Ejemplo n.º 1
def index(request):
    bb = BbRest(KEY, SECRET, f"https://{LEARNFQDN}")
    resp = bb.GetVersion()
    access_token = bb.token_info['access_token']
    version_json = resp.json()

    bb_json = request.session.get('bb_json')
    if (bb_json is None):
        bb = BbRest(KEY, SECRET, f"https://{LEARNFQDN}")
        bb_json = jsonpickle.encode(bb)
        print("VIEWS: index request: pickled BbRest and putting it on session")
        request.session['bb_json'] = bb_json
        request.session['target_view'] = 'index'
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('get_auth_code'))
        print('VIEWS: index request: got BbRest from session')
        bb = jsonpickle.decode(bb_json)
        if bb.is_expired():
            print('VIEWS.py: index request: expired token')
            request.session['bb_json'] = None
        print(f'VIEWS: index request: expiration: {bb.expiration()}')

    context = {
        'learn_server': LEARNFQDN,
        'version_json': version_json,
        'access_token': access_token,

    return render(request, 'index.html', context=context)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_access_token(request):
    # Happens when the user hits index the first time and hasn't authenticated on Learn
    # Part II. Get an access token for the user that logged in. Put that on their session.
    bb_json = request.session.get('bb_json')
    target_view = request.session.get('target_view')
    print('VIEWS: get_access_token: got BbRest from session')
    bb = jsonpickle.decode(bb_json)
    bb.supported_functions()  # This and the following are required after
    bb.method_generator()  # unpickling the pickled object.
    # Next, get the code parameter value from the request
    redirect_uri = reverse(get_access_token)
    absolute_redirect_uri = f"https://{request.get_host()}{redirect_uri}"

    state = request.GET.get('state', default="NOSTATE")
    print(f'VIEWS: get_access_token: GOT BACK state: {state}')
    stored_state = request.session.get('state')
    print(f'VIEWS: get_access_token: STORED STATE: {stored_state}')
    if (stored_state != state):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('notauthorized'))

    code = request.GET.get('code', default=None)
    if (code == None):
    #Rebuild a new BbRest object to get an access token with the user's authcode.
    user_bb = BbRest(KEY,
    bb_json = jsonpickle.encode(user_bb)
    print('VIEWS: get_access_token: pickled BbRest and putting it on session')
    request.session['bb_json'] = bb_json
    return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(f'{target_view}'))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, learnfqdn, key, secret, course_id, video_url, title,
                 description):  # mbk added username pass for user auth.
        Constructor of uploader instance. 
        This goes through authorization step of the target server.
        self.learnfqdn = learnfqdn
        self.key = key
        self.secret = secret
        self.course_id = course_id  # represents the courseId could be "_2_7", or "uuid:<a_uuid>" or "courseId:mbk-ultra"
        self.video_url = video_url
        self.title = title
        self.description = description

        self.bb = BbRest(key, secret, f"https://{learnfqdn}")

        self.the_payload = {
            'title': f"{title}",
            'description': f"{description}",
            'body': "contentBody",
            'position': 0,
            'contentHandler': {
                'id': 'resource/x-bb-externallink',
                'url': f"{video_url}"
            'availability': {
                'available': 'Yes',
        print("init: " + course_id + " " + self.course_id)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def courses(request):
    """View function for courses page of site."""
    bb_json = request.session.get('bb_json')
    if (bb_json is None):
        bb = BbRest(KEY, SECRET, f"https://{LEARNFQDN}")
        bb_json = jsonpickle.encode(bb)
        print('pickled BbRest putting it on session')
        request.session['bb_json'] = bb_json
        request.session['target_view'] = 'courses'
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('get_auth_code'))
        print('got BbRest from session')
        bb = jsonpickle.decode(bb_json)
        if bb.is_expired():
            print('expired token')
            request.session['bb_json'] = None
        bb.supported_functions()  # This and the following are required after
        bb.method_generator()  # unpickling the pickled object.
        print(f'expiration: {bb.expiration()}')

    resp = bb.call('GetCourses', sync=True)
    courses_json = resp.json()
    context = {
        'courses_json': courses_json,
        'access_token': bb.token_info['access_token']

