Ejemplo n.º 1
def shr_compute(df_row):
    st_contrib = df_row['traj_interp'].st.contribs[:, 1]
    gh_contrib = df_row['traj_interp'].gh.contribs[:, 1]
    ht_traj = df_row['ht']
    st_traj = df_row['st']
    gh_traj = df_row['gh']
    up_down = df_row['up_down_analysis']

    start_idx = up_down.max_run_up_start_idx
    end_idx = up_down.max_run_up_end_idx
    sec = slice(start_idx, end_idx + 1)

    st_elev = -np.rad2deg(st_contrib[sec] - st_contrib[start_idx])
    run_vals_new, run_starts_new, run_lengths_new = find_runs(st_elev > 1)
    first_gt_1_new = run_starts_new[np.nonzero(
        np.logical_and(run_lengths_new > 10, run_vals_new))[0][0]]

    st_elev_diff = np.rad2deg(-(st_traj.euler.st_isb[sec, 1] -
                                st_traj.euler.st_isb[start_idx, 1]))
    run_vals_old, run_starts_old, run_lengths_old = find_runs(st_elev_diff > 1)
    first_gt_1_old = run_starts_old[np.nonzero(
        np.logical_and(run_lengths_old > 10, run_vals_old))[0][0]]

    start_idx_comp = max(first_gt_1_new, first_gt_1_old)
    ht_elev_diff = np.rad2deg(-(ht_traj.euler.ht_isb[sec, 1] -
                                ht_traj.euler.ht_isb[start_idx, 1]))
    gh_elev_diff = np.rad2deg(-(gh_traj.euler.gh_isb[sec, 1] -
                                gh_traj.euler.gh_isb[start_idx, 1]))

    ht_elev_range = ht_elev_diff[start_idx_comp:] - ht_elev_diff[start_idx_comp]
    old_shr = gh_elev_diff[start_idx_comp:] / st_elev_diff[start_idx_comp:]
    new_shr = ((gh_contrib[sec] - gh_contrib[start_idx])[start_idx_comp:] /
               (st_contrib[sec] - st_contrib[start_idx])[start_idx_comp:])
    ht_interp_range = np.arange(0, 100 + 0.25, 0.25)
    old_shr_interp = np.interp(ht_interp_range,
    new_shr_interp = np.interp(ht_interp_range,

    return old_shr, new_shr, old_shr_interp, new_shr_interp
def sig_string(x: np.ndarray, sig: np.ndarray) -> str:
    """Create a string describing signifiance based on the domain x and boolean vector of signifiance (sig)."""
    run_values, run_starts, run_lengths = find_runs(sig)
    run_starts_sign = run_starts[run_values]
    run_lengths_sign = run_lengths[run_values]
    sec = []
    for run, length in zip(run_starts_sign, run_lengths_sign):
        sec.append('{:.2f} - {:.2f}'.format(x[run], x[run + length - 1]))
    return '\n'.join(sec)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def extract_sig(spm_test: _SPM0Dinference, x: np.ndarray) -> str:
    """Create a string describing where spm_test is significant in the domain of x."""
    sig = np.logical_or(spm_test.z < -spm_test.zstar, spm_test.z > spm_test.zstar)
    run_values, run_starts, run_lengths = find_runs(sig)
    run_starts_sign = run_starts[run_values]
    run_lengths_sign = run_lengths[run_values]
    sec = []
    for run, length in zip(run_starts_sign, run_lengths_sign):
        sec.append('{:.2f} - {:.2f}'.format(x[run], x[run + length - 1]))
    return '\n'.join(sec)
def analyze_up_down(ht_traj: PoseTrajectory) -> UpDownAnalysis:
    """Performing an analysis of ht_traj to determine where minimum and maximal HT elevation is achieved."""
    ht_elev = np.rad2deg(-ht_traj.euler.ht_isb[:, 1])
    num_frames = ht_elev.size
    max_elev = ht_elev.max()
    max_elev_idx = np.argmax(ht_elev)

    # first level of analysis - determine minimum for up and down
    up = ht_elev[:max_elev_idx+1]
    down = np.flip(ht_elev[max_elev_idx:])
    min_elev_up = up.min()
    min_elev_down = down.min()
    min_elev_up_idx = np.argmin(up)
    min_elev_down_idx = np.argmin(down)

