Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_parse_tags_with_tags_and_comment(self):
     tags = parse_tags(
         '@one  @two.three-four  @xxx # @fake-tag-in-comment xxx')
     eq_(len(tags), 3)
     eq_(tags, [
         model.Tag(name, 1) for name in (u'one', u'two.three-four', u'xxx')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def action_steps(self, line):
        stripped = line.lstrip()
        if stripped.startswith('"""') or stripped.startswith("'''"):
            self.state = 'multiline'
            self.multiline_start = self.line
            self.multiline_terminator = stripped[:3]
            self.multiline_leading = line.index(stripped[0])
            return True

        line = line.strip()

        step = self.parse_step(line)
        if step:
            return True

        if line.startswith('@'):
            self.tags.extend([model.Tag(tag.strip(), self.line)
                for tag in line[1:].split('@')])
            return True

        scenario_kwd = self.match_keyword('scenario', line)
        if scenario_kwd:
            name = line[len(scenario_kwd) + 1:].strip()
            self.statement = model.Scenario(self.filename, self.line,
                                            scenario_kwd, name, tags=self.tags)
            self.tags = []
            return True

        scenario_outline_kwd = self.match_keyword('scenario_outline', line)
        if scenario_outline_kwd:
            name = line[len(scenario_outline_kwd) + 1:].strip()
            self.statement = model.ScenarioOutline(self.filename, self.line,
                                                   scenario_outline_kwd, name,
            self.tags = []
            self.state = 'steps'
            return True

        examples_kwd = self.match_keyword('examples', line)
        if examples_kwd:
            if not isinstance(self.statement, model.ScenarioOutline):
                message = 'Examples must only appear inside scenario outline'
                raise ParserError(message, self.line)
            name = line[len(examples_kwd) + 1:].strip()
            self.examples = model.Examples(self.filename, self.line,
                                           examples_kwd, name)
            self.state = 'table'
            return True

        if line.startswith('|'):
            self.state = 'table'
            return self.action_table(line)

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_parses_feature_with_multiple_scenarios_with_tags(self):
        doc = u"""
Feature: Stuff

  Scenario: Doing stuff
    Given there is stuff
    When I do stuff
    Then stuff happens

  Scenario: Doing other stuff
    When stuff happens
    Then I am stuffed

  @lots @of @tags
  Scenario: Doing different stuff
    Given stuff
    Then who gives a stuff
        feature = parser.parse_feature(doc)
        eq_(feature.name, "Stuff")

        assert (len(feature.scenarios) == 3)

        eq_(feature.scenarios[0].name, 'Doing stuff')
        self.compare_steps(feature.scenarios[0].steps, [
            ('given', 'Given', 'there is stuff', None, None),
            ('when', 'When', 'I do stuff', None, None),
            ('then', 'Then', 'stuff happens', None, None),

        eq_(feature.scenarios[1].name, 'Doing other stuff')
        eq_(feature.scenarios[1].tags, [model.Tag(u'one_tag', 1)])
        self.compare_steps(feature.scenarios[1].steps, [
            ('when', 'When', 'stuff happens', None, None),
            ('then', 'Then', 'I am stuffed', None, None),

        eq_(feature.scenarios[2].name, 'Doing different stuff')
            [model.Tag(n, 1) for n in (u'lots', u'of', u'tags')])
        self.compare_steps(feature.scenarios[2].steps, [
            ('given', 'Given', 'stuff', None, None),
            ('then', 'Then', 'who gives a stuff', None, None),
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_parses_scenario_outline_with_tagged_examples1(self):
        # -- CASE: Examples with 1 tag-line (= 1 tag)
        doc = u'''
Feature: Alice

  Scenario Outline: Bob
    Given we have <Stuff>

    Examples: Charly
      | Stuff      | Things   |
      | wool       | felt     |
      | cotton     | thread   |
        feature = parser.parse_feature(doc)
        eq_(feature.name, "Alice")

        assert(len(feature.scenarios) == 1)
        scenario_outline = feature.scenarios[0]
        eq_(scenario_outline.name, "Bob")
        eq_(scenario_outline.tags, [model.Tag(u"foo", 1)])
        self.compare_steps(scenario_outline.steps, [
            ("given", "Given", "we have <Stuff>", None, None),

        table = model.Table(
            [u"Stuff", u"Things"], 0,
                [u"wool", u"felt"],
                [u"cotton", u"thread"],
        eq_(scenario_outline.examples[0].name, "Charly")
        eq_(scenario_outline.examples[0].table, table)
        eq_(scenario_outline.examples[0].tags, [model.Tag(u"bar", 1)])

        # -- ScenarioOutline.scenarios:
        # Inherit tags from ScenarioOutline and Examples element.
        eq_(len(scenario_outline.scenarios), 2)
        expected_tags = [model.Tag(u"foo", 1), model.Tag(u"bar", 1)]
        eq_(set(scenario_outline.scenarios[0].tags), set(expected_tags))
        eq_(set(scenario_outline.scenarios[1].tags), set(expected_tags))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_parses_feature_with_a_scenario_outline_with_tags(self):
        doc = u'''
Feature: Stuff

