Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_problem():
    """Unconstrained Double integrator problem ."""

    # Rename this and/or move to optim package?
    problem = beluga.optim.Problem('brysondenham')

    # Define independent variables
    problem.independent('t', 's')

    # Define equations of motion
    problem.state('x', 'v','m')   \
           .state('v', 'u','m/s')   \
    # Define controls

    problem.control('u', 'm/s')

    # Define costs
    problem.cost['path'] = Expression('u^2', 'm^2/s')

    # Define constraints
    problem.constraints('default',0) \
                        .initial('x-x_0','m')    \
                        .initial('v-v_0','m/s')  \
                        .terminal('x-x_f','m')   \

    problem.scale.unit('m','x')     \
                   .unit('kg',1)   \

    # problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.SingleShooting(derivative_method='fd',tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=1000, verbose = True, cached=False)
    problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.MultipleShooting(derivative_method='fd',

        start=[0, 1],  # Starting values for states in order
        time_integrate=1  ## REQUIRED BECAUSE OF FIXED FINAL TIME

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(5)   \

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(5)   \
                        .initial('v',1.0) \
                        .terminal('v', -1)

    return problem
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_problem():
    """A simple test of optimal surface track planning."""

    # Rename this and/or move to optim package?
    problem = beluga.optim.Problem('Hannibal')
    #Define independent variables
    problem.independent('t', 's')
    # Define equations of motion
    problem.state('x','V*cos(hdg)','m')   \
           .state('y','V*sin(hdg)','m')  \

    # Define controls

    # Define Cost Functional
    problem.cost['path'] =  Expression('(1-w)+w*V*conv*elev*(-0.3*exp(-0.5*((x-2.7)^2+1.5*(y-2.1)^2))+2.6*exp(-0.55*(0.87*(x-6.7)^2+(y-2.2)^2))+2.1*exp(-0.27*(0.2*(x-5.5)^2+(y-7.2)^2))+1.6*(cos(0.8*y))^2*(sin(0.796*x))^2)', 's')
    #Define constraints
    problem.constraints().initial('x-x_0','m') \
                         .initial('y-y_0','m') \
                         .terminal('x-x_f','m') \
    #Define constants
    problem.constant('w',0.0,'1') #Initial Terrain weighting factor
    problem.constant('conv',1,'s/m^2') #Integral conversion factor
    problem.constant('V',1,'m/s') #Vehicle speed
    problem.constant('elev',1,'m') #Initial Elevation
    #Unit scaling
    problem.scale.unit('m',1) \
                 .unit('s',1) \
    #Configure solver
    problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.MultipleShooting(derivative_method='fd',tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=1000, verbose = True, cached = False, number_arcs=4)

    #Initial Guess
    problem.guess.setup('auto',start=[4.9,0.4], costate_guess=[0.1,-0.1]) #City A
    #Add Continuation Steps   
    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(30) \
                            .terminal('x', 7.2) \
                            .terminal('y', 8.5)
    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(30) \
                            .const('w',0.5) #Final Terrain weighting factor

    return problem
def get_problem():
    """A simple test of optimal surface track planning."""

    problem = beluga.optim.Problem('Track_demo')
    problem.mode = 'analytical'  #Other options: 'numerical', 'dae'

    #Define independent variables
    problem.independent('t', 's')

    # Define equations of motion
    problem.state('x','V*cos(hdg)','k')   \
           .state('y','V*sin(hdg)','k')  \

    # Define controls
    problem.control('hdg', 'rad')

    # Define cost functional
    problem.cost['path'] = Expression('(1-w)+w*V*conv*elev*terrain(x,y)', 's')

    #Define constraints
    problem.constraints().initial('x-x_0','k') \
                         .initial('y-y_0','k') \
                         .terminal('x-x_f','k') \

    #Define constants
    problem.constant('w', 0.9, '1')  #Initial Terrain weighting factor
    problem.constant('conv', 1, 's/k^2')  #Integral conversion factor
    problem.constant('V', 1, 'k/s')  #Vehicle speed
    problem.constant('elev', 0.001, 'k')  #Units for the elevation

    #Unit scaling
    problem.scale.unit('k',1) \
                 .unit('s',1) \

    #Configure solver
    problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.MultipleShooting(derivative_method='fd',
    #problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.SingleShooting(derivative_method='fd',tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=50, verbose = True, cached = False)

    #Initial Guess
    problem.guess.setup('auto', start=[16, 10], costate_guess=[0.0, -0.1])

