Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_order_closed(self,
         - Summary: Get closed orders.
         - Description: Gets closed (filled and cancelled) orders for a given address.
         - Query Window: Default query window is latest 7 days; The maximum start - end query window is 3 months.
         - Rate Limit: 5 requests per IP per second.


        if status and status not in api_types_instance.allowed_order_status:
            return std_ret(
                False, 'Status should be in: %s' %

        url = '%sapi/v1/orders/closed?address=%s&limit=%s&offset=%s&total=%s' % \
              (self.api_base_url_with_port, address, limit, offset, total)
        url = url + '&symbol=%s' % symbol if symbol else url
        url = url + '&start=%s' % start if start else url
        url = url + '&end=%s' % end if end else url
        url = url + '&side=%s' % side if side else url
        url = url + '&status=%s' % status if status else url
        ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_depth(self, symbol, limit=None):
         - Summary: Get the order book.
         - Description: Gets the order book depth data for a given pair symbol.
         - The given limit must be one of the allowed limits below.
         - Destination: Validator node.
         - Rate Limit: 10 requests per IP per second.

        :param symbol: Market pair symbol, e.g. NNB-0AD_BNB
        :param limit:
        limited to: [5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000]

        {'status': True, 'result': {'asks': [], 'bids': [], 'height': 8034721}}
        # inputs Validation
        if limit and limit not in api_types_instance.allowed_depth_limit:
            return std_ret(
                False, 'Limit must be in: %s' %

        url = '%sapi/v1/depth?symbol=%s' % (self.api_base_url_with_port,
        url = url + '&limit=%s' % limit if limit else url
        ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def transactions(self,
        Gets a list of transactions
        :param address: Required parameter, to indicate address
        :param non-mandatory parameters, can pass in:
         - block_height: block height, <long type>
         - start_time: start time, The maximum query window is 3 months, <date time type>
         - end_time: end time, The maximum query window is 3 months, <date time type>
         - limit: limits <int type>
         - offset: offset <int type>
         - side: transaction side. Allowed value: [RECEIVE, SEND], <string type>
         - tx_asset: txAsset, <string type>
         - tx_type: transaction type. Allowed value: [ NEW_ORDER,ISSUE_TOKEN,BURN_TOKEN,LIST_TOKEN,CANCEL_ORDER,
        url = '%sapi/v1/transactions/?address=%s' % (
            self.api_base_url_with_port, address)

        # compose url
        if block_height:
            url += '&blockHeight=' + str(block_height)
        if start_time:
            url += '&startTime=' + str(int(start_time.timestamp())) + '000'
        if end_time:
            url += '&endTime=' + str(int(end_time.timestamp())) + '000'
        if limit:
            url += '&limit=' + str(limit)
        if offset:
            url += '&offset=' + str(offset)
        if side:
            # input data validation
            if side not in Types().allowed_transactions_side:
                raise Exception('side only allow: %s' %
            url += '&side=' + str(side)
        if tx_asset:
            url += '&txAsset=' + str(tx_asset)
        if tx_type:
            # input data validation
            if tx_type not in Types().allowed_transactions_type:
                raise Exception('type only allow: %s' %
            url += '&txType' + str(tx_type)
        # perform query
        ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_order_by_id(self, order_id):
         - Summary: Get an order.
         - Description: Gets metadata for an individual order by its ID.
         - Rate Limit: 5 requests per IP per second.

        url = '%sapi/v1/orders/%s' % (self.api_base_url_with_port, order_id)
        ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def post_broadcast(self, transaction, sync=None):
         - Summary: Get closed orders.
         - Description: Gets closed (filled and cancelled) orders for a given address.
         - Query Window: Default query window is latest 7 days; The maximum start - end query window is 3 months.
         - Rate Limit: 5 requests per IP per second.

        url = '%sapi/v1/broadcast' % (self.api_base_url_with_port)
        url = url + '?sync=%s' % sync if sync else url
        ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='POST', body=transaction)
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_block_time(self):
      - Summary: Get the block time.
      - Description: Gets the latest block time and the current time according to the HTTP service.
      - Destination: Validator node.
      - Rate Limit: 1 request per IP per second.
      - Return:
         Success sample results:
         {'ap_time': '2019-03-06T04:23:45Z', 'block_time': '2019-03-06T04:23:44Z'}
     url = '%sapi/v1/time' % (self.api_base_url_with_port)
     ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_account_sequence_by_address(self, address):
         - Summary: Get an account sequence.
         - Description: Gets an account sequence for an address.
         - Destination: Validator node.
         - Rate Limit: 5 requests per IP per second.

        :param address: <Public address>
        {'status': True, 'result': {'sequence': 17}}
        url = '%sapi/v1/account/%s/sequence' % (self.api_base_url_with_port,
        ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def get_account_info_by_address(self, address):
         - Summary: Get an account.
         - Description: Gets account metadata for an address.
         - Destination: Witness node.
         - Rate Limit: 5 requests per IP per second.