    # Render the HTML template index.html with the data in the context variable
    return render(request, 'courses.html', context=context)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def whoami(request):
    """View function for whoami page of site."""
    bb_json = request.session.get('bb_json')
    if (bb_json is None):
        bb = BbRest(KEY, SECRET, f"https://{LEARNFQDN}")
        bb_json = jsonpickle.encode(bb)
        print('pickled BbRest putting it on session')
        request.session['bb_json'] = bb_json
            'target_view'] = 'whoami'  # So after we have the access token we know to come back here.
        # The following does maintain the https: scheme if that was used with the incomming request.
        # BUT because I'm terminating the tls at the ngrok server, my incomming request is http.
        # Hence the redirect to get_auth_code is http in development. But we want our redirect_uri to be
        # have a scheme of https so that the Learn server can redirect back through ngrok with our
        # secure SSL cert. We'll have to build a redirect_uri with the https scheme in the
        # get_auth_code function.

        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('get_auth_code'))
        print('got BbRest from session')
        bb = jsonpickle.decode(bb_json)
        if bb.is_expired():
            print('expired token')
            request.session['bb_json'] = None
        bb.supported_functions()  # This and the following are required after
        bb.method_generator()  # unpickling the pickled object.
        print(f'expiration: {bb.expiration()}')

    resp = bb.call(
            'id, userName, name.given, name.middle, name.family, externalId, contact.email, dataSourceId, created'
        sync=True)  #Need BbRest to support "me"

    user_json = resp.json()

    dskresp = bb.call('GetDataSource',
    dsk_json = dskresp.json()

    user_json['dataSourceId'] = dsk_json['externalId']

    context = {
        'user_json': user_json,
        'access_token': bb.token_info['access_token']

    # Render the HTML template index.html with the data in the context variable
    return render(request, 'whoami.html', context=context)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getusers(request):
    """View function for getusers page of site."""
    bb = BbRest(KEY, SECRET, f"https://{LEARNFQDN}" )
    resp = bb.GetUsers()
    user_json = resp.json()
    context = {
        'user_json': user_json,
    print('views.py index(request) calling render...')
    # Render the HTML template index.html with the data in the context variable
    return render(request, 'getusers.html', context=context)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def index(request):
    """View function for home page of site."""
    # request.session.flush()  # If you uncomment you can use Home to clear out the 3LO token in session.
    bb = BbRest(KEY, SECRET, f"https://{LEARNFQDN}" )
    resp = bb.GetVersion()
    access_token = bb.token_info['access_token']
    version_json = resp.json()

    context = {
        'learn_server': LEARNFQDN,
        'version_json' : version_json,
        'access_token' : access_token,

    # Render the HTML template index.html with the data in the context variable
    return render(request, 'index.html', context=context)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def threeindex(request):
    """View function for home page of site."""

    # The following gets/stores the object to access Learn in the user's session.
    # This is key for 3LO web applications so that when you use the app, your
    # session has your object for accessing
    bb = BbRest(KEY, SECRET, f"https://{LEARNFQDN}")
    resp = bb.GetVersion()
    version_json = resp.json()

    context = {
        'learn_server': LEARNFQDN,
        'version_json': version_json,

    # Render the HTML template index.html with the data in the context variable
    return render(request, 'threeindex.html', context=context)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def main():
    bb = BbRest(key, secret, bbURL)
    userName = '******'
    courseId = 'dev-bs'
    user = bb.GetUser(userId=userName).json()
    #     print(user.request.url)
    print(f"\nuser ID: {user['userName']} \
          email: {user['contact']['email']}")
    course = bb.GetCourse(courseId=courseId).json()
    print(f"course ID: {course['id']} \
          external ID: {course['externalId']}")
    memberships = bb.GetCourseMemberships(courseId=courseId).json()
    print('\nmemberships:', memberships)
    enrollments = bb.GetUserMemberships(userId=userName).json()
    print('\nuser enrollments:', enrollments)
    enrollment = bb.GetMembership(courseId=courseId, userId=userName).json()
    print('\ncourse user enrollment:', enrollment)