    #Add continuation steps
    problem.steps.add_step(strategy='HPA') \
                            .terminal('x', 180, 50) \
                            .terminal('y', 98, 50)

    return problem
Ejemplo n.º 4
    problem.constant('v_s', 100, 'rad')
    problem.constant('gam_s', 1, 'rad')
    problem.constant('p11_s', 1e5, 'rad')
    problem.constant('p12_s', 1e-2, 'rad')
    problem.constant('p13_s', 1e2, 'rad')
    problem.constant('p14_s', 1e-1, 'rad')
    problem.constant('p22_s', 1e-10, 'rad')
    problem.constant('p23_s', 1e-5, 'rad')
    problem.constant('p24_s', 1e-8, 'rad')
    problem.constant('p33_s', 1e1, 'rad')
    problem.constant('p34_s', 1e-3, 'rad')
    problem.constant('p44_s', 1e-6, 'rad')

    problem.constant('ep', 5, 'rad')

    problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.MultipleShooting(derivative_method='fd', tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=1000, verbose=True, cached=False, number_arcs=16)
    # problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.SingleShooting(derivative_method='fd',tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=1000, verbose=True, cached=False)

    problem.scale.unit('m', 1)       \
                 .unit('s', 1)     \
                 .unit('kg', 1)   \
                 .unit('rad', 1)

    # Define quantity (not implemented at present)
    # Is this actually an Expression rather than a Value?
    # problem.quantity = [Value('tanAng','tan(theta)')]

    problem.guess.setup('auto', start=[80, 0, 50, -89*pi/180, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], costate_guess=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], time_integrate=2.5) # costate_guess=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    # problem.guess.setup('auto',start=[80000,3.38575809e-21,5000,7.98617365e-02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],direction='forward',time_integrate=229.865209,costate_guess =[-1.37514494e+01,3.80852584e+06,-3.26290152e+03,-2.31984720e-14,0.00,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01])
    # Figure out nicer way of representing this. Done?
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_problem():
    """Brachistochrone example."""

    # Rename this and/or move to optim package?
    problem = beluga.optim.Problem('brachisto_MS')

    # Switch off DAE mode
    problem.mode = 'num'

    # Define independent variables
    problem.independent('t', 's')

    # Define equations of motion
    problem.state('x', 'v*cos(theta)','m')   \
           .state('y', '-v*sin(theta)','m')   \
           .state('v', 'g*sin(theta)','m/s')
    # Define controls
    problem.control('theta', 'rad')

    # Define costs
    problem.cost['path'] = Expression('1', 's')

    # Define constraints
    problem.constraints('default',0) \
                        .initial('x-x_0','m')    \
                        .initial('y-y_0','m')    \
                        .initial('v-v_0','m/s')  \
                        .terminal('x-x_f','m')   \
    # problem.constraints().interior_point('(x-x1)^2+(y-y1)^2','m^2')

    # Define constants (change to have units as well)
    problem.constant('g', '9.81', 'm/s^2')
    # problem.constant('x1','7.5','m')
    # problem.constant('y1','-15','m')

    # problem.quantity('gDown','g*sin(theta)')

    problem.scale.unit('m',1)     \
                   .unit('kg',1)   \

    problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.MultipleShooting(derivative_method='fd',
    # problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.SingleShooting(derivative_method='csd',tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=50, verbose = True, cached=False)
    # problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.BroydenShooting(tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=1000)

    # Can be array or function handle
    # TODO: implement an "initial guess" class subclassing Solution
    # problem.guess = bvpsol.bvpinit(np.linspace(0,1,2), [0,0,1,-0.1,-0.1,-0.1,0.1])
    # problem.guess.parameters = np.array([0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1])
        start=[0, 0, 1],  # Starting values for states in order

    # Figure out nicer way of representing this. Done?
    problem.steps.add_step('bisection') \
                    .num_cases(2) \
                    .terminal('x', 5) \

    # (
    # problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(2)
    #                  .terminal('x', 30.0)
    #                  .terminal('y',-30.0),

    # problem.steps.add_step()
    #                 .num_cases(10)
    #                 .terminal('x', 1000.0)
    #                 .terminal('y',-1000.0)
    # )
    return problem
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_problem():
    # Figure out way to implement caching automatically
    # from beluga.utils import keyboard
    # keyboard()
    """A simple planar hypersonic problem example."""

