def test_truncated(): """ this demonstrates that it doesn't work """ import ngmix import biggles nsamp=1000000 ptrunc=ngmix.priors.TruncatedSimpleGauss2D(0.0, 0.98, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0) g1,g2 = ptrunc.sample(nsamp) g=numpy.vstack( (g1,g2) ).T gmm=mixture.GMM(n_components=1, covariance_type='full') gs=gmm.sample(nsamp) hc=biggles.make_histc(g[:,1], nbin=100, min=0.0, max=1.0, label='data', color='blue') hcs=biggles.make_histc(gs[:,1], nbin=100, min=0.0, max=1.0, label='fit',color='red') key=biggles.PlotKey(0.1,0.9,[hc,hcs], halign='left') plt=biggles.FramedPlot(xlabel='g2') plt.add( hc, hcs, key )
def _plot_single(data, samples, comps, do_ylog=False): import biggles import esutil as eu import pcolors valmin=data.min() valmax=data.max() std = data.std() binsize=0.05*std ph,be,harr = biggles.make_histc(data, min=valmin, max=valmax, binsize=binsize, ylog=do_ylog, norm=1, get_hdata=True) sample_ph,sbe,sharr= biggles.make_histc(samples, min=valmin, max=valmax, binsize=binsize, color='red', ylog=do_ylog, norm=1, get_hdata=True) ph.label='data' sample_ph.label='fit' key = biggles.PlotKey(0.1, 0.9, [ph, sample_ph], halign='left') plt = biggles.FramedPlot() plt.add( ph, sample_ph, key ) w,=where( (harr > 0) & (sharr > 0) ) yrange=[min(harr[w].min(), sharr[w].min()), 1.1*max(harr[w].max(), sharr[w].max())] if do_ylog: plt.ylog=True # now add the components h,rev=eu.stat.histogram(comps, rev=True) print(h) w,=where(h > 0) ncolors = w.size colors=pcolors.rainbow(ncolors) icolor=0 for i in xrange(h.size): if rev[i] != rev[i+1]: w=rev[ rev[i]:rev[i+1] ] frac=float(w.size)/comps.size ph = biggles.make_histc(samples[w], #min=valmin, max=valmax, binsize=binsize, color=colors[icolor], ylog=do_ylog, norm=frac) plt.add(ph) icolor += 1 plt.yrange=yrange return plt
def _plot_single(data, samples, do_ylog=False): import biggles valmin=data.min() valmax=data.max() std = data.std() binsize=0.05*std ph = biggles.make_histc(data, min=valmin, max=valmax, binsize=binsize, ylog=do_ylog, norm=1) sample_ph= biggles.make_histc(samples, min=valmin, max=valmax, binsize=binsize, color='red', ylog=do_ylog, norm=1) ph.label='data' sample_ph.label='fit' ''' hdict = get_norm_hist(data, min=valmin, max=valmax, binsize=binsize) sample_hdict = get_norm_hist(samples, min=valmin, max=valmax, binsize=binsize) hist=hdict['hist_norm'] sample_hist=sample_hdict['hist_norm'] if do_ylog: hist=hist.astype('f8').clip(min=0.001) sample_hist=sample_hist.astype('f8').clip(min=0.001) ph = biggles.Histogram(hist, x0=valmin, width=4, binsize=binsize) ph.label = 'data' sample_ph = biggles.Histogram(sample_hist, x0=valmin, width=1, color='red', binsize=binsize) sample_ph.label = 'joint fit' ''' key = biggles.PlotKey(0.1, 0.9, [ph, sample_ph], halign='left') plt = biggles.FramedPlot() plt.add( ph, sample_ph, key ) if do_ylog: plt.ylog=True #if do_ylog: # plt.yrange=[0.1, 1.1*sample_hist.max()] return plt
def compare_hist(data1, data2, names=None, dataset_names=None, nsig=10.0, **kw): """ Compare the normalized histograms for the two data sets. Make a grid of plots if the data are multi-dimensional parameters ---------- data1: array a [N] or [N,dim] array data2: array a [M] or [M,dim] array names: list, optional Optional list of names for each dimension dataset_names: list, optional Optional list of names for each dataset nsig: float, optional Optional number of standard deviations to clip histograms, default 10.0 """ import biggles from numpy import newaxis from .stat import sigma_clip if len(data1.shape)==1: data1=data1[:,newaxis] if len(data2.shape)==1: data2=data2[:,newaxis] n1,d1 = data1.shape n2,d2 = data2.shape if d1 != d2: raise ValueError("data must have same number of dims. " "got %d and %d" % (d1,d2)) if names is not None: if len(names) != d1: raise ValueError("names must have len equal to number of dims. " " in data, got %d and %d" % (d1,len(names))) else: names = ['par%d' % i for i in xrange(d1)] if dataset_names is not None: if len(dataset_names) != 2: raise ValueError("dataset_names must be len 2, " "got %d" % len(dataset_names)) else: dataset_names=['dataset1','dataset2'] if nsig is None: nsig=100.0 grid = Grid(d1) tab = biggles.Table(grid.nrow, grid.ncol) pkw = {} pkw.update(kw) for