Ejemplo n.º 1
    def getModtext(self,ID='key'):
        modtext = self.text
        explicitreplacements = ( #'`^v~
        (r"$\alpha $",u"α"),
        (r"$\beta $",u"β"),
        (r"$\gamma $",u"γ"),
        (r"$\delta $",u"δ"),
        (r"$\epsilon $",u"ε"),
        (r"$\zeta $",u"ζ"),
        (r"$\eta $",u"η"),
        (r"$\theta $",u"θ"),
        (r"$\iota $",u"ι"),
        (r"$\kappa $",u"κ"),
        (r"$\lambda $",u"λ"),
        (r"$\mu $",u"μ"),
        (r"$\nu $",u"ν"),
        (r"$\xi $",u"ξ"),
        (r"$\omicron $",u"ο"),
        (r"$\pi $",u"π"),
        (r"$\rho $",u"ρ"),
        (r"$\sigma $",u"σ"),
        (r"$\tau $",u"τ"),
        (r"$\upsilon $",u"υ"),
        (r"$\phi $",u"φ"),
        (r"$\chi $",u"χ"),
        (r"$\psi $",u"ψ"),
        (r"$\omega $",u"ω"),      
        (r"$\Alpha $"	,u"Α"),
        (r"$\Beta $"	,u"β"),
        (r"$\Gamma $"	,u"Γ"),
        (r"$\Delta $"	,u"Δ"),
        (r"$\Epsilon $"	,U"ε"),
        (r"$\Zeta $"	,u"ζ"),
        (r"$\Eta $"	,u"η"),
        (r"$\Theta $"	,u"Θ"),
        (r"$\Iota $"	,u"ι"),
        (r"$\Kappa $"	,u"Κ"),
        (r"$\Lambda $"	,u"λ"),
        (r"$\Mu $"	,u"μ"),
        (r"$\Nu $"	,u"ν"),
        (r"$\Xi $"	,u"ξ"),
        (r"$\Omicron $"	,U"ο"),
        (r"$\Pi $"	,u"π"),
        (r"$\Rho $"	,u"ρ"),
        (r"$\Sigma $"	,u"Σ"),
        (r"$\Tau $"	,u"τ"),
        (r"$\Upsilon $"	,U"υ"),
        (r"$\Phi $"	,u"φ"),
        (r"$\Chi $"	,u"χ"),
        (r"$\Psi $"	,u"ψ"),
        (r"$\Omega $"	,u"Ω"),
        #(" }","} "),%causes problems with '\ '
\\begin{styleLangSciLanginfo}""","\\begin{styleLangSciLanginfo}"),#MSi langsci
\\begin{stylelsLanginfo}""","\\begin{stylelsLanginfo}"),#MSi ls
\\begin{styleLangSciLanginfo}\n""","\\ea\\label{ex:key:}\n%%1st subexample: change \\ea\\label{...} to \\ea\\label{...}\\ea; remove \\z  \n%%further subexamples: change \\ea to \\ex; remove \\z  \n%%last subexample: change \\z to \\z\\z \n\\langinfo{}{}{"),#MSii langsci
\\begin{stylelsLanginfo}\n""","\\ea\\label{ex:key:}\n%%1st subexample: change \\ea\\label{...} to \\ea\\label{...}\\ea; remove \\z  \n%%further subexamples: change \\ea to \\ex; remove \\z  \n%%last subexample: change \\z to \\z\\z \n\\langinfo{}{}{"),#MSii ls
\\begin{styleLangSciLanginfo}""","\\begin{styleLangSciLanginfo}"),#OOi langsci
\\begin{stylelsLanginfo}""","\\begin{stylelsLanginfo}"),#OOi ls
\\begin{styleLangSciLanginfo}""","\\begin{styleLangSciLanginfo}"),#OOii langsci
\\begin{stylelsLanginfo}""","\\begin{stylelsLanginfo}"),#OOii ls

\\end{listWWNumiileveli}""","\\end{styleLangSciLanginfo}"),   #langsci  

\\end{listWWNumiileveli}""","\\end{stylelsLanginfo}"),     #ls

\\end{listWWNumiileveli}""","\\end{styleLangSciLanginfo}"), #langsci

\\end{listWWNumiileveli}""","\\end{stylelsLanginfo}"), #ls

        ("\\begin{listWWNumiilevelii}\n\\item \n\\ea\\label{ex:key:}\n",""),

        ("\\begin{styleLangSciExample}\n","\n\\gll "),
        ("\\begin{styleLangSciSourceline}\n","\\gll "),

