Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _compute_message_to_parent(self, index, m_child, u_Z, u_X):
        if index == 0:
            m0 = 0
            # Compute Child * X, sum over variable axes and move the gated axis
            # to be the last.  Need to do some shape changing in order to make
            # Child and X to broadcast properly.
            for i in range(len(m_child)):
                ndim = len(self.dims[i])
                c = m_child[i][...,None]
                c = misc.moveaxis(c, -1, -ndim-1)
                gated_axis = self.gated_plate - ndim
                x = u_X[i]
                if np.ndim(x) < abs(gated_axis):
                    x = np.expand_dims(x, -ndim-1)
                    x = misc.moveaxis(x, gated_axis, -ndim-1)
                axes = tuple(range(-ndim, 0))
                m0 = m0 + misc.sum_product(c, x, axes_to_sum=axes)

            # Make sure the variable axis does not use broadcasting
            m0 = m0 * np.ones(self.K)

            # Send the message
            m = [m0]
            return m

        elif index == 1:

            m = []
            for i in range(len(m_child)):
                # Make the moments of Z and the message from children
                # broadcastable. The gated plate is handled as the last axis in
                # the arrays and moved to the correct position at the end.

                # Add variable axes to Z moments
                ndim = len(self.dims[i])
                z = misc.add_trailing_axes(u_Z[0], ndim)
                z = misc.moveaxis(z, -ndim-1, -1)
                # Axis index of the gated plate
                gated_axis = self.gated_plate - ndim
                # Add the gate axis to the message from the children
                c = misc.add_trailing_axes(m_child[i], 1)
                # Compute the message to parent
                mi = z * c
                # Add extra axes if necessary
                if np.ndim(mi) < abs(gated_axis):
                    mi = misc.add_leading_axes(mi,
                                                abs(gated_axis) - np.ndim(mi))
                # Move the axis to the correct position
                mi = misc.moveaxis(mi, -1, gated_axis)

            return m

            raise ValueError("Invalid parent index")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _compute_message_to_parent(self, index, m_child, u_Z, u_X):
        if index == 0:
            m0 = 0
            # Compute Child * X, sum over variable axes and move the gated axis
            # to be the last.  Need to do some shape changing in order to make
            # Child and X to broadcast properly.
            for i in range(len(m_child)):
                ndim = len(self.dims[i])
                c = m_child[i][..., None]
                c = misc.moveaxis(c, -1, -ndim - 1)
                gated_axis = self.gated_plate - ndim
                x = u_X[i]
                if np.ndim(x) < abs(gated_axis):
                    x = np.expand_dims(x, -ndim - 1)
                    x = misc.moveaxis(x, gated_axis, -ndim - 1)
                axes = tuple(range(-ndim, 0))
                m0 = m0 + misc.sum_product(c, x, axes_to_sum=axes)

            # Make sure the variable axis does not use broadcasting
            m0 = m0 * np.ones(self.K)

            # Send the message
            m = [m0]
            return m

        elif index == 1:

            m = []
            for i in range(len(m_child)):
                # Make the moments of Z and the message from children
                # broadcastable. The gated plate is handled as the last axis in
                # the arrays and moved to the correct position at the end.

                # Add variable axes to Z moments
                ndim = len(self.dims[i])
                z = misc.add_trailing_axes(u_Z[0], ndim)
                z = misc.moveaxis(z, -ndim - 1, -1)
                # Axis index of the gated plate
                gated_axis = self.gated_plate - ndim
                # Add the gate axis to the message from the children
                c = misc.add_trailing_axes(m_child[i], 1)
                # Compute the message to parent
                mi = z * c
                # Add extra axes if necessary
                if np.ndim(mi) < abs(gated_axis):
                    mi = misc.add_leading_axes(mi,
                                               abs(gated_axis) - np.ndim(mi))
                # Move the axis to the correct position
                mi = misc.moveaxis(mi, -1, gated_axis)

            return m

            raise ValueError("Invalid parent index")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def integrated_logpdf_from_parents(self, x, index):
        """ Approximates the posterior predictive pdf \int p(x|parents)
        q(parents) dparents in log-scale as \int q(parents_i) exp( \int
        q(parents_\i) \log p(x|parents) dparents_\i ) dparents_i."""

        if index == 0:
            # Integrate out the cluster assignments

            # First, integrate the cluster parameters in log-scale

            # compute_logpdf(cls, u, phi, g, f):

            # Shape(x) = [M1,..,Mm,N1,..,Nn,D1,..,Dd]

            u_parents = self._message_from_parents()

            # Shape(u) = [M1,..,Mm,N1,..,1,..,Nn,D1,..,Dd]
            # Shape(f) = [M1,..,Mm,N1,..,1,..,Nn]
            (u, f
             ) = self._distribution.distribution.compute_fixed_moments_and_f(x)
            f = np.expand_dims(f, axis=self.cluster_plate)
            for i in range(len(u)):
                ndim_i = len(self.dims[i])
                cluster_axis = self.cluster_plate - ndim_i
                u[i] = np.expand_dims(u[i], axis=cluster_axis)
            # Shape(phi) = [N1,..,K,..,Nn,D1,..,Dd]
            phi = self._distribution.distribution.compute_phi_from_parents(
            # Shape(g) = [N1,..,K,..,Nn]
            g = self._distribution.distribution.compute_cgf_from_parents(
            # Shape(lpdf) = [M1,..,Mm,N1,..,K,..,Nn]
            lpdf = self._distribution.distribution.compute_logpdf(
                u, phi, g, f, self.ndims)

