Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: rdm.py Proyecto: Klimaks/beets
def random_item(lib, config, opts, args):
    query = decargs(args)
    path = opts.path
    fmt = opts.format

    if fmt is None:
        # If no specific template is supplied, use a default
        if opts.album:
            fmt = u'$albumartist - $album'
            fmt = u'$artist - $album - $title'
    template = Template(fmt)

    if opts.album:
        objs = list(lib.albums(query=query))
        objs = list(lib.items(query=query))
    number = min(len(objs), opts.number)
    objs = random.sample(objs, number)

    if opts.album:
        for album in objs:
            if path:
        for item in objs:
            if path:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def list_items(lib, query, album, path, fmt):
    """Print out items in lib matching query. If album, then search for
    albums instead of single items. If path, print the matched objects'
    paths instead of human-readable information about them.
    if fmt is None:
        # If no specific template is supplied, use a default.
        if album:
            fmt = u'$albumartist - $album'
            fmt = u'$artist - $album - $title'
    template = Template(fmt)

    if album:
        for album in lib.albums(query):
            if path:
            elif fmt is not None:
        for item in lib.items(query):
            if path:
            elif fmt is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _destination(self, filename, mapping):
        '''Returns a destination path a file should be moved to. The filename
        is unique to ensure files aren't overwritten. This also checks the
        config for path formats based on file extension allowing the use of
        beets' template functions. If no path formats are found for the file
        extension the original filename is used with the album path.
            - ripped from beets/library.py
        file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]

        for query, path_format in self.path_formats:
            query_ext = '.' + query[4:]
            if query_ext == file_ext.decode('utf8'):
            # No query matched; use original filename
            file_path = os.path.join(mapping['albumpath'],
            return file_path

        if isinstance(path_format, Template):
            subpath_tmpl = path_format
            subpath_tmpl = Template(path_format)

        # Get template funcs and evaluate against mapping
        funcs = DefaultTemplateFunctions().functions()
        file_path = subpath_tmpl.substitute(mapping, funcs) + file_ext.decode('utf8')

        # Sanitize filename
        filename = beets.util.sanitize_path(os.path.basename(file_path))
        dirname = os.path.dirname(file_path)
        file_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)

        return file_path
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _destination(self, filename, mapping):
        '''Returns a destination path a file should be moved to. The filename
        is unique to ensure files aren't overwritten. This also checks the
        config for path formats based on file extension allowing the use of
        beets' template functions. If no path formats are found for the file
        extension the original filename is used with the album path.
            - ripped from beets/library.py
        file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]

        for query, path_format in self.path_formats:
            query_ext = '.' + query[4:]
            if query_ext == file_ext:
            # No query matched; use original filename
            file_path = os.path.join(mapping['albumpath'],
            return file_path

        if isinstance(path_format, Template):
            subpath_tmpl = path_format
            subpath_tmpl = Template(path_format)

        # Get template funcs and evaluate against mapping
        funcs = DefaultTemplateFunctions().functions()
        file_path = subpath_tmpl.substitute(mapping, funcs) + file_ext

        # Sanitize filename
        filename = beets.util.sanitize_path(os.path.basename(file_path))
        dirname = os.path.dirname(file_path)
        file_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)

        return file_path
    def _destination(self, filename, mapping):
        '''Returns a destination path a file should be moved to. The filename
        is unique to ensure files aren't overwritten. This also checks the
        config for path formats based on file extension allowing the use of
        beets' template functions. If no path formats are found for the file
        extension the original filename is used with the album path.
            - ripped from beets/library.py
        file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]

        for query, path_format in self.path_formats:
            query_ext = '.' + query[4:]
            if query_ext == file_ext:
            # No query matched; use original filename
            if self.remaining_folder!=[]:
                #remaining_folder = self.remaining_folder.replace('/','')+'/' # Make sure there is a trailing slash
                remaining_folder = self.remaining_folder+'/' # Make sure there is a trailing slash
                file_path = os.path.join(mapping['albumpath'],remaining_folder,
                file_path = os.path.join(mapping['albumpath'],
            return file_path

        if isinstance(path_format, Template):
            subpath_tmpl = path_format
            subpath_tmpl = Template(path_format)

