Ejemplo n.º 1
def form_bill_json_dict(xml_as_dict):
    Handles converting a government bulk XML file to legacy dictionary form.

    @param bill_id: id of the bill in format [type][number]-[congress] e.x. s934-113
    @type bill_id: str
    @return: dictionary of bill attributes
    @rtype: dict

    bill_dict = xml_as_dict['billStatus']['bill']
    bill_id = build_bill_id(bill_dict['billType'].lower(), bill_dict['billNumber'], bill_dict['congress'])
    titles = bill_info.titles_for(bill_dict['titles']['item'])
    actions = bill_info.actions_for(bill_dict['actions']['item'], bill_id, bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'official'))
    status, status_date = bill_info.latest_status(actions, bill_dict.get('introducedDate', ''))

    bill_data = {
        'bill_id': bill_id,
        'bill_type': bill_dict.get('billType').lower(),
        'number': bill_dict.get('billNumber'),
        'congress': bill_dict.get('congress'),

        'url': billstatus_url_for(bill_id),

        'introduced_at': bill_dict.get('introducedDate', ''),
        'by_request': bill_dict['sponsors']['item'][0]['byRequestType']     is not None,
        'sponsor': bill_info.sponsor_for(bill_dict['sponsors']['item'][0]),
        'cosponsors': bill_info.cosponsors_for(bill_dict['cosponsors']),

        'actions': actions,
        'history': bill_info.history_from_actions(actions),
        'status': status,
        'status_at': status_date,
        'enacted_as': bill_info.slip_law_from(actions),

        'titles': titles,
        'official_title': bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'official'),
        'short_title': bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'short'),
        'popular_title': bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'popular'),

        'summary': bill_info.summary_for(bill_dict['summaries']['billSummaries']),

        # The top term's case has changed with the new bulk data. It's now in
        # Title Case. For backwards compatibility, the top term is run through
        # '.capitalize()' so it matches the old string. TODO: Remove one day?
        'subjects_top_term': _fixup_top_term_case(bill_dict['policyArea']['name']) if bill_dict['policyArea'] else None,
                ([_fixup_top_term_case(bill_dict['policyArea']['name'])] if bill_dict['policyArea'] else []) +
                ([item['name'] for item in bill_dict['subjects']['billSubjects']['legislativeSubjects']['item']] if bill_dict['subjects']['billSubjects']['legislativeSubjects'] else [])

        'related_bills': bill_info.related_bills_for(bill_dict['relatedBills']),
        'committees': bill_info.committees_for(bill_dict['committees']['billCommittees']),
        'amendments': bill_info.amendments_for(bill_dict['amendments']),

        'updated_at': bill_dict.get('updateDate', ''),

    return bill_data
Ejemplo n.º 2
def reparse_actions(bill_id, options):
    # Load an existing bill status JSON file.
    data_json_fn = output_for_bill(bill_id, 'json')
    source = utils.read(data_json_fn)
    bill_data = json.loads(source)

    # Munge data.
    from bill_info import parse_bill_action
    title = bill_info.current_title_for(bill_data['titles'], 'official')
    old_status = None
    for action in bill_data['actions']:
      new_action, new_status = parse_bill_action(action, old_status, bill_id, title)
      if new_status:
        old_status = new_status
        action['status'] = new_status
      # clear out deleted keys
      for key in ('vote_type', 'how', 'where', 'result', 'roll', 'suspension', 'calendar', 'under', 'number', 'committee', 'pocket', 'law', 'congress'):
        if key in action and key not in new_action:
          del action['key']

    status, status_date = bill_info.latest_status(bill_data['actions'], bill_data['introduced_at'])
    bill_data['status'] = status
    bill_data['status_at'] = status_date

    # Show user a diff on the console to accept changes.
    def show_diff_ask_ok(source, revised, fn):
      if source == revised: return False # nothing to do
      def split_lines(s): return [l+"\n" for l in s.split("\n")]
      import sys
      from difflib import unified_diff
      sys.stdout.writelines(unified_diff(split_lines(source), split_lines(revised), fromfile=fn, tofile=fn))
      return raw_input("Apply change? (y/n) ").strip() == "y"

    wrote_any = False

    # Write new data.json file.
    revised = json.dumps(bill_data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
    if show_diff_ask_ok(source, revised, data_json_fn):
      utils.write(revised, data_json_fn)
      wrote_any = True