  @stuff @derp
  Scenario Outline: Doing all sorts of stuff
    Given we have <Stuff>
    When we do stuff
    Then we have <Things>

    Examples: Some stuff
      | Stuff      | Things   |
      | wool       | felt     |
      | cotton     | thread   |
      | wood       | paper    |
      | explosives | hilarity |
        feature = parser.parse_feature(doc)
        eq_(feature.name, "Stuff")

        assert(len(feature.scenarios) == 1)
        eq_(feature.scenarios[0].name, 'Doing all sorts of stuff')
        eq_(feature.scenarios[0].tags, [model.Tag(u'stuff', 1), model.Tag(u'derp', 1)])
        self.compare_steps(feature.scenarios[0].steps, [
            ('given', 'Given', 'we have <Stuff>', None, None),
            ('when', 'When', 'we do stuff', None, None),
            ('then', 'Then', 'we have <Things>', None, None),

        table = model.Table(
            [u'Stuff', u'Things'],
                [u'wool', u'felt'],
                [u'cotton', u'thread'],
                [u'wood', u'paper'],
                [u'explosives', u'hilarity'],
        eq_(feature.scenarios[0].examples[0].name, 'Some stuff')
        eq_(feature.scenarios[0].examples[0].table, table)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_parses_feature_with_a_tag_and_comment(self):
        doc = u"""
@foo    # Comment: ...
Feature: Stuff
  In order to thing
  As an entity
  I want to do stuff
        feature = parser.parse_feature(doc)
        eq_(feature.name, "Stuff")
            ["In order to thing", "As an entity", "I want to do stuff"])
        eq_(feature.tags, [model.Tag(u'foo', 1)])
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_parses_feature_with_more_tags_and_comment(self):
        doc = u"""
@foo @bar @baz @qux @winkle_pickers # Comment: @number8
Feature: Stuff
  In order to thing
  As an entity
  I want to do stuff
        feature = parser.parse_feature(doc)
        eq_(feature.name, "Stuff")
            ["In order to thing", "As an entity", "I want to do stuff"])
        eq_(feature.tags, [model.Tag(name, 1)
                           for name in (u'foo', u'bar', u'baz', u'qux', u'winkle_pickers')])
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def action_init(self, line):
        line = line.strip()

        if line.startswith('@'):
            self.tags.extend([model.Tag(tag.strip(), self.line)
                for tag in line[1:].split('@')])
            return True
        feature_kwd = self.match_keyword('feature', line)
        if feature_kwd:
            name = line[len(feature_kwd) + 1:].strip()
            self.feature = model.Feature(self.filename, self.line, feature_kwd,
                                         name, tags=self.tags)
            self.tags = []
            self.state = 'feature'
            return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def action_feature(self, line):
        line = line.strip()

        if line.startswith('@'):
            self.tags.extend([model.Tag(tag.strip(), self.line)
                for tag in line[1:].split('@')])
            return True

        background_kwd = self.match_keyword('background', line)
        if background_kwd:
            name = line[len(background_kwd) + 1:].strip()
            self.statement = model.Background(self.filename, self.line,
                                              background_kwd, name)
            self.feature.background = self.statement
            self.state = 'steps'
            return True

        scenario_kwd = self.match_keyword('scenario', line)
        if scenario_kwd:
            name = line[len(scenario_kwd) + 1:].strip()
            self.statement = model.Scenario(self.filename, self.line,
                                            scenario_kwd, name, tags=self.tags)
            self.tags = []
            self.state = 'steps'
            return True

        scenario_outline_kwd = self.match_keyword('scenario_outline', line)
        if scenario_outline_kwd:
            name = line[len(scenario_outline_kwd) + 1:].strip()
            self.statement = model.ScenarioOutline(self.filename, self.line,
                                                   scenario_outline_kwd, name,
            self.tags = []
            self.state = 'steps'
            return True

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def parse_tags(self, line):
        """Parse a line with one or more tags:

          * A tag starts with the AT sign.
          * A tag consists of one word without whitespace chars.
          * Multiple tags are separated with whitespace chars
          * End-of-line comment is stripped.

        :param line:   Line with one/more tags to process.
        :raise ParserError: If syntax error is detected.
        assert line.startswith("@")
        tags = []
        for word in line.split():
            if word.startswith("@"):
                tags.append(model.Tag(word[1:], self.line))
            elif word.startswith("#"):
                break  # -- COMMENT: Skip rest of line.
                # -- BAD-TAG: Abort here.
                raise ParserError(u"tag: %s (line: %s)" % (word, line),
                                  self.line, self.filename)
        return tags
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_parses_feature_with_the_lot(self):
        doc = u'''
# This one's got comments too.

