Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, news_dir=None, config=None, max_news=None):
        Initiate object building

        :param news_dir: Path to directory containing templates
        :type news_dir: str
        :param config: Configuration object
        :type config: :class:`configParser`
        :param max_news: Number of news to get when displaying news (default :const:`News.MAX_NEWS`)
        :type max_news: int
        :raises SystemExit: If 'news_dir' is not a directory
        :raises SystemExit: If 'NEWS' section is not defined in :py:data:`manager.properties`
        :raises SystemExit: If 'news.dir' is not set in :py:data:`manager.properties`
        self.news_dir = None
        self.max_news = News.MAX_NEWS
        self.data = None

        if max_news:
            self.max_news = max_news

        if news_dir is not None:
            Utils.verbose("[news] 'news_dir' set from %s" % str(news_dir))
            if not os.path.isdir(news_dir):
                Utils.error("News dir %s is not a directory." % news_dir)
            self.news_dir = news_dir

        if config is not None:
            if not config.has_section('NEWS'):
                Utils.error("Configuration has no 'NEWS' section.")
            elif not config.has_option('NEWS', 'news.dir'):
                Utils.error("Configuration has no 'news.dir' key.")
                self.news_dir = config.get('NEWS', 'news.dir')
        Utils.verbose("[news] 'news_dir' set to %s" % str(self.news_dir))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _make_links(self, links=None, hard=False):
        Try to create the links (symbolic or hard)

        :param links: List of links to create
        :type links: list
        :param hard: Create hard link
        :type hard: boole
        :return: Number of created link(s)
        :rtype: int
        :raises SystemExit: If link(s) cannot be created
        if not links or not len(links):
            return 0

        for slink, tlink in links:
            if not os.path.exists(tlink) and not os.path.islink(tlink):
                if Manager.get_simulate() and Manager.get_verbose():
                    Utils.verbose("Linking %s -> %s" % (tlink, os.path.relpath(slink, start=self.target)))
                        if not Manager.get_simulate():
                            source_link = os.path.relpath(slink, start=self.target)
                            if hard:
                                os.link(source_link, tlink)
                                os.symlink(source_link, tlink)
                    except OSError as err:
                        Utils.error("[%s] Can't create %slink %s: %s" %
                                    (self.manager.bank.name, 'hard ' if hard else 'sym', tlink, str(err)))
        return self.created_links
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _generate_dir_link(self, source=None, target=None, hard=False, fallback=None, requires=None, limit=0):
        Create a symbolic link between 'source' and 'target' for a directory

        :param source: Source directory to link
        :type source: str
        :param target: Destination directory name (relative to config param 'production.dir')
        :type target: str
        :param hard: Create hard link instead of symlink
        :type hard: bool (default False)
        :param fallback: Alternative source if source does not exist
        :type fallback: str
        :param requires: A required directory
        :type requires: str
        :param limit: Limit deepest search to `limit` depth, default 0, no limit
        :type limit: int
        :return: Number of created link(s)
        :rtype: int
        if not self._prepare_links(source=source, target=target, fallback=fallback,
                                   requires=requires, get_deepest=True, limit=limit):
            return 0

        slink = os.path.join(self.source)
        tlink = os.path.join(self.target, self.manager.bank.name)

        self._make_links(links=[(slink, tlink)], hard=hard)

        if Manager.get_simulate() and Manager.get_verbose():
            Utils.verbose("%s -> %s directory link done" % (self.target, self.source))
        return self.created_links
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, manager=None, name=None):
        Create the plugin object

        :param manager: Manager instance
        :type manager: :class:`biomajmanager.manager.Manager`
        :param name: Name of the plugin to load. [DEFAULT: load all plugins]
        :type name: String
        :raises SystemExit: If 'manager' arg is not given
        :raises SystemExit: If 'PLUGINS' section not found in :py:data:`manager.properties`
        :raises SystemExit: If 'plugins.dir' not set in :py:data:`manager.properties`
        :raises SystemExit: If 'plugins.list' not set in :py:data:`manager.properties`
        :raises SystemExit: If 'plugins.dir' does not exist
        self.pm = None
        self.name = None
        self.config = None
        self.manager = None
        if not manager:
            Utils.error("'manager' is required")
        self.manager = manager
        self.config = self.manager.config

        if not self.config.has_section('PLUGINS'):
            Utils.error("Can't load plugins, no section found!")
        if not self.config.has_option('MANAGER', 'plugins.dir'):
            Utils.error("plugins.dir not defined!")
        if not self.config.has_option('PLUGINS', 'plugins.list'):
            Utils.error("plugins.list is not defined!")