    # Rename this and/or move to optim package?
    problem = beluga.optim.Problem('planarHypersonic')
    # problem = beluga.optim.Problem()

    # Define independent variables
    problem.independent('t', 's')

    # rho = 'rho0*exp(-h/H)'
    # Cl  = '(1.5658*alfa + -0.0000)'
    # Cd  = '(1.6537*alfa^2 + 0.0612)'
    # D   = '(0.5*'+rho+'*v^2*'+Cd+'*Aref)'
    # L   = '(0.5*'+rho+'*v^2*'+Cl+'*Aref)'
    # r   = '(re+h)'
    problem.quantity('rho', 'rho0*exp(-h/H)')
    problem.quantity('Cl', '(Cl1*alfa + -0.0000)')
    problem.quantity('Cd', '(Cd2*alfa^2 + Cd0)')
    problem.quantity('qA', '0.5*rho*v^2*Aref')
    # problem.quantity('D','0.5*rho*v^2*Cd*Aref')
    # problem.quantity('L','0.5*rho*v^2*Cl*Aref')
    problem.quantity('r', 're+h')

    # Define equations of motion
    problem.state('h','v*sin(gam)','m')   \
           .state('theta','v*cos(gam)/r','rad')  \
           .state('v','-qA*Cd/mass - mu*sin(gam)/r**2','m/s') \
           .state('gam','qA*Cl/(mass*v) + (v/r - mu/(v*r^2))*cos(gam)','rad')
    # problem.state('h','v*sin(gam)','m')   \
    #        .state('theta','v*cos(gam)/'+r,'rad')  \
    #        .state('v','-'+D+'/mass - mu*sin(gam)/'+r+'**2','m/s') \
    #        .state('gam',L+'/(mass*v) + (v/'+r+' - mu/(v*'+r+'^2))*cos(gam)','rad')

    # Define controls
    problem.control('alfa', 'rad')
    # problem.control('alfaDot','rad/s')
    # problem.control('alfaDotTrig','rad')

    # Define costs
    problem.cost['terminal'] = Expression('-v^2', 'm^2/s^2')

    # Define constraints
    problem.constraints().initial('h-h_0','m') \
                        .initial('theta-theta_0','rad') \
                        .initial('v-v_0','m/s') \
                        .terminal('h-h_f','m')  \
                        .terminal('theta-theta_f','rad') \
                        #.path('h','<','hMax','m') \


    # Define constants
    problem.constant('mu', 3.986e5 * 1e9,
                     'm^3/s^2')  # Gravitational parameter, m^3/s^2
    problem.constant('rho0', 1.2,
                     'kg/m^3')  # Sea-level atmospheric density, kg/m^3
    problem.constant('H', 7500, 'm')  # Scale height for atmosphere of Earth, m

    problem.constant('Cd2', 1.6537, 'nd')
    problem.constant('Cd0', 0.0612, 'nd')
    problem.constant('Cl1', 1.5658, 'nd')

    problem.constant('mass', 750 / 2.2046226, 'kg')  # Mass of vehicle, kg
    problem.constant('re', 6378000, 'm')  # Radius of planet, m
                     pi * (24 * .0254 / 2)**2,
                     'm^2')  # Reference area of vehicle, m^2
    problem.constant('rn', 1 / 12 * 0.3048, 'm')  # Nose radius, m
    problem.constant('hMax', 150000, 'm')
    problem.constant('alfaRateMax', 10 * pi / 180, 'rad/s')

    problem.constant('eps', 100, 'm/s')
    problem.constant('w', 0, 'nd')
    problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.MultipleShooting(derivative_method='fd',
    # problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.SingleShooting(derivative_method='csd',tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=100000, verbose = True, cached = False)

    problem.scale.unit('m','h')         \
                   .unit('s','h/v')     \
                   .unit('kg','mass')   \
                   .unit('rad',1) \

    problem.guess.setup('auto', start=[80000, 0.01, 5000, -90 * pi / 180])
    #problem.guess.setup('auto',start=[80000,3.38575809e-21,5000,7.98617365e-02],direction='forward',time_integrate=229.865209,costate_guess =[-1.37514494e+01,3.80852584e+06,-3.26290152e+03,-2.31984720e-14])
    # Figure out nicer way of representing this. Done?

    problem.steps.add_step('bisection') \
                            .num_cases(11) \
                            .terminal('h', 0)
    problem.steps.add_step('bisection') \
                            .num_cases(11) \
                            .terminal('theta', 10*pi/180)

    return problem
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_problem():

    #User Defined Terrain Elevation
    #def terr( x_pos, y_pos ):
    #Defines terrain elevation [m] as a function of x and y positions [m]
    #    elev=100.0*(np.sin(0.5*(x_pos/1000.0)))**2.0 #User defined elevation map
    #    return elev

    #User Defined Tunnel Cost
    #def tunnel(depth):
    #Defines additional cost for placing a 1 meter length of track a non-zero
    #depth below the ground.
    #    TunnelCost=(50e3)/(1+np.exp(-(depth-5))) #Tunneling Cost (2016 USD)
    #    return TunnelCost

    #def bridge(height):
    #Defines additional cost for placing a 1 meter length of track a non-zero
    #heigh above the ground.
    #    BridgeCost=10e3*(height/10)**2 #Bridge Cost (2016 USD)
    #    return BridgeCost
    """A simple test of optimal surface track planning."""