    # Write new data.xml file.
    from bill_info import create_govtrack_xml
    data_xml_fn = data_json_fn.replace(".json", ".xml")
    with open(data_xml_fn, 'r') as xml_file:
        source = xml_file.read()
    revised = create_govtrack_xml(bill_data, options)
    if show_diff_ask_ok(source, revised.decode("utf8"), data_xml_fn):
      with open(data_xml_fn, 'wb') as xml_file:
      wrote_any = True

    return {
        "ok": True,
        "saved": wrote_any,
        "reason": "no changes or changes skipped by user",
Ejemplo n.º 3
def proc_statute_volume(path, options):
  mods = etree.parse(path + "/mods.xml")
  mods_ns = { "mods": "http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" }

  # Load the THOMAS committee names for this Congress, which is our best
  # bet for normalizing committee names in the GPO data.
  congress = mods.find( "/mods:extension[2]/mods:congress", mods_ns ).text
  utils.fetch_committee_names(congress, options)

  logging.warn("Processing %s (Congress %s)" % (path, congress))

  package_id = mods.find( "/mods:extension[2]/mods:accessId", mods_ns ).text

  for bill in mods.findall( "/mods:relatedItem", mods_ns ):
    # MODS files also contain information about:
    if bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:granuleClass", mods_ns ).text not in [ "PUBLICLAW", "PRIVATELAW", "HCONRES", "SCONRES" ]:

    # Get the title and source URL (used in error messages).
    title_text = bill.find( "mods:titleInfo/mods:title", mods_ns ).text.replace( '""', '"' )
    source_url = bill.find( "mods:location/mods:url[@displayLabel='Content Detail']", mods_ns ).text

    # Bill number
    bill_elements = bill.findall( "mods:extension/mods:bill[@priority='primary']", mods_ns )
    if len(bill_elements) == 0:
      logging.error("No bill number identified for '%s' (%s)" % (title_text, source_url))
    elif len(bill_elements) > 1:
      logging.error("Multiple bill numbers identified for '%s'" % title_text)
      for be in bill_elements:
        logging.error("  -- " + etree.tostring(be).strip())
      logging.error("  @ " + source_url)
      bill_congress = bill_elements[0].attrib["congress"]
      bill_type = bill_elements[0].attrib["type"].lower()
      bill_number = bill_elements[0].attrib["number"]
      bill_id = "%s%s-%s" % (bill_type, bill_number, bill_congress)

    # Title
    titles = []
    titles.append( {
      "title": title_text,
      "as": "enacted",
      "type": "official",
      "is_for_portion": False,
    } )

    # Subject
    descriptor = bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:descriptor", mods_ns )
    if descriptor is not None:
      subject = descriptor.text
      subject = None

    # Committees
    committees = []
    cong_committee = bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:congCommittee", mods_ns )
    if cong_committee is not None:
      chambers = { "H": "House", "S": "Senate", "J": "Joint" }
      committee = chambers[cong_committee.attrib["chamber"]] + " " + cong_committee.find( "mods:name", mods_ns ).text
      committee_info = {
        "committee": committee,
        "activity": [], # XXX
        "committee_id": utils.committee_names[committee] if committee in utils.committee_names else None,
      committees.append( committee_info )

    # The 'granuleDate' is the enactment date?
    granule_date = bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:granuleDate", mods_ns ).text

    sources = [{
      "source": "statutes",
      "package_id": package_id,
      "access_id": bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:accessId", mods_ns ).text,
      "source_url": source_url,
      "volume": bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:volume", mods_ns ).text,
      "page": bill.find( "mods:part[@type='article']/mods:extent[@unit='pages']/mods:start", mods_ns ).text,
      "position": bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:pagePosition", mods_ns ).text,

    law_elements = bill.findall( "mods:extension/mods:law", mods_ns )

