Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, graph, outfile):
        self.outfile = outfile
        self.graph = graph

        self.network = nx.MultiDiGraph()
        edge_labels = set()

        # iterate through rdf triples and add to the network graph
        # NOTE: could also iterate through the graph by contexts...
        for cx in self.graph.contexts():
            for triple in cx.triples((None, None, None)):
                subj, pred, obj = triple

                # NOTE: skipping rdf sequences here because treating
                # as normal triples makes for weird results
                if pred == rdflib.RDF.first or pred == rdflib.RDF.rest:

                # make sure subject and object are added to the graph as nodes,
                # if appropriate

                # get the short-hand name for property or edge label
                name = self._edge_label(pred)

                # if the object is a literal, add it to the node as a property of the subject
                if subj in self.network and isinstance(obj, rdflib.Literal) \
                  or pred == rdflib.RDF.type:
                    if pred == rdflib.RDF.type:
                        ns, val = rdflib.namespace.split_uri(obj)
                        # special case (for now)
                        if val == 'Manuscript' and isinstance(cx.value(subj, rdfns.DC.title), rdflib.BNode):
                            val = 'BelfastGroupSheet'
                        val = unicode(obj)

                    self.network.node[self._uri_to_node_id(subj)][name] = normalize_whitespace(val)

                # otherwise, add an edge between the two resource nodes
                    # NOTE: gephi doesn't support multiple edges, and
                    # the d3/json output probably elides them also.
                    # Consider instead: if an edge already exists,
                    # add to the strength of the exesting edge
                            weight=connection_weights.get(name, 1))

        print '%d nodes, %d edges in full network' % \
            (self.network.number_of_nodes(), self.network.number_of_edges())

        # TODO: useful for verbose output? (also report on relations with no weight?)
        #print 'edge labels: %s' % ', '.join(edge_labels)

        gexf.write_gexf(self.network, self.outfile)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _node_label(self, res):
        # NOTE: consider adding/calculating a preferredlabel
        # for important nodes in our data
        name = None

        # *first* use preferred label if available
        names = self.graph.preferredLabel(res)
        # returns list of labelprop (preflabel or label), value
        # if we got any matches, grab the first value
        if names:
            name = names[0][1]

        # second check for schema.org name, if we have one
        if not name:
            name = self.graph.value(res, rdfns.SCHEMA_ORG.name)

        if name:
            return normalize_whitespace(name)

        title = self.graph.value(res, rdfns.DC.title)
        if title:
            # if title is a bnode, convert from list/collection
            if isinstance(title, rdflib.BNode):
                title_list = RdfCollection(self.graph, title)
                title = 'Group sheet: ' + '; '.join(title_list)
                # truncate list if too long
                if len(title) > 50:
                    title = title[:50] + ' ...'

            # otherwise, title should be a literal (no conversion needed)

            return normalize_whitespace(title)

        # as a fall-back, use type for a label
        type = self.graph.value(res, rdflib.RDF.type)
        if type:
            ns, short_type = rdflib.namespace.split_uri(type)
            return short_type