Ejemplo n.º 1
def form_bill_json_dict(xml_as_dict):
    Handles converting a government bulk XML file to legacy dictionary form.

    @param bill_id: id of the bill in format [type][number]-[congress] e.x. s934-113
    @type bill_id: str
    @return: dictionary of bill attributes
    @rtype: dict

    bill_dict = xml_as_dict['billStatus']['bill']
    bill_id = build_bill_id(bill_dict['billType'].lower(), bill_dict['billNumber'], bill_dict['congress'])
    titles = bill_info.titles_for(bill_dict['titles']['item'])
    actions = bill_info.actions_for(bill_dict['actions']['item'], bill_id, bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'official'))
    status, status_date = bill_info.latest_status(actions, bill_dict.get('introducedDate', ''))

    bill_data = {
        'bill_id': bill_id,
        'bill_type': bill_dict.get('billType').lower(),
        'number': bill_dict.get('billNumber'),
        'congress': bill_dict.get('congress'),

        'url': billstatus_url_for(bill_id),

        'introduced_at': bill_dict.get('introducedDate', ''),
        'by_request': bill_dict['sponsors']['item'][0]['byRequestType']     is not None,
        'sponsor': bill_info.sponsor_for(bill_dict['sponsors']['item'][0]),
        'cosponsors': bill_info.cosponsors_for(bill_dict['cosponsors']),

        'actions': actions,
        'history': bill_info.history_from_actions(actions),
        'status': status,
        'status_at': status_date,
        'enacted_as': bill_info.slip_law_from(actions),

        'titles': titles,
        'official_title': bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'official'),
        'short_title': bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'short'),
        'popular_title': bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'popular'),

        'summary': bill_info.summary_for(bill_dict['summaries']['billSummaries']),

        # The top term's case has changed with the new bulk data. It's now in
        # Title Case. For backwards compatibility, the top term is run through
        # '.capitalize()' so it matches the old string. TODO: Remove one day?
        'subjects_top_term': _fixup_top_term_case(bill_dict['policyArea']['name']) if bill_dict['policyArea'] else None,
                ([_fixup_top_term_case(bill_dict['policyArea']['name'])] if bill_dict['policyArea'] else []) +
                ([item['name'] for item in bill_dict['subjects']['billSubjects']['legislativeSubjects']['item']] if bill_dict['subjects']['billSubjects']['legislativeSubjects'] else [])

        'related_bills': bill_info.related_bills_for(bill_dict['relatedBills']),
        'committees': bill_info.committees_for(bill_dict['committees']['billCommittees']),
        'amendments': bill_info.amendments_for(bill_dict['amendments']),

        'updated_at': bill_dict.get('updateDate', ''),

    return bill_data
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fetch_amendment(amdt_id, options):
  logging.info("\n[%s] Fetching..." % amdt_id)
  # fetch bill details body
  body = utils.download(
    amdt_cache_for(amdt_id, "information.html"),

  if not body:
    return {'saved': False, 'ok': False, 'reason': "failed to download"}

  if options.get("download_only", False):
    return {'saved': False, 'ok': True, 'reason': "requested download only"}
  amdt_type, number, congress = utils.split_bill_id(amdt_id)
  actions = actions_for(body, amdt_id, is_amendment=True)
  if actions is None: actions = []

  amdt = {
    'amendment_id': amdt_id,
    'amendment_type': amdt_type,
    'chamber': amdt_type[0],
    'number': number,
    'congress': congress,
    'amends': amends_for(body, grab_bill=False),
    'amends_bill': amends_for(body, grab_bill=True),
    'house_number': house_number_for(body),

    'offered_at': offered_at_for(body, 'offered'),
    'submitted_at': offered_at_for(body, 'submitted'),
    'proposed_at': offered_at_for(body, 'proposed'),
    'sponsor': sponsor_for(body),

    'title': amendment_simple_text_for(body, "title"),
    'description': amendment_simple_text_for(body, "description"),
    'purpose': amendment_simple_text_for(body, "purpose"),
    'actions': actions,

    'updated_at': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()),
  output_amendment(amdt, options)

  return {'ok': True, 'saved': True}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def form_bill_json_dict(xml_as_dict):
    Handles converting a government bulk XML file to legacy dictionary form.