            # From logpdf to pdf, but avoid over/underflow
            lpdf_max = np.max(lpdf, axis=self.cluster_plate, keepdims=True)
            pdf = np.exp(lpdf - lpdf_max)

            # Move cluster axis to be the last:
            # Shape(pdf) = [M1,..,Mm,N1,..,Nn,K]
            pdf = misc.moveaxis(pdf, self.cluster_plate, -1)

            # Cluster assignments/probabilities/weights
            # Shape(p) = [N1,..,Nn,K]
            p = u_parents[0][0]

            # Weighted average. TODO/FIXME: Use einsum!
            # Shape(pdf) = [M1,..,Mm,N1,..,Nn]
            pdf = np.sum(pdf * p, axis=self.cluster_plate)

            # Back to log-scale (add the overflow fix!)
            lpdf_max = np.squeeze(lpdf_max, axis=self.cluster_plate)
            lpdf = np.log(pdf) + lpdf_max

            return lpdf

        raise NotImplementedError()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def integrated_logpdf_from_parents(self, x, index):

        """ Approximates the posterior predictive pdf \int p(x|parents)
        q(parents) dparents in log-scale as \int q(parents_i) exp( \int
        q(parents_\i) \log p(x|parents) dparents_\i ) dparents_i."""

        if index == 0:
            # Integrate out the cluster assignments

            # First, integrate the cluster parameters in log-scale

            # compute_logpdf(cls, u, phi, g, f):

            # Shape(x) = [M1,..,Mm,N1,..,Nn,D1,..,Dd]

            u_parents = self._message_from_parents()

            # Shape(u) = [M1,..,Mm,N1,..,1,..,Nn,D1,..,Dd]
            # Shape(f) = [M1,..,Mm,N1,..,1,..,Nn]
            (u, f) = self._distribution.distribution.compute_fixed_moments_and_f(x)
            f = np.expand_dims(f, axis=self.cluster_plate)
            for i in range(len(u)):
                ndim_i = len(self.dims[i])
                cluster_axis = self.cluster_plate - ndim_i
                u[i] = np.expand_dims(u[i], axis=cluster_axis)
            # Shape(phi) = [N1,..,K,..,Nn,D1,..,Dd]
            phi = self._distribution.distribution.compute_phi_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))
            # Shape(g) = [N1,..,K,..,Nn]
            g = self._distribution.distribution.compute_cgf_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))
            # Shape(lpdf) = [M1,..,Mm,N1,..,K,..,Nn]
            lpdf = self._distribution.distribution.compute_logpdf(u, phi, g, f, self.ndims)

            # From logpdf to pdf, but avoid over/underflow
            lpdf_max = np.max(lpdf, axis=self.cluster_plate, keepdims=True)
            pdf = np.exp(lpdf-lpdf_max)

            # Move cluster axis to be the last:
            # Shape(pdf) = [M1,..,Mm,N1,..,Nn,K]
            pdf = misc.moveaxis(pdf, self.cluster_plate, -1)

            # Cluster assignments/probabilities/weights
            # Shape(p) = [N1,..,Nn,K]
            p = u_parents[0][0]

            # Weighted average. TODO/FIXME: Use einsum!
            # Shape(pdf) = [M1,..,Mm,N1,..,Nn]
            pdf = np.sum(pdf * p, axis=self.cluster_plate)

            # Back to log-scale (add the overflow fix!)
            lpdf_max = np.squeeze(lpdf_max, axis=self.cluster_plate)
            lpdf = np.log(pdf) + lpdf_max

            return lpdf

        raise NotImplementedError()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _compute_moments(self, u_Z, u_X):

        u = []
        for i in range(len(u_X)):
            # Make the moments of Z and X broadcastable and move the gated plate
            # to be the last axis in the moments, then sum-product over that
            # axis
            ndim = len(self.dims[i])
            z = misc.add_trailing_axes(u_Z[0], ndim)
            z = misc.moveaxis(z, -ndim-1, -1)
            gated_axis = self.gated_plate - ndim
            if np.ndim(u_X[i]) < abs(gated_axis):
                x = misc.add_trailing_axes(u_X[i], 1)
                x = misc.moveaxis(u_X[i], gated_axis, -1)
            ui = misc.sum_product(z, x, axes_to_sum=-1)
        return u
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _compute_moments(self, u_Z, u_X):

        u = []
        for i in range(len(u_X)):
            # Make the moments of Z and X broadcastable and move the gated plate
            # to be the last axis in the moments, then sum-product over that
            # axis
            ndim = len(self.dims[i])
            z = misc.add_trailing_axes(u_Z[0], ndim)
            z = misc.moveaxis(z, -ndim - 1, -1)
            gated_axis = self.gated_plate - ndim
            if np.ndim(u_X[i]) < abs(gated_axis):
                x = misc.add_trailing_axes(u_X[i], 1)
                x = misc.moveaxis(u_X[i], gated_axis, -1)
            ui = misc.sum_product(z, x, axes_to_sum=-1)
        return u
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def compute_cgf_from_parents(self, *u_parents):
        Compute :math:`\mathrm{E}_{q(p)}[g(p)]`

