Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        self._bento_service_version = self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version
        self._packed_artifacts = ArtifactCollection()
        self.name = self.__class__.name()

        if self._bento_service_bundle_path:
            # load artifacts from saved BentoService bundle

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def pack(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if args and isinstance(args[0], ArtifactCollection):
            return cls(args[0])

        artifacts = ArtifactCollection()

        for artifact_spec in cls._artifacts_spec:
            if artifact_spec.name in kwargs:
                artifact_instance = artifact_spec.pack(kwargs[artifact_spec.name])

        return cls(artifacts)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        from bentoml.artifact import ArtifactCollection

        self._bento_service_version = self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version
        self._packed_artifacts = ArtifactCollection()

        if self._bento_service_bundle_path:
            # load artifacts from saved BentoService bundle

Ejemplo n.º 4
    def from_archive(cls, path):
        from bentoml.archive import load_bentoml_config

        # TODO: add model.env.verify() to check dependencies and python version etc
        if cls._bento_archive_path is not None and cls._bento_archive_path != path:
            raise BentoMLException(
                "Loaded BentoArchive(from {}) can't be loaded again from a different"
                "archive path {}".format(cls._bento_archive_path, path))

        if is_s3_url(path):
            temporary_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            download_from_s3(path, temporary_path)
            # Use loacl temp path for the following loading operations
            path = temporary_path

        artifacts_path = path
        # For pip installed BentoService, artifacts directory is located at
        # 'package_path/artifacts/', but for loading from BentoArchive, it is
        # in 'path/{service_name}/artifacts/'
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, 'artifacts')):
            artifacts_path = os.path.join(path, cls.name())

        bentoml_config = load_bentoml_config(path)
        # TODO: check archive type and allow loading archive only
        if bentoml_config['service_name'] != cls.name():
            raise BentoMLException(
                'BentoService name does not match with BentoML Archive in path: {}'

        artifacts = ArtifactCollection.load(artifacts_path,
        svc = cls(artifacts)
        return svc
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def load_from_dir(cls, path):
        from bentoml.archive import load_bentoml_config

        if cls._bento_archive_path is not None and cls._bento_archive_path != path:
                "Loaded BentoArchive from '%s' can't be loaded again from a different"
                "path %s",

        artifacts_path = path
        # For pip installed BentoService, artifacts directory is located at
        # 'package_path/artifacts/', but for loading from BentoArchive, it is
        # in 'path/{service_name}/artifacts/'
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "artifacts")):
            artifacts_path = os.path.join(path, cls.name())

        bentoml_config = load_bentoml_config(path)
        if bentoml_config["metadata"]["service_name"] != cls.name():
            raise BentoMLException(
                "BentoService name does not match with BentoArchive in path: {}"

        if bentoml_config["kind"] != "BentoService":
            raise BentoMLException(
                "BentoArchive type '{}' can not be loaded as a BentoService".

        artifacts = ArtifactCollection.load(artifacts_path,
        svc = cls(artifacts)
        return svc
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _init_artifacts(self, artifacts):
        if artifacts is None:
            if self._bento_archive_path:
                artifacts = ArtifactCollection.load(
                    self._bento_archive_path, self.__class__._artifacts_spec)
                raise BentoMLException(
                    "Must provide artifacts or set cls._bento_archive_path"
                    "before instantiating a BentoService class")

        if isinstance(artifacts, ArtifactCollection):
            self._artifacts = artifacts
            self._artifacts = ArtifactCollection()
            for artifact in artifacts:
                self._artifacts[artifact.name] = artifact
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, artifacts=None, env=None):
        if artifacts is None:
            if self._bento_archive_path:
                artifacts = ArtifactCollection.load(self._bento_archive_path,
                raise BentoMLException("Must provide artifacts or set cls._bento_archive_path"
                                       "before instantiating a BentoService class")