    # second level of analysis - determine longest run
    up_diff = np.diff(up)
    down_diff = np.diff(down)
    up_run_vals, up_run_starts, up_run_lengths = find_runs(up_diff >= 0)
    down_run_vals, down_run_starts, down_run_lengths = find_runs(down_diff >= 0)
    up_run_starts_inc = up_run_starts[up_run_vals]
    up_run_lengths_inc = up_run_lengths[up_run_vals]
    down_run_starts_inc = down_run_starts[down_run_vals]
    down_run_lengths_inc = down_run_lengths[down_run_vals]

    # note that the down indices are for the flipped trajectory
    max_run_up_run_idx = np.argmax(up_run_lengths_inc)
    max_run_down_run_idx = np.argmax(down_run_lengths_inc)
    max_run_up_start_idx = up_run_starts_inc[max_run_up_run_idx]
    max_run_up_end_idx = max_run_up_start_idx + up_run_lengths_inc[max_run_up_run_idx]
    max_run_down_start_idx = down_run_starts_inc[max_run_down_run_idx]
    max_run_down_end_idx = max_run_down_start_idx + down_run_lengths_inc[max_run_down_run_idx]

    max_run_up_start_val = up[max_run_up_start_idx]
    max_run_up_end_val = up[max_run_up_end_idx]
    max_run_down_start_val = down[max_run_down_start_idx]
    max_run_down_end_val = down[max_run_down_end_idx]

    return UpDownAnalysis(max_elev, max_elev_idx, min_elev_up, min_elev_down, min_elev_up_idx,
                          num_frames - 1 - min_elev_down_idx, max_run_up_start_idx, max_run_up_end_idx,
                          num_frames - 1 - max_run_down_start_idx, num_frames - 1 - max_run_down_end_idx,
                          max_run_up_start_val, max_run_up_end_val, max_run_down_start_val, max_run_down_end_val)
def kf_filter_marker_piecewise(
    marker_pos_labeled: np.ndarray,
    marker_pos_filled: np.ndarray,
    dt: float,
    max_gap: int = 75,
    max_gap_secondary: Tuple[int, int] = (30, 10),
    min_length: int = 75,
    white_noise_var: float = 10000
) -> Tuple[Sequence[FilterStep], Sequence[FilterStep]]:
    """Filter raw (labeled) Vicon marker data, accounting for gaps.

    There are two conditions that create a gap:
    1. The marker is not visible for more than or equal to max_gap frames
    2. Periods where marker is not visible for >= max_gap_secondary[0] frames are separated by an interval where the
    marker is visible for at most max_gap_secondary[1] frames
    Subsequently, all gaps are combined.

    start_idx, stop_idx = init_point(marker_pos_labeled, marker_pos_filled)
    nans_labeled = ~np.isnan(marker_pos_labeled[start_idx:stop_idx, 0])
    runs = find_runs(nans_labeled)
    # primary gaps - no data for longer than max_gap
    primary_runs_gaps_idx_start = np.nonzero(
        ((~runs[0]) & (runs[2] >= max_gap)))[0]
    primary_runs_gaps_idx_end = primary_runs_gaps_idx_start + 1

    # secondary gaps - gaps of max_gap_secondary[0] separated by spaces where at most max_gap_secondary[1] data exists
    runs_secondary_gaps_idx = np.nonzero(
        ((~runs[0]) & (runs[2] >= max_gap_secondary[0])))[0]
    secondary_runs_gaps_idx_start = []
    secondary_runs_gaps_idx_end = []
    for i in range(runs_secondary_gaps_idx.size - 1):
        if np.sum(runs[0][runs_secondary_gaps_idx[i] +
                          1:runs_secondary_gaps_idx[i + 1]] * runs[2]
                  [runs_secondary_gaps_idx[i] +
                   1:runs_secondary_gaps_idx[i + 1]]) < max_gap_secondary[1]:
            secondary_runs_gaps_idx_end.append(runs_secondary_gaps_idx[i + 1] +

    # now let's combine the gaps
    all_runs_gaps_idx = \
        list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([zip(primary_runs_gaps_idx_start, primary_runs_gaps_idx_end),
                                            zip(secondary_runs_gaps_idx_start, secondary_runs_gaps_idx_end)]))

    def gaps_overlap(gap1: Tuple[int, int], gap2: Tuple[int, int]) -> bool:
        """Do the gaps overlap?"""
        return (gap1[0] < gap2[1]) and (gap2[0] < gap1[1])

    def combine_gaps(gap1: Tuple[int, int],
                     gap2: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        """Combined the two gaps."""
        min_start = min(gap1, gap2, key=itemgetter(0))
        max_end = max(gap1, gap2, key=itemgetter(1))
        return min_start[0], max_end[1]