        # Compute weighted average of g over the clusters.

        # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
        # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
        # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0]

        # Compute g for clusters:
        # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
        g = self.distribution.compute_cgf_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))

        # Move cluster axis to last:
        # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
        if np.ndim(g) < abs(self.cluster_plate):
            # Not enough axes, just add the cluster plate axis
            g = np.expand_dims(g, -1)
            # Move the cluster plate axis
            g = misc.moveaxis(g, self.cluster_plate, -1)

        # Cluster assignments/contributions/probabilities/weights:
        # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
        p = u_parents[0][0]

        # Weighted average of g over the clusters. As p and g are
        # properly aligned, you can just sum p*g over the last
        # axis and utilize broadcasting:
        # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0]

        g = misc.sum_product(p, g, axes_to_sum=-1)

        return g
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def compute_cgf_from_parents(self, *u_parents):
        Compute :math:`\mathrm{E}_{q(p)}[g(p)]`

        # Compute weighted average of g over the clusters.

        # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
        # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
        # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0]

        # Compute g for clusters:
        # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
        g = self.distribution.compute_cgf_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))

        # Move cluster axis to last:
        # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
        if np.ndim(g) < abs(self.cluster_plate):
            # Not enough axes, just add the cluster plate axis
            g = np.expand_dims(g, -1)
            # Move the cluster plate axis
            g = misc.moveaxis(g, self.cluster_plate, -1)

        # Cluster assignments/contributions/probabilities/weights:
        # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
        p = u_parents[0][0]

        # Weighted average of g over the clusters. As p and g are
        # properly aligned, you can just sum p*g over the last
        # axis and utilize broadcasting:
        # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0]

        g = misc.sum_product(p, g, axes_to_sum=-1)

        return g
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def compute_message_to_parent(self, parent, index, u, *u_parents):
        Compute the message to a parent node.

        if index == 0:

            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
            # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,K]

            # Compute g:
            # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
            g = self.raw_distribution.compute_cgf_from_parents(
            # Reshape(g):
            # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
            if np.ndim(g) < abs(self.cluster_plate):
                # Not enough axes, just add the cluster plate axis
                g = np.expand_dims(g, -1)
                # Move the cluster plate axis
                g = misc.moveaxis(g, self.cluster_plate, -1)

            # Compute phi:
            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            phi = self.raw_distribution.compute_phi_from_parents(

            # Reshape u:
            # Shape(u) =    = [Nn,..,1,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            u_reshaped = [
                np.expand_dims(ui, self.cluster_plate - ndimi)
                if np.ndim(ui) >= abs(self.cluster_plate - ndimi) else ui
                for (ui, ndimi) in zip(u, self.ndims)

            # Compute logpdf:
            # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
            L = self.raw_distribution.compute_logpdf(

            # Move axis:
            # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
            L = np.moveaxis(L, self.cluster_plate, -1)

            m = [L]

            return m

        elif index >= 1:

            # Parent index for the distribution used for the
            # mixture.
            index_for_parent = index - 1

            # Reshape u:
            # Shape(u_self)  = [Nn,..1,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            u_self = list()
            for ind in range(len(u)):
                if self.cluster_plate < 0:
                    cluster_axis = self.cluster_plate - self.ndims[ind]
                    raise ValueError("Cluster plate axis must be negative")
                u_self.append(np.expand_dims(u[ind], axis=cluster_axis))

            # Message from the mixed distribution
            # Shape(m)       = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            m = self.raw_distribution.compute_message_to_parent(
                parent, index_for_parent, u_self, *(u_parents[1:]))

            # Note: The cluster assignment probabilities can be considered as
            # weights to plate elements. These weights need to mapped properly
            # via the plate mapping of self.distribution. Otherwise, nested
            # mixtures won't work, or possibly not any distribution that does
            # something to the plates. Thus, use compute_weights_to_parent to
            # compute the transformations to the weight array properly.
            # See issue #39 for more details.

            # Compute weights (i.e., cluster assignment probabilities) and map
            # the plates properly.
            # Shape(p)       = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
            p = misc.atleast_nd(u_parents[0][0], abs(self.cluster_plate))
            p = misc.moveaxis(p, -1, self.cluster_plate)
            p = self.raw_distribution.compute_weights_to_parent(

            # Weigh the elements in the message array
            # TODO/FIXME: This may result in huge intermediate arrays. Need to
            # use einsum!
            m = [
                mi * misc.add_trailing_axes(p, ndim)
                #for (mi, ndim) in zip(m, self.ndims)]
                for (mi, ndim) in zip(m, self.ndims_parents[index_for_parent])

            return m
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def compute_message_to_parent(self, parent, index, u, *u_parents):
        Compute the message to a parent node.

        if index == 0:

            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
            # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,K]