        # Get template funcs and evaluate against mapping
        funcs = DefaultTemplateFunctions().functions()
        file_path = subpath_tmpl.substitute(mapping, funcs) + file_ext
        return file_path
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def evaluate_template(self, template, for_path=False):
     """Evaluate a template (a string or a `Template` object) using
     the object's fields. If `for_path` is true, then no new path
     separators will be added to the template.
     # Perform substitution.
     if isinstance(template, basestring):
         template = Template(template)
     return template.substitute(self.formatted(for_path),
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def evaluate_template(self, template, for_path=False):
     """Evaluate a template (a string or a `Template` object) using
     the object's fields. If `for_path` is true, then no new path
     separators will be added to the template.
     # Perform substitution.
     if isinstance(template, basestring):
         template = Template(template)
     return template.substitute(self.formatted(for_path),
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def evaluate_template(self, template, for_path=False):
        """Evaluate a template (a string or a `Template` object) using
        the object's fields. If `for_path` is true, then no new path
        separators will be added to the template.
        # Build value mapping.
        mapping = self._formatted_mapping(for_path)

        # Get template functions.
        funcs = self._template_funcs()

        # Perform substitution.
        if isinstance(template, basestring):
            template = Template(template)
        return template.substitute(mapping, funcs)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def evaluate_template(self, template, for_path=False):
        """Evaluate a template (a string or a `Template` object) using
        the object's fields. If `for_path` is true, then no new path
        separators will be added to the template.
        # Build value mapping.
        mapping = self._formatted_mapping(for_path)