    # this only works if the list is sorted by the start index!
    def recursive_combine(initial_gap_list, combined_gap_list):
        # if there are no more gaps to combine then return the combined_gap_list
        if not initial_gap_list:
            return combined_gap_list

        # if we can combine the current gap (combined_gap_list[-1]) with the next gap in the list to process
        # (initial_gap_list[0])
        if gaps_overlap(combined_gap_list[-1], initial_gap_list[0]):
            # combine the gaps and update the current gap
            combined = combine_gaps(combined_gap_list[-1], initial_gap_list[0])
            combined_gap_list[-1] = combined
            # can't combine so add the considered gap becomes the current gap
        # either way we have taken care of this gap so remove it from the list of gaps to be considered
        del (initial_gap_list[0])
        # march forward
        return recursive_combine(initial_gap_list, combined_gap_list)

    def recursive_combine_start(initial_gap_list):
        # no gaps
        if not initial_gap_list:
            return []

        # the first combination is easy, it's just the first gap by itself
        initial_gap_list_copy = initial_gap_list.copy()
        combined_gap_list = [initial_gap_list_copy[0]]
        del (initial_gap_list_copy[0])
        return recursive_combine(initial_gap_list_copy, combined_gap_list)

    # first sort by the start index
    all_runs_gaps_ids_merged = recursive_combine_start(all_runs_gaps_idx)

    # break the list of tuples apart into two lists
    runs_gaps_idx_start_final = [gap[0] for gap in all_runs_gaps_ids_merged]
    runs_gaps_idx_end_final = [gap[1] for gap in all_runs_gaps_ids_merged]

    # number of pieces to filter will always be one greater than the number of gaps
    num_pieces = len(all_runs_gaps_ids_merged) + 1
    pieces_end_idx = np.full((num_pieces, ), stop_idx)
    pieces_start_idx = np.full((num_pieces, ), start_idx)
    # there may not be any gaps so check first
    if all_runs_gaps_ids_merged:
        # interior pieces run from the end index of a gap to the start index of the next gap
        pieces_end_idx[:-1] = runs[1][runs_gaps_idx_start_final] + start_idx
        pieces_start_idx[1:] = runs[1][runs_gaps_idx_end_final] + start_idx

    filtered_pieces = []
    smoothed_pieces = []
    # filter each piece
    for i in range(num_pieces):
        if (pieces_end_idx[i] - pieces_start_idx[i]) < min_length:
            log.info('Skipping Filtering piece %d running from %d to %d', i,
                     pieces_start_idx[i], pieces_end_idx[i])

        log.info('Filtering piece %d running from %d to %d ', i,
                 pieces_start_idx[i], pieces_end_idx[i])
        piece_filtered, piece_smoothed = kf_filter_marker_piece(
            marker_pos_labeled, marker_pos_filled, pieces_start_idx[i],
            pieces_end_idx[i], dt, white_noise_var)

    if not filtered_pieces:
        raise InsufficientDataError('No resulting segments to filter.')

    return filtered_pieces, smoothed_pieces
                ht_traj = df_row['ht']
                st_traj = df_row['st']
                gh_traj = df_row['gh']
                up_down = df_row['up_down_analysis']

                start_idx = up_down.max_run_up_start_idx
                end_idx = up_down.max_run_up_end_idx
                sec = slice(start_idx, end_idx + 1)

                fig = plt.figure()
                ax = fig.subplots()
                plot_utils.style_axes(ax, 'HT Elevation Angle', 'SHR')

                st_elev = np.rad2deg(st_contrib[sec] - st_contrib[start_idx])
                run_vals_new, run_starts_new, run_lengths_new = find_runs(
                    -st_elev > 1)
                first_gt_1_new = run_starts_new[np.nonzero(
                    np.logical_and(run_lengths_new > 10, run_vals_new))[0][0]]

                st_elev_diff = np.rad2deg(
                    -(st_traj.euler.st_isb[sec, 1] -
                      st_traj.euler.st_isb[start_idx, 1]))
                run_vals_old, run_starts_old, run_lengths_old = find_runs(
                    st_elev_diff > 1)
                first_gt_1_old = run_starts_old[np.nonzero(
                    np.logical_and(run_lengths_old > 10, run_vals_old))[0][0]]

                start_idx_comp = max(first_gt_1_new, first_gt_1_old)
                ht_elev = np.rad2deg(-ht_traj.euler.ht_isb[sec, 1])
                ht_elev_diff = np.rad2deg(
                    -(ht_traj.euler.ht_isb[sec, 1] -