def getForm ( bdb_id, refNo=False, lim="*"): """ Each form is uniquely keyed by the berkeley Form Id, and the ref. no If refNo is False, then return all forms associated with a specific bdb_id. When you request a form, if bdb_id is a revision, find the base form first. - newMap.sort() changes the order somehow. Probably the original question ordering. """ conn= pool.getconn() cur = conn.cursor() # Get Mapping. bForm = bfbdb.loadObject (bdb_id) newMap, parent = bfbdb.loadMap(bForm) newMap.sort() if not parent: parent = bdb_id # Do Select try: if refNo: cur.execute("SELECT %s FROM BF%s where id=%d" % (lim,parent,int(refNo))) result = cur.fetchall() else: # When doing a select *, remember that you are always selecting # against the base form. Would be nice to optimize this to take # adavantage of named items (which don't currently exist)... cur.execute ( "SELECT %s FROM BF%s" % (lim, parent) ) result = cur.fetchall() except db.DatabaseError, e: log.debug ( "Error performing select ... Error was %s " % e ) # conn.rollback() # Don't need to to rollback, no data modified cur.close() pool.putconn(conn) return []
def insertForm ( bdb_id, data, recursionCount=0, metaData={}, cur=None, conn=None ): """ @data = A dict (key, value) of the items we are inserting. key's are in the format q001, q002, q003, etc. @bdb_id = Berkeley form from which the data is based. XXX1: This model is based on append only database's. In this model, you need a key of something to determine when new data is being added. XXX2: We should have some sort of trigger indicating when data has been appended which results in the obsoletion of an existing form. """ if recursionCount > 5: cur.close() pool.putconn(conn) raise ValueError("INFINITE LOOP in insertForm. Error creating TABLE?.") if not cur: conn = pool.getconn() cur = conn.cursor() original_data = data bForm = bfbdb.loadObject (bdb_id) newMap, parent = bfbdb.loadMap(bForm) data = mapNewToOld( newMap, data ) filteredData = [] for key, value in data: if value: filteredData.append( (key,value) ) data = dict(filteredData) # Convert newID's to oldID's to save in database. metaData["dateCreated"] = data.update(metaData) # Do the insert insertionId = None if cur: items = [ keys for keys in data ] # copies items from data item = ','.join(items) value = ')s,%('.join(items) try: #sql = "INSERT INTO BF%s (%s) values (%%(%s)s) RETURNING id" % (parent, item, value) # FOR 8.1 sql = "INSERT INTO BF%s (%s) values (%%(%s)s) " % (parent, item, value) log.debug("SQL.form.insert: |%s| (%s)" % (sql,data) ) cur.execute ( sql, data ) # FOR 8.1 cur.execute ( "SELECT lastval()" ) except: if recursionCount < 5: conn.rollback() createColumn ( cur, parent, item, data ) conn.commit() return insertForm ( bdb_id, original_data, recursionCount+1, metaData=metaData, cur=cur, conn=conn ) raise # This raise is redundant with the INFINITE LOOP CHECK above. insertionId = cur.fetchone()[0] conn.commit() if not insertionId: conn.rollback() cur.close() pool.putconn(conn) log.warn("An insert failed, SQL was %s" % locals().get('sql', 'NO SQL') ) return 1 else: raise ValueError("The connection to our database is broken :(.") cur.close() pool.putconn(conn) return insertionId