    # XXX: If <law> is missing, this assumes it is a concurrent resolution.
    #      This may be a problem if the code is updated to accept joint resolutions for constitutional amendments.
    if ( law_elements is None ) or ( len( law_elements ) != 1 ):
      other_chamber = { "HOUSE": "s", "SENATE": "h" }

      actions = [{
        "type": "vote",
        "vote_type": "vote2",
        "where": other_chamber[bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:originChamber", mods_ns ).text],
        "result": "pass", # XXX
        "how": "unknown", # XXX
#        "text": "",
        "acted_at": granule_date, # XXX
        "status": "PASSED:CONCURRENTRES",
        "references": [], # XXX
      law_congress = law_elements[0].attrib["congress"]
      law_number = law_elements[0].attrib["number"]
      law_type = ( "private" if ( law_elements[0].attrib["isPrivate"] == "true" ) else "public" )

      # Check for typos in the metadata.
      if law_congress != bill_congress:
        logging.error("Congress mismatch for %s%s: %s or %s? (%s)" % ( bill_type, bill_number, bill_congress, law_congress, source_url ) )

      actions = [{
        "congress": law_congress,
        "number": law_number,
        "type": "enacted",
        "law": law_type,
        "text": "Became %s Law No: %s-%s." % ( law_type.capitalize(), law_congress, law_number ),
        "acted_at": granule_date, # XXX
        "status": "ENACTED:SIGNED", # XXX: Check for overridden vetoes!
        "references": [], # XXX

    status, status_date = bill_info.latest_status( actions )

    bill_data = {
      'bill_id': bill_id,
      'bill_type': bill_type,
      'number': bill_number,
      'congress': bill_congress,

      'introduced_at': None, # XXX
      'sponsor': None, # XXX
      'cosponsors': [], # XXX

      'actions': actions, # XXX
      'history': bill_info.history_from_actions( actions ),
      'status': status,
      'status_at': status_date,
      'enacted_as': bill_info.slip_law_from( actions ),

      'titles': titles,
      'official_title': bill_info.current_title_for( titles, "official" ),
      'short_title': bill_info.current_title_for( titles, "short" ), # XXX
      'popular_title': bill_info.current_title_for( titles, "popular" ), # XXX

      'subjects_top_term': subject,
      'subjects': [],

      'related_bills': [], # XXX: <associatedBills> usually only lists the current bill.
      'committees': committees,
      'amendments': [], # XXX

      'sources': sources,
      'updated_at': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()),

    if not options.get('textversions', False):
        bill_info.output_bill( bill_data, options )

    # XXX: Can't use bill_versions.fetch_version() because it depends on fdsys.
    version_code = "enr"
    bill_version_id = "%s%s-%s-%s" % ( bill_type, bill_number, bill_congress, version_code )
    bill_version = {
      'bill_version_id': bill_version_id,
      'version_code': version_code,
      'issued_on': status_date,
      'urls': { "pdf": bill.find( "mods:location/mods:url[@displayLabel='PDF rendition']", mods_ns ).text },
      'sources': sources,
      json.dumps(bill_version, sort_keys=True, indent=2, default=utils.format_datetime),
    # Process the granule PDF.
    # - Hard-link it into the right place to be seen as bill text.
    # - Run "pdftotext -layout" to convert it to plain text and save it in the bill text location.
    pdf_file = path + "/" + sources[0]["access_id"] + "/document.pdf"
    if os.path.exists(pdf_file):
      dst_path = fdsys.output_for_bill(bill_data["bill_id"], "text-versions/" + version_code, is_data_dot=False)
      if options.get("linkpdf", False):
        os.link(pdf_file, dst_path + "/document.pdf") # a good idea
      if options.get("extracttext", False):
        logging.error("Running pdftotext on %s..." % pdf_file)
        if subprocess.call(["pdftotext", "-layout", pdf_file, dst_path + "/document.txt"]) != 0:
          raise Exception("pdftotext failed on %s" % pdf_file)

  return {'ok': True, 'saved': True}
Ejemplo n.º 4
def proc_statute(path, options):
  mods = etree.parse(path + "/mods.xml")
  mods_ns = { "mods": "http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" }

