdb_get_generator_default(
                bdb, phrase.generator)
            metamodel = core.bayesdb_generator_metamodel(bdb, generator_id)
            modelnos = None
            if phrase.modelnos is not None:
                lookup_model_sql = '''
                    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bayesdb_generator_model
                        WHERE generator_id = :generator_id
                        AND modelno = :modelno
                modelnos = sorted(list(phrase.modelnos))
                for modelno in modelnos:
                    cursor = bdb.sql_execute(lookup_model_sql, {
                        'generator_id': generator_id,
                        'modelno': modelno,
                    if cursor_value(cursor) == 0:
                        raise BQLError(
                            bdb, 'No such model'
                            ' in generator %s: %s' %
                            (repr(phrase.generator), repr(modelno)))
            metamodel.drop_models(bdb, generator_id, modelnos=modelnos)
            if modelnos is None:
                drop_models_sql = '''
                    DELETE FROM bayesdb_generator_model WHERE generator_id = ?
                bdb.sql_execute(drop_models_sql, (generator_id, ))
                drop_model_sql = '''
                    DELETE FROM bayesdb_generator_model
                        WHERE generator_id = :generator_id
                        AND modelno = :modelno
                for modelno in modelnos:
                    bdb.sql_execute(drop_model_sql, {
                        'generator_id': generator_id,
                        'modelno': modelno,
        return empty_cursor(bdb)

    assert False  # XXX
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _predict_confidence(self, bdb, genid, modelno, colno, rowid,
     # Predicts a value for the cell [rowid, colno] with a confidence metric.
     # XXX Prefer accuracy over speed for imputation.
     if numsamples is None:
         numsamples = self.n_samples
     colnos = core.bayesdb_generator_column_numbers(bdb, genid)
     colnames = core.bayesdb_generator_column_names(bdb, genid)
     row = core.bayesdb_generator_row_values(bdb, genid, rowid)
     # Account for multiple imputations if imputing parents.
     parent_conf = 1
     # Predicting lcol.
     if colno in self.lcols(bdb, genid):
         # Delegate to CC IFF
         # (lcol has no children OR all its children are None).
         children = [f for f in self.fcols(bdb, genid) if colno in
                 self.pcols(bdb, genid, f)]
         if len(children) == 0 or \
                 all(row[i] is None for i in xrange(len(row)) if i+1
                     in children):
             return self.cc(bdb, genid).predict_confidence(bdb,
                     self.cc_id(bdb, genid), modelno,
                     self.cc_colno(bdb, genid, colno), rowid)
             # Obtain likelihood weighted samples from posterior.
             Q = [(rowid, colno)]
             Y = [(rowid, c, v) for c,v in zip(colnos, row)
                  if c != colno and v is not None]
             samples = self.simulate(bdb, genid, modelno, Q, Y,
             samples = [s[0] for s in samples]
     # Predicting fcol.
         conditions = {c:v for c,v in zip(colnames, row) if
             core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(bdb, genid, c) in
             self.pcols(bdb, genid, colno)}
         for colname, val in conditions.iteritems():
             # Impute all missing parents.
             if val is None:
                 imp_col = core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(bdb, genid,
                 imp_val, imp_conf = self.predict_confidence(bdb, genid,
                     modelno, imp_col, rowid, numsamples=numsamples)
                 # XXX If imputing several parents, take the overall
                 # overall conf as min conf. If we define imp_conf as
                 # P[imp_val = correct] then we might choose to multiply
                 # the imp_confs, but we cannot assert that the imp_confs
                 # are independent so multiplying is extremely conservative.
                 parent_conf = min(parent_conf, imp_conf)
                 conditions[colname] = imp_val
         assert all(v is not None for c,v in conditions.iteritems())
         predictor = self.predictor(bdb, genid, colno)
         samples = predictor.simulate(numsamples, conditions)
