Ejemplo n.º 1
    def add(self, task):
        """Adds a task to the queue. It pushes the task directly to the queue
        server via POST and stores the task in the local pool as well
        :param task: the QueueTask to add
        :return: the added QueueTask object
        :rtype: queue.QueueTask
        # Only QueueTask type is supported
        if not is_task(task):
            raise ValueError("{} is not supported".format(repr(task)))

        # Don't add to the queue if the task is already in there
        if task in self._tasks:
            logger.warn("Task {} ({}) in the queue already".format(
                task.name, task.task_short_uid))
            return None

        # Do not add the task if unique and task for same context and name
        if task.get("unique", False):
            if self.get_tasks_for(task.context_uid, name=task.name):
                logger.debug("Task {} for {} in the queue already".format(
                    task.name, task.context_path))
                return None

        # Add the task to the queue server
        err = None
            self._post("add", payload=task)
        except (ConnectionError, Timeout, TooManyRedirects) as e:
            err = "{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e))

        except HTTPError as e:
            status = e.response.status_code or 500
            if status < 500 or status >= 600:
                raise e
            message = e.response.json() or {}
            err = "{}: {}".format(status, message.get("message", str(e)))

        except APIError as e:
            if e.status < 500 or e.status >= 600:
                raise e
            err = "{}: {}".format(e.status, e.message)

        if err:
            # Not able to add the task to the queue server. Keep it locally
            # so it can be synchronized as soon as we have connectivity again
            task.update({"offline": "add"})

        # Add the task to our local pool
        task.update({"status": "queued"})
        if task not in self._tasks:

            # Sort by priority + created
            self._tasks.sort(key=lambda t: (t.created + (300 * t.priority)))

        return task
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _sync_push(self):
     """Pushes the tasks modified locally to the queue server
     for task in filter(lambda t: t.get("offline"), self._tasks):
         action = task.get("offline")
         action_func = getattr(self, action)
         except Exception as e:
             # push is not critical to operate, dismiss
             err = "{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def bika_url_fetcher(url):
    """Basically the same as the default_url_fetcher from WeasyPrint,
    but injects the __ac cookie to make an authenticated request to the 
    from weasyprint import VERSION_STRING
    from weasyprint.compat import Request
    from weasyprint.compat import urlopen_contenttype

    request = api.get_request()
    __ac = request.cookies.get("__ac", "")

    if request.get_header("HOST") in url:
        result, mime_type, charset = urlopen_contenttype(
                        'Cookie': "__ac={}".format(__ac),
                        'User-Agent': VERSION_STRING,
                        'Authorization': request._auth,
        return dict(file_obj=result,

    return default_url_fetcher(url)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def bika_url_fetcher(url):
    """Basically the same as the default_url_fetcher from WeasyPrint,
    but injects the __ac cookie to make an authenticated request to the resource.
    from weasyprint import VERSION_STRING
    from weasyprint.compat import Request
    from weasyprint.compat import urlopen_contenttype

    request = api.get_request()
    __ac = request.cookies.get("__ac", "")

    if request.get_header("HOST") in url:
        result, mime_type, charset = urlopen_contenttype(
                        'Cookie': "__ac={}".format(__ac),
                        'User-Agent': VERSION_STRING,
                        'Authorization': request._auth,
        return dict(file_obj=result,

    return default_url_fetcher(url)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def create_sample(**kwargs):
    """Creates a new sample
    values = kwargs and kwargs or {}
    request = _api.get_request()
    date_sampled = DateTime().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        "DateSampled": values.get("DateSampled") or date_sampled,
    to_update = ["Client", "Contact", "SampleType"]
    for portal_type in to_update:
        field_value = values.get(portal_type)
        if not field_value:
            field_value = _api.get_uid(get_object(portal_type))
            values[portal_type] = field_value

    services = None
    if "services" in values:
        services = values.pop("services")

    if not services:
        services = map(_api.get_uid, get_objects("AnalysisService"))

    client = _api.get_object_by_uid(values.get("Client"))
    sample = create_analysisrequest(client, request, values, services)
    return sample
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def guard(self, action):
        """Returns False if the sample is queued or contains queued analyses
        # Check if this current request life-cycle is handled by a consumer
        request = capi.get_request()
        queue_task_uid = request.get("queue_tuid", "")
        if capi.is_uid(queue_task_uid):
            ctx_id = capi.get_id(self.context)
            logger.info("Skip guard for {}: {}".format(ctx_id, action))
            return True