    new_user_data = {
        'externalId': 'devcon19_user',
        'userName': '******',
        'name': {
            'given': 'DevCon19',
            'family': 'User'
        'password': '******',
        'contact': {
            'email': '*****@*****.**'
    user_name = new_user_data['userName']
    del_user = bb.DeleteUser(user_name)
    print(f'\nDeleted User: {del_user}')
    new_user = bb.CreateUser(payload=new_user_data)
    print('\n Created new user:', new_user.json())
Ejemplo n.º 10
def courses(request):
    task = request.GET.get('task')
    searchBy = request.GET.get('searchBy')
    searchValue = request.GET.get('searchValue')
    if (searchValue is not None):
        searchValue = searchValue.strip()
    print("SEARCHBY: ", searchBy)
    print("SEARCHVALUE: ", searchValue)
    print("TASK: ", task)

    bb_json = request.session.get('bb_json')
    if (bb_json is None):
        bb = BbRest(KEY, SECRET, f"https://{LEARNFQDN}")
        bb_json = jsonpickle.encode(bb)
        print('pickled BbRest putting it on session')
        request.session['bb_json'] = bb_json
        request.session['target_view'] = 'courses'
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('get_auth_code'))
        print('got BbRest from session')
        bb = jsonpickle.decode(bb_json)
        if bb.is_expired():
            print('expired token')
            request.session['bb_json'] = None
        bb.supported_functions()  # This and the following are required after
        bb.method_generator()  # unpickling the pickled object.
        print(f'expiration: {bb.expiration()}')

    if (task == 'search'):
        #Process request...
        print(f"COURSE REQUEST: ACTION {task}")
        searchValue = request.GET.get('searchValue')
        if (searchValue is not None):
            searchValue = searchValue.strip()

        print(f"COURSE REQUEST: CRS: {searchValue}")
        print(f"Process by {searchBy}")
        if (searchBy == 'externalId'):
            crs = "externalId:" + searchValue
            print(f"course pattern: {crs}")
        elif (searchBy == 'primaryId'):
            crs = searchValue
            print(f"course pattern: {crs}")
        elif (searchBy == 'courseId'):
            crs = "courseId:" + searchValue
            print(f"course pattern: {crs}")
        resp = bb.GetCourse(
                'id, courseId, externalId, name, availability.available, dataSourceId, created'
        if (resp.status_code == 200):
            course_json = resp.json()
            dskresp = bb.GetDataSource(
                dataSourceId=course_json['dataSourceId'], sync=True)
            dsk_json = dskresp.json()
            course_json['dataSourceId'] = dsk_json['externalId']
            course_json['searchValue'] = searchValue
            course_json['searchBy'] = searchBy
            dskresp = bb.GetDataSources(params={'fields': 'id, externalId'},
            dsks_json = dskresp.json()
            print("DSKS:\n", dsks_json["results"])
            dsks = dsks_json["results"]
            dsks = sortDsk(dsks)
            print("SIZE OF DSK LIST:", len(dsks))

            context = {
                'course_json': course_json,
                'dsks_json': dsks,
            error_json = resp.json()
            print(f"RESPONSE:\n", error_json)
            context = {
                'error_json': error_json,

        return render(request, 'courses.html', context=context)

    if (task == 'process'):
        print(f"COURSE REQUEST: ACTION {task}")
        print(f"Process by {searchBy}")
        print('Request:\n ')
        payload = {}
        if (request.GET.get('isAvailabilityUpdateRequired1')):
            if (request.GET.get('isAvailabilityUpdateRequired1') == 'true'):
                payload = {
                    'availability': {
                        "available": request.GET.get('selectedAvailability')
        if (request.GET.get('isDataSourceKeyUpdateRequired1')):
            if (request.GET.get('isDataSourceKeyUpdateRequired1') == 'true'):
                payload["dataSourceId"] = request.GET.get(

        for x, y in payload.items():
            print(x, y)

        # Build and make bb request...
        if (searchBy == 'externalId'):
            crs = "externalId:" + searchValue
        elif (searchBy == 'primaryId'):
            crs = searchValue
            print(f"course pattern: {crs}")
        elif (searchBy == 'courseId'):
            crs = "courseId:" + searchValue
            print(f"course pattern: {crs}")

        print(f"course pattern: {crs}")

        resp = bb.UpdateCourse(
                'id, courseId, externalId, name, availability.available, dataSourceId, created'
        if (resp.status_code == 200):
            result_json = resp.json()  #return actual error
            dskresp = bb.GetDataSource(
                dataSourceId=result_json['dataSourceId'], sync=True)
            dsk_json = dskresp.json()
            result_json['dataSourceId'] = dsk_json['externalId']