    # Rename this and/or move to optim package?
    problem = beluga.optim.Problem('surftest_noinc')

    #Define independent variables
    problem.independent('t', 's')

    # Define equations of motion
    problem.state('x','V*cos(hdg)','m')   \
           .state('y','V*sin(hdg)','m')  \
           .state('V','amax*sin(thrA) + eps*(cos(thrA)+cos(hdgA))','m/s') \

    # Define controls
    #problem.control('thrA','rad') \
    #       .control('hdgA','rad')
    problem.control('hdgA', 'rad')

    # Define Cost Functional
    problem.cost['path'] = Expression('1', 's')

    #problem.cost['path'] =  Expression('TimeToUSD+trk*V', 'USD')

    #+ \
    #'(50e3)/(1.0+exp(-1.0*(z-0.0*(sin(0.5*(x/1000.0)))**2.0-5.0)))+'+ \

    #Define constraints
    problem.constraints().initial('x-x_0','m') \
                         .initial('y-y_0','m') \
                         .initial('V-V_0','m/s') \
                         .initial('hdg-hdg_0','rad') \
                         .terminal('x-x_f','m') \
    #.initial('hdg-hdg_0','rad') \

    #Define constants
    problem.constant('g', 9.81, 'm/s^2')  #Acceleration due to gravity
        'trk', 1, 'USD/m')  #Basic cost of 1 m of track on ground (10k per m)
    problem.constant('amax', 1.0,
                     'm/s^2')  #Maximum thrust acceleration of vehicle
    problem.constant('cmax', 1.0,
                     'm/s^2')  #Maximum allowed centripetal acceleration
    problem.constant('eps', 10, 'm/s^2')  #Error constant
    problem.constant('TimeToUSD', 1, 'USD/s')  #Time is Money!!
    problem.constant('thrA', 0, 'rad')

    #Unit scaling
    problem.scale.unit('m','x') \
                 .unit('s','x/V') \
                 .unit('rad',1) \

    #Configure solver
    problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.MultipleShooting(derivative_method='fd',

    #Initial Guess
                        start=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, pi / 4 - 0.2],
                        costate_guess=-0.1)  #City A

    #Add Continuation Steps
    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(10) \
                            .terminal('x', 10) \
                            .terminal('y', 0)

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(10) \
                            .const('eps', 0.2)

    #problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(10) \
    #                        .terminal('y', 2*pi*1000) \
    #                        .terminal('z', 0.0) \
    #                        .terminal('inc', 0.0)
    #^ City B
    return problem
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_problem():
    """A simple example of graph search continuation"""

    # Rename this and/or move to optim package?
    problem = beluga.optim.Problem('boat')

    #Define independent variables
    problem.independent('t', 's')

    # Define equations of motion
    problem.state('x','V*cos(hdg)+eps*k*cos(hdgA)','m')  \
           .state('y','V*sin(hdg)','m') \

    # Define controls
    problem.control('hdgA', 'rad')
    #    problem.control('hdgdot','rad/s')

    problem.mode = 'analytic'

    # Define Cost Functional
    problem.cost['terminal'] = Expression('t', 's')

    #Define constraints
    problem.constraints().initial('x-x_0','m') \
                         .initial('y-y_0','m') \
                         .initial('hdg-hdg_0','rad') \
                         .terminal('x-x_f','m') \

    #Define constants
    problem.constant('cmax', 1.0,
                     'm/s^2')  #Maximum allowed centripetal acceleration
    problem.constant('V', 1, 'm/s')  #Velocity
    problem.constant('k', 1, 'rad/s')
    problem.constant('eps', 0.5, 'm')  #Error constant

    #Problem scaling
    problem.scale.unit('m',1) \
                 .unit('s',1) \

    #Configure solver
    problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.MultipleShooting(derivative_method='fd',
    #problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.SingleShooting(derivative_method='fd',tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=100, verbose = True, cached = False)

    #Initial Guess....................x0..y0..hdg0
    problem.guess.setup('auto', start=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    #Add Continuation Steps
    #problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(2) \
    #                        .terminal('x', 3) \
    #                        .terminal('y', 0.1)
    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(10) \
        .terminal('x', 1.0) \
        .terminal('y', 0) \

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(10) \
        .terminal('x', 10.05) \
        .terminal('y', 0) \

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(10) \
        .terminal('y', 10) \

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(10) \
        .const('eps', 0.1) \

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(6) \
        .const('eps', 0.01)

    return problem
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_problem():
    """A simple planar hypersonic problem example."""