        # TODO: validate artifacts arg matches self.__class__._artifacts_spec definition
        if isinstance(artifacts, ArtifactCollection):
            self._artifacts = artifacts
            self._artifacts = ArtifactCollection()
            for artifact in artifacts:
                self._artifacts[artifact.name] = artifact

        self.name = self.__class__.name()
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _config_artifacts(self):
        self._artifacts = ArtifactCollection.from_artifact_list(

        if self._bento_service_bundle_path:
            # For pip installed BentoService, artifacts directory is located at
            # 'package_path/artifacts/', but for loading from bundle directory, it is
            # in 'path/{service_name}/artifacts/'
            if os.path.isdir(
                artifacts_path = os.path.join(self._bento_service_bundle_path,
                artifacts_path = os.path.join(self._bento_service_bundle_path,
                                              self.name, ARTIFACTS_DIR_NAME)

Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, artifacts, env=None):
        # TODO: validate artifacts arg matches self.__class__._artifacts_spec definition

        if isinstance(artifacts, ArtifactCollection):
            self._artifacts = artifacts
            self._artifacts = ArtifactCollection()
            for artifact in artifacts:
                self._artifacts[artifact.name] = artifact

        if env is None:
            # By default use BentoServiceEnv defined on class via @env decorator
            env = self.__class__._env

        if isinstance(env, dict):
            self._env = BentoServiceEnv.fromDict(env)
            self._env = env

        self.name = self.__class__.name()
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def from_archive(cls, path):
        from bentoml.archive import load_bentoml_config

        if cls._bento_archive_path is not None and cls._bento_archive_path != path:
            raise BentoMLException(
                "Loaded BentoArchive(from {}) can't be loaded again from a different"
                "archive path {}".format(cls._bento_archive_path, path))

        if is_s3_url(path):
            temporary_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            download_from_s3(path, temporary_path)
            # Use loacl temp path for the following loading operations
            path = temporary_path

        artifacts_path = path
        # For pip installed BentoService, artifacts directory is located at
        # 'package_path/artifacts/', but for loading from BentoArchive, it is
        # in 'path/{service_name}/artifacts/'
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "artifacts")):
            artifacts_path = os.path.join(path, cls.name())

        bentoml_config = load_bentoml_config(path)
        if bentoml_config["metadata"]["service_name"] != cls.name():
            raise BentoMLException(
                "BentoService name does not match with BentoArchive in path: {}"

        if bentoml_config["kind"] != "BentoService":
            raise BentoMLException(
                "BentoArchive type '{}' can not be loaded as a BentoService".

        artifacts = ArtifactCollection.load(artifacts_path,
        svc = cls(artifacts)
        return svc
Ejemplo n.º 11
class BentoService(BentoServiceBase):
    BentoService is the base component for building prediction services using BentoML.

    BentoService provide an abstraction for describing model artifacts and environment
    dependencies required for a prediction service. And allows users to write custom
    prediction API handling logic via BentoService API callback function.

    Each BentoService can contain multiple models via the BentoML Artifact class, and
    can define multiple APIs for accessing this service. Each API should specify a type
    of Handler, which defines the expected input data format for this API.

    >>>  from bentoml import BentoService, env, api, artifacts, ver
    >>>  from bentoml.handlers import DataframeHandler
    >>>  from bentoml.artifact import SklearnModelArtifact
    >>>  @ver(major=1, minor=4)
    >>>  @artifacts([SklearnModelArtifact('clf')])
    >>>  @env(pip_dependencies=["scikit-learn"])
    >>>  class MyMLService(BentoService):
    >>>     @api(DataframeHandler)
    >>>     def predict(self, df):
    >>>         return self.artifacts.clf.predict(df)
    >>>  bento_service = MyMLService()
    >>>  bento_service.pack('clf', trained_classifier_model)
    >>>  bento_service.save_to_dir('/bentoml_bundles')

    # User may use @name to override this if they don't want the generated model
    # to have the same name as their Python model class name
    _bento_service_name = None

    # For BentoService loaded from saved bundle, this will be set to the path of bundle.
    # When user install BentoService bundle as a PyPI package, this will be set to the
    # installed site-package location of current python environment
    _bento_service_bundle_path = None

    # list of artifacts required by this BentoService
    _artifacts = []

    # Describe the desired environment for this BentoService using
    # `bentoml.service_env.BentoServiceEnv`
    _env = None