     # Since foreign predictor does not know how to impute, imputation
     # shall occur here in the composer by simulate/logpdf calls.
     stattype = core.bayesdb_generator_column_stattype(bdb, genid, colno)
     if stattype == 'categorical':
         # imp_conf is most frequent.
         imp_val =  max(((val, samples.count(val)) for val in set(samples)),
             key=lambda v: v[1])[0]
         if colno in self.fcols(bdb, genid):
             imp_conf = np.exp(predictor.logpdf(imp_val, conditions))
             imp_conf = sum(np.array(samples)==imp_val) / len(samples)
     elif stattype == 'numerical':
         # XXX The definition of confidence is P[k=1] where
         # k=1 is the number of mixture componets (we need a distribution
         # over GPMM to answer this question). The confidence is instead
         # implemented as \max_i{p_i} where p_i are the weights of a
         # fitted DPGMM.
         imp_val = np.mean(samples)
         imp_conf = su.continuous_imputation_confidence(samples, None, None,
         raise ValueError('Unknown stattype "{}" for a foreign predictor '
             'column encountered in predict_confidence.'.format(stattype))
     return imp_val, imp_conf * parent_conf
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def create_generator(self, bdb, table, schema, instantiate):
     # Parse the schema.
     (columns, lcols, _fcols, fcol_to_pcols, fcol_to_fpred,
         dependencies) = self.parse(schema)
     # Instantiate **this** generator.
     genid, bdbcolumns = instantiate(columns.items())
     # Create internal crosscat generator. The name will be the same as
     # this generator name, with a _cc suffix.
     SUFFIX = '_cc'
     cc_name = bayeslite.core.bayesdb_generator_name(bdb, genid) + SUFFIX
     # Create strings for crosscat schema.
     cc_cols = ','.join('{} {}'.format(quote(c), quote(columns[c]))
                        for c in lcols)
     cc_dep = []
     for dep, colnames in dependencies:
         qcns = ','.join(map(quote, colnames))
         if dep:
     bql = """
         CREATE GENERATOR {} FOR {} USING crosscat(
             {}, {}
     """.format(quote(cc_name), quote(table), cc_cols, ','.join(cc_dep))
     # Convert strings to column numbers.
     fcolno_to_pcolnos = {}
     for f in fcol_to_pcols:
         fcolno = core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(bdb, genid, f)
         fcolno_to_pcolnos[fcolno] = [core.bayesdb_generator_column_number(
             bdb, genid, col) for col in fcol_to_pcols[f]]
     with bdb.savepoint():
         # Save internal cc generator id.
             INSERT INTO bayesdb_composer_cc_id
                 (generator_id, crosscat_generator_id) VALUES (?,?)
         ''', (genid, core.bayesdb_get_generator(bdb, cc_name),))
         # Save lcols/fcolnos.
         for colno, _, _ in bdbcolumns:
             local = colno not in fcolno_to_pcolnos
                 INSERT INTO bayesdb_composer_column_owner
                     (generator_id, colno, local) VALUES (?,?,?)
             ''', (genid, colno, int(local),))
         # Save parents of foreign columns.
         for fcolno in fcolno_to_pcolnos:
             for pcolno in fcolno_to_pcolnos[fcolno]:
                     INSERT INTO bayesdb_composer_column_parents
                         (generator_id, fcolno, pcolno) VALUES (?,?,?)
                 ''', (genid, fcolno, pcolno,))
         # Save topological order.
         topo = self.topological_sort(fcolno_to_pcolnos)
         for position, (colno, _) in enumerate(topo):
                 INSERT INTO bayesdb_composer_column_toposort
                     (generator_id, colno, position) VALUES (?,?,?)
                 ''', (genid, colno, position,))
         # Save predictor names of foreign columns.
         for fcolno in fcolno_to_pcolnos:
             fp_name = fcol_to_fpred[casefold(
                 core.bayesdb_generator_column_name(bdb,genid, fcolno))]
                 INSERT INTO bayesdb_composer_column_foreign_predictor
                     (generator_id, colno, predictor_name) VALUES (?,?,?)
             ''', (genid, fcolno, casefold(fp_name)))