  # Load the THOMAS committee names for this Congress, which is our best
  # bet for normalizing committee names in the GPO data.
  congress = mods.find( "/mods:extension[2]/mods:congress", mods_ns ).text
  utils.fetch_committee_names(congress, options)

  logging.warn("Processing %s (Congress %s)" % (path, congress))

  for bill in mods.findall( "/mods:relatedItem", mods_ns ):
    titles = []

    titles.append( {
      "title": bill.find( "mods:titleInfo/mods:title", mods_ns ).text.replace( '""', '"' ),
      "as": "enacted",
      "type": "official",
    } )

    descriptor = bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:descriptor", mods_ns )

    if descriptor is not None:
      subject = descriptor.text
      subject = None

    # MODS files also contain information about:
    if bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:granuleClass", mods_ns ).text not in [ "PUBLICLAW", "PRIVATELAW", "HCONRES", "SCONRES" ]:

    committees = []

    cong_committee = bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:congCommittee", mods_ns )

    if cong_committee is not None:
      chambers = { "H": "House", "S": "Senate", "J": "Joint" }

      committee = chambers[cong_committee.attrib["chamber"]] + " " + cong_committee.find( "mods:name", mods_ns ).text

      committee_info = {
        "committee": committee,
        "activity": [], # XXX
        "committee_id": utils.committee_names[committee] if committee in utils.committee_names else None,

      committees.append( committee_info )

    bill_elements = bill.findall( "mods:extension/mods:bill", mods_ns )

    if ( bill_elements is None ) or ( len( bill_elements ) != 1 ):
      logging.error("Could not get bill data for %s" % repr(titles) )
      bill_congress = bill_elements[0].attrib["congress"]
      bill_type = bill_elements[0].attrib["type"].lower()
      bill_number = bill_elements[0].attrib["number"]
      bill_id = "%s%s-%s" % (bill_type, bill_number, bill_congress)

    actions = []

    law_elements = bill.findall( "mods:extension/mods:law", mods_ns )

    # XXX: If <law> is missing, this assumes it is a concurrent resolution.
    #      This may be a problem if the code is updated to accept joint resolutions for constitutional amendments.
    if ( law_elements is None ) or ( len( law_elements ) != 1 ):
      other_chamber = { "HOUSE": "s", "SENATE": "h" }

      action = {
        "type": "vote",
        "vote_type": "vote2",
        "where": other_chamber[bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:originChamber", mods_ns ).text],
        "result": "pass", # XXX
        "how": "unknown", # XXX
#        "text": "",
        "acted_at": bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:granuleDate", mods_ns ).text, # XXX
        "status": "PASSED:CONCURRENTRES",
        "references": [], # XXX
      law_congress = law_elements[0].attrib["congress"]
      law_number = law_elements[0].attrib["number"]
      law_type = ( "private" if ( law_elements[0].attrib["isPrivate"] == "true" ) else "public" )

      action = {
        "congress": law_congress,
        "number": law_number,
        "type": "enacted",
        "law": law_type,
        "text": "Became %s Law No: %s-%s." % ( law_type.capitalize(), law_congress, law_number ),
        "acted_at": bill.find( "mods:extension/mods:granuleDate", mods_ns ).text, # XXX
        "status": "ENACTED:SIGNED", # XXX: Check for overridden vetoes!
        "references": [], # XXX

    actions.append( action )

    # Check for typos in the metadata.
    if law_congress != bill_congress:
      logging.error("Congress mismatch for %s%s: %s or %s?" % ( bill_type, bill_number, bill_congress, law_congress ) )

    status, status_date = bill_info.latest_status( actions )

    bill_data = {
      'bill_id': bill_id,
      'bill_type': bill_type,
      'number': bill_number,
      'congress': bill_congress,

      'introduced_at': None, # XXX
      'sponsor': None, # XXX
      'cosponsors': [], # XXX