    # When loading BentoService from saved bundle, this will be set to the version of
    # the saved BentoService bundle
    _bento_service_bundle_version = None

    # See `ver_decorator` function above for more information
    _version_major = None
    _version_minor = None

    def __init__(self):
        from bentoml.artifact import ArtifactCollection

        self._bento_service_version = self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version
        self._packed_artifacts = ArtifactCollection()

        if self._bento_service_bundle_path:
            # load artifacts from saved BentoService bundle


    def _init_env(self):
        self._env = self.__class__._env or BentoServiceEnv(self.name)

        for api in self._service_apis:

        for artifact in self._artifacts:

    def artifacts(self):
        :return: List of model artifacts
        return self._packed_artifacts

    def env(self):
        return self._env

    def name(self):
        return self.__class__.name()  # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter

    def name(cls):  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument,invalid-overridden-method
        if cls._bento_service_name is not None:
            if not isidentifier(cls._bento_service_name):
                raise InvalidArgument(
                    'BentoService#_bento_service_name must be valid python identifier'
                    'matching regex `(letter|"_")(letter|digit|"_")*`'

            return cls._bento_service_name
            # Use python class name as service name
            return cls.__name__

    def set_version(self, version_str=None):
        """Manually override the version of this BentoService instance
        if version_str is None:
            version_str = self.versioneer()

        if self._version_major is not None and self._version_minor is not None:
            # BentoML uses semantic versioning for BentoService distribution
            # when user specified the MAJOR and MINOR version number along with
            # the BentoService class definition with '@ver' decorator.
            # The parameter version(or auto generated version) here will be used as
            # PATCH field in the final version:
            version_str = ".".join(
                [str(self._version_major), str(self._version_minor), version_str]


        if self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version is not None:
                "Overriding loaded BentoService(%s) version:%s to %s",
            self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version = None

        if (
            self._bento_service_version is not None
            and self._bento_service_version != version_str
                "Resetting BentoService '%s' version from %s to %s",

        self._bento_service_version = version_str
        return self._bento_service_version

    def versioneer(self):
        Function used to generate a new version string when saving a new BentoService
        bundle. User can also override this function to get a customized version format
        datetime_string = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
        random_hash = uuid.uuid4().hex[:6].upper()

        # Example output: '20191009135240_D246ED'
        return datetime_string + "_" + random_hash

    def version(self):
        if self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version is not None:
            return self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version

        if self._bento_service_version is None:

        return self._bento_service_version

    def save(self, base_path=None, version=None):
        Save and register this BentoService via BentoML's built-in model management
        system. BentoML by default keeps track of all the SavedBundle's files and
        metadata in local file system under the $BENTOML_HOME(~/bentoml) directory.
        Users can also configure BentoML to save their BentoService to a shared Database
        and cloud object storage such as AWS S3.

        :param base_path: optional - override repository base path
        :param version: optional - save with version override
        :return: saved_path: file path to where the BentoService is saved
        return save(self, base_path, version)

    def save_to_dir(self, path, version=None):
        """Save this BentoService along with all its artifacts, source code and
        dependencies to target file path, assuming path exist and empty. If target path
        is not empty, this call may override existing files in the given path.

        :param path (str): Destination of where the bento service will be saved
        :param version: optional - save with version override
        return save_to_dir(self, path, version)

    def pack(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        BentoService#pack method is used for packing trained model instances with a
        BentoService instance and make it ready for BentoService#save.

        pack(name, *args, **kwargs):

        :param name: name of the declared model artifact
        :param args: args passing to the target model artifact to be packed
        :param kwargs: kwargs passing to the target model artifact to be packed
        :return: this BentoService instance
        if name in self.artifacts:
                "BentoService '%s' #pack overriding existing artifact '%s'",
            del self.artifacts[name]

        artifact = next(
            artifact for artifact in self._artifacts if artifact.name == name
        packed_artifact = artifact.pack(*args, **kwargs)
        return self

    def pack(cls, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        **Deprecated**: Legacy `BentoService#pack` class method, which can be used to
        initialize a BentoService instance along with trained model artifacts. This will
        be deprecated soon:

        :param args: args passing to the BentoService class
        :param kwargs: kwargs passing to the BentoService class and (artifact_name,
            args) pair for creating declared model artifacts
        :return: a new BentoService instance
            "BentoService#pack class method is deprecated, use instance method `pack` "
            "instead. e.g.: svc = MyBentoService(); svc.pack('model', model_object)"
        from bentoml.artifact import ArtifactCollection

        if args and isinstance(args[0], ArtifactCollection):
            bento_svc = cls(*args[1:], **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=not-callable
            bento_svc._packed_artifacts = args[0]
            return bento_svc

        packed_artifacts = []
        for artifact in cls._artifacts:
            if artifact.name in kwargs:
                artifact_args = kwargs.pop(artifact.name)

        bento_svc = cls(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=not-callable
        for packed_artifact in packed_artifacts:

        return bento_svc

    def _load_artifacts(self, path):
        # For pip installed BentoService, artifacts directory is located at
        # 'package_path/artifacts/', but for loading from bundle directory, it is
        # in 'path/{service_name}/artifacts/'
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, ARTIFACTS_DIR_NAME)):
            artifacts_path = os.path.join(path, self.name, ARTIFACTS_DIR_NAME)
            artifacts_path = os.path.join(path, ARTIFACTS_DIR_NAME)

        for artifact in self._artifacts:
            packed_artifact = artifact.load(artifacts_path)

    def get_bento_service_metadata_pb(self):
        return SavedBundleConfig(self).get_bento_service_metadata_pb()
Ejemplo n.º 12
class BentoService:
    BentoService is the base component for building prediction services using BentoML.

    BentoService provide an abstraction for describing model artifacts and environment
    dependencies required for a prediction service. And allows users to create inference
    APIs that defines the inferencing logic and how the underlying model can be served.
    Each BentoService can contain multiple models and serve multiple inference APIs.

    Usage example:

    >>>  from bentoml import BentoService, env, api, artifacts
    >>>  from bentoml.adapters import DataframeInput
    >>>  from bentoml.artifact import SklearnModelArtifact
    >>>  @artifacts([SklearnModelArtifact('clf')])
    >>>  @env(pip_dependencies=["scikit-learn"])
    >>>  class MyMLService(BentoService):
    >>>     @api(input=DataframeInput())
    >>>     def predict(self, df):
    >>>         return self.artifacts.clf.predict(df)
    >>>  if __name__ == "__main__":
    >>>     bento_service = MyMLService()
    >>>     bento_service.pack('clf', trained_classifier_model)
    >>>     bento_service.save_to_dir('/bentoml_bundles')

    # List of inference APIs that this BentoService provides
    _inference_apis = []

    # Name of this BentoService. It is default the class name of this BentoService class
    _bento_service_name = None

    # For BentoService loaded from saved bundle, this will be set to the path of bundle.
    # When user install BentoService bundle as a PyPI package, this will be set to the
    # installed site-package location of current python environment
    _bento_service_bundle_path = None

    # A list of artifacts required by this BentoService
    _artifacts = []

    #  A `BentoServiceEnv` instance specifying the required dependencies and all system
    #  environment setups
    _env = None

    # When loading BentoService from saved bundle, this will be set to the version of
    # the saved BentoService bundle
    _bento_service_bundle_version = None

    # See `ver_decorator` function above for more information
    _version_major = None
    _version_minor = None

    # See `web_static_content` function above for more
    _web_static_content = None

    def __init__(self):
        from bentoml.artifact import ArtifactCollection

        self._bento_service_version = self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version
        self._packed_artifacts = ArtifactCollection()

        if self._bento_service_bundle_path:
            # load artifacts from saved BentoService bundle


    def _config_environments(self):
        self._env = self.__class__._env or BentoServiceEnv(self.name)

        for api in self._inference_apis:

        for artifact in self._artifacts:

    def _config_inference_apis(self):
        self._inference_apis = []

        for _, function in inspect.getmembers(
                predicate=lambda x: inspect.isfunction(x) or inspect.ismethod(
            if hasattr(function, "_is_api"):
                api_name = getattr(function, "_api_name")
                api_doc = getattr(function, "_api_doc")
                handler = getattr(function, "_handler")
                mb_max_latency = getattr(function, "_mb_max_latency")
                mb_max_batch_size = getattr(function, "_mb_max_batch_size")