            context = {
                'result_json': result_json,
            error_json = resp.json()
            print(f"RESPONSE:\n", error_json)
            context = {
                'error_json': error_json,

        return render(request, 'courses.html', context=context)

    return render(request, 'courses.html')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def enrollments(request):
    task = request.GET.get('task')
    searchBy = request.GET.get('searchBy')

    bb_json = request.session.get('bb_json')
    if (bb_json is None):
        bb = BbRest(KEY, SECRET, f"https://{LEARNFQDN}")
        bb_json = jsonpickle.encode(bb)
        print('pickled BbRest putting it on session')
        request.session['bb_json'] = bb_json
        request.session['target_view'] = 'whoami'
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('get_auth_code'))
        print('got BbRest from session')
        bb = jsonpickle.decode(bb_json)
        if bb.is_expired():
            print('expired token')
            request.session['bb_json'] = None
        bb.supported_functions()  # This and the following are required after
        bb.method_generator()  # unpickling the pickled object.
        print(f'expiration: {bb.expiration()}')

    if (task == 'search'):
        #Process request...
        print(f"ENROLLMENTS REQUEST: ACTION {task}")
        searchValueCrs = request.GET.get('searchValueCrs')
        if (searchValueCrs is not None):
            searchValueCrs = searchValueCrs.strip()
        searchValueUsr = request.GET.get('searchValueUsr')
        if (searchValueUsr is not None):
            searchValueUsr = searchValueUsr.strip()
        print(f"ENROLLMENTS REQUEST: CRS: {searchValueCrs}")
        print(f"ENROLLMENTS REQUEST: USR: {searchValueUsr}")

        if (searchBy == 'byCrsUsr'):
            print("Process by Course AND User")
            crs = "externalId:" + searchValueCrs
            usr = "******" + searchValueUsr
            resp = bb.GetMembership(
                    'id, user.userName, user.name.given, user.name.middle, user.name.family, user.externalId, user.contact.email, availability.available, user.availability.available, dataSourceId, created'
            if (resp.status_code == 200):
                member_json = resp.json()
                dskresp = bb.GetDataSource(
                    dataSourceId=member_json['dataSourceId'], sync=True)
                dsk_json = dskresp.json()
                member_json['dataSourceId'] = dsk_json['externalId']
                member_json['crsExternalId'] = searchValueCrs
                member_json['usrExternalId'] = searchValueUsr
                member_json['searchBy'] = searchBy
                dskresp = bb.GetDataSources(
                    params={'fields': 'id, externalId'}, sync=True)
                dsks_json = dskresp.json()
                print("DSKS:\n", dsks_json["results"])
                dsks = dsks_json["results"]
                dsks = sortDsk(dsks)
                print("SIZE OF DSK LIST:", len(dsks))

                context = {
                    'member_json': member_json,
                    'dsks_json': dsks,
                error_json = resp.json()
                print(f"RESPONSE:\n", error_json)
                context = {
                    'error_json': error_json,

            return render(request, 'enrollments.html', context=context)

        elif (searchBy == 'byCrs'):
            print("Process by Course Only")
            error_json = {
                'message': 'Searching by Course is not currently supported'
            print(f"RESPONSE:\n", error_json)
            context = {
                'error_json': error_json,
            return render(request, 'enrollments.html', context=context)

        elif (searchBy == 'byUsr'):
            print("Process by User Only")
            error_json = {
                'message': 'Searching by Course is not currently supported'
            print(f"RESPONSE:\n", error_json)
            context = {
                'error_json': error_json,
            return render(request, 'enrollments.html', context=context)

            print("Cannot process request")
            error_json = {'message': 'Cannot process request'}
            print(f"RESPONSE:\n", error_json)
            context = {
                'error_json': error_json,
            return render(request, 'enrollments.html', context=context)

    elif (task == 'process'):
        # print incoming parameters and then afterward submit the patch request.

        if (searchBy == 'byCrsUsr'):
            print("processing by crsusr")
            print('Request:\n ')

            payload = {}
            if (request.GET.get('isAvailabilityUpdateRequired1')):
                if (request.GET.get('isAvailabilityUpdateRequired1') == 'true'
                    payload = {
                        'availability': {
            if (request.GET.get('isDataSourceKeyUpdateRequired1')):
                if (request.GET.get('isDataSourceKeyUpdateRequired1') == 'true'
                    payload["dataSourceId"] = request.GET.get(

            for x, y in payload.items():
                print(x, y)

