def __init__(self): Astar.__init__(self) Bfs.__init__(self) pygame.init() self.display_width = 1020+2+200 self.display_height = 570+2+300-210 self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.display_width,self.display_height)) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.display.set_caption(u'Path Finding Visualizer') self.width = 34 self.height =22 self.walls = list() self.maze = [[]] self.white = (255,255,255) = (255,0,0) self.less_red = (150,0,0) = (0,255,0) self.less_blue = (0,150,0) = (0,0,255) self.less_green = (0,0,150) = (0,0,0) self.grid_color = (0,150,255)
def use_bfs(initial_state, order, solution_filename, additional_filename): bfs = Bfs(initial_state, order) result = bfs.run_search() print_result(result) save_final_data(result, solution_filename, additional_filename)
def transformaVetor(self, vetor, capital): lista = Lista(len(vetor)) for i in range(len(vetor)): if vetor[i] != i: lista.addAresta(vetor[i], i) print("\n Lista de Adjacencia Gerada A partir do Vetor") lista.mostraLista() distancias = Bfs(lista.getLista(), capital) return distancias.get_distancias()
def main(): G = Graph() G.buildGraph(argv[2]) if argv[1] == 'bfs': s = G.getInitVertex() bfs = Bfs() bfs.execute(G, s) elif argv[1] == 'scc': scc = Scc() scc.execute(G) elif argv[1] == 'bf': s = G.getInitVertex() bf = Bf() bf.execute(G, s) elif argv[1] == 'bfall': bf = Bf() for key, s in G.getVertexes().iteritems(): bf.execute(G, s) elif argv[1] == 'dk': s = G.getInitVertex() dk = Dk() dk.execute(G, s) elif argv[1] == 'dkall': dk = Dk() for key, s in G.getVertexes().iteritems(): dk.execute(G, s) elif argv[1] == 'fw': W = G.getAdjMatrix() fw = Fw() fw.execute(G, W)
def bfs(self): a,path =,self.maze,self.start_node,self.end_node) for a in a: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen,self.less_red,(a[0]*30,a[1]*30,29,29)) pygame.display.update() self.clock.tick(60) draw = [] for i,j in enumerate(path): for k,l in enumerate(j): if l is not -1: draw.append((i,k)) for i in draw[::-1]: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen,,(i[0]*30,i[1]*30,29,29)) self.clock.tick(200) pygame.display.update()
from vertex import Vertex from program import WorkWithFile import time import sys if __name__ == '__main__': algorithm = sys.argv[1] option = sys.argv[2] input_file = sys.argv[3] solution_file = sys.argv[4] statistic_file = sys.argv[5] work_with_file = WorkWithFile() init_vertex = Vertex(work_with_file.read_board(input_file)) start_time = time.process_time() switch = { 'bfs': Bfs(option).steps(init_vertex) } end_time = time.process_time() solution = switch.get(algorithm.lower()) to_solution_file = work_with_file.prepare_solution(solution) to_stats_file = work_with_file.prepare_stats(solution, start_time, end_time) work_with_file.write_to_file(solution_file, to_solution_file) work_with_file.write_to_file(statistic_file, to_stats_file)
from Dfs import Dfs from bfs import Bfs peta1 = {'K': set(['M']), 'M': set(['T', 'S','K','N']), 'N': set(['M']), 'S': set(['M', 'T', 'R']), 'T': set(['M', 'S', 'U']), 'R': set(['S', 'U']), 'U': set(['T', 'R']),} app = Flask(__name__) dfs = Dfs('M', 'U', peta1) bfs = Bfs('M', 'U', peta1) @app.route('/dfs') def dfs_searching(): hasil = dfs.proses_searching() return render_template('index.html',Hasil =hasil ) @app.route('/bfs') def bfs_searching(): hasil = bfs.proses_searching() return render_template('index.html', Hasil=hasil) # Debug = True -> Agar auto relod server if __name__ == '__main__':
import scraper_utils import logging from bfs import Bfs logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) ORIGIN = 'Gandhi' NUM_ITERATION = 10 NUM_THREADS = 5 bfs = Bfs() scraper_utils.setup(bfs, ORIGIN) thread_list = scraper_utils.do_search_threads(bfs, NUM_ITERATION / NUM_THREADS, NUM_THREADS) for thread in thread_list: thread.start() for thread in thread_list: thread.join() bfs.print_dictionary()
def main(): # all puzzle arrays will be the same size, 4x4 correct_puzzle = generate_correct_state() Puzzle.correct_state, Puzzle.puzzle_height, Puzzle.puzzle_width = correct_puzzle, 4, 4 # get all filenames of puzzle files list_of_filenames = [[ filename for filename in os.listdir("to_draw/") if "4x4_0" + str(i) in filename ] for i in range(1, 8)] # generate list of all puzzles list_of_puzzles = [[ load_initial_puzzle(filename) for filename in list_of_filenames[i] ] for i in range(7)] # generate list of all first state objects list_for_bfs = [[Puzzle(single) for single in single_list] for single_list in list_of_puzzles] list_for_dfs = [[Puzzle(single) for single in single_list] for single_list in list_of_puzzles] list_for_astr_manh = [[Puzzle(single) for single in single_list] for single_list in list_of_puzzles] # generate list of all results for given methods # for bfs start_time = time.perf_counter() res_bfs = [[(Bfs(single_state, order).run_search(), order) for order in direction_orders for single_state in single_list] for single_list in list_for_bfs] end_time = time.perf_counter() print("BFS generating time: ", round(end_time - start_time, 3), "s") # for dfs start_time = time.perf_counter() executors_list_dfs = [] with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as executor: for i in range(len(list_for_dfs)): executors_list_dfs.append( executor.submit(dfs_worker, list_for_dfs[i])) end_time = time.perf_counter() res_dfs = [i.result() for i in executors_list_dfs] print("DFS generating time: ", round(end_time - start_time, 3), "s", round((end_time - start_time) / 3600, 3), "h") # for astar, hamm with manh start_time = time.perf_counter() res_astr = [[(Astr(single_state, heuristic).run_search(), heuristic) for heuristic in heuristics for single_state in single_list] for single_list in list_for_astr_manh] end_time = time.perf_counter() print("Astr generating time: ", round(end_time - start_time, 3), "s") # Section for plots generating process """ Solution length / Visited states / Processed states / Max depth / execution, together 20 graphs First graph: Means for BFS, DFS, Astar together Second graph: Means for BFS orderly separated Third graph: Means for DFS orderly separated Fourth graph: Means for Astar heuristics separated """ # Draw means plots for results together for i in range(5): draw_means_together(res_bfs, res_dfs, res_astr, i) draw_separated(res_bfs, "bfs", i) draw_separated(res_dfs, "dfs", i) draw_separated(res_astr, "astr", i)
def bfs_worker(single_list): res_bfs = [(Bfs(single_state, order).run_search(), order) for order in direction_orders for single_state in single_list] return res_bfs