        :param address: <Public address>
        {'status': True, 'result': {'address': 'tbnb1fn9z9vn4f44ekz0a3pf80dcy2wh4d5988phjds', 'public_key': None,
        'account_number': 666547, 'sequence': 0, 'balances': [{'symbol': 'BNB', 'free': '1399.99250000',
        'locked': '0.00000000', 'frozen': '0.00000000'}]}}
        url = '%sapi/v1/account/%s' % (self.api_base_url_with_port, address)
        ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def get_tokens(self):
         - Summary: Get tokens list.
         - Description: Gets a list of tokens that have been issued.
         - Destination: Witness node.
         - Rate Limit: 1 request per IP per second.
         {'status': True, 'result': [{'name': 'ANN Network', 'symbol': 'ANN-457', 'original_symbol': 'ANN',
         'total_supply': '100000000.00000000', 'owner': 'tbnb14zguq8gf58ms07npae7pluqxm27xvvgftmhsxz', 'mintable': True},
         {'name': 'Zilliqa', 'symbol': 'ZIL-C5D', 'original_symbol': 'ZIL', 'total_supply': '1000000000.00000000',
         'owner': 'tbnb1hzm72ffar7f57jtx9k70jukqydchvwck469ya4', 'mintable': True}]}

        url = '%sapi/v1/tokens' % (self.api_base_url_with_port)
        ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def get_validators(self):
      - Summary: Get validators.
      - Description: Gets the list of validators used in consensus.
      - Destination: Witness node.
      - Rate Limit: 10 requests per IP per second.
      - Return:
         Sample success result:
         {'status': True, 'result': {'block_height': 6935724,
         'validators': [{'address': '06FD60078EB4C2356137DD50036597DB267CF616',
         'pub_key': [22, 36, 222, 100, 32, 225, 124, 190, 156, 32, 205, 207, 223, 135, 107, 59, 18,
         151, 141, 50, 100, 160, 7, 252, 170, 167, 28, 76, 219, 112, 29, 158, 188, 3, 35, 244, 79],
         'voting_power': 100000000000}, {'address': '18E69CC672973992BB5F76D049A5B2C5DDF77436',
         'pub_key': [22, 36, 222, 100, 32, 24, 78, 123, 16, 61, 52, 196, 16, 3, 249, 184, 100, 213,
         248, 193, 173, 218, 155, 208, 67, 107, 37, 59, 179, 200, 68, 188, 115, 156, 30, 119, 201],
         'voting_power': 100000000000}, {'address': '344C39BB8F4512D6CAB1F6AAFAC1811EF9D8AFDF',
         'pub_key': [22, 36, 222, 100, 32, 77, 66, 10, 234, 132, 62, 146, 160, 207, 230, 157, 137,
         105, 109, 255, 104, 39, 118, 159, 156, 181, 42, 36, 154, 245, 55, 206, 137, 191, 42, 75, 116],
         'voting_power': 100000000000}, {'address': '37EF19AF29679B368D2B9E9DE3F8769B35786676',
         'pub_key': [22, 36, 222, 100, 32, 189, 3, 222, 159, 138, 178, 158, 40, 0, 9, 78, 21, 63,
         172, 111, 105, 108, 250, 81, 37, 54, 201, 194, 248, 4, 220, 178, 194, 196, 228, 174, 214],
         'voting_power': 100000000000}, {'address': '62633D9DB7ED78E951F79913FDC8231AA77EC12B',
         'pub_key': [22, 36, 222, 100, 32, 143, 74, 116, 160, 115, 81, 137, 93, 223, 55, 48, 87,
         185, 143, 174, 109, 250, 242, 205, 33, 243, 122, 6, 62, 25, 96, 16, 120, 254, 71, 13, 83],
         'voting_power': 100000000000}, {'address': '7B343E041CA130000A8BC00C35152BD7E7740037',
         'pub_key': [22, 36, 222, 100, 32, 74, 93, 71, 83, 235, 121, 249, 46, 128, 239, 226, 45, 247,
         172, 164, 246, 102, 164, 244, 75, 248, 28, 83, 108, 74, 9, 212, 185, 197, 182, 84, 181],
         'voting_power': 100000000000}, {'address': '91844D296BD8E591448EFC65FD6AD51A888D58FA',
         'pub_key': [22, 36, 222, 100, 32, 200, 14, 154, 190, 247, 255, 67, 156, 16, 198, 143, 232,
         241, 48, 61, 237, 223, 197, 39, 113, 140, 59, 55, 216, 186, 104, 7, 68, 110, 60, 130, 122],
         'voting_power': 100000000000}, {'address': 'B3727172CE6473BC780298A2D66C12F1A14F5B2A',
         'pub_key': [22, 36, 222, 100, 32, 145, 66, 175, 204, 105, 27, 124, 192, 93, 38, 199, 176,
         190, 12, 139, 70, 65, 130, 148, 23, 23, 48, 224, 121, 243, 132, 253, 226, 250, 80, 186, 252],
         'voting_power': 100000000000}, {'address': 'B6F20C7FAA2B2F6F24518FA02B71CB5F4A09FBA3',
         'pub_key': [22, 36, 222, 100, 32, 73, 178, 136, 228, 235, 187, 58, 40, 28, 45, 84, 111, 195,
         2, 83, 213, 186, 240, 137, 147, 182, 229, 210, 149, 251, 120, 122, 91, 49, 74, 41, 142],
         'voting_power': 100000000000}, {'address': 'E0DD72609CC106210D1AA13936CB67B93A0AEE21',
         'pub_key': [22, 36, 222, 100, 32, 4, 34, 67, 57, 104, 143, 1, 46, 100, 157, 228, 142, 36, 24,
         128, 9, 46, 170, 143, 106, 160, 244, 241, 75, 252, 249, 224, 199, 105, 23, 192, 182],
         'voting_power': 100000000000}, {'address': 'FC3108DC3814888F4187452182BC1BAF83B71BC9',
         'pub_key': [22, 36, 222, 100, 32, 64, 52, 179, 124, 237, 168, 160, 191, 19, 177, 171, 174,
         238, 122, 143, 147, 131, 84, 32, 153, 165, 84, 210, 25, 185, 61, 12, 230, 158, 57, 112, 232],
         'voting_power': 100000000000}]}}
     url = '%sapi/v1/validators' % (self.api_base_url_with_port)
     ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_order_open(self,
         - Summary: Get open orders.
         - Description: Gets open orders for a given address.
         - Rate Limit: 5 requests per IP per second.