        # Get template functions.
        funcs = self._template_funcs()

        # Perform substitution.
        if isinstance(template, basestring):
            template = Template(template)
        return template.substitute(mapping, funcs)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def destination(self, item, pathmod=None, in_album=False,
                 fragment=False, basedir=None):
     """Returns the path in the library directory designated for item
     item (i.e., where the file ought to be). in_album forces the
     item to be treated as part of an album. fragment makes this
     method return just the path fragment underneath the root library
     directory; the path is also returned as Unicode instead of
     encoded as a bytestring. basedir can override the library's base
     directory for the destination.
     pathmod = pathmod or os.path
     # Use a path format based on the album type, if available.
     if not item.album_id and not in_album:
         # Singleton track. Never use the "album" formats.
         if 'singleton' in self.path_formats:
             path_format = self.path_formats['singleton']
             path_format = self.path_formats['default']
     elif item.albumtype and item.albumtype in self.path_formats:
         path_format = self.path_formats[item.albumtype]
     elif item.comp and 'comp' in self.path_formats:
         path_format = self.path_formats['comp']
         path_format = self.path_formats['default']
     subpath_tmpl = Template(path_format)
     # Get the item's Album if it has one.
     album = self.get_album(item)
     # Build the mapping for substitution in the path template,
     # beginning with the values from the database.
     mapping = {}
     for key in ITEM_KEYS_META:
         # Get the values from either the item or its album.
         if key in ALBUM_KEYS_ITEM and album is not None:
             # From album.
             value = getattr(album, key)
             # From Item.
             value = getattr(item, key)
         mapping[key] = util.sanitize_for_path(value, pathmod, key)
     # Use the album artist if the track artist is not set and
     # vice-versa.
     if not mapping['artist']:
         mapping['artist'] = mapping['albumartist']
     if not mapping['albumartist']:
         mapping['albumartist'] = mapping['artist']
     # Perform substitution.
     subpath = subpath_tmpl.substitute(mapping, TEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS)
     # Encode for the filesystem, dropping unencodable characters.
     if isinstance(subpath, unicode) and not fragment:
         encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()
         subpath = subpath.encode(encoding, 'replace')
     # Truncate components and remove forbidden characters.
     subpath = util.sanitize_path(subpath)
     # Preserve extension.
     _, extension = pathmod.splitext(item.path)
     subpath += extension
     if fragment:
         return subpath
         basedir = basedir or self.directory
         return normpath(os.path.join(basedir, subpath))   
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def destination(self, item, pathmod=None, in_album=False,
                 fragment=False, basedir=None):
     """Returns the path in the library directory designated for item
     item (i.e., where the file ought to be). in_album forces the
     item to be treated as part of an album. fragment makes this
     method return just the path fragment underneath the root library
     directory; the path is also returned as Unicode instead of
     encoded as a bytestring. basedir can override the library's base
     directory for the destination.
     pathmod = pathmod or os.path
     # Use a path format based on a query, falling back on the
     # default.
     for query, path_format in self.path_formats:
         if query == PF_KEY_DEFAULT:
         query = AndQuery.from_string(query)
         if in_album:
             # If we're treating this item as a member of the item,
             # hack the query so that singleton queries always
             # observe the item to be non-singleton.
             for i, subquery in enumerate(query):
                 if isinstance(subquery, SingletonQuery):
                     query[i] = FalseQuery() if subquery.sense \
                                else TrueQuery()
         if query.match(item):
             # The query matches the item! Use the corresponding path
             # format.
         # No query matched; fall back to default.
         for query, path_format in self.path_formats:
             if query == PF_KEY_DEFAULT:
             assert False, "no default path format"
     subpath_tmpl = Template(path_format)
     # Get the item's Album if it has one.
     album = self.get_album(item)
     # Build the mapping for substitution in the path template,
     # beginning with the values from the database.
     mapping = {}
     for key in ITEM_KEYS_META:
         # Get the values from either the item or its album.
         if key in ALBUM_KEYS_ITEM and album is not None:
             # From album.
             value = getattr(album, key)
             # From Item.
             value = getattr(item, key)
         mapping[key] = util.sanitize_for_path(value, pathmod, key)
     # Use the album artist if the track artist is not set and
     # vice-versa.
     if not mapping['artist']:
         mapping['artist'] = mapping['albumartist']
     if not mapping['albumartist']:
         mapping['albumartist'] = mapping['artist']
     # Perform substitution.
     funcs = dict(TEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS)
     subpath = subpath_tmpl.substitute(mapping, funcs)
     # Encode for the filesystem, dropping unencodable characters.
     if isinstance(subpath, unicode) and not fragment:
         encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()
         subpath = subpath.encode(encoding, 'replace')
     # Truncate components and remove forbidden characters.
     subpath = util.sanitize_path(subpath, pathmod, self.replacements)
     # Preserve extension.
     _, extension = pathmod.splitext(item.path)
     subpath += extension
     if fragment:
         return subpath
         basedir = basedir or self.directory
         return normpath(os.path.join(basedir, subpath))   
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def destination(self, item, pathmod=None, in_album=False,
                 fragment=False, basedir=None):
     """Returns the path in the library directory designated for item
     item (i.e., where the file ought to be). in_album forces the
     item to be treated as part of an album. fragment makes this
     method return just the path fragment underneath the root library
     directory; the path is also returned as Unicode instead of
     encoded as a bytestring. basedir can override the library's base
     directory for the destination.
     pathmod = pathmod or os.path
     # Use a path format based on a query, falling back on the
     # default.
     for query, path_format in self.path_formats:
         if query == PF_KEY_DEFAULT:
         query = AndQuery.from_string(query)
         if in_album:
             # If we're treating this item as a member of the item,
             # hack the query so that singleton queries always
             # observe the item to be non-singleton.
             for i, subquery in enumerate(query):
                 if isinstance(subquery, SingletonQuery):
                     query[i] = FalseQuery() if subquery.sense \
                                else TrueQuery()
         if query.match(item):
             # The query matches the item! Use the corresponding path
             # format.
         # No query matched; fall back to default.
         for query, path_format in self.path_formats:
             if query == PF_KEY_DEFAULT:
             assert False, "no default path format"
     subpath_tmpl = Template(path_format)
     # Get the item's Album if it has one.
     album = self.get_album(item)
     # Build the mapping for substitution in the path template,
     # beginning with the values from the database.
     mapping = {}
     for key in ITEM_KEYS_META:
         # Get the values from either the item or its album.
         if key in ALBUM_KEYS_ITEM and album is not None:
             # From album.
             value = getattr(album, key)
             # From Item.
             value = getattr(item, key)
         mapping[key] = util.sanitize_for_path(value, pathmod, key)
     # Use the album artist if the track artist is not set and
     # vice-versa.
     if not mapping['artist']:
         mapping['artist'] = mapping['albumartist']
     if not mapping['albumartist']:
         mapping['albumartist'] = mapping['artist']
     # Perform substitution.
     funcs = dict(TEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS)
     subpath = subpath_tmpl.substitute(mapping, funcs)
     # Encode for the filesystem, dropping unencodable characters.
     if isinstance(subpath, unicode) and not fragment:
         encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()
         subpath = subpath.encode(encoding, 'replace')
     # Truncate components and remove forbidden characters.
     subpath = util.sanitize_path(subpath, pathmod, self.replacements)
     # Preserve extension.
     _, extension = pathmod.splitext(item.path)
     subpath += extension
     if fragment:
         return subpath
         basedir = basedir or self.directory
         return normpath(os.path.join(basedir, subpath))   
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def destination(self,
        """Returns the path in the library directory designated for item
        item (i.e., where the file ought to be). in_album forces the
        item to be treated as part of an album. fragment makes this
        method return just the path fragment underneath the root library
        directory; the path is also returned as Unicode instead of
        encoded as a bytestring. basedir can override the library's base
        directory for the destination.
        pathmod = pathmod or os.path

