Ejemplo n.º 1
def order(request, pp):
    mum = getCurrentMother(request)
    slot = int(request.GET['slot'])

    otype, olvl = pp.getPair(slot)

    if otype == 0:
        return HttpResponse('ZEROSLOT')     # Cannot upgrade something that doesnt exist

    costs = getCosts(pp, getRace(request), olvl, otype)
    if pp.owner != getAccount(request):
        return HttpResponse('ACCOUNT')
    if costs[0] > getResourceIndex(request).stateUpdate():
        return HttpResponse('COSTS')
    if pp.getPendingBuildingsCount() > 0:
        return HttpResponse('QUEUE')

    note(request, LP_BUILD_ORDERED, pid=pp.province.id,
    orderBuild(pp, mum, otype, slot, costs)
    return HttpResponse('OK')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def erect(request, pp):  
    mum = getCurrentMother(request)

    slot = None
    for i in xrange(0, pp.province.slots):
        if pp.getPair(i)[0] == 0:
            slot = i
    if slot == None:
        return HttpResponse('NOFREESLOTS')

    what = int(request.GET['what'])

    otype, olvl = pp.getPair(slot)

    if otype != 0:
        return HttpResponse('NONZEROSLOT') # Can't build in occupied space

    costs = getCosts(pp, getRace(request), 0, what)

    if pp.owner != getAccount(request):
        return HttpResponse('ACCOUNT')
    if costs[0] > getResourceIndex(request).stateUpdate():
        return HttpResponse('COSTS')
    if pp.getPendingBuildingsCount() > 0:
        return HttpResponse('QUEUE')

    if (otype == 1) and (pp.province.titan_coef == 0):
        return HttpResponse('RSFAIL_TITAN')
    if (otype == 2) and (pp.province.pluton_coef == 0):
        return HttpResponse('RSFAIL_TITAN')
    if (otype == 3) and (pp.province.town_coef == 0):
        return HttpResponse('RSFAIL_TITAN')

    note(request, LP_BUILD_ORDERED, pid=pp.province.id,

    orderBuild(pp, mum, what, slot, costs)
    return HttpResponse('OK')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dx_html(request, prov, mum=None):

    ## Uh, take a note that this still needs to limit displaying provinces we don't have a ship at
    if mum == None:
        mum = getCurrentMother(request)

    mother_evacs = LandarmyMotherPickupOrder.objects.filter(province=prov).filter(mother__owner=getAccount(request))
    outgoing_units = LandarmyProvintionalStrikeOrder.objects.filter(srcprovince=prov)

    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            # MY drops incoming at THIS province
        mother_drops = LandarmyPlanetaryStrikeOrder.objects.filter(province=prov).filter(mother__owner=getAccount(request))
            # MY attacks INCOMING at THIS province
        prov_target = LandarmyProvintionalStrikeOrder.objects.filter(dstprovince=prov).filter(attacker=getAccount(request))

        return render_to_string('space/planetview/generator/unclaimed.html',{'pgo':PrimaryGUIObject(request),

    if prov.presence.owner != getAccount(request):
            # MY drops incoming at THIS province
        mother_drops = LandarmyPlanetaryStrikeOrder.objects.filter(province=prov).filter(mother__owner=getAccount(request))
            # MY moves INCOMING at THIS province
        prov_target = LandarmyProvintionalStrikeOrder.objects.filter(dstprovince=prov).filter(attacker=getAccount(request))
            reif = Reinforcement.objects.filter(owner=getAccount(request)).get(presence=prov.presence)
            return render_to_string('space/planetview/generator/public.html',{'pgo':PrimaryGUIObject(request),
            return render_to_string('space/planetview/generator/reinforcer.html',{'pgo':PrimaryGUIObject(request),

    pbs = prov.presence.getPendingBuilds()
    d = {}
    for b in pbs:
        d[b.slot] = b

    firstclear = None
    costs = {}

    for i in xrange(0, prov.slots):
        otype, olvl = prov.presence.getPair(i)
        if otype == 0:
            if firstclear == None:
                firstclear = i
            costs[i] = getCosts(prov.presence, getRace(request), olvl, otype)

    gcosts = {}
    canerect = {}
    for i in xrange(1, MPBI+1):
        gcosts[i] = getCosts(prov.presence, getRace(request), 0, i)
        canerect[i] = True

    canerect[1] = (prov.titan_coef > 0)
    canerect[2] = (prov.pluton_coef > 0)
    canerect[3] = (prov.town_coef > 0)

        # ANY drops incoming at THIS province
    drops = LandarmyPlanetaryStrikeOrder.objects.filter(province=prov)
        # MY moves INCOMING at THIS province
    prov_target = LandarmyProvintionalStrikeOrder.objects.filter(dstprovince=prov)
        # MY moves OUTBOUND from THIS province
    outgoing_units = LandarmyProvintionalStrikeOrder.objects.filter(srcprovince=prov)
        # MY evacuations from THIS province
    evacs = LandarmyMotherPickupOrder.objects.filter(province=prov)
    return render_to_string('space/planetview/generator/private.html',{'pgo':PrimaryGUIObject(request),