                # Bind api method call with self(BentoService instance)
                func = function.__get__(self)


    def inference_apis(self):
        """Return a list of user defined API functions

            list(InferenceAPI): List of Inference API objects
        return self._inference_apis

    def get_inference_api(self, api_name):
        """Find the inference API in this BentoService with a specific name.

        When the api_name is None, this returns the first Inference API found in the
        `self.inference_apis` list.

        :param api_name: the target Inference API's name
        if api_name:
                return next((api for api in self.inference_apis
                             if api.name == api_name))
            except StopIteration:
                raise NotFound("Can't find API '{}' in service '{}'".format(
                    api_name, self.name))
        elif len(self.inference_apis) > 0:
            return self.inference_apis[0]
            raise NotFound(
                f"Can't find any inference API in service '{self.name}'")

    def artifacts(self):
        """ Returns all packed artifacts in an ArtifactCollection object

            artifacts(ArtifactCollection): A dictionary of packed artifacts from the
            artifact name to the loaded artifact model instance in its native form
        return self._packed_artifacts

    def env(self):
        return self._env

    def web_static_content(self):
        return self._web_static_content

    def get_web_static_content_path(self):
        if not self.web_static_content:
            return None
        if self._bento_service_bundle_path:
            return os.path.join(
            return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.web_static_content)

    def name(self):
        :return: BentoService name
        return self.__class__.name()  # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter

    def name(cls):  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument,invalid-overridden-method
        :return: BentoService name
        if cls._bento_service_name is not None:
            if not isidentifier(cls._bento_service_name):
                raise InvalidArgument(
                    'BentoService#_bento_service_name must be valid python identifier'
                    'matching regex `(letter|"_")(letter|digit|"_")*`')

            return cls._bento_service_name
            # Use python class name as service name
            return cls.__name__

    def set_version(self, version_str=None):
        """Set the version of this BentoService instance. Once the version is set
        explicitly via `set_version`, the `self.versioneer` method will no longer be
        invoked when saving this BentoService.
        if version_str is None:
            version_str = self.versioneer()

        if self._version_major is not None and self._version_minor is not None:
            # BentoML uses semantic versioning for BentoService distribution
            # when user specified the MAJOR and MINOR version number along with
            # the BentoService class definition with '@ver' decorator.
            # The parameter version(or auto generated version) here will be used as
            # PATCH field in the final version:
            version_str = ".".join([
                str(self._version_minor), version_str


        if self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version is not None:
                "Overriding loaded BentoService(%s) version:%s to %s",
            self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version = None

        if (self._bento_service_version is not None
                and self._bento_service_version != version_str):
                "Resetting BentoService '%s' version from %s to %s",

        self._bento_service_version = version_str
        return self._bento_service_version

    def versioneer(self):
        Function used to generate a new version string when saving a new BentoService
        bundle. User can also override this function to get a customized version format
        datetime_string = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
        random_hash = uuid.uuid4().hex[:6].upper()

        # Example output: '20191009135240_D246ED'
        return datetime_string + "_" + random_hash

    def version(self):
        Return the version of this BentoService. If the version of this BentoService has
        not been set explicitly via `self.set_version`, a new version will be generated
        with the `self.versioneer` method. User can customize this version str either by
        setting the version with `self.set_version` before a `save` call, or override
        the `self.versioneer` method to customize the version str generator logic.

        For BentoService loaded from a saved bundle, this will simply return the version
        information found in the saved bundle.