        if not os.path.isdir(self.config.get('MANAGER', 'plugins.dir')):
            Utils.error("Can't find plugins.dir")
        plugin_manager = PluginManager(directories_list=[self.config.get('MANAGER', 'plugins.dir')],
                                       categories_filter={Plugins.CATEGORY: BMPlugin})
        self.pm = plugin_manager
        self.name = name
        user_plugins = []

        # Load user wanted plugin(s)
        for plugin in self.config.get('PLUGINS', 'plugins.list').split(','):
            # We need to lower the plugin name

        # This means that all plugins must inherits from BMPlugin
        for pluginInfo in plugin_manager.getPluginsOfCategory(Plugins.CATEGORY):
            Utils.verbose("[manager] plugin name => %s" % pluginInfo.name)
            if pluginInfo.name in user_plugins:
                if not pluginInfo.is_activated:
                    Utils.verbose("[manager] plugin %s activated" % pluginInfo.name)
                setattr(self, pluginInfo.name, pluginInfo.plugin_object)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def generate_rss(self, rss_file=None, data=None):
        Generate RSS file from news

        :param rss_file: Path to file rss.xml
        :type rss_file: str
        :param data: Data to create RSS from
        :type data: dict data['news'] = { ... }
        :return: Boolean
        :rtype: bool
        :raises SystemExit: If 'news' key is not found in 'data' dict
        :raises SystemExit: If rss file cannot be opened
        if rss_file is not None:
            Utils.verbose("[rss] rss_file set to %s" % rss_file)
            self.rss_file = rss_file

        if data is None:
            data = self.get_news()
        elif 'news' not in data:
            Utils.error("Could not find 'news' key in data")
        if len(data['news']) == 0:
            Utils.warn("No data to display")
            return True

        items = []
            for new in data['news']:
                item = Item(title=new['title'],
                            author=self.config.get('RSS', 'feed.author'),
                            guid=Guid(self.config.get('RSS', 'feed.news.link') + '#' + str(new['item'])),
                                                      self.config.get('RSS', 'rss.date.format')
                                                      .replace('%%', '%'))
            feed = Feed(title=self.config.get('RSS', 'feed.title'),
                        link=self.config.get('RSS', 'feed.link'),
                        description=self.config.get('RSS', 'feed.description'),
                        language=self.config.get('RSS', 'feed.language'),
            if self.fh is None:
                self.fh = open(self.rss_file, 'w')
            Utils.uprint(feed.rss(), to=self.fh)
            if self.rss_file is not None:
        except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError) as err:
            Utils.error("Option missing in config file: %s" % str(err))
        except (OSError, IOError) as err:
            Utils.error("Can't open file %s: %s" % (self.rss_file, str(err)))
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, rss_file=None, *args, **kwargs):
     """Initiate object building"""
     super(RSS, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.rss_file = None
     self.fh = None
     if rss_file is not None:
         self.rss_file = rss_file
     if 'config' in kwargs:
         self.config = kwargs['config']
         if self.config.has_option('RSS', 'rss.file') and self.rss_file is None:
             self.rss_file = self.config.get('RSS', 'rss.file')
     if self.rss_file is None:
         self.fh = sys.stdout
     Utils.verbose("[rss] rss_file set to %s" % str(self.rss_file))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _generate_files_link(self, source=None, target=None, remove_ext=False):
        Links list of file from 'source' to 'target' directory.