    @param bill_id: id of the bill in format [type][number]-[congress] e.x. s934-113
    @type bill_id: str
    @return: dictionary of bill attributes
    @rtype: dict

    bill_dict = xml_as_dict['billStatus']['bill']
    bill_id = build_bill_id(bill_dict['billType'].lower(), bill_dict['billNumber'], bill_dict['congress'])
    titles = bill_info.titles_for(bill_dict['titles']['item'])
    actions = bill_info.actions_for(bill_dict['actions']['item'], bill_id, bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'official'))
    status, status_date = bill_info.latest_status(actions, bill_dict.get('introducedDate', ''))

    bill_data = {
        'bill_id': bill_id,
        'bill_type': bill_dict.get('billType').lower(),
        'number': bill_dict.get('billNumber'),
        'congress': bill_dict.get('congress'),

        'url': billstatus_url_for(bill_id),

        'introduced_at': bill_dict.get('introducedDate', ''),
        'by_request': bill_dict['sponsors']['item'][0]['byRequestType']     is not None,
        'sponsor': bill_info.sponsor_for(bill_dict['sponsors']['item'][0]),
        'cosponsors': bill_info.cosponsors_for(bill_dict['cosponsors']),

        'actions': actions,
        'history': bill_info.history_from_actions(actions),
        'status': status,
        'status_at': status_date,
        'enacted_as': bill_info.slip_law_from(actions),

        'titles': titles,
        'official_title': bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'official'),
        'short_title': bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'short'),
        'popular_title': bill_info.current_title_for(titles, 'popular'),

        'summary': bill_info.summary_for(bill_dict['summaries']['billSummaries']),

        # The top term's case has changed with the new bulk data. It's now in
        # Title Case. For backwards compatibility, the top term is run through
        # '.capitalize()' so it matches the old string. TODO: Remove one day?
        'subjects_top_term': _fixup_top_term_case(bill_dict['policyArea']['name']) if bill_dict['policyArea'] else None,
                ([_fixup_top_term_case(bill_dict['policyArea']['name'])] if bill_dict['policyArea'] else []) +
                ([item['name'] for item in bill_dict['subjects']['billSubjects']['legislativeSubjects']['item']] if bill_dict['subjects']['billSubjects']['legislativeSubjects'] else [])

        'related_bills': bill_info.related_bills_for(bill_dict['relatedBills']),
        'committees': bill_info.committees_for(bill_dict['committees']['billCommittees']),
        'amendments': bill_info.amendments_for(bill_dict['amendments']),
        'committee_reports': bill_info.committee_reports_for(bill_dict['committeeReports']),

        'updated_at': bill_dict.get('updateDate', ''),

    return bill_data
Ejemplo n.º 4
def fetch_amendment(amendment_id, options):
    logging.info("\n[%s] Fetching..." % amendment_id)

    body = utils.download(
        amendment_cache_for(amendment_id, "information.html"), options)

    if not body:
        return {'saved': False, 'ok': False, 'reason': "failed to download"}

    if options.get("download_only", False):
        return {
            'saved': False,
            'ok': True,
            'reason': "requested download only"

    if "Amends:" not in body:
        return {'saved': False, 'ok': True, 'reason': "orphaned amendment"}

    amendment_type, number, congress = utils.split_bill_id(amendment_id)

    actions = actions_for(body, amendment_id, is_amendment=True)
    if actions is None: actions = []

    chamber = amendment_type[0]

    # good set of tests for each situation:
    # samdt712-113 - amendment to bill
    # samdt112-113 - amendment to amendment on bill
    # samdt4904-111 - amendment to treaty
    # samdt4922-111 - amendment to amendment to treaty

    amends_bill = amends_bill_for(body)  # almost always present
    amends_treaty = amends_treaty_for(body)  # present if bill is missing
    amends_amendment = amends_amendment_for(body)  # sometimes present
    if not amends_bill and not amends_treaty:
        raise Exception(
            "Choked finding out what bill or treaty the amendment amends.")

