Ejemplo n.º 1
def generateTestReportConf(infile, outfile, results, startTime, endTime):
    config = ConfigParser()
    config.optionxform = str

    if config.has_section(SECTION):
        # set the version to 2.0 so new keys are processed
        config.set(SECTION, 'report_version', '2.0')
        # Stores the original component value, some testsuite runs like HiveServer2Concurr, Sqoop
        # change this for reporting, but we need to preserve for log archiving for uniqueness
        config.set(SECTION, "TESTSUITE_COMPONENT", config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"))
        for option, value in config.items(SECTION):
                if ((option != "SECURE" and value != "")
                        or (Config.getEnv("HDP_STACK_INSTALLED").lower() == "false" and value != "")):
                elif option == "BUILD_ID":
                    # if REPO_URL is not set, set the BUILD_ID to 0
                    # otherwise get the BUILD_ID from the file
                    if config.get(SECTION, "REPO_URL") == "" or not config.has_option(SECTION, "REPO_URL"):
                        config.set(SECTION, option, 0)
                        config.set(SECTION, option, getBuildId(config.get(SECTION, "REPO_URL")))
                elif option == "HOSTNAME":
                    config.set(SECTION, option, socket.getfqdn())
                elif option == "COMPONENT_VERSION":
                    if not config.has_option(SECTION, "COMPONENT") or config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "":
                        config.set(SECTION, "COMPONENT", "Hadoop")
                    if "ambarieu-hdf" in config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"):
                        config.set(SECTION, option, getComponentVersion(config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT")))
                    elif "ambari" in config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"):
                        config.set(SECTION, option, getComponentVersion("Ambari"))
                        config.set(SECTION, option, getComponentVersion(config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT")))
                elif option == "OS":
                    if Machine.isWindows():
                        cmd = 'powershell (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption'
                        _exit_code, stdout = Machine.runasDeprecated(
                            user=Machine.getAdminUser(), cmd=cmd, passwd=Machine.getAdminPasswd()
                        config.set(SECTION, option, stdout)

                    osname = platform.dist()[0]
                    # hack to check for oracle os as there
                    # is no diff for python
                    if os.path.exists('/etc/oracle-release'):
                        osname = 'oracle'
                    ver = platform.dist()[1]
                    # Need a hack for SLES as python cannot determine 11.1 vs 11.3
                    if osname.lower() == 'suse':
                        # read the file /etc/SuSE-release and determine the patch version.
                        f = open('/etc/SuSE-release', 'r')
                        txt = f.read()
                        # get the patch level. For example
                        # PATCHLEVEL = 3
                        m = re.search('PATCHLEVEL = (.*)', txt, re.MULTILINE)
                        # if you find a match append to the version string
                        if m and m.group(1):
                            ver = '%s.%s' % (ver, m.group(1))

                    arch = platform.architecture()[0]

                    if os.path.exists('/etc/os-release'):
                            f = open('/etc/os-release', 'r')
                            txt = f.read()
                            m = re.search('NAME="(.*)"', txt, re.MULTILINE)
                            if m and m.group(1):
                                if m.group(1) == "Amazon Linux":
                                    osname = "amazonlinux"
                                    m = re.search('VERSION="(.*)"', txt, re.MULTILINE)
                                    if m and m.group(1):
                                        ver = m.group(1)
                                        if "2 (2017.12)" in ver:
                                            ver = "2"
                                    # the amzn ami which qe team is using is of 64 bit
                                    arch = "64bit"
                        except Exception:

                    config.set(SECTION, option, '%s-%s-%s' % (osname, ver, arch))
                elif option == "HDP_STACK":
                    if "ambari" in config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"):
                        from beaver.component.ambari import Ambari
                        hdpVersion = Ambari.getHDPVersion()
                        if hdpVersion and hdpVersion[0] in ('1', '2'):
                            config.set(SECTION, option, "h" + hdpVersion[0])
                            config.set(SECTION, option, 'h2')
                        hadoopVersion = getComponentVersion("Hadoop")
                        if hadoopVersion and hadoopVersion[0] in ('1', '2'):
                            config.set(SECTION, option, "h" + hadoopVersion[0])
                elif option == "TDE":
                    from beaver.component.hadoop import HDFS2
                    if HDFS2.isKMSEnabled():
                        config.set(SECTION, option, "on")
                        config.set(SECTION, option, "off")

                elif option == "SECURE":
                    if "ambari" in config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"):
                        from beaver.component.ambari import Ambari