        ("\\begin{stylelsExample}\n","\n\\gll "),
        ("\\begin{stylelsSourceline}\n","\\gll "),

        ("\\begin{styleLangSciIMT}\n","     "),
        ("\\begin{styleLangSciTranslation}\n","\\glt "),
        ("\\begin{styleLangSciTranslationSubexample}\n","\\glt "),

        ("\\begin{stylelsIMT}\n","     "),
        ("\\begin{stylelsTranslation}\n","\\glt "),
        ("\\begin{stylelsTranslationSubexample}\n","\\glt "),



        ("\n\\glt ~",""), 
        #end examples
        ("\ "," "), 					    
        #(" }","} "),  
        ("\n\n\\end","\\end") ,  
        ("[Warning: Draw object ignored]","%%[Warning: Draw object ignored]\n"),
        yanks =  ("\\begin{flushleft}",
                    "\\par ",
                    "[Warning: Image ignored] % Unhandled or unsupported graphics:",
                    "\\mdseries "
        for old, new in explicitreplacements:
            modtext = modtext.replace(old,new)
        for y in yanks:
            modtext = modtext.replace(y,'')
        #unescape w2l unicode
        w2lunicodep3 = re.compile(r'(\[[0-9A-Fa-f]{3}\?\])')
        w2lunicodep4 = re.compile(r'(\[[0-9A-Da-d][0-9A-Fa-f]{3}\?\])') #intentionally leaving out PUA   
        byteprefix3 =  b'\u0'
        byteprefix4 =  b'\u'
        for m in w2lunicodep3.findall(modtext):
        for m in w2lunicodep4.findall(modtext):
        #remove marked up white space and punctuation
        modtext = re.sub("\\text(it|bf|sc)\{([ \.,]*)\}","\\2",modtext)  
        #remove explicit counters. These are not usefull when from autoconversion 
        #remove explicit table widths
        modtext = re.sub("m\{-?[0-9.]+(in|cm)\}","X",modtext)  
        modtext = re.sub("X\|","X",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\|X","X",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub(r"\\fontsize\{.*?\}\\selectfont","",modtext)
        #remove stupid multicolumns and center multicolumns
        modtext = modtext.replace("\\multicolumn{1}{l}{}","")
        modtext = modtext.replace("\\multicolumn{1}{l}","")
        modtext = modtext.replace("}{X}{","}{c}{")
        #remove stupid Open Office styles
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\begin\\{styleLangSciSectioni\\}\n+(.*?)\n+\\\\end\\{styleLangSciSectioni\\}","\\section{\\1}",modtext) 
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\begin\\{styleLangSciSectionii\\}\n+(.*?)\n+\\\\end\\{styleLangSciSectionii\\}","\\subsection{\\1}",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\begin\\{styleLangSciSectioniii\\}\n+(.*?)\n+\\\\end\\{styleLangSciSectioniii\\}","\\subsubsection{\\1}",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\begin\\{styleLangSciSectioniv\\}\n+(.*?)\n+\\\\end\\{styleLangSciSectioniv\\}","\\subsubsubsection{\\1}",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\begin\\{stylelsSectioni\\}\n+(.*?)\n+\\\\end\\{stylelsSectioni\\}","\\section{\\1}",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\begin\\{stylelsSectionii\\}\n+(.*?)\n+\\\\end\\{stylelsSectionii\\}","\\subsection{\\1}",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\begin\\{stylelsSectioniii\\}\n+(.*?)\n+\\\\end\\{stylelsSectioniii\\}","\\subsubsection{\\1}",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\begin\\{stylelsSectioniv\\}\n+(.*?)\n+\\\\end\\{stylelsSectioniv\\}","\\subsubsubsection{\\1}",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub(r"\\begin\{styleHeadingi}\n+(.*?)\n+\\end\{styleHeadingi\}","\\chapter{\\1}",modtext) 