            # Build and make bb request...
            crs = "externalId:" + request.GET.get('crsExternalId')
            print("crs:", crs)
            usr = "******" + request.GET.get('usrExternalId')
            print("usr", usr)

            resp = bb.UpdateMembership(
                    'id, user.userName, user.name.given, user.name.middle, user.name.family, user.externalId, user.contact.email, availability.available, user.availability.available, dataSourceId, created'
            if (resp.status_code == 200):
                result_json = resp.json()  #return actual error
                dskresp = bb.GetDataSource(
                    dataSourceId=result_json['dataSourceId'], sync=True)
                dsk_json = dskresp.json()
                result_json['dataSourceId'] = dsk_json['externalId']

                context = {
                    'result_json': result_json,
                error_json = resp.json()
                print(f"RESPONSE:\n", error_json)
                context = {
                    'error_json': error_json,

            return render(request, 'enrollments.html', context=context)

            # crs="externalId:" + searchValueCrs
            # usr="******" + searchValueUsr
            # resp = bb.UpdateMembership(courseId=crs, userId = usr, params = {'expand':'user', 'fields':'id, user.userName, user.name.given, user.name.middle, user.name.family, user.externalId, user.contact.email, availability.available, user.availability.available, dataSourceId, created'}, sync=True )
            # if (resp.status_code == 200):
            #     member_json = resp.json() #return actual error
            #     dskresp = bb.GetDataSource(dataSourceId = member_json['dataSourceId'], sync=True)
            #     dsk_json = dskresp.json()
            #     member_json['dataSourceId'] = dsk_json['externalId']
            #     member_json['crsExternalId'] = searchValueCrs
            #     member_json['searchBy'] = searchBy
            #     dskresp = bb.GetDataSources(params={'fields':'id, externalId'}, sync=True)
            #     dsks_json = dskresp.json()
            #     print ("DSKS:\n", dsks_json["results"])
            #     print ("SIZE OF DSK LIST:", len(dsks_json["results"]))

            #     context = {
            #       'member_json': member_json,
            #       'dsks_json': dsks_json["results"],
            #     }
            # else:
            #     error_json = resp.json()
            #     print (f"RESPONSE:\n", error_json)
            #     context = {
            #         'error_json': error_json,
            #     }

            #return render(request, 'enrollments.html', context=context)

        result_json = {"brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964}

        print(f"RESPONSE:\n", result_json)

        context = {
            'result_json': result_json,

        return render(request, 'enrollments.html', context=context)

        return render(request, 'enrollments.html')
from bbrest import BbRest
import Config
key = Config.dict['learn_rest_key']
secret = Config.dict['learn_rest_secret']
learnfqdn = Config.dict['learn_rest_fqdn']
bb = BbRest(
    key, secret, f"https://{learnfqdn}"
)  # Does a lot! Get the system version, pull in the functions from dev portal, 2-legged authentication w/ caching of token."
Ejemplo n.º 13
def bb_session():
    bb = BbRest(url=ge('bburl'), key=ge('bbkey'), secret=ge('bbsecret'))
    bb_s = sessions.BaseUrlSession(base_url=f"{ge('bburl')}/learn/api/public/")

    return bb_s
Ejemplo n.º 14
from pprint import pprint

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from bbrest import BbRest

with open(f'{Path.home()}/macecomp_config.json') as file:
    CONFIG = json.load(file)

# Connect to database
db_engine = create_engine(

bb = BbRest(**CONFIG['REST'])

def configure(file_path=None):
    """Read or alter configuration file."""
    if not file_path:

    with open(file_path) as new_config_file, \
            open(f'{Path.home()}/macecomp_config.json', 'w+') as config_file:
        json.dump(json.load(new_config_file), config_file, indent=4)