                        config.set(SECTION, option, str(Ambari.isSecure()).lower())
                        secure_str = str(Ambari.isSecure()).lower()
                        from beaver.component.hadoop import Hadoop
                        secure_str = str(Hadoop.isSecure()).lower()
                        if config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2Concurr":
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard")
                            if Hadoop.isSecure():
                                config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Kerberos")
                                config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Unsecure")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "Binary")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "false")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false")
                        elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrHTTP":
                            if Hadoop.isEncrypted():
                                secure_str += "-http-en"
                                secure_str += "-http"
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard")
                            if Hadoop.isSecure():
                                config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Kerberos")
                                config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Unsecure")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "HTTP")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "false")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false")
                        elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrLDAP":
                            if Hadoop.isEncrypted():
                                secure_str += "-ldap-en"
                                secure_str += "-ldap"
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "LDAP")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "Binary")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "false")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false")
                        elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrLDAPHTTP":
                            if Hadoop.isEncrypted():
                                secure_str += "-ldap-http-en"
                                secure_str += "-ldap-http"
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "LDAP")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "HTTP")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "false")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false")
                        elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrSSL":
                            if Hadoop.isEncrypted():
                                secure_str += "-ssl-en"
                                secure_str += "-ssl"
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Unsecure")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "Binary")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "true")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false")
                        elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrSSLHTTP":
                            if Hadoop.isEncrypted():
                                secure_str += "-ssl-http-en"
                                secure_str += "-ssl-http"
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Unsecure")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "HTTP")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "true")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false")
                        elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrTPUser":
                            if Hadoop.isEncrypted():
                                secure_str += "-tpuser-en"
                                secure_str += "-tpuser"
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Kerberos")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "Binary")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "false")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "true")
                        elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "HiveServer2ConcurrLongRunning":
                            if Hadoop.isEncrypted():
                                secure_str += "-longrun-en"
                                secure_str += "-longrun"
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authorization", "SQL Standard")
                            if Hadoop.isSecure():
                                config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Kerberos")
                                config.set(SECTION, "hs2_authentication", "Unsecure")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_transport", "Binary")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_ssl", "false")
                            config.set(SECTION, "hs2_trusted_proxy", "false")
                        elif config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "SqoopDb2":
                            config.set(SECTION, "COMPONENT", "Sqoop")
                            if Hadoop.isEncrypted():
                                secure_str += '-en'
                        config.set(SECTION, option, secure_str)
                elif option == "BLOB":
                elif option == "RAN":
                    # dont add skipped, just pass + fail + aborted
                    config.set(SECTION, option, results[0] + len(results[1]) + results[3])
                elif option == "PASS":
                    config.set(SECTION, option, results[0])
                elif option == "FAIL":
                    config.set(SECTION, option, len(results[1]))
                elif option == "SKIPPED":
                    config.set(SECTION, option, results[2])
                elif option == "ABORTED":
                    config.set(SECTION, option, results[3])
                elif option == "FAILED_TESTS":
                    failedTests = ",".join(results[1])
                    failureSummary = ReportHelper.getFailureSummary(failedTests)
                    config.set(SECTION, "FAILURE_SUMMARY", failureSummary)
                    tmpFailedTests = ReportHelper.getGroupedFailedTests(failedTests)
                    config.set(SECTION, option, ReportHelper.getMergedFailedTests(tmpFailedTests, failureSummary))
                elif option == "NUM_OF_DATANODES":
                    if "ambari" in config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"):
                        config.set(SECTION, option, "N/A")
                        from beaver.component.hadoop import HDFS