    # Rename this and/or move to optim package?
    problem = beluga.optim.Problem('HF_planarHypersonic')
    problem.mode = 'analytical'
    # problem = beluga.optim.Problem()

    #    alfatest = 15*np.pi/180
    #    dc = 25*np.pi/180
    #    rc = 2.5
    #    rn = 0.25
    #    print(CLfunction(alfatest, dc, rn, rc))
    #    quit()

    # Define independent variables
    problem.independent('t', 's')

    # Define quantities used in the problem
    problem.quantity('rho', 'rho0*exp(-h/H)')
    #    problem.quantity('Cl','CLfunction(alfa, dc, rn, rc)')
    #    problem.quantity('Cd','CDfunction(alfa, dc, rn, rc)')
    #    problem.quantity('Cl','(1.5658*alfa + -0.0000)')
    #    problem.quantity('Cd','(1.6537*alfa^2 + 0.0612)')
    #    problem.quantity('D','0.5*rho*v^2*Cd*Aref')
    #    problem.quantity('L','0.5*rho*v^2*Cl*Aref')
    problem.quantity('r', 're+h')
    #TODO: need to look through problem quantities to find custom functions
    # Define equations of motion
    #    problem.state('h','v*sin(gam)','m')   \
    #           .state('theta','v*cos(gam)/r','rad')  \
    #           .state('v','-D/mass - mu*sin(gam)/r**2','m/s') \
    #           .state('gam','L/(mass*v) + (v/r - mu/(v*r^2))*cos(gam)','rad')
    problem.state('h','v*sin(gam)','m')   \
           .state('theta','v*cos(gam)/r','rad')  \
           .state('v','-0.5*rho*v^2*CDlookup(alfa, dc, rn, rc)*Aref/mass - mu*sin(gam)/r**2','m/s') \
           .state('gam','0.5*rho*v^2*CLlookup(alfa, dc, rn, rc)*Aref/(mass*v) + (v/r - mu/(v*r^2))*cos(gam)','rad')

    # Define controls
    problem.control('alfa', 'rad')

    # Define costs
    problem.cost['terminal'] = Expression('-v^2', 'm^2/s^2')

    # Define constraints
    problem.constraints().initial('h-h_0','m') \
                        .initial('theta-theta_0','rad') \
                        .initial('v-v_0','m/s') \
                        .terminal('h-h_f','m')  \

    # Define constants
    problem.constant('mu', 3.986e5 * 1e9,
                     'm^3/s^2')  # Gravitational parameter, m^3/s^2
    problem.constant('rho0', 1.2,
                     'kg/m^3')  # Sea-level atmospheric density, kg/m^3
    problem.constant('H', 7500, 'm')  # Scale height for atmosphere of Earth, m

    problem.constant('dc', 25 * np.pi / 180, 'rad')  #Vehicle cone angle
    problem.constant('rc', 0.3, 'm')  #Vehicle cone base radius
    problem.constant('rn', 0.01, 'm')  #Vehicle nose radius

    problem.constant('mass', 750 / 2.2046226, 'kg')  # Mass of vehicle, kg
    problem.constant('re', 6378000, 'm')  # Radius of planet, m
                     pi * (0.3)**2, 'm^2')  # Reference area of vehicle, m^2

    problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.MultipleShooting(derivative_method='fd',
    # problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.SingleShooting(derivative_method='fd',tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=100000, verbose = True, cached = False)

    problem.scale.unit('m','h')         \
                   .unit('s','h/v')     \
                   .unit('kg','mass')   \

                        start=[80000, 0, 5000, -90 * pi / 180],
    #problem.guess.setup('auto',start=[80000,3.38575809e-21,5000,7.98617365e-02],direction='forward',time_integrate=229.865209,costate_guess =[-1.37514494e+01,3.80852584e+06,-3.26290152e+03,-2.31984720e-14])
    # Figure out nicer way of representing this. Done?

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(10) \
                            .terminal('h', 0)

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(40)  \
                            .terminal('theta', 10*pi/180)
    # #
    # problem.steps.add_step()
    #                 .num_cases(3)
    #                 .terminal('x', 40.0)
    #                 .terminal('y',-40.0)
    # )
    return problem
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_problem():
    """A simple planar hypersonic problem example."""
    # Author: Joseph Williams

    problem = beluga.optim.Problem('planarHypersonicWithThrust')