        url = '%sapi/v1/orders/open?address=%s&limit=%s&offset=%s&total=%s' % \
              (self.api_base_url_with_port, address, limit, offset, total)
        url = url + '&symbol=%s' % symbol if symbol else url
        ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def get_markets(self):
      - Summary: Get market pairs.
      - Description: Gets the list of market pairs that have been listed.
      - Destination: Witness node.
      - Rate Limit: 1 request per IP per second.
     {'status': True, 'result': [
     {'base_asset_symbol': '000-0E1', 'quote_asset_symbol': 'BNB', 'price': '1.00000000', 'tick_size': '0.00100000',
     'lot_size': '0.00001000'},
     {'base_asset_symbol': '100K-9BC', 'quote_asset_symbol': 'BTC.B-918', 'price': '1.00000000',
     'tick_size': '0.00000001', 'lot_size': '1.00000000'},
     {'base_asset_symbol': '100K-9BC', 'quote_asset_symbol': 'USDT.B-B7C', 'price': '1.00000000',
     'tick_size': '0.00000100', 'lot_size': '0.01000000'},
      ... ...]}
     url = '%sapi/v1/markets' % (self.api_base_url_with_port)
     ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def get_peers(self):
      - Summary: Get network peers.
      - Description: Gets the list of network peers.
      - Destination: Witness node.
      - Rate Limit: 1 requests per IP per second.
      - Return:
         Sample success result:
         {'status': True, 'result': [
             {'accelerated': True, 
         'access_addr': 'https://testnet-dex.binance.org:443', 
         'capabilities': ['qs', 'ap', 'ws'], 'id': 'gateway-ingress', 
         'listen_addr': 'https://testnet-dex.binance.org:443', 
         'moniker': 'gateway-ingress', 'network': 'gateway', 
         'stream_addr': 'wss://testnet-dex.binance.org', 'version': '1.0.0'}, 
         {'access_addr': 'http://seed-pre-s1.binance.org:80', 
         'capabilities': ['node'], 'id': 'aea74b16d28d06cbfbb1179c177e8cd71315cce4', 
         'listen_addr': 'http://seed-pre-s1.binance.org:80', 
         'moniker': 'seed', 'network': 'Binance-Chain-Nile', 
         'original_listen_addr': 'ac6d84c3f243a11e98ced0ac108d49f7-704ea117aa391bbe.elb.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com:27146', 
         'version': '0.30.1'}, 
         {'access_addr': 'https://data-seed-pre-0-s1.binance.org:443', 
         'capabilities': ['node'], 'id': '9612b570bffebecca4776cb4512d08e252119005', 
         'listen_addr': 'https://data-seed-pre-0-s1.binance.org:443', 'moniker': 'data-seed-0', 
         'network': 'Binance-Chain-Nile', 
         'original_listen_addr': 'a0b88b324243a11e994280efee3352a7-96b6996626c6481d.elb.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com:27146', 
         'version': '0.30.1'}, 
         {'access_addr': 'https://data-seed-pre-1-s1.binance.org:443', 
         'capabilities': ['node'], 'id': '8c379d4d3b9995c712665dc9a9414dbde5b30483', 
         'listen_addr': 'https://data-seed-pre-1-s1.binance.org:443', 
         'moniker': 'data-seed-1', 'network': 'Binance-Chain-Nile', 
         'original_listen_addr': 'aa1e4d0d1243a11e9a951063f6065739-7a82be90a58744b6.elb.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com:27146', 
         'version': '0.30.1'}, 
         {'access_addr': 'https://data-seed-pre-2-s1.binance.org:443', 'capabilities': ['node'], 
         'id': '7156d461742e2a1e569fd68426009c4194830c93', 
         'listen_addr': 'https://data-seed-pre-2-s1.binance.org:443', 