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\begin\\{styleHeadingii\\}\n+(.*?)\n+\\\\end\\{styleHeadingii\\}","\\section{\\1}",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\begin\{styleHeadingiii\}\n+(.*?)\n+\\\\end\{styleHeadingiii}","\\subsubsection{\\1}",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\begin\{styleHeadingiv\}\n+(.*?)\n+\\\\end\{styleHeadingiv}","\\subsubsection{\\1}",modtext)
        #remove explicit shorttitle for sections
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\(sub)*section(\[.*?\])\{(\\text[bfmd][bfmd])\?(.*)\}","\\\\1section{\\4}",modtext) 
        #                        several subs | options       formatting           title ||   subs      title
        #move explict section number to end of line and comment out
        modtext = re.sub("section\{([0-9\.]+ )(.*)","section{\\2 %\\1/",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("section\[.*?\]","section",modtext)
        #                                 number    title         title number
        #table cells in one row
        modtext = re.sub("[\n ]*&[ \n]*",' & ',modtext)
        modtext = modtext.replace(r'\ &','\&')
        #collapse newlines
        modtext = re.sub("\n*\\\\\\\\\n*",'\\\\\\\\\n',modtext) 
        authorchars = "[A-Z][-a-záéíóúaèìòùâeîôûñäëïöüA-Z]+"
        yearchars = "[12][0-9]{3}[a-z]?"
        modtext = re.sub("\((%s) +et al\.?  +(%s): *([0-9,-]+)\)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        modtext = re.sub("\((%s) +(%s): *([0-9,-]+)\)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        modtext = re.sub("\((%s) +et al\.? +(%s)\)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        modtext = re.sub("\((%s) +(%s)\)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        modtext = re.sub("(%s) +et al.? +\((%s): *([0-9,-]+)\)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        modtext = re.sub("(%s) +\((%s): *([0-9,-]+)\)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        modtext = re.sub("(%s) +et al.? +\((%s)\)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        modtext = re.sub("(%s) +\((%s)\)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        modtext = re.sub("(%s) +et al\.?]['’]s +\((%s)\)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        modtext = re.sub("(%s)['’]s +\((%s)\)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        modtext = re.sub("(%s) +et al\.?]['’] +\((%s)\)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        modtext = re.sub("(%s)['’] +\((%s)\)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        #modtext = re.sub("([A-Z][a-z]+) +(%s)","\\citet{\\1\\2}",modtext)i
        #catch all citealt
        modtext = re.sub("(%s) +(%s)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        modtext = re.sub("(%s) et al\.? +(%s)"%(authorchars,yearchars),
        #integrate ampersands
        modtext = re.sub(r"(%s) \\& \\citet{"%authorchars,
        modtext = re.sub(r"(%s) and \\citet{"%authorchars,
        modtext = re.sub(r"(%s) \\& \\citealt{"%authorchars,
        modtext = re.sub(r"(%s) and \\citealt{"%authorchars,
        #Smith (2000, 2001)
        modtext = re.sub(r"(%s)\((%s), *(%s)\)"%(authorchars, yearchars, yearchars),
        #Smith 2000, 2001
        modtext = re.sub(r"\\citealt{(%s)(%s)}[,;] (%s)"%(authorchars, yearchars, yearchars),
        #condense chains of citations
        modtext = re.sub(r"(\\citealt{%s)\}[,;] \\citealt{"%authorchars,
        modtext = re.sub(r"(\\citet{%s)\}[,;] \\citealt{"%authorchars,
        modtext = modtext.replace("\n()", "\n\\ea \n \\gll \\\\\n   \\\\\n \\glt\n\\z\n\n")
        modtext = re.sub("\n\(([0-9]+)\)", """\n\ea%\\1