    # Define independent variables
    problem.independent('t', 's')
    # alfa = 'alfa'
    # alfadot = '(3*pi/180*sin(alfadottrig))'
    alfa = '(10*pi/180*sin(alfatrig))'
    rho = 'rho0*exp(-h/H)'
    Cl = '(0.496*' + alfa + ' + 0.0049)'
    Cd = '(0.4747*' + alfa + '^2 + 0.0096*' + alfa + ' + 0.0007)'
    # T = 'ThrustFunction()'
    D = '(0.5*' + rho + '*v^2*' + Cd + '*Aref)'
    L = '(0.5*' + rho + '*v^2*' + Cl + '*Aref)'
    r = '(re+h)'
    Ft = '(T*cos(' + alfa + ') - ' + D + ')'
    Fn = '(T*sin(' + alfa + ') + ' + L + ')'

    # Define equations of motion
    problem.state('h','v*sin(gam)+ ep*(cos(alfadottrig))','m')   \
           .state('theta','v*cos(gam)/'+r,'rad')  \
           .state('v',Ft+'/mass - mu*sin(gam)/'+r+'**2','m/s') \
           .state('gam',Fn+'/(mass*v) + (v/'+r+' - mu/(v*'+r+'^2))*cos(gam)','rad') \
           .state('mass','-T/(G0*Isp)','kg')    \

    # Define controls
    problem.control('alfadottrig', 'rad')

    # Define costs
    problem.cost['terminal'] = Expression('-v^2', 'm^2/s^2')
    # problem.cost['terminal'] = Expression('-theta','rad')
    # problem.cost['path'] = Expression('1','s')
    # Define constraints
    problem.constraints().initial('h-h_0','m') \
                        .initial('theta-theta_0','rad') \
                        .initial('v-v_0','m/s') \
                        .initial('mass-mass_0','kg') \
                        .terminal('h-h_f','m')  \

    # Define constants
    problem.constant('mu', 3.986e5 * 1e9,
                     'm^3/s^2')  # Gravitational parameter, m^3/s^2
    problem.constant('rho0', 1.2,
                     'kg/m^3')  # Sea-level atmospheric density, kg/m^3
    problem.constant('H', 7500, 'm')  # Scale height for atmosphere of Earth, m

    # problem.constant('T',2668932,'kg*m/s^2') # Constant Thrust of Vehcicle, kgm/s^2
    #     problem.constant('mdotf',15.5*0.05,'kg/s') # Fuel Mass Flow Rate of Vehicle, kg
    problem.constant('T', 2668932,
                     'kg*m/s^2')  # Constant Thrust of Vehcicle, kgm/s^2
    problem.constant('G0', 9.81,
                     'm/s^2')  # Gravitational Constant at the surface of Earth
    problem.constant('Isp', 1600, 's')  # Specific Impulse of Engine
    problem.constant('ep', 0.5, 'm/s')

    problem.constant('re', 6378000, 'm')  # Radius of planet, m
    problem.constant('Aref', 557.4, 'm^2')  # Reference area of vehicle, m^2
    problem.constant('rn', 1 / 12 * 0.3048, 'm')  # Nose radius, m

    problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.MultipleShooting(derivative_method='fd',
    #problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.SingleShooting(derivative_method='fd',tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=1000, verbose = True, cached = False)

    problem.scale.unit('m','h')         \
                   .unit('s','h/v')     \
                   .unit('kg','mass')   \

    # Define quantity (not implemented at present)
    # Is this actually an Expression rather than a Value?
    # problem.quantity = [Value('tanAng','tan(theta)')]

    # problem.guess.setup('auto',start=[1000,0,100,-90*pi/180,127005])
                        start=[50000, 0, 4000, -90 * pi / 180, 127005, 0],
    #problem.guess.setup('auto',start=[80000,3.38575809e-21,5000,7.98617365e-02],direction='forward',time_integrate=229.865209,costate_guess =[-1.37514494e+01,3.80852584e+06,-3.26290152e+03,-2.31984720e-14])
    # Figure out nicer way of representing this. Done?

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(21) \
                            .terminal('h', 0) \
                            # .initial('h',60000)\

    # .initial('v',5000)
    #.terminal('theta', 10*pi/180)

    # problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(5)  \
    #                         .const('T', 2668932) \

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(101)  \
                           .terminal('theta', 10*pi/180)   \

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(5)  \
                            .const('T', 0) \

    # problem.steps.add_step()
    #                 .num_cases(3)
    #                 .terminal('x', 40.0)
    #                 .terminal('y',-40.0)
    # )
    return problem
def get_problem(state,costate,param,time):
    # Rename this and/or move to optim package?
    problem = beluga.optim.Problem('hypersonci3DOFCrossrange')