        # Don't do anything if senaite.queue is not enabled
        if not api.is_queue_enabled():
            return True

        # Check if the sample is queued
        if api.is_queued(self.context, status=["queued"]):
            return False

        # Check whether the sample contains queued analyses
        for brain in self.context.getAnalyses():
            if api.is_queued(brain, status=["queued"]):
                return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _post(self, endpoint, resource=None, payload=None, timeout=10):
        """Sends a POST request to SENAITE's Queue Server
        Raises an exception if the response status is not HTTP 2xx or timeout
        :param endpoint: the endpoint to POST against
        :param resource: (Optional) resource from the endpoint to POST against
        :param payload: (Optional) hashable payload for the POST
        server_url = api.get_server_url()
        parts = "/".join(filter(None, [endpoint, resource]))
        url = "{}/@@API/senaite/v1/queue_server/{}".format(server_url, parts)
        logger.info("** POST: {}".format(url))

        # HTTP Queue Authentication to be added in the request
        auth = QueueAuth(capi.get_current_user().id)

        # Additional information to the payload
        request = capi.get_request()
        if payload is None:
            payload = {}
        payload.update({"__zeo": request.get("SERVER_URL")})

        # This might rise exceptions (e.g. TimeoutException)
        response = self._req.post(url,

        # Check the request is successful. Raise exception otherwise

        # Return the result
        return response.json()
Ejemplo n.º 8
def new_task(name, context, **kw):
    """Creates a QueueTask
    :param name: the name of the task
    :param context: the context the task is bound or relates to
    :param min_seconds: (optional) int, minimum seconds to book for the task
    :param max_seconds: (optional) int, maximum seconds to wait for the task
    :param retries: (optional) int, maximum number of retries on failure
    :param username: (optional) str, the name of the user assigned to the task
    :param priority: (optional) int, the priority value for this task
    :param unique: (optional) bool, if True, the task will only be added if
            there is no other task with same name and for same context
    :param chunk_size: (optional) the number of items to process asynchronously
            at once from this task (if it contains multiple elements)
    :return: :class:`QueueTask <QueueTask>`
    :rtype: senaite.queue.queue.QueueTask
    # Skip attrs that are assigned when the QueueTask is instantiated
    exclude = ["task_uid", "name", "request", "context_uid", "context_path"]
    out_keys = filter(lambda k: k not in exclude, kw.keys())
    kwargs = dict(map(lambda k: (k, kw[k]), out_keys))

    # Create the Queue Task
    task = QueueTask(name, api.get_request(), context, **kwargs)

    # Set the username (if provided in kw)
    task.username = kw.get("username", task.username)
    return task
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_request_data(request=None):
    """Get request header/form data

    A typical request behind NGINX looks like this:

        'CONNECTION_TYPE': 'close',
        'CONTENT_LENGTH': '52',
        'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
        'GATEWAY_INTERFACE': 'CGI/1.1',
        'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01',
        'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, deflate, br',
        'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE': 'de-DE,de;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7',
        'HTTP_COOKIE': '_ga=GA1.2.1058345096.1522506452; ...',
        'HTTP_HOST': 'senaite.ridingbytes.com',
        'HTTP_ORIGIN': 'https://senaite.ridingbytes.com',
        'HTTP_REFERER': 'https://senaite.ridingbytes.com/clients/client-1/H2O-0054',
        'HTTP_USER_AGENT': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36',
        'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR': '',
        'HTTP_X_REAL_IP': '',
        'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH': 'XMLHttpRequest',
        'PATH_INFO': '/VirtualHostBase/https/senaite.ridingbytes.com/senaite/VirtualHostRoot//@@API/update',
        'PATH_TRANSLATED': '/VirtualHostBase/https/senaite.ridingbytes.com/senaite/VirtualHostRoot/@@API/update',
        'QUERY_STRING': '',
        'REMOTE_ADDR': '',
        'SCRIPT_NAME': '',
        'SERVER_NAME': 'localhost',
        'SERVER_PORT': '8081',
        'SERVER_PROTOCOL': 'HTTP/1.0',
        'SERVER_SOFTWARE': 'Zope/(2.13.28, python 2.7.12, linux2) ZServer/1.1',
        'channel.creation_time': 1556086048