# credit: https://gist.github.com/vladignatyev/06860ec2040cb497f0f3
def progress(count, total, status=''):
def users(request):
    task = request.GET.get('task')
    searchBy = request.GET.get('searchBy')
    searchValueUsr = request.GET.get('searchValueUsr')
    if (searchValueUsr is not None):
        searchValueUsr = searchValueUsr.strip()
    print("SEARCHBY: ", searchBy)
    print("SEARCHVALUEUSR: "******"TASK: ", task)
    """View function for users page of site."""
    bb_json = request.session.get('bb_json')
    if (bb_json is None):
        bb = BbRest(KEY, SECRET, f"https://{LEARNFQDN}")
        bb_json = jsonpickle.encode(bb)
        print('pickled BbRest putting it on session')
        request.session['bb_json'] = bb_json
        request.session['target_view'] = 'users'
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('get_auth_code'))
        print('got BbRest from session')
        bb = jsonpickle.decode(bb_json)
        if bb.is_expired():
            print('expired token')
            request.session['bb_json'] = None
        bb.supported_functions()  # This and the following are required after
        bb.method_generator()  # unpickling the pickled object.
        print(f'expiration: {bb.expiration()}')

        context = {
            'learn_server': LEARNFQDN,
        return render(request, 'guestusernotallowed.html', context=context)

    if (task == 'search'):
        #Process request...
        print(f"USERS REQUEST: ACTION {task}")
        searchBy = request.GET.get('searchBy')
        searchValueUsr = request.GET.get('searchValue')
        if (searchValueUsr is not None):
            searchValueUsr = searchValueUsr.strip()
        print(f"USERS REQUEST: USR: {searchValueUsr}")
        print(f"Process by {searchBy}")
        if (searchBy == 'externalId'):
            usr = "******" + searchValueUsr
            print(f"user pattern: {usr}")
        elif (searchBy == 'userName'):
            usr = "******" + searchValueUsr
            print(f"user pattern: {usr}")
        resp = bb.GetUser(
                'id, userName, name.given, name.middle, name.family, externalId, contact.email, availability.available, dataSourceId, created'
        if (resp.status_code == 200):
            user_json = resp.json()
            dskresp = bb.GetDataSource(dataSourceId=user_json['dataSourceId'],
            dsk_json = dskresp.json()
            user_json['dataSourceId'] = dsk_json['externalId']
            user_json['searchValueUsr'] = searchValueUsr
            user_json['searchBy'] = searchBy
            dskresp = bb.GetDataSources(params={'fields': 'id, externalId'},
            dsks_json = dskresp.json()
            print("DSKS:\n", dsks_json["results"])
            dsks = dsks_json["results"]
            dsks = sortDsk(dsks)
            print("SIZE OF DSK LIST:", len(dsks))

            context = {
                'user_json': user_json,
                'dsks_json': dsks,
            error_json = resp.json()
            print(f"RESPONSE:\n", error_json)
            context = {
                'error_json': error_json,

        return render(request, 'users.html', context=context)

    if (task == 'process'):
        print(f"USERS REQUEST: ACTION {task}")
        print(f"Process by {searchBy}")
        print('Request:\n ')
        payload = {}
        if (request.GET.get('isAvailabilityUpdateRequired1')):
            if (request.GET.get('isAvailabilityUpdateRequired1') == 'true'):
                payload = {
                    'availability': {
                        "available": request.GET.get('selectedAvailability')
        if (request.GET.get('isDataSourceKeyUpdateRequired1')):
            if (request.GET.get('isDataSourceKeyUpdateRequired1') == 'true'):
                payload["dataSourceId"] = request.GET.get(

        for x, y in payload.items():
            print(x, y)

        # Build and make bb request...
        if (searchBy == 'externalId'):
            usr = "******" + searchValueUsr
        elif (searchBy == 'userName'):
            usr = "******" + searchValueUsr

        print(f"user pattern: {usr}")

        resp = bb.UpdateUser(
                'id, userName, name.given, name.middle, name.family, externalId, contact.email, availability.available, dataSourceId, created'
        if (resp.status_code == 200):
            result_json = resp.json()  #return actual error
            dskresp = bb.GetDataSource(
                dataSourceId=result_json['dataSourceId'], sync=True)
            dsk_json = dskresp.json()
            result_json['dataSourceId'] = dsk_json['externalId']

            context = {
                'result_json': result_json,
            error_json = resp.json()
            print(f"RESPONSE:\n", error_json)
            context = {
                'error_json': error_json,

        return render(request, 'users.html', context=context)

    return render(request, 'users.html')