            # Compute g:
            # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
            g = self.distribution.compute_cgf_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))
            # Reshape(g):
            # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
            if np.ndim(g) < abs(self.cluster_plate):
                # Not enough axes, just add the cluster plate axis
                g = np.expand_dims(g, -1)
                # Move the cluster plate axis
                g = misc.moveaxis(g, self.cluster_plate, -1)

            # Compute phi:
            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            phi = self.distribution.compute_phi_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))
            # Move phi axis:
            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,N0,K,Dd,..,D0]
            for ind in range(len(phi)):
                if self.cluster_plate < 0:
                    axis_from = self.cluster_plate-self.ndims[ind]
                    raise RuntimeError("Cluster plate axis must be negative")
                axis_to = -1-self.ndims[ind]
                if np.ndim(phi[ind]) >= abs(axis_from):
                    # Cluster plate axis exists, move it to the correct position
                    phi[ind] = misc.moveaxis(phi[ind], axis_from, axis_to)
                    # No cluster plate axis, just add a new axis to the correct
                    # position, if phi has something on that axis
                    if np.ndim(phi[ind]) >= abs(axis_to):
                        phi[ind] = np.expand_dims(phi[ind], axis=axis_to)

            # Reshape u:
            # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..,N0,1,Dd,..,D0]
            u_self = list()
            for ind in range(len(u)):

            # Compute logpdf:
            # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
            L = self.distribution.compute_logpdf(u_self, phi, g, 0, self.ndims)

            # Sum over other than the cluster dimensions? No!
            # Hmm.. I think the message passing method will do
            # that automatically

            m = [L]

            return m

        elif index >= 1:

            # Parent index for the distribution used for the
            # mixture.
            index_for_parent = index - 1

            # Reshape u:
            # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..1,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            u_self = list()
            for ind in range(len(u)):
                if self.cluster_plate < 0:
                    cluster_axis = self.cluster_plate - self.ndims[ind]
                    raise ValueError("Cluster plate axis must be negative")
                u_self.append(np.expand_dims(u[ind], axis=cluster_axis))

            # Message from the mixed distribution
            m = self.distribution.compute_message_to_parent(parent,

            # Note: The cluster assignment probabilities can be considered as
            # weights to plate elements. These weights need to mapped properly
            # via the plate mapping of self.distribution. Otherwise, nested
            # mixtures won't work, or possibly not any distribution that does
            # something to the plates. Thus, use compute_weights_to_parent to
            # compute the transformations to the weight array properly.
            # See issue #39 for more details.

            # Compute weights (i.e., cluster assignment probabilities) and map
            # the plates properly.
            p = misc.atleast_nd(u_parents[0][0], abs(self.cluster_plate))
            p = misc.moveaxis(p, -1, self.cluster_plate)
            p = self.distribution.compute_weights_to_parent(

            # Weigh the elements in the message array
            m = [mi * misc.add_trailing_axes(p, ndim)
                 #for (mi, ndim) in zip(m, self.ndims)]
                 for (mi, ndim) in zip(m, self.ndims_parents[index_for_parent])]

            return m
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def compute_phi_from_parents(self, *u_parents, mask=True):
        Compute the natural parameter vector given parent moments.
        # Compute weighted average of the parameters

        # Cluster parameters
        Phi = self.distribution.compute_phi_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))
        # Contributions/weights/probabilities
        P = u_parents[0][0]

        phi = list()

        nans = False

        for ind in range(len(Phi)):
            # Compute element-wise product and then sum over K clusters.
            # Note that the dimensions aren't perfectly aligned because
            # the cluster dimension (K) may be arbitrary for phi, and phi
            # also has dimensions (Dd,..,D0) of the parameters.
            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
            # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # General broadcasting rules apply for Nn,..,N0, that is,
            # preceding dimensions may be missing or dimension may be
            # equal to one. Probably, shape(phi) has lots of missing
            # dimensions and/or dimensions that are one.

            if self.cluster_plate < 0:
                cluster_axis = self.cluster_plate - self.ndims[ind]
                raise RuntimeError("Cluster plate should be negative")

            # Move cluster axis to the last:
            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0,K]
            if np.ndim(Phi[ind]) >= abs(cluster_axis):
                phi.append(misc.moveaxis(Phi[ind], cluster_axis, -1))

            # Add axes to p:
            # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K,1,..,1]
            p = misc.add_trailing_axes(P, self.ndims[ind])
            # Move cluster axis to the last:
            # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,1,..,1,K]
            p = misc.moveaxis(p, -(self.ndims[ind]+1), -1)

            # Handle zero probability cases. This avoids nans when p=0 and
            # phi=inf.
            phi[ind] = np.where(p != 0, phi[ind], 0)

            # Now the shapes broadcast perfectly and we can sum
            # p*phi over the last axis:
            # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            phi[ind] = misc.sum_product(p, phi[ind], axes_to_sum=-1)
            if np.any(np.isnan(phi[ind])):
                nans = True

        if nans:
            warnings.warn("The natural parameters of mixture distribution "
                          "contain nans. This may happen if you use fixed "
                          "parameters in your model. Technically, one possible "
                          "reason is that the cluster assignment probability "
                          "for some element is zero (p=0) and the natural "
                          "parameter of that cluster is -inf, thus "
                          "0*(-inf)=nan. Solution: Use parameters that assign "
                          "non-zero probabilities for the whole domain.")
        return phi
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def compute_message_to_parent(self, parent, index, u, *u_parents):
        Compute the message to a parent node.