        modtext = re.sub(r"\\label\{(bkm:Ref[0-9]+)\}\(\)", """ea%\\1
    \\\\gll \\\\newline  

        modtext = modtext.replace("\n *a. ","\n% \\ea\n%\\gll \n%    \n%\\glt \n")
        modtext = modtext.replace("\n *b. ","%\\ex\n%\\gll \\\\\n%    \\\\\n%\\glt \n%\\z\n")    
        modtext = modtext.replace("\n *c. ","%\\ex\n%\\gll \\\\\n%    \\\\\n%\\glt \n%\\z\n")  
        modtext = modtext.replace("\n *d. ","%\\ex\n%\\gll \\\\\n%    \\\\\n%\\glt \n%\\z\n") 
        modtext = modtext.replace(r"\newline",r"\\")

        modtext = re.sub("\n\\\\textit{Table ([0-9]+)[\.:] *(.*?)}\n","%%please move \\\\begin{table} just above \\\\begin{tabular . \n\\\\begin{table}\n\\caption{\\2}\n\\label{tab:key:\\1}\n\\end{table}",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\nTable ([0-9]+)[\.:] *(.*?) *\n","%%please move \\\\begin{table} just above \\\\begin{tabular\n\\\\begin{table}\n\\caption{\\2}\n\\label{tab:\\1}\n\\end{table}",modtext)#do not add } after tabular
        modtext = re.sub("Table ([0-9]+)","\\\\tabref{tab:key:\\1}",modtext) 
        modtext = re.sub("\nFigure ([0-9]+)[\.:] *(.*?)\n","\\\\begin{figure}\n\\caption{\\2}\n\\label{fig:key:\\1}\n\\end{figure}",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("Figure ([0-9]+)","\\\\figref{fig:key:\\1}",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("Section ([0-9\.]+)","\\\\sectref{sec:key:\\1}",modtext) 
        modtext = re.sub("§ *([0-9\.]+)","\\\\sectref{sec:key:\\1}",modtext) 
        modtext = re.sub(" \(([0-9s][0-9]*[a-h]?)\)"," \\\\REF{ex:key:\\1}",modtext) 
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\(begin|end){minipage}.*?\n",'',modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\begin{figure}\[h\]",'\\\\begin{figure}',modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("(begin\{tabular\}[^\n]*)",r"""\1\n
        modtext = re.sub(r"\\end{tabular}\n*",r"""\lspbottomrule

        modtext = modtext.replace("begin{tabular}","begin{tabularx}{\\textwidth}")
        modtext = modtext.replace("end{tabular}","end{tabularx}")
        modtext = modtext.replace("\\hhline","%\\hhline%%replace by cmidrule")

        modtext = re.sub(r"\\setcounter{[^}]+\}\{0\}",'',modtext)

        modtext = re.sub("""listWWNum[ivxlc]+level[ivxlc]+""","itemize",modtext) 
        modtext = re.sub("""listL[ivxlc]+level[ivxlc]+""","itemize",modtext) 
        modtext = modtext.replace("& \\begin{itemize}\n\\item","& \n%%\\begin{itemize}\\item\n")  
        modtext = modtext.replace("\\end{itemize}\\\\\n","\\\\\n%%\\end{itemize}\n")  
        modtext = modtext.replace("& \\end{itemize}","& %%\\end{itemize}\n")
        modtext = re.sub(r"""\n+\\z""","\\z",modtext) 
        modtext = re.sub("""\n\n+""","\n\n",modtext) 
        #merge useless chains of formatting
        modtext = re.sub("(\\\\textbf\{[^}]+)\}\\\\textbf\{","\\1",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("(\\\\textit\{[^}]+)\}\\\\textit\{","\\1",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("(\\\\texttt\{[^}]+)\}\\\\texttt\{","\\1",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("(\\\\emph\{[^}]+)\}\\\\emph\{","\\1",modtext)
        #remove all textits from sourcelines
        i = 1
        while i != 0:
            modtext, i = re.subn(r'(\\gll.*)\\textit',

