Ejemplo n.º 1
def setup_localization():
    """Setup localization messages."""

    #  English translation.
            "logic": {
                "common": {
                    "error": {
                        "header": "A logic error occurred (Code: $1):",
                        "description": "Description:"

    #  Chinese-simplified translation.
            "logic": {
                "common": {
                    "error": {
                        "header": "逻辑错误 (错误代码: $1):",
                        "description": "错取解释:"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def setup_localization():
    """Setup localization messages."""

    #  English translation.
            "parser": {
                "common": {
                    "error": {
                        "header": "A parser error occurred (Code: $1):",
                        "description": "Description:",
                        "traceback": "Traceback:"

    #  Chinese-simplified translation.
            "parser": {
                "common": {
                    "error": {
                        "header": "解释表达式发生错误 (错误代码: $1):",
                        "description": "错取解释:",
                        "traceback": "错误追踪:"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def setup_localization():
    """Setup localization messages."""

    #  English translation.
            "logic": {
                "balancer": {
                    "error": {
                        "side_eliminated": {
                            "All molecules in the chemical equation was eliminated.",
                            "All molecules on the left side of the chemical equation was eliminated.",
                            "All molecules on the right side of the chemical equation was eliminated."
                        "auto_arrange_with_multiple_answers": {
                            "Can't balance chemical equations (with auto-correction form) that have "
                            + "multiple answers."
                        "feature_disabled": {
                            "Auto-arranging feature has been disabled.",
                            "An correctable balancing error was found. But the error-correction "
                            + "feature has been disabled."

    #  Chinese-simplified translation.
            "logic": {
                "balancer": {
                    "error": {
                        "side_eliminated": {
                            "all": "该化学方程式中的所有分子都已被消去。",
                            "left": "该化学方程式中的等号左侧的所有分子都已被消去。",
                            "right": "该化学方程式中的等号右侧的所有分子都已被消去。"
                        "auto_arrange_with_multiple_answers": {
                            "description": "无法配平自动分界形式且包含多组解的化学方程式。"
                        "feature_disabled": {
                            "auto_arranging": "自动分界特性已被禁用。",
                            "error_correction": "发生了一个可纠正的配平错误,但纠错特性已被禁用。"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def setup_localization():
    """Setup localization messages."""

    #  English translation.
            "shell": {
                "console": {
                    "error": {
                        "invalid_character": {
                            "Found invalid character(s) in the expression."
                        "invalid_unknown_header": {
                            "description": "Invalid unknown header."
                        "file_reading_error": {
                            "description": "Can't read file \"$1\"."
                        "file_corrupted": {
                            "description": "Corrupted file \"$1\"."
                    "command": {
                        "header": "BCE - Chemical Equation Balancer",
                        "output_mathml": "Show output in MathML format.",
                        "disable_banner": "Disable the start-up banner.",
                        "Disable bundled abbreviations.",
                        "Disable the error-correction feature.",
                        "Disable the auto-arranging feature.",
                        "service_mode": "Start in service mode.",
                        "unknown_header": "Set the header of unknown symbols.",
                        "Load extra abbreviations from specified file.",
                        "language": "Set the software language." +
                        "(Available: \"en_US\" [English(US)], \"zh_CN\", \"zh_Hans\" [Simplified Chinese])",
                        "show_version": "Show the software version."
                    "application": {
                        "banner": "BCE V$1.$2.$3",
                        "Copyright (C) 2014 - 2018 The BCE Authors. All rights reserved.",
                        "version": "bce-$1.$2.$3"

    #  Chinese-simplified translation.
            "shell": {
                "console": {
                    "error": {
                        "invalid_character": {
                            "description": "表达式中存在无效字符。"
                        "invalid_unknown_header": {
                            "description": "无效的未知量符号前缀。"
                        "file_reading_error": {
                            "description": "无法读取文件 \"$1\"。"
                        "file_corrupted": {
                            "description": "文件 \"$1\" 已损坏。"
                    "command": {
                        "header": "BCE - 化学方程式配平程序",
                        "output_mathml": "将结果显示为 MathML 格式。",
                        "disable_banner": "禁用启动时标语。",
                        "disable_bundled_abbreviations": "禁用自带的各种缩写符号。",
                        "disable_error_correction": "禁用自动纠错特性。",
                        "disable_auto_arranging": "禁用自动分界特性。",
                        "service_mode": "从服务模式启动。",
                        "unknown_header": "设置系统未知量符号前缀。",
                        "load_abbreviations_file": "从指定文件中读取额外(非自带的)的缩写符号。",
                        "language": "设置软件语言。" +
                        "(可用选项: \"en_US\" [英语(美国)], \"zh_CN\", \"zh_Hans\" [中文(简体)])",
                        "version": "显示软件版本。"
                    "application": {
                        "banner": "BCE V$1.$2.$3",
                        "copyright": "版权所有 (C) 2014 - 2018 BCE 的作者,保留所有权利。",
                        "version": "bce-$1.$2.$3"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def setup_localization():
    """Setup localization messages."""