    :param request: Request object
    :returns: Dictionary of extracted request header/form data
    """ # noqa

    if request is None:
        # get the request
        request = api.get_request()

    # Happens in the test runner
    if not request:
        return {}

    # Try to obtain the real IP address of the client
    forwarded_for = request.get_header("X_FORWARDED_FOR")
    real_ip = request.get_header("X_REAL_IP")
    remote_address = request.get_header("REMOTE_ADDR")

    return {
        "comments": request.form.get("comments", ""),
        "remote_address": forwarded_for or real_ip or remote_address,
        "user_agent": request.get_header("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),
        "referer": request.get_header("HTTP_REFERER"),
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def done(self, task):
        """Notifies the queue that the task has been processed successfully.
        Sends a POST to the queue server and removes the task from local pool
        :param task: task's unique id (task_uid) or QueueTask object
        # Tell the queue server the task is done
        task_uid = get_task_uid(task)
        payload = {"task_uid": task_uid}
        err = None
            self._post("done", payload=payload)
        except (ConnectionError, Timeout, TooManyRedirects) as e:
            err = "{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e))

        except HTTPError as e:
            status = e.response.status_code or 500
            if status < 500 or status >= 600:
                raise e
            message = e.response.json() or {}
            err = "{}: {}".format(status, message.get("message", str(e)))

        except APIError as e:
            if e.status < 500 or e.status >= 600:
                raise e
            err = "{}: {}".format(e.status, e.message)

        if err:
            # Not able to tell the queue server. Keep it locally so it can be
            # synchronized as soon as we have connectivity again
            task_uid = get_task_uid(task_uid)
            tasks = filter(lambda t: t.task_uid == task_uid, self._tasks)
            if tasks:
                task = tasks[0]
            task.update({"offline": "done"})

        # Remove from local pool
        self._tasks = filter(lambda t: t.task_uid != task_uid, self._tasks)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def handle_action(context, items_or_uids, action):
    """Simulates the handling of an action when multiple items from a list are
    selected and the action button is pressed
    if not isinstance(items_or_uids, (list, tuple)):
        items_or_uids = [items_or_uids]
    items_or_uids = map(_api.get_uid, items_or_uids)
    request = _api.get_request()
    request.set("workflow_action", action)
    request.set("uids", items_or_uids)
    WorkflowActionHandler(context, request)()
Ejemplo n.º 12
def translate_i18n(i18n_msg):
    """Safely translate and convert to UTF8, any zope i18n msgid returned from
    senaite health's message factory
    text = to_unicode(i18n_msg)
        request = api.get_request()
        domain = getattr(i18n_msg, "domain", "senaite.health")
        text = translate(text, domain=domain, context=request)
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        logger.warn("{} couldn't be translated".format(text))
    return to_utf8(text)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def on_object_edited(instance, event):
    """Event handler when a sample was edited
    # XXX "save" from Sample's header view does not call widget's process_form
    request = api.get_request()
    field_name = "DateOfBirth"
    if field_name in request.form:
        dob_field = instance.getField(field_name)
        dob = dob_field.widget.process_form(instance, dob_field, request.form)
        if dob is not None:
            dob_field.set(instance, dob[0])

Ejemplo n.º 14
def t(i18n_msg):
    """Safely translate and convert to UTF8, any zope i18n msgid returned from
    a bikaMessageFactory _
    text = to_unicode(i18n_msg)
        request = api.get_request()
        domain = getattr(i18n_msg, "domain", "senaite.core")
        text = translate(text, domain=domain, context=request)
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        # TODO: This is only a quick fix
        logger.warn("{} couldn't be translated".format(text))
    return to_utf8(text)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def process(context, request, task_uid=None):  # noqa
    """Processes the task passed-in
    # disable CSRF

    # Maybe the task uid has been sent via POST
    task_uid = task_uid or req.get_json().get("task_uid")

    # Get the task
    task = get_task(task_uid)
    if task.username != capi.get_current_user().id:
        # 403 Authenticated, but user does not have access to the resource