        If remove_ext is set to True, then another link is created. This link is the same as the
        target link, without the file extension

        :param source: Source directory to link
        :type source: str
        :param target: Destination directory name (relative to config param 'production_dir')
        :type target: str
        :param remove_ext: Create another link of the file without the file name extension
        :type remove_ext: bool (default False)
        :return: Number of created link(s)
        :rtype: int
        if not self._prepare_links(source=source, target=target, get_deepest=True):
            return 0

        # Get files in the source directory
        files = Utils.get_files(path=self.source)
        links = []

        for ffile in files:
            # Source file link
            slink = os.path.join(self.source, ffile)
            tlink = os.path.join(self.target, ffile)
            links.append((slink, tlink))
            if Manager.get_verbose():
                Utils.verbose("[_generate_files_link] append slink %s" % slink)
                Utils.verbose("[_generate_files_link] append tlink %s" % tlink)

            # If asked to create another symbolic link without extension name
            if remove_ext:
                new_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ffile))[0]
                tlink = os.path.join(self.target, new_file)
                links.append((slink, tlink))
                if Manager.get_verbose():
                    Utils.verbose("[_generate_files_link] [rm_ext=%s] append slink %s" % (str(remove_ext), slink))
                    Utils.verbose("[_generate_files_link] [rm_ext=%s] append tlink %s" % (str(remove_ext), tlink))


        if Manager.get_simulate() and Manager.get_verbose():
            Utils.verbose("%s -> %s file link done" % (self.target, self.source))
        return self.created_links
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def get_news(self, news_dir=None, reverse=True):
        Get the news to be displayed from the specific news.dir directory

        :param news_dir: Path to news directory
        :type news_dir: str
        :param reverse: Reverse list of news files, default True
        :type reverse: bool
        :return: news_files, list of news files found into 'news' directory
        :rtype: list
        :raises SystemExit: If path 'news_dir' does not exist
        :raises SystemExit: If 'news_dir' not set
        if news_dir is not None:
            if not os.path.isdir(news_dir):
                Utils.error("News dir %s is not a directory" % news_dir)
                self.news_dir = news_dir
        if not self.news_dir:
            Utils.error("Can't get news, no 'news.dir' defined.")

        news_data = []
        item = 0

        # shamefully copied from
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/168409/how-do-you-get-a-directory-listing-sorted-by-creation-date-in-python
        # get all entries in the directory w/ stats
        files = (os.path.join(self.news_dir, file) for file in os.listdir(self.news_dir))
        #files = ((os.stat(path), path) for path in files)
        #files = ((stat[ST_CTIME], path) for stat, path in files if S_ISREG(stat[ST_MODE]))
        #for _, ifile in sorted(files):
        for ifile in sorted(files):
            with open(ifile) as new:
                Utils.verbose("[news] Reading news file %s ..." % ifile)
                (label, date, title) = new.readline().strip().split(':')
                text = ''
                for line in new.readlines():
                    text += line
                news_data.append({'label': label, 'date': date, 'title': title, 'text': text, 'item': item})
                item += 1
        if reverse:
        self.data = {'news': news_data}
        return self.data
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _prepare_links(self, source=None, target=None, get_deepest=False, fallback=None, requires=None, limit=0):
        Prepare stuff to create links

        :param source: Source path
        :type source: str
        :param target: Destination path
        :type target: str
        :param get_deepest: Try to find deepest directory(ies) from source
        :type get_deepest: bool
        :param fallback: Alternative source if source does not exist
        :type fallback: str
        :param requires: A required file or directory
        :type requires: str
        :param limit: Limit deepest search to `limit` depth, default 0, no limit
        :type limit: int
        :return: Boolean
        :rtype: bool
        :raises SystemExit: If 'source' or 'target' are None
        :raises SystemExit: If 'data.dir' not set in :py:data:`global.properties`
        :raises SystemExit: If 'production.dir' not set in :py:data:`manager.properties`
        :raises SystemExit: If 'target' directory cannot be created
        self._check_source_target_parameters(source=source, target=target)
        data_dir = self.bank_data_dir
        source = os.path.join(data_dir, source)
        target_dir = self.manager.config.get('MANAGER', 'production.dir')
        bank_name = self.manager.bank.name