        if index == 0:

            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
            # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,K]

            # Compute g:
            # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
            g = self.distribution.compute_cgf_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))
            # Reshape(g):
            # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
            if np.ndim(g) < abs(self.cluster_plate):
                # Not enough axes, just add the cluster plate axis
                g = np.expand_dims(g, -1)
                # Move the cluster plate axis
                g = misc.moveaxis(g, self.cluster_plate, -1)

            # Compute phi:
            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            phi = self.distribution.compute_phi_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))
            # Move phi axis:
            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,N0,K,Dd,..,D0]
            for ind in range(len(phi)):
                if self.cluster_plate < 0:
                    axis_from = self.cluster_plate - self.ndims[ind]
                    raise RuntimeError("Cluster plate axis must be negative")
                axis_to = -1 - self.ndims[ind]
                if np.ndim(phi[ind]) >= abs(axis_from):
                    # Cluster plate axis exists, move it to the correct position
                    phi[ind] = misc.moveaxis(phi[ind], axis_from, axis_to)
                    # No cluster plate axis, just add a new axis to the correct
                    # position, if phi has something on that axis
                    if np.ndim(phi[ind]) >= abs(axis_to):
                        phi[ind] = np.expand_dims(phi[ind], axis=axis_to)

            # Reshape u:
            # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..,N0,1,Dd,..,D0]
            u_self = list()
            for ind in range(len(u)):
                    np.expand_dims(u[ind], axis=(-1 - self.ndims[ind])))

            # Compute logpdf:
            # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
            L = self.distribution.compute_logpdf(u_self, phi, g, 0, self.ndims)

            # Sum over other than the cluster dimensions? No!
            # Hmm.. I think the message passing method will do
            # that automatically

            m = [L]

            return m

        elif index >= 1:

            # Parent index for the distribution used for the
            # mixture.
            index = index - 1

            # Reshape u:
            # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..1,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            u_self = list()
            for ind in range(len(u)):
                if self.cluster_plate < 0:
                    cluster_axis = self.cluster_plate - self.ndims[ind]
                    cluster_axis = self.cluster_plate
                u_self.append(np.expand_dims(u[ind], axis=cluster_axis))

            # Message from the mixed distribution
            m = self.distribution.compute_message_to_parent(
                parent, index, u_self, *(u_parents[1:]))

            # Weigh the messages with the responsibilities
            for i in range(len(m)):

                # Shape(m)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]

                # Number of axes for the variable dimensions for
                # the parent message.
                D = self.ndims_parents[index][i]

                # Responsibilities for clusters are the first
                # parent's first moment:
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                p = u_parents[0][0]
                # Move the cluster axis to the proper place:
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
                p = misc.atleast_nd(p, abs(self.cluster_plate))
                p = misc.moveaxis(p, -1, self.cluster_plate)
                # Add axes for variable dimensions to the contributions
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,1,..,1]
                p = misc.add_trailing_axes(p, D)

                if self.cluster_plate < 0:
                    # Add the variable dimensions
                    cluster_axis = self.cluster_plate - D

                # Add axis for clusters:
                # Shape(m)      = [Nn,..,1,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                #m[i] = np.expand_dims(m[i], axis=cluster_axis)

                # TODO: You could do summing here already so that
                # you wouldn't compute huge matrices as
                # intermediate result. Use einsum.

                # Compute the message contributions for each
                # cluster:
                # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                m[i] = m[i] * p

            return m
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def compute_message_to_parent(self, parent, index, u, *u_parents):
        Compute the message to a parent node.

        if index == 0:

            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
            # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,K]

            # Compute g:
            # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
            g = self.distribution.compute_cgf_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))
            # Reshape(g):
            # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
            if np.ndim(g) < abs(self.cluster_plate):
                # Not enough axes, just add the cluster plate axis
                g = np.expand_dims(g, -1)
                # Move the cluster plate axis
                g = misc.moveaxis(g, self.cluster_plate, -1)

            # Compute phi:
            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            phi = self.distribution.compute_phi_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))
            # Move phi axis:
            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,N0,K,Dd,..,D0]
            for ind in range(len(phi)):
                if self.cluster_plate < 0:
                    axis_from = self.cluster_plate - self.ndims[ind]
                    raise RuntimeError("Cluster plate axis must be negative")
                axis_to = -1 - self.ndims[ind]
                if np.ndim(phi[ind]) >= abs(axis_from):
                    # Cluster plate axis exists, move it to the correct position
                    phi[ind] = misc.moveaxis(phi[ind], axis_from, axis_to)
                    # No cluster plate axis, just add a new axis to the correct
                    # position, if phi has something on that axis
                    if np.ndim(phi[ind]) >= abs(axis_to):
                        phi[ind] = np.expand_dims(phi[ind], axis=axis_to)

            # Reshape u:
            # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..,N0,1,Dd,..,D0]
            u_self = list()
            for ind in range(len(u)):
                    np.expand_dims(u[ind], axis=(-1 - self.ndims[ind])))