    # Process
    t0 = time.time()
    task_context = task.get_context()
    if not task_context:
        _fail(500, "Task's context is not available")

    # Get the adapter able to process this specific type of task
    adapter = queryAdapter(task_context, IQueuedTaskAdapter, name=task.name)
    if not adapter:
        _fail(501, "No adapter found for {}".format(task.name))

    logger.info("Processing task {}: '{}' for '{}' ({}) ...".format(
        task.task_short_uid, task.name, capi.get_id(task_context),

    # Inject the queue_consumer marker to the request so guards skip checks
    # against the queue
    request = capi.get_request()
    request.set("queue_tuid", task_uid)

    # If the task refers to a worksheet, inject (ws_id) in params to make
    # sure guards (assign, un-assign) return True
    if IWorksheet.providedBy(task_context):
        request.set("ws_uid", capi.get_uid(task_context))

    # Process the task

    # Sleep a bit for minimum effect against userland threads
    # Better to have a transaction conflict here than in userland
    min_seconds = task.get("min_seconds", 3)
    while time.time() - t0 < min_seconds:

    msg = "Processed: {}".format(task.task_short_uid)
    return get_message_summary(msg, "consumer.process")
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_rejection_pdf(sample):
    """Generates a pdf with sample rejection reasons
    # Avoid circular dependencies
    from bika.lims.browser.analysisrequest.reject import \

    # Render the html's rejection document
    tpl = AnalysisRequestRejectPdfView(sample, api.get_request())
    html = tpl.template()
    html = safe_unicode(html).encode("utf-8")

    # Generate the pdf
    return createPdf(htmlreport=html)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def __call__(self, context):
     # XXX Workaround for missing context in nested choice widget vocabulary
     if context is None:
         # fetch context from the request
         request = api.get_request()
         if request and request["PARENTS"]:
             context = request["PARENTS"][0]
     items = []
     adapted = IDataBoxBehavior(context, None)
     if adapted is None:
         return SimpleVocabulary.fromValues([])
     for field in adapted.get_fields():
         items.append(SimpleTerm(field, token=field, title=field))
     return SimpleVocabulary(items)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def to_localized_time(self, date, **kw):
     """Converts the given date to a localized time string
     if date is None:
         return ""
     # default options
     options = {
         "long_format": True,
         "time_only": False,
         "context": api.get_portal(),
         "request": api.get_request(),
         "domain": "senaite.core",
     return ulocalized_time(date, **options)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def create_sample(services, client, contact, sample_type, receive=True):
    """Creates a new sample with the specified services
    request = _api.get_request()
    values = {
        'Client': client.UID(),
        'Contact': contact.UID(),
        'DateSampled': DateTime().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
        'SampleType': sample_type.UID()
    service_uids = map(_api.get_uid, services)
    sample = create_analysisrequest(client, request, values, service_uids)
    if receive:
        do_action_for(sample, "receive")
    return sample
Ejemplo n.º 20
def is_worksheet_context():
    """Returns whether the current context from the request is a Worksheet
    request = api.get_request()
    parents = request.get("PARENTS", [])
    portal_types_names = map(lambda p: getattr(p, "portal_type", None), parents)
    if "Worksheet" in portal_types_names:
        return True

    # Check if the worksheet is declared in request explicitly
    ws_uid = request.get("ws_uid", "")
    obj = api.get_object_by_uid(ws_uid, None)
    if IWorksheet.providedBy(obj):
        return True

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 21
def process(browser, task_uid):
    """Simulates the processing of the task
    request = _api.get_request()
    site_url = _api.get_url(_api.get_portal())
    url = "{}/@@API/senaite/v1/queue_consumer/process".format(site_url)
    payload = {"task_uid": task_uid}
    browser.post(url, parse.urlencode(payload, doseq=True))

