Ejemplo n.º 1
	def testBatch(self):
		eps = 1e-14
		N = (2, 3, 4)

		coeffs = numpy.arange(N[0] * N[1] * N[2] * 2).reshape(2, N[0] * N[1] * N[2])

		fa = TestFunction(N, 1, coefficients=coeffs[0, :])
		fb = TestFunction(N, 1, coefficients=coeffs[1, :])
		p = FHT3D(N, 1)
		f2 = numpy.concatenate([fa(p.grid_x, p.grid_y, p.grid_z), fb(p.grid_x, p.grid_y, p.grid_z)])

		C = p.execute(f2, batch=2)
		self.assert_(C.shape == tuple([2] + list(N)))
		self.assert_(diff(C, coeffs.reshape(C.shape)) < eps)

		f_back = p.execute(C, batch=2, inverse=True)
		self.assert_(f_back.shape == (2, len(p.grid_z), len(p.grid_y), len(p.grid_x)))
		self.assert_(diff(f_back, f2.reshape(f_back.shape)) < eps)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def testBatch(self):
		eps = 1e-14
		N = 5

		coeffs = numpy.arange(N * 2).reshape(2, N)

		fa = TestFunction(self.env, N, 1, coefficients=coeffs[0, :])
		fb = TestFunction(self.env, N, 1, coefficients=coeffs[1, :])
		p = createFHTPlan(self.env, N, 1)
		f2 = self.env.toDevice(numpy.concatenate(
			[self.env.fromDevice(fa.data), self.env.fromDevice(fb.data)]))

		C = p.execute(f2, batch=2)
		self.assert_(C.shape == coeffs.shape)
		self.assert_(diff(self.env.fromDevice(C), coeffs) < eps)

		f_back = p.execute(C, batch=2, inverse=True)
		self.assert_(f_back.shape == (2, len(p.grid_x)))
			self.env.fromDevice(f2).reshape(f_back.shape)) < eps)
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def testHighOrderForward(self):

		eps = 1e-10

		for order in (2, 3):
			for N in ((1, 1, 1), (2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7)):
				for i in xrange(3):
					f = TestFunction(N, order)
					big_N = tuple(x + 1 for x in N)

					p1 = FHT3D(N, order)
					p2 = FHT3D(big_N, order)

					C1 = p1.execute(f(p1.grid_x, p1.grid_y, p1.grid_z))
					C2 = p2.execute(f(p2.grid_x, p2.grid_y, p2.grid_z))

					# check that decomposition with N + 1 modes has the same 0 .. N modes
					self.assert_(diff(C1, C2[0,:-1,:-1,:-1]) < eps)
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def testHighOrderForward(self):

		eps = 1e-11

		print "\nChecking that with increased number of modes previous terms do not change"
		for order in (2, 3):
			print "Order: " + str(order)
			for N in (20, 40, 60):
				f1 = TestFunction(self.env, N, order)
				f2 = TestFunction(self.env, N + 1, order)
				p1 = createFHTPlan(self.env, N, order)
				p2 = createFHTPlan(self.env, N + 1, order)

				C1 = p1.execute(f1.data)
				C2 = p2.execute(f2.data)

				d = diff(self.env.fromDevice(C1).reshape(N),
					self.env.fromDevice(C2).reshape(N + 1)[:-1])
				print "N = {N}, diff = {d}".format(N=N, d=d)
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def test_coeffs(self, C):
		return diff(self.env.fromDevice(C).reshape(self.coefficients.shape), self.coefficients)
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def test(self, results):
		return diff(self.env.fromDevice(self.data),