            # Compute logpdf:
            # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
            L = self.distribution.compute_logpdf(u_self, phi, g, 0, self.ndims)

            # Sum over other than the cluster dimensions? No!
            # Hmm.. I think the message passing method will do
            # that automatically

            m = [L]

            return m

        elif index >= 1:

            # Parent index for the distribution used for the
            # mixture.
            index_for_parent = index - 1

            # Reshape u:
            # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..1,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            u_self = list()
            for ind in range(len(u)):
                if self.cluster_plate < 0:
                    cluster_axis = self.cluster_plate - self.ndims[ind]
                    raise ValueError("Cluster plate axis must be negative")
                u_self.append(np.expand_dims(u[ind], axis=cluster_axis))

            # Message from the mixed distribution
            m = self.distribution.compute_message_to_parent(
                parent, index_for_parent, u_self, *(u_parents[1:]))

            # Note: The cluster assignment probabilities can be considered as
            # weights to plate elements. These weights need to mapped properly
            # via the plate mapping of self.distribution. Otherwise, nested
            # mixtures won't work, or possibly not any distribution that does
            # something to the plates. Thus, use compute_weights_to_parent to
            # compute the transformations to the weight array properly.
            # See issue #39 for more details.

            # Compute weights (i.e., cluster assignment probabilities) and map
            # the plates properly.
            p = misc.atleast_nd(u_parents[0][0], abs(self.cluster_plate))
            p = misc.moveaxis(p, -1, self.cluster_plate)
            p = self.distribution.compute_weights_to_parent(

            # Weigh the elements in the message array
            m = [
                mi * misc.add_trailing_axes(p, ndim)
                #for (mi, ndim) in zip(m, self.ndims)]
                for (mi, ndim) in zip(m, self.ndims_parents[index_for_parent])

            return m
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def compute_phi_from_parents(self, *u_parents, mask=True):
        Compute the natural parameter vector given parent moments.
        # Compute weighted average of the parameters

        # Cluster parameters
        Phi = self.distribution.compute_phi_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))
        # Contributions/weights/probabilities
        P = u_parents[0][0]

        phi = list()

        nans = False

        for ind in range(len(Phi)):
            # Compute element-wise product and then sum over K clusters.
            # Note that the dimensions aren't perfectly aligned because
            # the cluster dimension (K) may be arbitrary for phi, and phi
            # also has dimensions (Dd,..,D0) of the parameters.
            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
            # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # General broadcasting rules apply for Nn,..,N0, that is,
            # preceding dimensions may be missing or dimension may be
            # equal to one. Probably, shape(phi) has lots of missing
            # dimensions and/or dimensions that are one.

            if self.cluster_plate < 0:
                cluster_axis = self.cluster_plate - self.ndims[ind]
                raise RuntimeError("Cluster plate should be negative")

            # Move cluster axis to the last:
            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0,K]
            if np.ndim(Phi[ind]) >= abs(cluster_axis):
                phi.append(misc.moveaxis(Phi[ind], cluster_axis, -1))
                phi.append(Phi[ind][..., None])

            # Add axes to p:
            # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K,1,..,1]
            p = misc.add_trailing_axes(P, self.ndims[ind])
            # Move cluster axis to the last:
            # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,1,..,1,K]
            p = misc.moveaxis(p, -(self.ndims[ind] + 1), -1)

            # Handle zero probability cases. This avoids nans when p=0 and
            # phi=inf.
            phi[ind] = np.where(p != 0, phi[ind], 0)

            # Now the shapes broadcast perfectly and we can sum
            # p*phi over the last axis:
            # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            phi[ind] = misc.sum_product(p, phi[ind], axes_to_sum=-1)
            if np.any(np.isnan(phi[ind])):
                nans = True

        if nans:
                "The natural parameters of mixture distribution "
                "contain nans. This may happen if you use fixed "
                "parameters in your model. Technically, one possible "
                "reason is that the cluster assignment probability "
                "for some element is zero (p=0) and the natural "
                "parameter of that cluster is -inf, thus "
                "0*(-inf)=nan. Solution: Use parameters that assign "
                "non-zero probabilities for the whole domain.")

        return phi
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def compute_message_to_parent(self, parent, index, u, *u_parents):
        Compute the message to a parent node.

        if index == 0:

            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
            # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,N0,K]

            # Compute g:
            # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
            g = self.distribution.compute_cgf_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))
            # Reshape(g):
            # Shape(g)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
            if np.ndim(g) < abs(self.cluster_plate):
                # Not enough axes, just add the cluster plate axis
                g = np.expand_dims(g, -1)
                # Move the cluster plate axis
                g = misc.moveaxis(g, self.cluster_plate, -1)

            # Compute phi:
            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            phi = self.distribution.compute_phi_from_parents(*(u_parents[1:]))
            # Move phi axis:
            # Shape(phi)    = [Nn,..,N0,K,Dd,..,D0]
            for ind in range(len(phi)):
                if self.cluster_plate < 0:
                    axis_from = self.cluster_plate - self.ndims[ind]
                    raise RuntimeError("Cluster plate axis must be negative")
                axis_to = -1 - self.ndims[ind]
                if np.ndim(phi[ind]) >= abs(axis_from):
                    # Cluster plate axis exists, move it to the correct position
                    phi[ind] = misc.moveaxis(phi[ind], axis_from, axis_to)
                    # No cluster plate axis, just add a new axis to the correct
                    # position, if phi has something on that axis
                    if np.ndim(phi[ind]) >= abs(axis_to):
                        phi[ind] = np.expand_dims(phi[ind], axis=axis_to)