                        config.set(SECTION, option, HDFS.getDatanodeCount())
                elif option == "BUILD_URL":
                    if 'BUILD_URL' in os.environ:
                        config.set(SECTION, option, os.environ['BUILD_URL'])
                elif option == "HDP_RELEASE":
                    # If RU/RB, we must override HDP_RELEASE
                    #   (we can't fix this with product front. Discussed in BUG-31369.)
                    if config.get(SECTION, "TESTSUITE_COMPONENT").lower() in ["rollingupgrade", "rollback",
                                                                              "rollingupgrade-ha", "rollback-ha"]:
                        config.set(SECTION, option, "dal")
                        config.set(SECTION, option, getRepoId(config.get(SECTION, "REPO_URL")))
                elif option == "JDK":
                    config.set(SECTION, option, Machine.getJDK())
                elif option == "DB":
                    if not config.has_option(SECTION, "COMPONENT") or config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT") == "":
                        config.set(SECTION, "COMPONENT", "Hadoop")
                    config.set(SECTION, option, getDatabaseFlavor(config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT")))
            except Exception as error:
                logger.error("ERROR processing option: %s", option)
                logger.error("Exception: %s", error)
        # make sure Hadoop is installed before append Tez to the component name
        if Config.getEnv("HDP_STACK_INSTALLED").lower() == "true" and config.has_option(SECTION, "COMPONENT"):
            if "ambari" in config.get(SECTION, "COMPONENT"):
                kerberos_server_type = 'n/a'
                from beaver.component.ambari import Ambari
                if Ambari.isSecure():
                    kerberos_server_type = 'mit'
                config.set(SECTION, 'kerberos_server_type', kerberos_server_type)
                from beaver.component.hadoop import Hadoop, HDFS
                from beaver.component.slider import Slider

                # set execution_framework. New columns for dashboard v2
                # TODO: This needs to be improved to be component specific.
                if Hadoop.isTez():
                    if Slider.isInstalled():
                        config.set(SECTION, 'execution_framework', 'tez-slider')
                        config.set(SECTION, 'execution_framework', 'tez')
                    if Slider.isInstalled():
                        config.set(SECTION, 'execution_framework', 'mr-slider')
                        config.set(SECTION, 'execution_framework', 'mr')
                # set wire_encryption
                # TODO: This needs to be improved to be component specific.
                if Hadoop.isEncrypted():
                    config.set(SECTION, 'wire_encryption', 'true')
                    config.set(SECTION, 'wire_encryption', 'false')
                # set kerberos_server_type
                kerberos_server_type = 'n/a'
                if Hadoop.isSecure():
                    kerberos_server_type = 'mit'
                    # add a check for AD
                    if Machine.isLinux():
                        gateway = Config.get("machine", "GATEWAY")
                        Machine.copyToLocal(Machine.getAdminUser(), gateway, '/etc/krb5.conf', '/tmp/krb5.conf')
                        f = open('/tmp/krb5.conf', 'r')
                        txt = f.read()
                        #Finding all the admin_server in the krb5.conf with ports, if any
                        p = re.compile('admin_server = ((?!FILE).*)')
                        admin_server_list_with_ports = p.findall(txt)
                        admin_server_list = []
                        for admin_server_with_port in admin_server_list_with_ports:
                        #If len is greater than 1, first checking if one of the admin server is AD host,
                        #  than to ensure that not all the hosts are AD hosts, checking if one of the admin
                        #  server is not in AD Hosts Lists.
                        if len(admin_server_list) > 1:
                            for ad_host in AD_HOSTS_LIST:
                                if ad_host in admin_server_list:
                                    for admin_server in admin_server_list:
                                        if admin_server not in AD_HOSTS_LIST:
                                            kerberos_server_type = 'ad+mit'
                            for ad_host in AD_HOSTS_LIST:
                                if ad_host in admin_server_list:
                                    kerberos_server_type = 'ad'
                config.set(SECTION, 'kerberos_server_type', kerberos_server_type)

                    from beaver.component.xa import Xa
                    # set argus. New column for dashboard v2
                    if Xa.isArgus():
                        config.set(SECTION, 'argus', 'true')
                        config.set(SECTION, 'argus', 'false')
                except Exception as error:
                    logger.error("ERROR processing argus")
                    logger.error("Exception: %s", error)

                #set TDE
                if HDFS.isKMSEnabled():
                    config.set(SECTION, 'tde', 'true')
                    config.set(SECTION, 'tde', 'false')

        config.set(SECTION, 'START_TIME', startTime)
        config.set(SECTION, 'END_TIME', endTime)
        coverage_summary_file = os.path.join(Config.getEnv('ARTIFACTS_DIR'), "coverage_summary.json")
        if os.path.exists(coverage_summary_file):
            fp = open(coverage_summary_file, "r")
            json_str = "\n".join(fp.readlines())
            coverage_summary = json.loads(json_str)
            for key, value in coverage_summary.items():
                config.set(SECTION, key, value)
        config.write(open(outfile, 'w'))

    elif config.has_section('SANDBOX'):
        out_config = ConfigParser()
        out_config.optionxform = str