        #bold and smallcaps are used in example environments, so we want them to enclose only minimal words
        for s in ('textbf','textsc'):
            i = 1
            while i != 0:
                modtext,i = re.subn(r'\\%s\{([^\}]+) '%s,
                                    r'\\%s{\1} \\%s{'%(s,s),
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\includegraphics\[.*?width=\\\\textwidth\]\{","%please move the includegraphics inside the {figure} environment\n%%\includegraphics[width=\\\\textwidth]{figures/",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\item *\n+",'\\item ',modtext)
        modtext = re.sub(r"\\begin{itemize}\n\\item *(\\section{.*?})\\end{itemize}",r"\1",modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\footnote\{ +",'\\\\footnote{',modtext)
        #put spaces on right side of formatting
        modtext = re.sub(" +\\}",'} ',modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\text(it|bf|sc|tt|up|rm)\\{ +",' \\\\text\\1{',modtext)
        modtext = re.sub("\\\\text(it|bf|sc|tt|up|rm)\\{([!?\(\)\[\]\.\,\>]*)\\}",'\\2',modtext)
        #duplicated section names 
        modtext = re.sub("(chapter|section|paragraph)\[.*?\](\{.*\}.*)","\\1\\2",modtext)
        bibliography = ''
        modtext = modtext.replace(r'\textbf{References}','References')
        modtext = modtext.replace(r'\section{References}','References')
        modtext = modtext.replace(r'\chapter{References}','References') 
        a = re.compile("\n\s*References\s*\n").split(modtext)
        if len(a)==2:
                modtext = a[0]
                refs = a[1].split('\n')
                bibliography = '\n'.join([bibtools.Record(r).bibstring for r in refs])     
        return modtext+"\n\\begin{verbatim}%%move bib entries to  localbibliography.bib\n"+bibliography+'\\end{verbatim}' 
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_record(self):
     bibtests = (
                 ("""Mufwene, Salikoko. 2001. The Ecology of Language Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.""",
                     """@book{Mufwene2001,\n\taddress = {Cambridge},\n\tauthor = {Mufwene, Salikoko},\n\tpublisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n\ttitle = {The Ecology of Language Evolution},\n\tyear = {2001}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Alleyne, Mervyn C. 1996. Syntaxe historique créole. Paris, France: Karthala."""
                             ,"""@book{Alleyne1996,\n\taddress = {Paris, France},\n\tauthor = {Alleyne, Mervyn C.},\n\tpublisher = {Karthala},\n\ttitle = {Syntaxe historique créole},\n\tyear = {1996}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Allsopp, Richard. (ed.), 2003. Dictionary of Caribbean English usage. Kingston, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press."""
                             ,"""@book{Allsopp2003,\n\taddress = {Kingston, Jamaica},\n\tbooktitle = {Dictionary of {Caribbean} {English} usage},\n\teditor = {Allsopp, Richard},\n\tpublisher = {University of the West Indies Press},\n\ttitle = {Dictionary of {Caribbean} {English} usage},\n\tyear = {2003}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Ammon, Matthias. 2013. The functions of oath and pledge in Anglo-Saxon legal culture. Historical Research. 86(233), 515-535."""
                             ,"""@article{Ammon2013,\n\tauthor = {Ammon, Matthias},\n\tjournal = {Historical Research},\n\tnumber = {233},\n\tpages = {515--535},\n\ttitle = {The functions of oath and pledge in {Anglo}-{Saxon} legal culture},\n\tvolume = {86},\n\tyear = {2013}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Andriotis, Nikolaos. 1995. History of the Greek Language: Four studies. Thessaloniki, Greece: Ίδρυμα Τριανταφυλλίδη."""
                             ,"""@book{Andriotis1995,\n\taddress = {Thessaloniki, Greece},\n\tauthor = {Andriotis, Nikolaos},\n\tpublisher = {Ίδρυμα Τριανταφυλλίδη},\n\ttitle = {History of the {Greek} Language: {{F}}our studies},\n\tyear = {1995}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Archer, Dawn. 2010. Speech acts. In Andreas H. Jucker & Irma Taavitsainen (eds.), Historical pragmatics, 379-418. Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co."""
                             ,"""@incollection{Archer2010,\n\taddress = {Berlin, Germany},\n\tauthor = {Archer, Dawn},\n\tbooktitle = {Historical pragmatics},\n\teditor = {Andreas H. Jucker and Irma Taavitsainen},\n\tpages = {379--418},\n\tpublisher = {Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co},\n\ttitle = {Speech acts},\n\tyear = {2010}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Auer, Peter & Hinskens, Frans & Kerswill, Paul. (eds.), 2005.  Dialect change: Convergence and divergence in European languages. Cambridge, England: The Cambridge University Press. """