        :return: BentoService version str
        if self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version is not None:
            return self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version

        if self._bento_service_version is None:

        return self._bento_service_version

    def save(self, base_path=None, version=None):
        Save and register this BentoService via BentoML's built-in model management
        system. BentoML by default keeps track of all the SavedBundle's files and
        metadata in local file system under the $BENTOML_HOME(~/bentoml) directory.
        Users can also configure BentoML to save their BentoService to a shared Database
        and cloud object storage such as AWS S3.

        :param base_path: optional - override repository base path
        :param version: optional - save with version override
        :return: saved_path: file path to where the BentoService is saved
        return save(self, base_path, version)

    def save_to_dir(self, path, version=None):
        """Save this BentoService along with all its artifacts, source code and
        dependencies to target file path, assuming path exist and empty. If target path
        is not empty, this call may override existing files in the given path.

        :param path (str): Destination of where the bento service will be saved
        :param version: optional - save with version override
        return save_to_dir(self, path, version)

    def pack(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        BentoService#pack method is used for packing trained model instances with a
        BentoService instance and make it ready for BentoService#save.

        pack(name, *args, **kwargs):

        :param name: name of the declared model artifact
        :param args: args passing to the target model artifact to be packed
        :param kwargs: kwargs passing to the target model artifact to be packed
        :return: this BentoService instance
        if name in self.artifacts:
                "BentoService '%s' #pack overriding existing artifact '%s'",
            del self.artifacts[name]

        artifact = next(artifact for artifact in self._artifacts
                        if artifact.name == name)
        packed_artifact = artifact.pack(*args, **kwargs)
        return self

    def pack(cls, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        **Deprecated**: Legacy `BentoService#pack` class method, no longer supported
        raise BentoMLException(
            "BentoService#pack class method is deprecated, use instance method `pack` "
            "instead. e.g.: svc = MyBentoService(); svc.pack('model', model_object)"

    def _load_artifacts(self, path):
        # For pip installed BentoService, artifacts directory is located at
        # 'package_path/artifacts/', but for loading from bundle directory, it is
        # in 'path/{service_name}/artifacts/'
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, ARTIFACTS_DIR_NAME)):
            artifacts_path = os.path.join(path, self.name, ARTIFACTS_DIR_NAME)
            artifacts_path = os.path.join(path, ARTIFACTS_DIR_NAME)

        for artifact in self._artifacts:
            packed_artifact = artifact.load(artifacts_path)

    def get_bento_service_metadata_pb(self):
        return SavedBundleConfig(self).get_bento_service_metadata_pb()
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def load(cls, path=None):
        if cls._bento_module_path is not None:
            path = cls._bento_module_path

        artifacts = ArtifactCollection.load(path, cls._artifacts_spec)
        return cls(artifacts)
Ejemplo n.º 14
class BentoService(BentoServiceBase):
    """BentoService packs a list of artifacts and exposes service APIs
    for BentoAPIServer and BentoCLI to execute. By subclassing BentoService,
    users can customize the artifacts and environments required for
    a ML service.

    >>>  from bentoml import BentoService, env, api, artifacts, ver
    >>>  from bentoml.handlers import DataframeHandler
    >>>  from bentoml.artifact import SklearnModelArtifact
    >>>  @ver(major=1, minor=4)
    >>>  @artifacts([SklearnModelArtifact('clf')])
    >>>  @env(pip_dependencies=["scikit-learn"])
    >>>  class MyMLService(BentoService):
    >>>     @api(DataframeHandler)
    >>>     def predict(self, df):
    >>>         return self.artifacts.clf.predict(df)
    >>>  bento_service = MyMLService()
    >>>  bento_service.pack('clf', trained_classifier_model)
    >>>  bento_service.save_to_dir('/bentoml_bundles')

    # User may use @name to override this if they don't want the generated model
    # to have the same name as their Python model class name
    _bento_service_name = None

    # For BentoService loaded from saved bundle, this will be set to the path of bundle.
    # When user install BentoService bundle as a PyPI package, this will be set to the
    # installed site-package location of current python environment
    _bento_service_bundle_path = None

    # list of artifacts required by this BentoService
    _artifacts = []

    # Describe the desired environment for this BentoService using
    # `bentoml.service_env.BentoServiceEnv`
    _env = None