dkeys in ['width','height']: del pkw[dkeys] pkw['visible']=False for i in xrange(d1): mn1,st1,ind1=sigma_clip(data1[:,i], nsig=nsig, get_indices=True) mn2,st2,ind2=sigma_clip(data2[:,i], nsig=nsig, get_indices=True) use_std = max(st1,st2) binsize = 0.2*use_std plt=biggles.FramedPlot() plt.xlabel=names[i] pkw['binsize']=binsize pkw['color']='blue' h1=biggles.make_histc(data1[ind1,i], **pkw) pkw['color']='red' h2=biggles.make_histc(data2[ind2,i], **pkw) plt.add(h1,h2) if i==0: h1.label=dataset_names[0] h2.label=dataset_names[1] key=biggles.PlotKey(0.9,0.9,[h1,h2],halign='right') plt.add(key) row,col=grid(i) tab[row,col] = plt if 'show' in kw: show=kw['show'] elif 'visible' in kw: show=kw['visible'] else: show=True tab.aspect_ratio=kw.get('aspect_ratio',float(grid.nrow)/grid.ncol) if show: width=kw.get('width',1000) height=kw.get('height',1000), height=height) return tab
def plot_results(trials, **keys): """ Plot the points and histograms of trials from an MCMC chain. """ import biggles import esutil from esutil.numpy_util import where1, between npars = trials.shape[1] fontsize_min = keys.get("fontsize_min", 1) biggles.configure("default", "fontsize_min", fontsize_min) weights = keys.get("weights", None) nbin = keys.get("nbin", 35) names = keys.get("names", None) show = keys.get("show", True) nsigma = keys.get("nsigma", None) means, cov = extract_stats(trials, weights=weights) errs = sqrt(diag(cov)) plt = biggles.Table(npars, 2) ind = numpy.arange(trials.shape[0]) for i in xrange(npars): if names is not None: name = names[i] else: name = r"$p_{%d}$" % i use_trials = trials[:, i] use_ind = ind use_wts = weights if nsigma is not None: w = where1(between(trials[:, i], means[i] - nsigma * errs[i], means[i] + nsigma * errs[i])) use_trials = trials[w, i] use_ind = ind[w] if weights is not None: use_wts = weights[w] burn_plot_i = biggles.plot(use_ind, use_trials, type="solid", xlabel="step", ylabel=name, visible=False) plt[i, 0] = burn_plot_i hcurve, bin_edges, harray = biggles.make_histc(use_trials, nbin=nbin, weights=use_wts, get_hdata=True) plti = biggles.FramedPlot() plti.xlabel = name hmax = harray.max() plti.yrange = [-0.05 * hmax, 1.2 * hmax] plti.add(hcurve) lab = r"$<%s> = %0.4g \pm %0.4g$" % (name, means[i], errs[i]) plab = biggles.PlotLabel(0.1, 0.8, lab, halign="left", color="blue") plti.add(plab) plt[i, 1] = plti plt.title = keys.get("title", None) if show: return plt
def compare_hist(data1, data2, names=None, dataset_names=None, nsig=10.0, **kw): """ Compare the normalized histograms for the two data sets. Make a grid of plots if the data are multi-dimensional parameters ---------- data1: array a [N] or [N,dim] array data2: array a [M] or [M,dim] array names: list, optional Optional list of names for each dimension dataset_names: list, optional Optional list of names for each dataset nsig: float, optional Optional number of standard deviations to clip histograms, default 10.0 """ import biggles from numpy import newaxis from .stat import sigma_clip if len(data1.shape) == 1: data1 = data1[:, newaxis] if len(data2.shape) == 1: data2 = data2[:, newaxis] n1, d1 = data1.shape n2, d2 = data2.shape if d1 != d2: raise ValueError("data must have same number of dims. " "got %d and %d" % (d1, d2)) if names is not None: if len(names) != d1: raise ValueError("names must have len equal to number of dims. " " in data, got %d and %d" % (d1, len(names))) else: names = ['par%d' % i for i in xrange(d1)] if dataset_names is not None: if len(dataset_names) != 2: raise ValueError("dataset_names must be len 2, " "got %d" % len(dataset_names)) else: dataset_names = ['dataset1', 'dataset2'] if nsig is None: nsig = 100.0 grid = Grid(d1) tab = biggles.Table(grid.nrow, grid.ncol) pkw = {} pkw.update(kw) for dkeys in ['width', 'height']: del pkw[dkeys] pkw['visible'] = False for i in xrange(d1): mn1, st1, ind1 = sigma_clip(data1[:, i], nsig=nsig, get_indices=True) mn2, st2, ind2 = sigma_clip(data2[:, i], nsig=nsig, get_indices=True) use_std = max(st1, st2) binsize = 0.2 * use_std plt = biggles.FramedPlot() plt.xlabel = names[i] pkw['binsize'] = binsize pkw['color'] = 'blue' h1 = biggles.make_histc(data1[ind1, i], **pkw) pkw['color'] = 'red' h2 = biggles.make_histc(data2[ind2, i], **pkw) plt.add(h1, h2) if i == 0: h1.label = dataset_names[0] h2.label = dataset_names[1] key = biggles.PlotKey(0.9, 0.9, [h1, h2], halign='right') plt.add(key) row, col = grid(i) tab[row, col] = plt if 'show' in kw: show = kw['show'] elif 'visible' in kw: show = kw['visible'] else: show = True tab.aspect_ratio = kw.get('aspect_ratio', float(grid.nrow) / grid.ncol) if show: width = kw.get('width', 1000) height = kw.get('height', 1000), height=height) return tab