    #  English translation.
        "parser": {
            "mexp": {
                "error": {
                    "duplicated_decimal_dot": {
                        "description": "Duplicated decimal dot.",
                        "previous_dot": "Here's the previous decimal dot.",
                        "duplicated_dot": "Here's the duplicated decimal dot."
                    "protected_header": {
                        "description": "Used protected header.",
                        "message": "This symbol begins with the protected symbol header '$1'."
                    "unrecognized_token": {
                        "description": "Unrecognized token.",
                        "message": "This token can't be recognized."
                    "missing_operand": {
                        "description": "Missing operand.",
                        "left": "This operator has no left operand.",
                        "right": "This operator has no right operand."
                    "missing_operator": {
                        "description": "Missing operator.",
                        "multiply_before": "Missing a multiply operator before this token."
                    "unsupported_function": {
                        "description": "Unsupported function.",
                        "message": "The function '$1' hasn't been supported yet."
                    "no_content": {
                        "description": "No content.",
                        "in_parentheses": "There is no content between these parentheses.",
                        "in_argument": "This argument has no content."
                    "parenthesis_mismatch": {
                        "description": "Parenthesis mismatch.",
                        "left": "Missing left parenthesis matches with this parenthesis.",
                        "right": "Missing right parenthesis matches with this parenthesis.",
                        "incorrect": "Incorrect parenthesis, this parenthesis should be changed to '$1'."
                    "argument_count_mismatch": {
                        "description": "Argument count mismatch.",
                        "message": "This function requires $1 argument(s), but $2 argument(s) was/were provided."
                    "illegal_separator": {
                        "description": "Illegal argument separator.",
                        "message": "This argument separator was misplaced."
                    "divide_zero": {
                        "description": "Divide zero.",
                        "message": "The division is zero."
                    "domain_out_of_range": {
                        "description": "Domain is out of range.",
                        "message": "The value of the $1(st/nd/th) argument is out of its domain range."

    #  Chinese-simplified translation.
        "parser": {
            "mexp": {
                "error": {
                    "duplicated_decimal_dot": {
                        "description": "重复的小数点。",
                        "previous_dot": "这是上一个小数点。",
                        "duplicated_dot": "这是重复的小数点。"
                    "protected_header": {
                        "description": "使用了受保护的符号头.",
                        "message": "该符号使用了受保护的符号头 '$1'。"
                    "unrecognized_token": {
                        "description": "无法识别的记号。",
                        "message": "该记号无法被识别。"
                    "missing_operand": {
                        "description": "缺少操作数。",
                        "left": "该运算符没有左操作数。",
                        "right": "该运算符没有右操作数。"
                    "missing_operator": {
                        "description": "缺少操作符。",
                        "multiply_before": "该记号前面缺少一个乘号 (*)。"
                    "unsupported_function": {
                        "description": "不支持的函数。",
                        "message": "函数 '$1' 不被支持。"
                    "no_content": {
                        "description": "缺少内容。",
                        "in_parentheses": "该对括号内没有内容。",
                        "in_argument": "该参数缺少内容。"
                    "parenthesis_mismatch": {
                        "description": "括号不匹配。",
                        "left": "缺少与此括号相匹配的左括号。",
                        "right": "缺少与此括号相匹配的右括号。",
                        "incorrect": "不正确的括号,该括号应该为 '$1'。"
                    "argument_count_mismatch": {
                        "description": "参数个数不匹配。",
                        "message": "该函数需要 $1 个参数,但仅指定了 $2 个。"
                    "illegal_separator": {
                        "description": "非法的分隔符。",
                        "message": "该参数分隔符位于非法的位置。"
                    "divide_zero": {
                        "description": "除数为零。",
                        "message": "该除法的除数为零。"
                    "domain_out_of_range": {
                        "description": "定义域错误。",
                        "message": "第 $1 个参数的值超出了它的定义域。"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def setup_localization():
    """Setup localization messages."""

    #  English translation.
            "parser": {
                "molecule": {
                    "error": {
                        "parenthesis_mismatch": {
                            "Parenthesis mismatch.",
                            "Missing left parenthesis matches with this parenthesis.",
                            "Missing right parenthesis matches with this parenthesis.",
                            "Incorrect parenthesis, this parenthesis should be changed to '$1'."
                        "no_content": {
                            "description": "No content.",
                            "There is no content before this position.",
                            "There is no content after this position.",
                            "inside": "There is no content inside."
                        "parsing_mexp": {
                            "An error occurred when parsing and evaluating this math expression."
                        "parsing_abbreviation": {
                            "An error occurred when parsing the abbreviation.",
                            "An error occurred when parsing the expanded expression."
                        "unrecognized_token": {
                            "description": "Unrecognized token.",
                            "message": "This token is unexpected."
                        "unexpected_token": {
                            "Unexpected token.",
                            "Expect positivity descriptor(e+/e-) or an integer here.",
                            "Expect a '>' here.",
                            "Misplaced status descriptor. It should be put at the end of the "
                            + "molecule.",
                            "This token is unexpected."
                        "domain_error": {
                            "Domain error.",
                            "The prefix operand shouldn't be less than or equal to zero.",
                            "The electronic charge shouldn't be less than or equal to zero.",
                            "The suffix operand shouldn't be less than or equal to zero."
                        "exceed_operand": {
                            "Exceed operand.",
                            "The prefix operand is exceed and it should be removed.",
                            "The charge is exceed and it should be removed.",
                            "The suffix operand is exceed and it should be removed."
                        "element_eliminated": {
                            "description": "Element eliminated.",
                            "message": "Element '$1' was eliminated."
                        "unsupported_abbreviation": {
                            "description": "Unsupported abbreviation.",
                            "message": "The abbreviation is unsupported."