      'actions': actions, # XXX
      'history': bill_info.history_from_actions( actions ),
      'status': status,
      'status_at': status_date,
      'enacted_as': bill_info.slip_law_from( actions ),

      'titles': titles,
      'official_title': bill_info.current_title_for( titles, "official" ),
      'short_title': bill_info.current_title_for( titles, "short" ), # XXX
      'popular_title': bill_info.current_title_for( titles, "popular" ), # XXX

#      'summary': summary,
      'subjects_top_term': subject,
      'subjects': [],

      'related_bills': [], # XXX: <associatedBills> usually only lists the current bill.
      'committees': committees,
      'amendments': [], # XXX

      'updated_at': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()),

    bill_info.output_bill( bill_data, options )

    # XXX: Can't use bill_versions.fetch_version() because it depends on fdsys.
    version_code = "enr"
    bill_version_id = "%s%s-%s-%s" % ( bill_type, bill_number, bill_congress, version_code )
    bill_version = {
      'bill_version_id': bill_version_id,
      'version_code': version_code,
      'issued_on': status_date,
      'urls': { "pdf": bill.find( "mods:location/mods:url[@displayLabel='PDF rendition']", mods_ns ).text },
    import json, bill_versions
      json.dumps(bill_version, sort_keys=True, indent=2, default=utils.format_datetime),

  return {'ok': True, 'saved': True}
Ejemplo n.º 5
def form_bill_json_dict(xml_as_dict):
    Handles converting a government bulk XML file to legacy dictionary form.

    @param bill_id: id of the bill in format [type][number]-[congress] e.x. s934-113
    @type bill_id: str
    @return: dictionary of bill attributes
    @rtype: dict

    bill_dict = xml_as_dict['billStatus']['bill']
    bill_id = build_bill_id(bill_dict['billType'].lower(), bill_dict['billNumber'], bill_dict['congress'])
    titles = bill_info.titles_for(bill_dict['titles']['item'])
    actions = bill_info.actions_for(bill_dict['actions']['item'], bill_id, bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'official'))
    status, status_date = bill_info.latest_status(actions, bill_dict.get('introducedDate', ''))

    bill_data = {
        'bill_id': bill_id,
        'bill_type': bill_dict.get('billType').lower(),
        'number': bill_dict.get('billNumber'),
        'congress': bill_dict.get('congress'),

        'url': billstatus_url_for(bill_id),

        'introduced_at': bill_dict.get('introducedDate', ''),
        'by_request': bill_dict['sponsors']['item'][0]['byRequestType']     is not None,
        'sponsor': bill_info.sponsor_for(bill_dict['sponsors']['item'][0]),
        'cosponsors': bill_info.cosponsors_for(bill_dict['cosponsors']),

        'actions': actions,
        'history': bill_info.history_from_actions(actions),
        'status': status,
        'status_at': status_date,
        'enacted_as': bill_info.slip_law_from(actions),

        'titles': titles,
        'official_title': bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'official'),
        'short_title': bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'short'),
        'popular_title': bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'popular'),

        'summary': bill_info.summary_for(bill_dict['summaries']['billSummaries']),

        # The top term's case has changed with the new bulk data. It's now in
        # Title Case. For backwards compatibility, the top term is run through
        # '.capitalize()' so it matches the old string. TODO: Remove one day?
        'subjects_top_term': _fixup_top_term_case(bill_dict['policyArea']['name']) if bill_dict['policyArea'] else None,
                ([_fixup_top_term_case(bill_dict['policyArea']['name'])] if bill_dict['policyArea'] else []) +
                ([item['name'] for item in bill_dict['subjects']['billSubjects']['legislativeSubjects']['item']] if bill_dict['subjects']['billSubjects']['legislativeSubjects'] else [])

        'related_bills': bill_info.related_bills_for(bill_dict['relatedBills']),
        'committees': bill_info.committees_for(bill_dict['committees']['billCommittees']),
        'amendments': bill_info.amendments_for(bill_dict['amendments']),
        'committee_reports': bill_info.committee_reports_for(bill_dict['committeeReports']),

        'updated_at': bill_dict.get('updateDate', ''),

    return bill_data