        if requires is not None:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_dir, requires)):
                Utils.warn("[%s] Can't create %s, requires param %s not here." % (bank_name, source, requires))
                return False

        if not os.path.isdir(source):
            if fallback is None:
                if self.manager.get_verbose():
                    Utils.warn("[%s] %s does not exist" % (bank_name, source))
                return False
                if self.manager.get_verbose():
                    Utils.verbose("[%s] %s does not exist. Fallback to %s" % (bank_name, source, fallback))
                source = os.path.join(data_dir, fallback)
                if not os.path.isdir(source):
                    if self.manager.get_verbose():
                        Utils.warn("[%s] Fallback %s does not exist" % (bank_name, source))
                        return False

        if get_deepest:
            source = Utils.get_deepest_dir(source, full=get_deepest, limit=limit)
        target = os.path.join(target_dir, target)

        # Check destination directory where to create link(s)
        if not os.path.exists(target) and not os.path.isdir(target):
            if Manager.get_simulate() and Manager.get_verbose():
                Utils.verbose("[_prepare_links] [%s] Creating directory %s" % (bank_name, target))
                    if not Manager.get_simulate():
                except OSError as err:
                    Utils.error("[%s] Can't create %s dir: %s" % (bank_name, target, str(err)))

        self.source = source
        self.target = target
        if Manager.get_verbose():
            Utils.verbose("[prepare_links] source %s" % self.source)
            Utils.verbose("[prepare_links] target %s" % self.target)
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _clone_structure(self, source=None, target=None, remove_ext=False, limit=0):
        Create a directory structure from a source to a target point and link all files from source inside target

        :param source: Source directory to clone
        :type source: str
        :param target: Destination directory to create if does not exist
        :type target: str
        :param remove_ext: Create another link of the file without the file name extension
        :type remove_ext: bool
        :param limit: Limit subtree seach to value, default 0, no limit
        :tpye limit: int
        :return: True if structure cloning build OK, throws otherwise
        :rtype: bool
        :raise SystemExit: If error occurred during directory structure building
        self._check_source_target_parameters(source=source, target=target)
        # Check do_links.clone_dirs. As we want to recreate the same architecture as for the source,
        # we need to recreate the target because Utils.get_subtree removes the source path which contains
        # the target name
        target = os.path.join(target, source)
        source = os.path.join(self.bank_data_dir, source)
        subtrees = Utils.get_subtree(path=source, limit=limit)

            for subtree in subtrees:
                end_target = os.path.join(self.prod_dir, target, subtree)
                if not os.path.exists(end_target) and not os.path.isdir(end_target):
                    if Manager.get_simulate() and Manager.get_verbose():
                        Utils.verbose("[_clone_structure] [%s] Creating directory %s" % (self.bank_name, end_target))
                        if not Manager.get_simulate():

                sub_files = Utils.get_files(path=os.path.join(source, subtree))
                if len(sub_files) == 0:

                links = []
                for ffile in sub_files:
                    # Source file link
                    slink = os.path.join(source, subtree, ffile)
                    tlink = os.path.join(end_target, ffile)
                    links.append((slink, tlink))
                    if Manager.get_verbose():
                        Utils.verbose("[_generate_files_link] append slink %s" % slink)
                        Utils.verbose("[_generate_files_link] append tlink %s" % tlink)
                        # If asked to create another symbolic link without extension name
                    if remove_ext:
                        new_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ffile))[0]
                        tlink = os.path.join(end_target, new_file)
                        links.append((slink, tlink))
                        if Manager.get_verbose():
                            Utils.verbose("[_generate_files_link] [rm_ext=%s] append slink %s"
                                          % (str(remove_ext), slink))
                            Utils.verbose("[_generate_files_link] [rm_ext=%s] append tlink %s"
                                          % (str(remove_ext), tlink))
                # Set self.target for _make_links
                self.target = end_target
        except OSError as err:
            Utils.error("[%s] Can't create %s dir: %s (%s)" % (self.bank_name, end_target, str(err),
                                                               os.access(end_target, os.W_OK)))

        return True