                             ,"""@book{Auer2005,\n\taddress = {Cambridge, England},\n\tbooktitle = {Dialect change: {{C}}onvergence and divergence in {European} languages},\n\teditor = {Auer, Peter and Hinskens, Frans and Kerswill, Paul},\n\tpublisher = {The Cambridge University Press},\n\ttitle = {Dialect change: {{C}}onvergence and divergence in {European} languages},\n\tyear = {2005}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Awbery, G. M. 1988. Slander and defamation as a source for historical dialectology. In Alan R. Thomas (ed.), Methods in dialectology: Proceedings of the sixth international conference held at the University College of North Wales, 3rd-7th August 1987, 164-174. Clevedon, PA: Multilingual Matters Ltd."""
                             ,"""@incollection{Awbery1988,\n\taddress = {Clevedon, PA},\n\tauthor = {Awbery, G. M.},\n\tbooktitle = {Methods in dialectology: {{P}}roceedings of the sixth international conference held at the University College of {North} {Wales}, 3rd-7th {August} 1987},\n\teditor = {Alan R. Thomas},\n\tpages = {164--174},\n\tpublisher = {Multilingual Matters Ltd},\n\ttitle = {Slander and defamation as a source for historical dialectology},\n\tyear = {1988}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Bailey, Guy & Ross, Garry. 1988. The shape of the superstrate: Morphosyntactic features of Ship English. English World-Wide. 9(2). 193-212."""
                             ,"""@article{Bailey1988,\n\tauthor = {Bailey, Guy and Ross, Garry},\n\tjournal = {English World-Wide},\n\tnumber = {2},\n\tpages = {193--212},\n\ttitle = {The shape of the superstrate: {{M}}orphosyntactic features of Ship {English}},\n\tvolume = {9},\n\tyear = {1988}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Baker, Philip & Huber, Magnus. 2001. Atlantic, Pacific, and world-wide features in English-lexicon contact languages. English World-Wide. 22(2), 157-208."""
                             ,"""@article{Baker2001,\n\tauthor = {Baker, Philip and Huber, Magnus},\n\tjournal = {English World-Wide},\n\tnumber = {2},\n\tpages = {157--208},\n\ttitle = {{Atlantic}, {Pacific}, and world-wide features in {English}-lexicon contact languages},\n\tvolume = {22},\n\tyear = {2001}\n}\n"""),
                 ##(""""""  ,""""""),
                 ("""Blevins, Juliette. 2004. Evolutionary phonology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press."""
                             ,"""@book{Blevins2004,\n\taddress = {Cambridge},\n\tauthor = {Blevins, Juliette},\n\tpublisher = {Cambridge University Press},\n\ttitle = {Evolutionary phonology},\n\tyear = {2004}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Casali, Roderic F. 1998. Predicting ATR activity. Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS) 34(1). 55-68."""
                             ,"""@article{Casali1998,\n\tauthor = {Casali, Roderic F.},\n\tjournal = {Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS)},\n\tnumber = {1},\n\tpages = {55--68},\n\ttitle = {Predicting {ATR} activity},\n\tvolume = {34},\n\tyear = {1998}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Chomsky, Noam. 1986. Knowledge of language. New York: Praeger."""
                             ,"""@book{Chomsky1986,\n\taddress = {New York},\n\tauthor = {Chomsky, Noam},\n\tpublisher = {Praeger},\n\ttitle = {Knowledge of language},\n\tyear = {1986}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""van Coetsem, Frans. 2000. A general and unified theory of the transmission process in language contact. Heidelberg: Winter."""
                             ,"""@book{vanCoetsem2000,\n\taddress = {Heidelberg},\n\tauthor = {van Coetsem, Frans},\n\tpublisher = {Winter},\n\ttitle = {A general and unified theory of the transmission process in language contact},\n\tyear = {2000}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Franks, Steven. 2005. Bulgarian clitics are positioned in the syntax. http://www.cogs.indiana.edu/people/homepages/franks/Bg_clitics_remark_dense.pdf (17 May, 2006.)"""
                             ,"""@misc{Franks2005,\n\tauthor = {Franks, Steven},\n\tnote = {(17 May, 2006.)},\n\ttitle = {{Bulgarian} clitics are positioned in the syntax},\n\turl = {http://www.cogs.indiana.edu/people/homepages/franks/Bg_clitics_remark_dense.pdf},\n\tyear = {2005}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Iverson, Gregory K. 1983. Korean /s/. Journal of Phonetics 11. 191-200."""
                             ,"""@article{Iverson1983,\n\tauthor = {Iverson, Gregory K.},\n\tjournal = {Journal of Phonetics},\n\tpages = {191--200},\n\ttitle = {{Korean} /s/},\n\tvolume = {11},\n\tyear = {1983}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Iverson, Gregory K. 1989. On the category supralaryngeal. Phonology 6. 285-303."""
                             ,"""@article{Iverson1989,\n\tauthor = {Iverson, Gregory K.},\n\tjournal = {Phonology},\n\tpages = {285--303},\n\ttitle = {On the category supralaryngeal},\n\tvolume = {6},\n\tyear = {1989}\n}\n"""),
                 ("""Johnson, Kyle, Mark Baker & Ian Roberts. 1989. Passive arguments raised. Linguistic Inquiry 20. 219-251."""
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     for s, expected in bibtests:
         record = bibtools.Record(s)
         self.assertEqual(record.bibstring, expected)