            # Reshape u:
            # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..,N0,1,Dd,..,D0]
            u_self = list()
            for ind in range(len(u)):
                u_self.append(np.expand_dims(u[ind], axis=(-1 - self.ndims[ind])))

            # Compute logpdf:
            # Shape(L)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
            L = self.distribution.compute_logpdf(u_self, phi, g, 0, self.ndims)

            # Sum over other than the cluster dimensions? No!
            # Hmm.. I think the message passing method will do
            # that automatically

            m = [L]

            return m

        elif index >= 1:

            # Parent index for the distribution used for the
            # mixture.
            index = index - 1

            # Reshape u:
            # Shape(u)      = [Nn,..1,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
            u_self = list()
            for ind in range(len(u)):
                if self.cluster_plate < 0:
                    cluster_axis = self.cluster_plate - self.ndims[ind]
                    cluster_axis = self.cluster_plate
                u_self.append(np.expand_dims(u[ind], axis=cluster_axis))

            # Message from the mixed distribution
            m = self.distribution.compute_message_to_parent(parent, index, u_self, *(u_parents[1:]))

            # Weigh the messages with the responsibilities
            for i in range(len(m)):

                # Shape(m)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]

                # Number of axes for the variable dimensions for
                # the parent message.
                D = self.ndims_parents[index][i]

                # Responsibilities for clusters are the first
                # parent's first moment:
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,N0,K]
                p = u_parents[0][0]
                # Move the cluster axis to the proper place:
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0]
                p = misc.atleast_nd(p, abs(self.cluster_plate))
                p = misc.moveaxis(p, -1, self.cluster_plate)
                # Add axes for variable dimensions to the contributions
                # Shape(p)      = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,1,..,1]
                p = misc.add_trailing_axes(p, D)

                if self.cluster_plate < 0:
                    # Add the variable dimensions
                    cluster_axis = self.cluster_plate - D

                # Add axis for clusters:
                # Shape(m)      = [Nn,..,1,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                # m[i] = np.expand_dims(m[i], axis=cluster_axis)

                # TODO: You could do summing here already so that
                # you wouldn't compute huge matrices as
                # intermediate result. Use einsum.

                # Compute the message contributions for each
                # cluster:
                # Shape(result) = [Nn,..,K,..,N0,Dd,..,D0]
                m[i] = m[i] * p

            return m
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def setup(self, plate_axis=None):
        This method should be called just before optimization.

        For efficiency, sum over axes that are not in mu, alpha nor rotation.

        If using Q, set rotate_plates to True.

        # Store the original plate_axis parameter for later use in other methods
        self.plate_axis = plate_axis

        # Manipulate the plate_axis parameter to suit the needs of this method
        if plate_axis is not None:
            if not isinstance(plate_axis, int):
                raise ValueError("Plate axis must be integer")
            if plate_axis >= 0:
                plate_axis -= len(self.node_X.plates)
            if plate_axis < -len(self.node_X.plates) or plate_axis >= 0:
                raise ValueError("Axis out of bounds")
            plate_axis -= self.ndim - 1  # Why -1? Because one axis is preserved!

        # Get the mean parameter. It will not be rotated. This assumes that mu
        # and alpha are really independent.
        (alpha_mu, alpha_mu2, alpha, _) = self.node_parent.get_moments()
        (X, XX) = self.node_X.get_moments()

        mu = alpha_mu / alpha
        mu2 = alpha_mu2 / alpha
        # For simplicity, force mu to have the same shape as X
        mu = mu * np.ones(self.node_X.dims[0])
        mu2 = mu2 * np.ones(self.node_X.dims[0])
        ## (mu, mumu) = gaussian.reshape_gaussian_array(self.node_mu.dims[0],
        ##                                              self.node_X.dims[0],
        ##                                              mu,
        ##                                              mumu)

        # Take diagonal of covariances to variances for axes that are not in R
        # (and move those axes to be the last)
        XX = covariance_to_variance(XX, ndim=self.ndim, covariance_axis=self.axis)
        ## mumu = covariance_to_variance(mumu,
        ##                               ndim=self.ndim,
        ##                               covariance_axis=self.axis)

        # Move axes of X and mu and compute their outer product
        X = misc.moveaxis(X, self.axis, -1)
        mu = misc.moveaxis(mu, self.axis, -1)
        mu2 = misc.moveaxis(mu2, self.axis, -1)
        Xmu = linalg.outer(X, mu, ndim=1)
        D = np.shape(X)[-1]