    # We loose the globalrequest each time we do a post with browser

    # Mark the task as done

    return browser.contents
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def __call__(self, context):
     # XXX Workaround for missing context in nested choice widget vocabulary
     if context is None:
         # fetch context from the request
         request = api.get_request()
         if request and request["PARENTS"]:
             context = request["PARENTS"][0]
     items = []
     adapted = IDataBoxBehavior(context, None)
     if adapted is None:
         return SimpleVocabulary.fromValues([])
     catalog = adapted.get_catalog_tool()
     indexes = catalog.getIndexObjects()
     for index in indexes:
         name = index.getId()
         items.append(SimpleTerm(name, token=name, title=name))
     return SimpleVocabulary(items)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def clear_department_cookies(event):
    Logout event handler.
    When user explicitly logs out from the Logout menu, clean department
    filtering related cookies.
    if not is_bika_installed():
            "Package 'bika.lims' is not installed, skipping event handler "
            "for IUserLoggedOutEvent.")
    request = api.get_request()
    response = request.RESPONSE

    # Voiding our special cookie on logout
        'filter_by_department_info', None,  path='/', max_age=0)
        'dep_filter_disabled', None,  path='/', max_age=0)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def to_task(task_dict):
    """Converts a dict representation of a task to a QueueTask object
    :param task_dict: dict that represents a task
    :return: the QueueTask object the passed-in task_dict represents
    :rtype: QueueTask
    name = task_dict.get("name")
    context_uid = task_dict.get("context_uid")
    context_path = task_dict.get("context_path")
    if not all([name, context_uid, context_path]):
        return None

    # Skip attrs that are assigned when the QueueTask is instantiated
    exclude = ["name", "request"]
    out_keys = filter(lambda k: k not in exclude, task_dict.keys())
    kwargs = dict(map(lambda k: (k, task_dict[k]), out_keys))

    # Create the Queue Task
    return QueueTask(name, api.get_request(), context_uid, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def url_fetcher(self, url):
        """Fetches internal URLs by path and not via an external request.

        N.B. Multiple calls to this method might exhaust the available threads
             of the server, which causes a hanging instance.
        if url.startswith("data"):
            logger.info("Data URL, delegate to default URL fetcher...")
            return default_url_fetcher(url)

        logger.info("Fetching URL '{}' for WeasyPrint".format(url))

        # get the pyhsical path from the URL
        request = api.get_request()
        host = request.get_header("HOST")
        path = "/".join(request.physicalPathFromURL(url))

        # fetch the object by sub-request
        portal = api.get_portal()
        context = portal.restrictedTraverse(path, None)

        if context is None or host not in url:
            logger.info("External URL, delegate to default URL fetcher...")
            return default_url_fetcher(url)

        logger.info("Local URL, fetching data by path '{}'".format(path))

        # get the data via an authenticated subrequest
        response = subrequest(path)

        # Prepare the return data as required by WeasyPrint
        string = response.getBody()
        filename = url.split("/")[-1]
        mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(url)[0]
        redirected_url = url

        return {
            "string": string,
            "filename": filename,
            "mime_type": mime_type,
            "redirected_url": redirected_url,
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def process(self, task):
        """Process the task from the queue
        # If there are too many objects to process, split them in chunks to
        # prevent the task to take too much time to complete
        chunks = get_chunks(task["uids"], 50)

        # Process the first chunk
        map(self.reindex_security, chunks[0])

        # Add remaining objects to the queue
        if chunks[1]:
            request = _api.get_request()
            context = task.get_context()
            kwargs = {
                "uids": chunks[1],
                "priority": task.priority,
            new_task = QueueTask(task.name, request, context, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def set_department_cookies(event):
    Login event handler.
    When user logs in, departments must be selected if filtering by department
    is enabled in Bika Setup.
        - For (Lab)Managers and Client Contacts, all the departments from the
          system must be selected.
        - For regular Lab Contacts, default Department must be selected. If
          the Contact doesn't have any default department assigned, then first
          department in alphabetical order will be selected.
    if not is_bika_installed():
            "Package 'bika.lims' is not installed, skipping event handler "
            "for IUserLoggedInEvent.")