        sb_type = config.get('SANDBOX', 'vm_env')
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'BUILD_ID', '0')
        ova_uri = ''
        if sb_type == 'VBOX':
            ova_uri = config.get(sb_type, 'vbox_ova_uri')
        elif sb_type == 'FUSION':
            ova_uri = config.get(sb_type, 'fus_ova_uri')
        if sb_type == 'HYPERV':
            ova_uri = config.get(sb_type, 'hyperv_ova_uri')
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'REPO_URL', ova_uri)
        sb_host = ''
        if os.name != 'nt':
            sb_host = os.popen("hostname -f").read().strip()
            sb_host = sb_host + '(' + os.popen("ifconfig en0 | grep 'inet ' | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}'"
                                               ).read().strip() + ')'
            sb_host = 'Kiev local host'
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'HOSTNAME', sb_host)

        out_config.set(SECTION, 'HDP_STACK', "h" + (config.get('VERSIONS', 'hadoop_version')[0]))
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'COMPONENT', 'SANDBOX')
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'TESTSUITE_COMPONENT', 'SANDBOX')

        if sb_type == 'HYPERV':
            sb_ver = 'hyper-v'
            tmp = ['%20', 'Hortonworks', 'VirtualBox', '.ova', 'VMware', '_']
            sb_ver = ova_uri.split('/')[5]
            for rstr in tmp:
                sb_ver = sb_ver.replace(rstr, '')

        out_config.set(SECTION, 'COMPONENT_VERSION', sb_ver)
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'CHECKSUM', 'N/A')

        ver_num = os.popen("sw_vers | grep 'ProductVersion:' | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}'").read().strip()
        if sb_type == 'HYPERV':
            out_config.set(SECTION, 'OS', 'Windows 8.1')
            out_config.set(SECTION, 'OS', 'MAC OS X ' + ver_num)
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'SECURE', 'false')
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'TYPE', 'System, UI')
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'BLOB', 'N/A')
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'PKG', 'OVA')
        if sb_type == 'VBOX':
            out_config.set(SECTION, 'INSTALLER', 'Oracle VirtualBox')
        elif sb_type == 'FUSION':
            out_config.set(SECTION, 'INSTALLER', 'VMWare Fusion')
        elif sb_type == 'HYPERV':
            out_config.set(SECTION, 'INSTALLER', 'Windows Hyper-V')
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'RAN', results[0] + len(results[1]) + results[3])
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'PASS', results[0])
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'FAIL', len(results[1]))
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'SKIPPED', results[2])
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'ABORTED', results[3])
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'FAILED_DEPENDENCY', 'N/A')
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'FAILED_TESTS', ",".join(results[1]))

        out_config.set(SECTION, 'NUM_OF_DATANODES', '1')
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'HDP_RELEASE', ova_uri.split('/')[4])
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'JDK', '1.6.0_51')
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'DB', 'N/A')
        out_config.set(SECTION, 'BROWSER', config.get('SANDBOX', 'test_browser'))

        out_config.write(open(outfile, 'w'))
Ejemplo n.º 2
# company and Hortonworks, Inc, any use, reproduction, modification,
# redistribution, sharing, lending or other exploitation of all or
# any part of the contents of this file is strictly prohibited.
from beaver.config import Config
from beaver.machine import Machine
from beaver.component.ambari import Ambari
from beaver.component.hadoop import Hadoop, YARN
from beaver.component.zookeeper import Zookeeper
from beaver import util
import os, re, random, logging, time, ast
from taskreporter.taskreporter import TaskReporter

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
HDP_Version = re.search(r'\d.\d.\d.(\d.\d.\d).*', Ambari.getHDPVersion()).group(1)

class Hive1:
    _hiveHome = '/usr/hdp/current/hive-client'
    _hiveMetastoreHosts = None
    _hiveServer2Hosts = None
    _hiveMetastorePort = None
    _hiveServer2Port = None
    _hiveLogDir = None
    _compSvcMap = {'metastore': 'HIVE_METASTORE', 'hiveserver2': 'HIVE_SERVER'}
    # hiveserver timeout to be reverted back to 300, once schematool run restricted to install/upgrade
    _compSvcTimeouts = {'metastore': 300, 'hiveserver2': 600}
    _ambariConfigMap = {
        'hive-site.xml': 'hive-site',
        'hiveserver2-site.xml': 'hiveserver2-site',