    # Define independent variables
    problem.independent('t', 's')

    # Updated aero from Mike Bolender
    #x = 'v/a' # mach
    #y = '(9*sin(ang)+5)'

    Cl = '((14185132937801937*sin(alfa))/72057594037927936 - (5421779306486855*(v/a))/2305843009213693952 - (1574554238845453*(v/a)*(9*sin(alfa) + 5))/576460752303423488 - (1081832482396803*(v/a)*(9*sin(alfa) + 5)^2)/147573952589676412928 + (795005714371527*(v/a)^2*(9*sin(alfa) + 5))/4611686018427387904 - (2905380043335151*(v/a)^2)/18446744073709551616 + (7384633541699571*(9*sin(alfa) + 5)^2)/36893488147419103232 + (4723631850413463*(9*sin(alfa) + 5)^3)/4722366482869645213696 + 40090326007262905/288230376151711744)'
    Cd = '((7975570356452291*(v/a))/144115188075855872 - (939292000388127*sin(alfa))/144115188075855872 + (4181805097702493*(v/a)^2*(9*sin(alfa) + 5)^2)/295147905179352825856 + (5799269589896587*(v/a)*(9*sin(alfa) + 5))/2305843009213693952 - (3435815237005351*(v/a)*(9*sin(alfa) + 5)^2)/18446744073709551616 - (6565772557668597*(v/a)^2*(9*sin(alfa) + 5))/9223372036854775808 - (2327227566991187*(v/a)*(9*sin(alfa) + 5)^3)/1180591620717411303424 + (3879272510917453*(v/a)^3*(9*sin(alfa) + 5))/73786976294838206464 - (4630940327334427*(v/a)^2)/144115188075855872 + (3228336930707955*(v/a)^3)/576460752303423488 - (5752786461422987*(v/a)^4)/18446744073709551616 + (59645010131291*(9*sin(alfa) + 5)^2)/72057594037927936 + (1198177006620385*(9*sin(alfa) + 5)^3)/73786976294838206464 + (1971121512347433*(9*sin(alfa) + 5)^4)/302231454903657293676544 + 506236799411217/18014398509481984)'

    rho = 'rho0*exp(-(r-re)/H)'
    #Cl  = '(1.5658*sin(alfa) + -0.0000)'
    #Cd  = '(1.6537*sin(alfa)^2 + 0.0612)'
    # Cl = 'CLfunction(alfa)'
    # Cd = 'CDfunction(alfa)'
    D   = '(0.5*'+rho+'*v^2*'+Cd+'*Aref)'
    L   = '(0.5*'+rho+'*v^2*'+Cl+'*Aref)'
    #r   = '(re+h)'
    r = 'r'
    # Define equations of motion
    problem.state('r','v*sin(gam)','m')                                     \
           .state('lam','v*cos(gam)*sin(chi)/('+r+'*cos(phi))','rad')    \
           .state('phi','v*cos(gam)*cos(chi)/'+r,'rad')                    \
           .state('v','-'+D+'/mass - mu*sin(gam)/'+r+'^2','m/s')            \
           .state('gam',L+'*cos(bank)/(mass*v) - mu/(v*'+r+'^2)*cos(gam) + v/'+r+'*cos(gam)','rad')                                         \
           .state('chi',L+'*sin(bank)/(mass*cos(gam)*v) + v/'+r+'*cos(gam)*sin(chi)*tan(phi)','rad')

    # Define controls
    problem.control('bank','rad') \

    # Define costs
    problem.cost['terminal'] = Expression('-phi^2','rad')

    # Define constraints
    problem.constraints().initial('r-r_0','m')              \
                         .initial('lam-lam_0','rad')     \
                         .initial('phi-phi_0','rad')         \
                         .initial('v-v_0','m/s')             \
                         .initial('gam-gam_0','rad')        \
                         .initial('chi-chi_0','rad')      \
                         .terminal('r-r_f','m')              \

    # Define constants
    problem.constant('mu',3.986e5*1e9,'m^3/s^2') # Gravitational parameter, m^3/s^2
    problem.constant('rho0',1.2,'kg/m^3') # Sea-level atmospheric density, kg/m^3
    problem.constant('H',7500,'m') # Scale height for atmosphere of Earth, m
    problem.constant('mass',750/2.2046226,'kg') # Mass of vehicle, kg
    problem.constant('re',6378000,'m') # Radius of planet, m
    problem.constant('Aref',pi*(24*.0254/2)**2,'m^2') # Reference area of vehicle, m^2
    #problem.constant('rn',1/12*0.3048,'m') # Nose radius, m
    problem.constant('a',330,'m/s') # Speed of sound approx
    #in.const.a = {330,'m/s'}; % speed of sound
    #in.const.rn = {1/12*0.3048,'m'}; % Nose radius
    #in.const.k = {1.74153e-4,'sqrt(kg)/m^2'}; % heat rate coefficient
    #in.const.gammaThermo = {1.4,'nd'};
    #in.const.RThermo = {287,'m^2/(s^2*K)'};

    problem.scale.unit('m','r')     \
                   .unit('kg','mass')   \

    # Define quantity (not implemented at present)
    # Is this actually an Expression rather than a Value?
    # problem.quantity = [Value('tanAng','tan(theta)')]