    # get the bika_setup object
    portal = api.get_portal()
    bika_setup = portal.get("bika_setup")

    # just to be sure...
    # This should go into the api.py module once it is in place
    if bika_setup is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "bika_setup not found in this Bika LIMS installation")

    # Getting request, response and username
    request = api.get_request()
    response = request.RESPONSE
    user = api.get_current_user()
    username = user and user.getUserName() or None
    is_manager = user and (user.has_role('Manager') or
    portal_catalog = api.get_tool("portal_catalog")

    # If department filtering is disabled, disable the cookies
    if not bika_setup.getAllowDepartmentFiltering():
            'filter_by_department_info', None,  path='/', max_age=0)
            'dep_filter_disabled', None,  path='/', max_age=0)

    selected_deps = []

    # Select all Departments for Lab Managers
    if is_manager:
        selected_deps = portal_catalog(

            'dep_filter_disabled', 'true',  path='/',
            max_age=24 * 3600)

        brain = portal_catalog(getUsername=username)
        # It is possible that current user is created by Plone ZMI.
        # Just log it as a warning and go on
        if not brain:
                "No lab Contact found... Plone user or Client "
                "Contact logged in. " + username)
                'filter_by_department_info', None, path='/', max_age=0)
                'dep_filter_disabled', None, path='/', max_age=0)

        # If it is a Client Contact, select all departments no need to filter.
        elif brain[0].portal_type == 'Contact':
            selected_deps = portal_catalog(

                'dep_filter_disabled', None, path='/', max_age=24 * 3600)

        # It is a LabContact, select only one department. It must be Default
        # Department of the Lab Contact if possible
        elif brain[0].portal_type == 'LabContact':
            lab_con = brain[0].getObject()
            if lab_con.getDefaultDepartment():
                selected_deps = [lab_con.getDefaultDepartment()]
                departments = lab_con.getSortedDepartments()
                selected_deps = [departments[0]] if departments else []

                'dep_filter_disabled', None, path='/', max_age=0)

    selected_dep_uids = ','.join([api.get_uid(dep) for dep in selected_deps])
        max_age=24 * 3600)

Ejemplo n.º 28
 def request(self):
     request = api.get_request()
     if not isinstance(request, HTTPRequest):
         return None
     return request
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def wrapper(*args, **kw):
     # set the content type header
     request = api.get_request()
     request.response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
     return func(*args, **kw)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def is_installed():
    """Returns whether the product is installed or not
    request = get_request()
    return ISenaitePatientLayer.providedBy(request)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def senaite_url_fetcher(url):
    """Uses plone.subrequest to fetch an internal image resource.

    If the URL points to an external resource, the URL is handed
    to weasyprint.default_url_fetcher.

    Please see these links for details:

        - https://github.com/plone/plone.subrequest
        - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.subrequest
        - https://github.com/senaite/senaite.core/issues/538

    :returns: A dict with the following keys:

        * One of ``string`` (a byte string) or ``file_obj``
          (a file-like object)
        * Optionally: ``mime_type``, a MIME type extracted e.g. from a
          *Content-Type* header. If not provided, the type is guessed from the
          file extension in the URL.
        * Optionally: ``encoding``, a character encoding extracted e.g. from a
          *charset* parameter in a *Content-Type* header
        * Optionally: ``redirected_url``, the actual URL of the resource
          if there were e.g. HTTP redirects.
        * Optionally: ``filename``, the filename of the resource. Usually
          derived from the *filename* parameter in a *Content-Disposition*

        If a ``file_obj`` key is given, it is the caller’s responsibility
        to call ``file_obj.close()``.

    logger.info("Fetching URL '{}' for WeasyPrint".format(url))

    # get the pyhsical path from the URL
    request = api.get_request()
    host = request.get_header("HOST")
    path = "/".join(request.physicalPathFromURL(url))

    # fetch the object by sub-request
    portal = api.get_portal()
    context = portal.restrictedTraverse(path, None)

    # We double check here to avoid an edge case, where we have the same path
    # as well in our local site, e.g. we have `/senaite/img/systems/senaite.png`,
    # but the user requested http://www.ridingbytes.com/img/systems/senaite.png:
    # "/".join(request.physicalPathFromURL("http://www.ridingbytes.com/img/systems/senaite.png"))
    # '/senaite/img/systems/senaite.png'
    if context is None or host not in url:
            "URL is external, passing over to the default URL fetcher...")
        return default_url_fetcher(url)

        "URL is local, fetching data by path '{}' via subrequest".format(path))

    # get the data via an authenticated subrequest
    response = subrequest(path)

    # Prepare the return data as required by WeasyPrint
    string = response.getBody()
    filename = url.split("/")[-1]
    mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(url)[0]
    redirected_url = url

    return {
        "string": string,
        "filename": filename,
        "mime_type": mime_type,
        "redirected_url": redirected_url,