         'moniker': 'data-seed-2', 'network': 'Binance-Chain-Nile', 
         'original_listen_addr': 'aa841c226243a11e9a951063f6065739-eee556e439dc6a3b.elb.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com:27146', 
         'version': '0.30.1'}]}
     url = '%sapi/v1/peers' % (self.api_base_url_with_port)
     ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def get_transaction(self, tx_hash):
      - Summary: Get a transaction.
      - Description: Gets transaction metadata by transaction ID. By default, transactions are returned in a raw format. You may add ?format=json to the end of the path to obtain a more readable response.
      - Destination: Seed node.
      - Rate Limit: 10 requests per IP per second.
     :param tx_hash: <Transaction Hash>
     {'status': True, 'result': {'hash': '35B8D4070200FFBE045432AC9D87232BEC1FFAD9E6A6C8979CE2FE631B644B9E',
     'height': '4112785', 'tx': {'type': 'auth/StdTx', 'value': {'data': None, 'memo': 'hello', 'msg': [
     {'type': 'cosmos-sdk/Send', 'value': {'inputs': [{'address': 'tbnb1aeptz56sjep4j2uxt03rcqcp03s9mjgcyex9le',
     'coins': [{'amount': '19999875000', 'denom': 'BNB'}]}], 'outputs': [{'address':
     'tbnb1fn9z9vn4f44ekz0a3pf80dcy2wh4d5988phjds', 'coins': [{'amount': '19999875000', 'denom': 'BNB'}]}]}}],
     'signatures': [{'account_number': '666557', 'pub_key': {'type': 'tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1', 'value':
     'AkrIfMumvYIRaNizdcDjnohIwkNyHjl8K7WNbXXL3W16'}, 'sequence': '0',
     'signature': '3iijgGYTIROtPHAXKrPiHGgbyhv3ZsW23FOcorvKO7kEoDl6lWaxQk1zMGwdTjBpgU6CCkYRhIj4AnbzozW1xQ=='}],
     'source': '1'}}}}
     url = '%sapi/v1/tx/%s?format=json' % (self.api_base_url_with_port,
     ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def get_node_info(self):
      - Summary: Get node information.
      - Description: Gets runtime information about the node.
      - Destination: Validator node.
      - Rate Limit: 1 request per IP per second.
      - Return:
         Sample success result:
         {'status': True, 'result': {'node_info': {'id': 'dd2adba52ad9c830fe16a53fe81dac6880a91218',
         'listen_addr': '', 'network': 'Binance-Chain-Nile', 'version': '0.30.1',
         'channels': '3540202122233038', 'moniker': 'Aconcagua',
         'other': {'amino_version': '', 'p2p_version': '', 'consensus_version': '', 'rpc_version': '',
         'tx_index': 'on', 'rpc_address': 'tcp://'}}, 'sync_info': {
         'latest_block_hash': '7CBCCF0980B6A9D7B988199FEAF7E01FB02668ED192397198013194D8F311EC2',
         'latest_app_hash': '193A0D5399A6FF77F0DB5543C6FAC367451DF42C506C9B63DF200F3DEC78D89D',
         'latest_block_height': 8275, 'latest_block_time': '2019-03-07T02:49:52.843793234Z', 'catching_up': False},
         'validator_info': {'address': '344C39BB8F4512D6CAB1F6AAFAC1811EF9D8AFDF', 'pub_key': [
         77, 66, 10, 234, 132, 62, 146, 160, 207, 230, 157, 137, 105, 109, 255, 104, 39, 118, 159, 156, 181, 42, 36,
         154, 245, 55, 206, 137, 191, 42, 75, 116], 'voting_power': 100000000000}}}
     url = '%sapi/v1/node-info' % (self.api_base_url_with_port)
     ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
     return ret
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def get_fees(self):
     url = '%sapi/v1/fees' % (self.api_base_url_with_port)
     ret = binance_api_request(url=url, method='GET')
     return ret