Feature: Stuff
  In order to test my parser
  As a test runner
  I want to run tests

  # A møøse once bit my sister
    Given this is a test

  Scenario: Testing stuff
    Given we are testing
    And this is only a test
    But this is an important test
    When we test with a multiline string:
      Yarr, my hovercraft be full of stuff.
      Also, I be feelin' this pirate schtick be a mite overdone, me hearties.
          Also: rum.
    Then we want it to work

  #These comments are everywhere man
  Scenario Outline: Gosh this is long
    Given this is <length>
    Then we want it to be <width>
    But not <height>

    Examples: Initial
      | length | width | height |
# I don't know why this one is here
      | 1      | 2     | 3      |
      | 4      | 5     | 6      |

    Examples: Subsequent
      | length | width | height |
      | 7      | 8     | 9      |

  Scenario: This one doesn't have a tag
    Given we don't have a tag
    Then we don't really mind

  @stuff @derp
  Scenario Outline: Doing all sorts of stuff
    Given we have <Stuff>
    When we do stuff with a table:
      | a | b | c | d | e |
      | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
                             # I can see a comment line from here
      | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
    Then we have <Things>

    Examples: Some stuff
      | Stuff      | Things   |
      | wool       | felt     |
      | cotton     | thread   |
      | wood       | paper    |
      | explosives | hilarity |
        feature = parser.parse_feature(doc)
        eq_(feature.name, "Stuff")
        eq_(feature.tags, [model.Tag(u'derp', 1)])
        eq_(feature.description, [
            'In order to test my parser', 'As a test runner',
            'I want to run tests'

        assert (feature.background)
                           [('given', 'Given', 'this is a test', None, None)])

        assert (len(feature.scenarios) == 4)

        eq_(feature.scenarios[0].name, 'Testing stuff')
        eq_(feature.scenarios[0].tags, [model.Tag(u'fred', 1)])
        string = '\n'.join([
            'Yarr, my hovercraft be full of stuff.',
            "Also, I be feelin' this pirate schtick be a mite overdone, " + \
                "me hearties.",
            '    Also: rum.'
        self.compare_steps(feature.scenarios[0].steps, [
            ('given', 'Given', 'we are testing', None, None),
            ('given', 'And', 'this is only a test', None, None),
            ('given', 'But', 'this is an important test', None, None),
            ('when', 'When', 'we test with a multiline string', string, None),
            ('then', 'Then', 'we want it to work', None, None),

        eq_(feature.scenarios[1].name, 'Gosh this is long')
        eq_(feature.scenarios[1].tags, [])
        table = model.Table([u'length', u'width', u'height'], 0, [
            [u'1', u'2', u'3'],
            [u'4', u'5', u'6'],
        eq_(feature.scenarios[1].examples[0].name, 'Initial')
        eq_(feature.scenarios[1].examples[0].table, table)
        table = model.Table([u'length', u'width', u'height'], 0, [
            [u'7', u'8', u'9'],
        eq_(feature.scenarios[1].examples[1].name, 'Subsequent')
        eq_(feature.scenarios[1].examples[1].table, table)
        self.compare_steps(feature.scenarios[1].steps, [
            ('given', 'Given', 'this is <length>', None, None),
            ('then', 'Then', 'we want it to be <width>', None, None),
            ('then', 'But', 'not <height>', None, None),

        eq_(feature.scenarios[2].name, "This one doesn't have a tag")
        eq_(feature.scenarios[2].tags, [])
        self.compare_steps(feature.scenarios[2].steps, [
            ('given', 'Given', "we don't have a tag", None, None),
            ('then', 'Then', "we don't really mind", None, None),

        table = model.Table([u'Stuff', u'Things'], 0, [
            [u'wool', u'felt'],
            [u'cotton', u'thread'],
            [u'wood', u'paper'],
            [u'explosives', u'hilarity'],
        eq_(feature.scenarios[3].name, 'Doing all sorts of stuff')
            [model.Tag(u'stuff', 1),
             model.Tag(u'derp', 1)])
        eq_(feature.scenarios[3].examples[0].name, 'Some stuff')
        eq_(feature.scenarios[3].examples[0].table, table)
        table = model.Table([u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd', u'e'], 0, [
            [u'1', u'2', u'3', u'4', u'5'],
            [u'6', u'7', u'8', u'9', u'10'],
        self.compare_steps(feature.scenarios[3].steps, [
            ('given', 'Given', 'we have <Stuff>', None, None),
            ('when', 'When', 'we do stuff with a table', None, table),
            ('then', 'Then', 'we have <Things>', None, None),
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_parse_tags_with_more_tags(self):
     tags = parse_tags('@one  @two.three-four  @xxx')
     eq_(len(tags), 3)
     eq_(tags, [
         model.Tag(name, 1) for name in (u'one', u'two.three-four', u'xxx')