    # When loading BentoService from saved bundle, this will be set to the version of
    # the saved BentoService bundle
    _bento_service_bundle_version = None

    # See `ver_decorator` function above for more information
    _version_major = None
    _version_minor = None

    def __init__(self):
        from bentoml.artifact import ArtifactCollection

        self._bento_service_version = self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version
        self._packed_artifacts = ArtifactCollection()

        if self._bento_service_bundle_path:
            # load artifacts from saved BentoService bundle


    def _init_env(self):
        self._env = self.__class__._env or BentoServiceEnv(self.name)

        for api in self._service_apis:

    def artifacts(self):
        return self._packed_artifacts

    def env(self):
        return self._env

    def name(self):
        return self.__class__.name()  # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter

    def name(cls):  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument,invalid-overridden-method
        if cls._bento_service_name is not None:
            if not isidentifier(cls._bento_service_name):
                raise InvalidArgument(
                    'BentoService#_bento_service_name must be valid python identifier'
                    'matching regex `(letter|"_")(letter|digit|"_")*`'

            return cls._bento_service_name
            # Use python class name as service name
            return cls.__name__

    def set_version(self, version_str=None):
        """Manually override the version of this BentoService instance
        if version_str is None:
            version_str = self.versioneer()

        if self._version_major is not None and self._version_minor is not None:
            # BentoML uses semantic versioning for BentoService distribution
            # when user specified the MAJOR and MINOR version number along with
            # the BentoService class definition with '@ver' decorator.
            # The parameter version(or auto generated version) here will be used as
            # PATCH field in the final version:
            version_str = ".".join(
                [str(self._version_major), str(self._version_minor), version_str]


        if self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version is not None:
                "Overriding loaded BentoService(%s) version:%s to %s",
            self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version = None

        if (
            self._bento_service_version is not None
            and self._bento_service_version != version_str
                "Reseting BentoServive '%s' version from %s to %s",

        self._bento_service_version = version_str
        return self._bento_service_version

    def versioneer(self):
        Function used to generate a new version string when saving a new BentoService
        bundle. User can also override this function to get a customized version format
        datetime_string = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
        random_hash = uuid.uuid4().hex[:6].upper()

        # Example output: '20191009135240_D246ED'
        return datetime_string + "_" + random_hash

    def version(self):
        if self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version is not None:
            return self.__class__._bento_service_bundle_version

        if self._bento_service_version is None:

        return self._bento_service_version

    def save(self, base_path=None, version=None):
        return save(self, base_path, version)

    def save_to_dir(self, path, version=None):
        return save_to_dir(self, path, version)

    def pack(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        if name in self.artifacts:
                "BentoService '%s' #pack overriding existing artifact '%s'",
            del self.artifacts[name]

        artifact = next(
            artifact for artifact in self._artifacts if artifact.name == name
        packed_artifact = artifact.pack(*args, **kwargs)
        return self

    def pack(cls, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        from bentoml.artifact import ArtifactCollection

        if args and isinstance(args[0], ArtifactCollection):
            bento_svc = cls(*args[1:], **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=not-callable
            bento_svc._packed_artifacts = args[0]
            return bento_svc

        packed_artifacts = []
        for artifact in cls._artifacts:
            if artifact.name in kwargs:
                artifact_args = kwargs.pop(artifact.name)

        bento_svc = cls(*args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=not-callable
        for packed_artifact in packed_artifacts:

        return bento_svc

    def _load_artifacts(self, path):
        # For pip installed BentoService, artifacts directory is located at
        # 'package_path/artifacts/', but for loading from bundle directory, it is
        # in 'path/{service_name}/artifacts/'
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, ARTIFACTS_DIR_NAME)):
            artifacts_path = os.path.join(path, self.name, ARTIFACTS_DIR_NAME)
            artifacts_path = os.path.join(path, ARTIFACTS_DIR_NAME)

        for artifact in self._artifacts:
            packed_artifact = artifact.load(artifacts_path)

    def get_bento_service_metadata_pb(self):
        return SavedBundleConfig(self).get_bento_service_metadata_pb()