def recalculate(self, cluster_set):
        Constructs probability matrix. If use_cache is true, it will
        try to load old computations from the database. If save cache
        is true it will save the current results into the database.
        @param cluster_set: A cluster set object, used to initialize
        the matrix.
        last_cleaned = 0

        old_matrix = self._bib_matrix
        cached_bibs = self.__get_up_to_date_bibs()
        have_cached_bibs = bool(cached_bibs)
        self._bib_matrix = Bib_matrix(cluster_set)

        ncl = cluster_set.num_all_bibs
        expected = ((ncl * (ncl - 1)) / 2)
        if expected == 0:
            expected = 1

        cur_calc, opti = 0, 0
        for cl1 in cluster_set.clusters:
            update_status((float(opti) + cur_calc) / expected,
                          "Prob matrix: calc %d, opti %d." % (cur_calc, opti))

            #clean caches
            if cur_calc - last_cleaned > 2000000:
                last_cleaned = cur_calc

            for cl2 in cluster_set.clusters:
                if id(cl1) < id(cl2) and not cl1.hates(cl2):
                    for bib1 in cl1.bibs:
                        for bib2 in cl2.bibs:
                            if have_cached_bibs and bib1 in cached_bibs and bib2 in cached_bibs:
                                val = old_matrix[bib1, bib2]
                                if not val:
                                    cur_calc += 1
                                    val = compare_bibrefrecs(bib1, bib2)
                                    opti += 1
                                    if bconfig.DEBUG_CHECKS:
                                        assert _debug_is_eq_v(
                                            compare_bibrefrecs(bib1, bib2))
                                cur_calc += 1
                                val = compare_bibrefrecs(bib1, bib2)

                            self._bib_matrix[bib1, bib2] = val

        update_status_final("Matrix done. %d calc, %d opt." % (cur_calc, opti))
 def __init__(self):
     self._bib_matrix = Bib_matrix()