def compare_hist( data1, data2, names=None, dataset_names=None, nsig=10.0, **kw, ): """ Compare the normalized histograms for the two data sets. Make a grid of plots if the data are multi-dimensional parameters ---------- data1: array a [N] or [N,dim] array data2: array a [M] or [M,dim] array names: list, optional Optional list of names for each dimension dataset_names: list, optional Optional list of names for each dataset nsig: float, optional Optional number of standard deviations to clip histograms, default 10.0 """ import biggles from numpy import newaxis from .stat import sigma_clip if len(data1.shape) == 1: data1 = data1[:, newaxis] if len(data2.shape) == 1: data2 = data2[:, newaxis] n1, d1 = data1.shape n2, d2 = data2.shape if d1 != d2: raise ValueError("data must have same number of dims. " "got %d and %d" % (d1, d2)) if names is not None: if len(names) != d1: raise ValueError("names must have len equal to number of dims. " " in data, got %d and %d" % (d1, len(names))) else: names = ["par%d" % i for i in range(d1)] if dataset_names is not None: if len(dataset_names) != 2: raise ValueError("dataset_names must be len 2, " "got %d" % len(dataset_names)) else: dataset_names = ["dataset1", "dataset2"] if nsig is None: nsig = 100.0 grid = Grid(d1) tab = biggles.Table(grid.nrow, grid.ncol) pkw = {} pkw.update(kw) for dkey in ["width", "height"]: pkw.pop(dkey, None) pkw["visible"] = False pkw["norm"] = 1 if "nbin" not in pkw and 'binsize' not in pkw: get_binsize = True else: get_binsize = False for i in range(d1): mn1, st1, ind1 = sigma_clip(data1[:, i], nsig=nsig, get_indices=True) mn2, st2, ind2 = sigma_clip(data2[:, i], nsig=nsig, get_indices=True) if get_binsize: use_std = max(st1, st2) pkw["binsize"] = 0.2 * use_std plt = biggles.FramedPlot() plt.xlabel = names[i] pkw["color"] = "blue" h1 = biggles.make_histc(data1[ind1, i], **pkw) pkw["color"] = "red" h2 = biggles.make_histc(data2[ind2, i], **pkw) plt.add(h1, h2) if i == 0: h1.label = dataset_names[0] h2.label = dataset_names[1] key = biggles.PlotKey(0.9, 0.9, [h1, h2], halign="right") plt.add(key) row, col = grid(i) tab[row, col] = plt if "show" in kw: show = kw["show"] elif "visible" in kw: show = kw["visible"] else: show = True tab.aspect_ratio = kw.get("aspect_ratio", float(grid.nrow) / grid.ncol) if show: width = kw.get("width", 1000) height = kw.get("height", 1000), height=height) return tab
def multihist(data, binfac=0.1, **kw): """ plot a histogram for each dimension of the data parameters ---------- data: array array with shape [npoints, ndim] binfac: float The binsize for each dimension will be chosen as binfac*std(dimdata) labels: optional A sequence of labels for each dimension """ import biggles if len(data.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("data should have shape [npoints,ndim]") ndim=data.shape[1] labels=kw.pop('labels',None) if labels is not None: nl=len(labels) assert len(labels)==ndim,"len(labels) = %d != %d" % (nl,ndim) grid=Grid(ndim) tab = kw.pop('plt',None) if tab is not None: add_to_existing_plots=True else: add_to_existing_plots=False tab=biggles.Table(grid.nrow, grid.ncol) tab.aspect_ratio=kw.pop('aspect_ratio',None) if tab.cols != grid.ncol or tab.rows != grid.nrow: m="input table has wrong dims. Expected %s got %s" tup = ((grid.nrow,grid.ncol),(tab.rows,tab.cols)) raise ValueError(m % tup) for dim in xrange(ndim): ddata = data[:,dim] mn, std = eu.stat.sigma_clip(ddata) binsize=binfac*std hc = biggles.make_histc( ddata, binsize=binsize, **kw ) row,col=grid(dim) if add_to_existing_plots: plt = tab[row,col] plt.add(hc) else: plt = biggles.FramedPlot(aspect_ratio=1, **kw) plt.add(hc) tab[row,col]=plt if labels is not None: lab=labels[dim] else: lab='dim %d' % dim tab[row,col].xlabel=lab return tab