        # Use a path format based on the album type, if available.
        if not item.album_id and not in_album:
            # Singleton track. Never use the "album" formats.
            if 'singleton' in self.path_formats:
                path_format = self.path_formats['singleton']
                path_format = self.path_formats['default']
        elif item.albumtype and item.albumtype in self.path_formats:
            path_format = self.path_formats[item.albumtype]
        elif item.comp and 'comp' in self.path_formats:
            path_format = self.path_formats['comp']
            path_format = self.path_formats['default']
        subpath_tmpl = Template(path_format)

        # Get the item's Album if it has one.
        album = self.get_album(item)

        # Build the mapping for substitution in the path template,
        # beginning with the values from the database.
        mapping = {}
        for key in ITEM_KEYS_META:
            # Get the values from either the item or its album.
            if key in ALBUM_KEYS_ITEM and album is not None:
                # From album.
                value = getattr(album, key)
                # From Item.
                value = getattr(item, key)
            mapping[key] = util.sanitize_for_path(value, pathmod, key)

        # Use the album artist if the track artist is not set and
        # vice-versa.
        if not mapping['artist']:
            mapping['artist'] = mapping['albumartist']
        if not mapping['albumartist']:
            mapping['albumartist'] = mapping['artist']

        # Perform substitution.
        subpath = subpath_tmpl.substitute(mapping, TEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS)

        # Encode for the filesystem, dropping unencodable characters.
        if isinstance(subpath, unicode) and not fragment:
            encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()
            subpath = subpath.encode(encoding, 'replace')

        # Truncate components and remove forbidden characters.
        subpath = util.sanitize_path(subpath)

        # Preserve extension.
        _, extension = pathmod.splitext(item.path)
        subpath += extension

        if fragment:
            return subpath
            basedir = basedir or self.directory
            return normpath(os.path.join(basedir, subpath))