    #problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.SingleShooting(derivative_method='fd',tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=1000, verbose = True, cached = False)
    problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.MultipleShooting(derivative_method='fd',tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=1000, verbose = True, cached = False, number_arcs=4)
    #costate_guess = [.8*1000,-.2*1000,-1.0*1000,-0.09*1000,0.005*1000,-0.05*1000]

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(20)           \

    problem.steps.add_step().num_cases(2)           \
                            .terminal('r',6378000)  \

    return problem
def get_problem():
    """A test of dynamic continuation on aircraft noise minimization"""

    problem = beluga.optim.Problem('AircraftNoise3DOF')
    problem.mode = 'analytical'  #Other options: 'numerical', 'dae'

    #Define independent variables
    problem.independent('t', 's')

    #Problem quantities
    problem.quantity('bank','bankmax*sin(banktrig)')    \
           .quantity('alfa','alfamax*sin(alfatrig)')    \
           .quantity('D','C1*v^2+C2/(v^2)')   \
           .quantity('L','mass*g')    \
           .quantity('T','1560*sin(Ttrignew)+1860')   \
           .quantity('Ft','T*cos(alfa) - D')    \
           .quantity('Fn','T*sin(alfa) + L')

    #Define equations of motion
    problem.state('x','v*cos(gam)*cos(psii)','m')    \
           .state('y','v*cos(gam)*sin(psii)','m')   \
           .state('z','v*sin(gam)','m') \
           .state('v','Ft/mass - g*sin(gam)','m/s') \
           .state('psii','Fn*sin(bank)/(mass*cos(gam)*v)','rad')    \
           .state('gam','Fn*cos(bank)/(mass*v) - g*cos(gam)/v','rad')

    # Define controls
    problem.control('banktrig','rad') \
           .control('alfatrig','rad')   \

    # Define cost functional
    problem.cost['path'] = Expression('T^5.2 * cos(gam)/(v*(z+50)^2.5)', 'nd')

    #Define constraints
    problem.constraints().initial('x-x_0','m') \
                         .initial('y-y_0','m') \
                         .initial('z-z_0','m') \
                         .initial('v-v_0','m/s') \
                         .initial('psii-psii_0','rad') \
                         .initial('gam-gam_0','rad') \
                         .terminal('x-x_f','m') \
                         .terminal('y-y_f','m') \
                         .terminal('z-z_f','m') \
                         .terminal('v-v_f','m/s') \
                         .terminal('psii-psii_f','rad') \

    #Define constants
    problem.constant('mu', 3.986e5 * 1e9, 'm^3/s^2')  #Gravitational parameter
    problem.constant('rho0', 1.2, 'kg/m^3')  #Sea level atmospheric density
    problem.constant('H', 7500, 'm')  #Atmospheric scale height
    problem.constant('re', 6378000, 'm')  #Radius of Earth
    problem.constant('Aref', 112, 'm^2')
    problem.constant('bankmax', 60 * np.pi / 180, 'rad')
    problem.constant('alfamax', 15 * np.pi / 180, 'rad')
    problem.constant('Tmax', 3420, 'kg*m/s^2')
    problem.constant('Tmin', 300, 'kg*m/s^2')
    problem.constant('g', 9.81, 'm/s^2')
    problem.constant('mass', 7180 / 9.81, 'kg')
    problem.constant('C1', 0.226, 'kg/m')
    problem.constant('C2', 5.2e6, 'kg*m^3/s^4')

    #Unit scaling
    problem.scale.unit('m',1) \
                 .unit('s',1) \
                 .unit('kg',1) \
                 .unit('nd',1) \

    #Configure solver
    problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.MultipleShooting(derivative_method='fd',
    #problem.bvp_solver = algorithms.SingleShooting(derivative_method='fd',tolerance=1e-4, max_iterations=50, verbose = True, cached = False)

    #Initial Guess
        'auto', start=[0, 0, 1197, 124, 0 * np.pi / 180, 0 * np.pi / 180])

    #Add continuation steps
    problem.steps.add_step(strategy='manual').num_cases(20) \
                            .terminal('x', 5400) \
                            .terminal('y', 4600) \
                            .terminal('z', 0) \
                            .terminal('v', 77.5) \
                            .terminal('psii', 45*np.pi/180) \
                            .terminal('gam', 0)

    return problem