        # Move axes of alpha related variables
        def safe_move_axis(x):
            if np.ndim(x) >= -self.axis:
                return misc.moveaxis(x, self.axis, -1)
                return x[..., np.newaxis]

        if self.update_alpha:
            a = safe_move_axis(self.node_alpha.phi[1])
            a0 = safe_move_axis(self.node_alpha.parents[0].get_moments()[0])
            b0 = safe_move_axis(self.node_alpha.parents[1].get_moments()[0])
            plates_alpha = list(self.node_alpha.plates)
            alpha = safe_move_axis(self.node_parent.get_moments()[2])
            plates_alpha = list(self.node_parent.get_shape(2))

        # Move plates of alpha for R
        if len(plates_alpha) >= -self.axis:
            plate = plates_alpha.pop(self.axis)

        plates_X = list(self.node_X.get_shape(0))

        def sum_to_alpha(V, ndim=2):
            # TODO/FIXME: This could be improved so that it is not required to
            # explicitly repeat to alpha plates. Multiplying by ones was just a
            # simple bug fix.
            return sum_to_plates(
                V * np.ones(plates_alpha[:-1] + ndim * [1]), plates_alpha[:-1], ndim=ndim, plates_from=plates_X

        if plate_axis is not None:
            # Move plate axis just before the rotated dimensions (which are
            # last)
            def safe_move_plate_axis(x, ndim):
                if np.ndim(x) - ndim >= -plate_axis:
                    return misc.moveaxis(x, plate_axis - ndim, -ndim - 1)
                    inds = (Ellipsis, None) + ndim * (slice(None),)
                    return x[inds]

            X = safe_move_plate_axis(X, 1)
            mu = safe_move_plate_axis(mu, 1)
            XX = safe_move_plate_axis(XX, 2)
            mu2 = safe_move_plate_axis(mu2, 1)
            if self.update_alpha:
                a = safe_move_plate_axis(a, 1)
                a0 = safe_move_plate_axis(a0, 1)
                b0 = safe_move_plate_axis(b0, 1)
                alpha = safe_move_plate_axis(alpha, 1)
            # Move plates of X and alpha
            plate = plates_X.pop(plate_axis)
            if len(plates_alpha) >= -plate_axis + 1:
                plate = plates_alpha.pop(plate_axis - 1)
                plate = 1
            plates_alpha = plates_alpha[:-1] + [plate] + plates_alpha[-1:]

            CovX = XX - linalg.outer(X, X)
            self.CovX = sum_to_plates(CovX, plates_alpha[:-2], ndim=3, plates_from=plates_X[:-1])
            # Broadcast mumu to ensure shape
            # mumu = np.ones(np.shape(XX)[-3:]) * mumu
            mu2 = mu2 * np.ones(np.shape(X)[-2:])
            self.mu2 = sum_to_alpha(mu2, ndim=1)

            if self.precompute:
                # Precompute some stuff for the gradient of plate rotation
                # NOTE: These terms may require a lot of memory if alpha has the
                # same or almost the same plates as X.
                self.X_X = sum_to_plates(
                    X[..., :, :, None, None] * X[..., None, None, :, :],
                self.X_mu = sum_to_plates(
                    X[..., :, :, None, None] * mu[..., None, None, :, :],
                self.X = X
                self.mu = mu

            # Sum axes that are not in the plates of alpha
            self.XX = sum_to_alpha(XX)
            self.mu2 = sum_to_alpha(mu2, ndim=1)
            self.Xmu = sum_to_alpha(Xmu)

        if self.update_alpha:
            self.a = a
            self.a0 = a0
            self.b0 = b0
            self.alpha = alpha

        self.plates_X = plates_X
        self.plates_alpha = plates_alpha

        # Take only a subset of the matrix for rotation
        if self.subset is not None:
            if self.precompute:
                raise NotImplementedError("Precomputation not implemented when " "using a subset")
            # from X
            self.X = self.X[..., self.subset]
            self.mu2 = self.mu2[..., self.subset]
            if plate_axis is not None:
                # from CovX
                inds = []
                for i in range(np.ndim(self.CovX) - 2):
                indices = np.ix_(*inds)
                self.CovX = self.CovX[indices]
                # from mu
                self.mu = self.mu[..., self.subset]
                # from XX
                inds = []
                for i in range(np.ndim(self.XX) - 2):
                indices = np.ix_(*inds)
                self.XX = self.XX[indices]
                # from Xmu
                self.Xmu = self.Xmu[..., self.subset]
            # from alpha
            if self.update_alpha:
                if np.shape(self.a)[-1] > 1:
                    self.a = self.a[..., self.subset]
                if np.shape(self.a0)[-1] > 1:
                    self.a0 = self.a0[..., self.subset]
                if np.shape(self.b0)[-1] > 1:
                    self.b0 = self.b0[..., self.subset]
                if np.shape(self.alpha)[-1] > 1:
                    self.alpha = self.alpha[..., self.subset]

            self.plates_alpha[-1] = min(self.plates_alpha[-1], len(self.subset))
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def safe_move_axis(x):
     if np.ndim(x) >= -self.axis:
         return misc.moveaxis(x, self.axis, -1)
         return x[..., np.newaxis]
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def safe_move_plate_axis(x, ndim):
     if np.ndim(x) - ndim >= -plate_axis:
         return misc.moveaxis(x, plate_axis - ndim, -ndim - 1)
         inds = (Ellipsis, None) + ndim * (slice(None),)
         return x[inds]