Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_price_jobs_up_to_date(entries,
    """Get a list of trailing prices to fetch from a stream of entries.

    The list of dates runs from the latest available price up to the latest date.

      entries: list of Beancount entries
      date_last: The date up to where to find prices to as an exclusive range end.
      inactive: Include currencies with no balance at the given date. The default
        is to only include those currencies which have a non-zero balance.
      undeclared_source: A string, the name of the default source module to use to
        pull prices for commodities without a price source metadata on their
        Commodity directive declaration.
      A list of DatedPrice instances.
    price_map = prices.build_price_map(entries)

    # Find the list of declared currencies, and from it build a mapping for
    # tickers for each (base, quote) pair. This is the only place tickers
    # appear.
    declared_triples = find_currencies_declared(entries, date_last)
    currency_map = {(base, quote): psources
                    for base, quote, psources in declared_triples}

    # Compute the initial list of currencies to consider.
    if undeclared_source:
        # Use the full set of possible currencies.
        cur_at_cost = find_prices.find_currencies_at_cost(entries)
        cur_converted = find_prices.find_currencies_converted(
            entries, date_last)
        cur_priced = find_prices.find_currencies_priced(entries, date_last)
        currencies = cur_at_cost | cur_converted | cur_priced
        log_currency_list("Currency held at cost", cur_at_cost)
        log_currency_list("Currency converted", cur_converted)
        log_currency_list("Currency priced", cur_priced)
        default_source = import_source(undeclared_source)
        # Use the currencies from the Commodity directives.
        currencies = set(currency_map.keys())
        default_source = None

    log_currency_list("Currencies in primary list", currencies)

    # By default, restrict to only the currencies with non-zero balances
    # up to the given date.
    # Also, find the earliest start date to fetch prices from.
    # Look at both latest prices and start dates.
    lifetimes_map = lifetimes.get_commodity_lifetimes(entries)
    commodity_map = getters.get_commodity_directives(entries)
    price_start_dates = {}
    stale_currencies = set()

    if inactive:
        for base_quote in currencies:
            if lifetimes_map[base_quote]:
                # Use first date from lifetime
                lifetimes_map[base_quote] = [(lifetimes_map[base_quote][0][0],
                # Insert never active commodities into lifetimes
                # Start from date of currency directive
                base, _ = base_quote
                commodity_entry = commodity_map.get(base, None)
                lifetimes_map[base_quote] = [(commodity_entry.date, None)]
        #Compress any lifetimes based on compress_days
        lifetimes_map = lifetimes.compress_lifetimes_days(
            lifetimes_map, compress_days)

    #Trim lifetimes based on latest price dates.
    for base_quote in lifetimes_map:
        intervals = lifetimes_map[base_quote]
        result = prices.get_latest_price(price_map, base_quote)
        if (result is None or result[0] is None):
            lifetimes_map[base_quote] = \
            latest_price_date = result[0]
            date_first = latest_price_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
            if date_first < date_last:
                lifetimes_map[base_quote] = \
                # We don't need to update if we're already up to date.
                lifetimes_map[base_quote] = []

    # Remove currency pairs we can't fetch any prices for.
    if not default_source:
        keys = list(lifetimes_map.keys())
        for key in keys:
            if not currency_map.get(key, None):
                del lifetimes_map[key]

    # Create price jobs based on fetch rate
    if update_rate == 'daily':
        required_prices = lifetimes.required_daily_prices(lifetimes_map,
    elif update_rate == 'weekday':
        required_prices = lifetimes.required_daily_prices(lifetimes_map,
    elif update_rate == 'weekly':
        required_prices = lifetimes.required_weekly_prices(
            lifetimes_map, date_last)
        raise ValueError('Invalid Update Rate')

    jobs = []
    # Build up the list of jobs to fetch prices for.
    for key in required_prices:
        date, base, quote = key
        psources = currency_map.get((base, quote), None)
        if not psources:
            psources = [PriceSource(default_source, base, False)]

        jobs.append(DatedPrice(base, quote, date, psources))

    return sorted(jobs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_find_currencies_at_cost(self):
     currencies = find_prices.find_currencies_at_cost(self.entries)
     self.assertEqual({('XSP', 'CAD'), ('QQQ', 'USD')}, currencies)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_price_jobs_at_date(entries: data.Entries,
                           date: Optional[datetime.date] = None,
                           inactive: bool = False,
                           undeclared_source: Optional[str] = None):
    """Get a list of prices to fetch from a stream of entries.

    The active holdings held on the given date are included.

      entries: A list of beancount entries, the name of a file to process.
      date: A datetime.date instance.
      inactive: Include currencies with no balance at the given date. The default
        is to only include those currencies which have a non-zero balance.
      undeclared_source: A string, the name of the default source module to use to
        pull prices for commodities without a price source metadata on their
        Commodity directive declaration.
      A list of DatedPrice instances.

    # Find the list of declared currencies, and from it build a mapping for
    # tickers for each (base, quote) pair. This is the only place tickers
    # appear.
    declared_triples = find_currencies_declared(entries, date)
    currency_map = {(base, quote): psources
                    for base, quote, psources in declared_triples}

    # Compute the initial list of currencies to consider.
    if undeclared_source:
        # Use the full set of possible currencies.
        cur_at_cost = find_prices.find_currencies_at_cost(entries)
        cur_converted = find_prices.find_currencies_converted(entries, date)
        cur_priced = find_prices.find_currencies_priced(entries, date)
        currencies = cur_at_cost | cur_converted | cur_priced
        log_currency_list("Currency held at cost", cur_at_cost)
        log_currency_list("Currency converted", cur_converted)
        log_currency_list("Currency priced", cur_priced)
        default_source = import_source(undeclared_source)
        # Use the currencies from the Commodity directives.
        currencies = set(currency_map.keys())
        default_source = None

    log_currency_list("Currencies in primary list", currencies)

    # By default, restrict to only the currencies with non-zero balances at the
    # given date.
    if not inactive:
        balance_currencies = find_prices.find_balance_currencies(entries, date)
        log_currency_list("Currencies held in assets", balance_currencies)
        currencies = currencies & balance_currencies

    log_currency_list("Currencies to fetch", currencies)

    # Build up the list of jobs to fetch prices for.
    jobs = []
    for base_quote in currencies:
        psources = currency_map.get(base_quote, None)
        base, quote = base_quote

        # If there are no sources, create a default one.
        if not psources:
            psources = [PriceSource(default_source, base, False)]

        jobs.append(DatedPrice(base, quote, date, psources))
    return sorted(jobs)