    amdt = {
        'amendment_id': amendment_id,
        'amendment_type': amendment_type,
        'chamber': chamber,
        'number': int(number),
        'congress': congress,
        'amends_bill': amends_bill,
        'amends_treaty': amends_treaty,
        'amends_amendment': amends_amendment,
        'sponsor': sponsor_for(body),
        'description': amendment_simple_text_for(body, "description"),
        'purpose': amendment_simple_text_for(body, "purpose"),
        'actions': actions,
        'updated_at': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()),

    if chamber == 'h':
        amdt['introduced_at'] = offered_at_for(body, 'offered')
    elif chamber == 's':
        amdt['introduced_at'] = offered_at_for(body, 'submitted')
        amdt['proposed_at'] = offered_at_for(body, 'proposed')

    if not amdt.get('introduced_at', None):
        raise Exception(
            "Couldn't find a reliable introduction date for amendment.")

    # needs to come *after* the setting of introduced_at
    amdt['status'], amdt['status_at'] = amendment_status_for(amdt)

    # only set a house_number if it's a House bill -
    # this lets us choke if it's not found.
    if amdt['chamber'] == 'h':
        # numbers found in vote XML
        # summary = amdt['purpose'] if amdt['purpose'] else amdt['description']
        # amdt['house_number'] = house_simple_number_for(amdt['amendment_id'], summary)

        if int(amdt['congress']) > 100:
            # A___-style numbers, present only starting with the 101st Congress
            amdt['house_number'] = house_number_for(body)

    output_amendment(amdt, options)

    return {'ok': True, 'saved': True}
Ejemplo n.º 5
def fetch_amendment(amendment_id, options):
    logging.info("\n[%s] Fetching..." % amendment_id)

    body = utils.download(
        amendment_cache_for(amendment_id, "information.html"),

    if not body:
        return {'saved': False, 'ok': False, 'reason': "failed to download"}

    if options.get("download_only", False):
        return {'saved': False, 'ok': True, 'reason': "requested download only"}

    if "Amends:" not in body:
        return {'saved': False, 'ok': True, 'reason': "orphaned amendment"}

    amendment_type, number, congress = utils.split_bill_id(amendment_id)

    actions = actions_for(body, amendment_id, is_amendment=True)
    if actions is None:
        actions = []

    chamber = amendment_type[0]

    # good set of tests for each situation:
    # samdt712-113 - amendment to bill
    # samdt112-113 - amendment to amendment on bill
    # samdt4904-111 - amendment to treaty
    # samdt4922-111 - amendment to amendment to treaty

    amends_bill = amends_bill_for(body)  # almost always present
    amends_treaty = amends_treaty_for(body)  # present if bill is missing
    amends_amendment = amends_amendment_for(body)  # sometimes present
    if not amends_bill and not amends_treaty:
        raise Exception("Choked finding out what bill or treaty the amendment amends.")

    amdt = {
        'amendment_id': amendment_id,
        'amendment_type': amendment_type,
        'chamber': chamber,
        'number': int(number),
        'congress': congress,

        'amends_bill': amends_bill,
        'amends_treaty': amends_treaty,
        'amends_amendment': amends_amendment,

        'sponsor': sponsor_for(body),

        'description': amendment_simple_text_for(body, "description"),
        'purpose': amendment_simple_text_for(body, "purpose"),

        'actions': actions,

        'updated_at': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()),

    if chamber == 'h':
        amdt['introduced_at'] = offered_at_for(body, 'offered')
    elif chamber == 's':
        amdt['introduced_at'] = offered_at_for(body, 'submitted')
        amdt['proposed_at'] = offered_at_for(body, 'proposed')

    if not amdt.get('introduced_at', None):
        raise Exception("Couldn't find a reliable introduction date for amendment.")

    # needs to come *after* the setting of introduced_at
    amdt['status'], amdt['status_at'] = amendment_status_for(amdt)

    # only set a house_number if it's a House bill -
    # this lets us choke if it's not found.
    if amdt['chamber'] == 'h':
        # numbers found in vote XML
        # summary = amdt['purpose'] if amdt['purpose'] else amdt['description']
        # amdt['house_number'] = house_simple_number_for(amdt['amendment_id'], summary)

        if int(amdt['congress']) > 100:
            # A___-style numbers, present only starting with the 101st Congress
            amdt['house_number'] = house_number_for(body)

    output_amendment(amdt, options)

    return {'ok': True, 'saved': True}