    #  Chinese-simplified translation.
            "parser": {
                "molecule": {
                    "error": {
                        "parenthesis_mismatch": {
                            "description": "括号不匹配。",
                            "left": "缺少与此括号相匹配的左括号。",
                            "right": "缺少与此括号相匹配的右括号。",
                            "incorrect": "不正确的括号,该括号应该为 '$1'。"
                        "no_content": {
                            "description": "缺少内容。",
                            "before": "该位置之前缺少内容。",
                            "after": "该位置之后缺少内容。",
                            "inside": "缺少内部内容。"
                        "parsing_mexp": {
                            "message": "在解析该数学表达式时发生错误。"
                        "parsing_abbreviation": {
                            "origin": "在解析该缩写时发生错误。",
                            "expand": "在解析该展开式时发生错误。"
                        "unrecognized_token": {
                            "description": "无法识别的记号。",
                            "message": "该记号无法被识别。"
                        "unexpected_token": {
                            "description": "未期望的记号。",
                            "这里被期望是一个电荷正负性描述符 (e+/e-) 或一个整数。",
                            "electronic_end": "这里被期望是一个 '>'。",
                            "other": "该符号未被期望。"
                        "domain_error": {
                            "description": "定义域错误。",
                            "prefix": "该前缀数不应该小于等于零。",
                            "electronic_charge": "该电量描述符的数值不应该小于等于零。",
                            "suffix": "该后缀数不应该小于等于零。"
                        "exceed_operand": {
                            "description": "多余的操作数",
                            "prefix": "该前缀操作数是多余的,它应当被删除。",
                            "electronic_charge": "该电量描述符是多余的,它应当被删除。",
                            "suffix": "该后缀操作数是多余的,它应当被删除。"
                        "element_eliminated": {
                            "description": "元素被消去。",
                            "message": "元素 '$1' 被消去。"
                        "unsupported_abbreviation": {
                            "description": "不支持的缩写。",
                            "message": "该所写不被支持。"
Ejemplo n.º 7
def setup_localization():
    """Setup localization messages."""

    #  English translation.
            "parser": {
                "cexp": {
                    "error": {
                        "parenthesis_mismatch": {
                            "Parenthesis mismatch.",
                            "Missing left parenthesis matches with this parenthesis.",
                            "Missing right parenthesis matches with this parenthesis."
                        "mixed_form": {
                            "Mixed form.",
                            "The chemical equation mixed normal form and auto-arranging form."
                        "empty_expression": {
                            "description": "Empty expression."
                        "no_content": {
                            "No content.",
                            "There is no content between these two operators.",
                            "There is no content before this operator.",
                            "There is no content after this operator."
                        "parsing_molecule": {
                            "An error occurred when parsing the molecule."
                        "duplicated_equal_sign": {
                            "description": "Duplicated equal sign.",
                            "previous": "Here's the previous equal sign.",
                            "duplicated": "Here's the duplicated one."
                        "only_one_molecule": {
                            "Only one molecule.",
                            "There is only one molecule in the chemical equation."
                        "no_equal_sign": {
                            "No equal sign.",
                            "There is no equal sign in this chemical equation."

    #  Chinese-simplified translation.
            "parser": {
                "cexp": {
                    "error": {
                        "parenthesis_mismatch": {
                            "description": "括号不匹配。",
                            "left": "缺少与此括号相匹配的左括号。",
                            "right": "缺少与此括号相匹配的右括号。",
                        "mixed_form": {
                            "description": "混合形式。",
                            "message": "该化学方程式同时包含了一般形式和自动分界形式。"
                        "empty_expression": {
                            "description": "空表达式。"
                        "no_content": {
                            "description": "缺少内容。",
                            "operator_between": "这两个操作符之间缺少内容。",
                            "operator_before": "该操作符之前缺少内容。",
                            "operator_after": "该操作符之后缺少内容。"
                        "parsing_molecule": {
                            "message": "在解析该分子式时发生错误。"
                        "duplicated_equal_sign": {
                            "description": "重复的等号。",
                            "previous": "这是上一个等号。",
                            "duplicated": "这是重复的等号。"
                        "only_one_molecule": {
                            "description": "单分子方程。",
                            "message": "该化学方程式中仅包含一个分子。"
                        "no_equal_sign": {
                            "description": "无等号。",
                            "message": "该化学方程式中无等号。"