def get_gff3_features(gff3_file, assemblies=None): ''' Parses the passed GFF3 file and returns two dicts, loaded with biocode.biothings objects: 1. The first dict are the Assembly objects, keyed on assembly ID. Each Assembly has all of the children populated, so you can fully recover gene, RNA, exon and CDS features iterating on the assembly. 2. The second dist is a flat structure of all the descendent feature objects of the Assemblies keyed by the feature IDs. See the documentation for each feature type in biocode.biothings for more info ''' if assemblies is None: assemblies = dict() features = dict() # these are related to parsing any embedded FASTA in_fasta_section = False is_assembly_fasta = False current_fasta_id = None lnum = 0 FASTA_RE = re.compile(r'^\#\#FASTA\s*$') for line in open(gff3_file): lnum = lnum + 1 if in_fasta_section == True: m ='>(\S+)\s*(.*)', line) if m: current_fasta_id = if current_fasta_id in assemblies: is_assembly_fasta = True else: is_assembly_fasta = False else: if current_fasta_id is None: if (len(str(line.rstrip())) > 0): raise Exception("FASTA parse error - sequence appears without preceding fasta id at line " + str(lnum)) if is_assembly_fasta == True: # must be a sequence line for an assembly # python 2.6+ makes string concatenation amortized O(n) # assemblies[current_fasta_id].residues += str(line.rstrip()) assemblies[current_fasta_id].length = len( assemblies[current_fasta_id].residues ) continue elif FASTA_RE.match(line): # all data to the end of the file must be FASTA in_fasta_section = True continue # ignore all other comments if line.startswith('#'): continue cols = line.split("\t") if len(cols) != 9: continue mol_id = cols[0] # initialize this assembly if we haven't seen it yet if mol_id not in assemblies: assemblies[mol_id] = biothings.Assembly( id=mol_id, residues='' ) current_assembly = assemblies[mol_id] rfmin = int(cols[3]) - 1 rfmax = int(cols[4]) rstrand = None atts = column_9_dict(cols[8]) feat_id = atts.get('ID') parent_id = atts.get('Parent') parent_feat = None # sanity check if rfmin > rfmax: raise Exception("ERROR: Coordinates in GFF for feature id {0} appear to be reversed and violate GFF3 specification: {1} > {2}".format(feat_id, cols[3], cols[4])) if 'locus_tag' in atts: locus_tag = atts['locus_tag'] else: locus_tag = None # shared features are not yet supported if isinstance(parent_id, list): raise Exception("This line contains a shared feature with multiple parents. This isn't yet supported:\n{0}".format(line)) if parent_id is not None: if parent_id in features: parent_feat = features[parent_id] else: raise Exception("Error in GFF3: Parent {0} referenced by a child feature before it was defined".format(parent_id) ) if cols[6] == '-': rstrand = -1 elif cols[6] == '+': rstrand = 1 else: rstrand = 0 phase = cols[7] if cols[2] == 'gene': gene = biothings.Gene(id=feat_id, locus_tag=locus_tag) gene.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) features[feat_id] = gene current_assembly.add_gene(gene) elif cols[2] == 'mRNA': mRNA = biothings.mRNA(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat, locus_tag=locus_tag) mRNA.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_mRNA(mRNA) features[feat_id] = mRNA elif cols[2] == 'rRNA': rRNA = biothings.rRNA(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat, locus_tag=locus_tag) rRNA.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_rRNA(rRNA) features[feat_id] = rRNA elif cols[2] == 'tRNA': tRNA = biothings.tRNA(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat, locus_tag=locus_tag) tRNA.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_tRNA(tRNA) features[feat_id] = tRNA elif cols[2] == 'exon': exon = biothings.Exon(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) exon.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_exon(exon) features[feat_id] = exon elif cols[2] == 'CDS': if phase == '.': phase = 0 else: phase = int(phase) CDS = biothings.CDS(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat, phase=phase) CDS.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand, phase=phase) parent_feat.add_CDS(CDS) features[feat_id] = CDS elif cols[2] == 'polypeptide': polypeptide = biothings.Polypeptide(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) polypeptide.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_polypeptide(polypeptide) polypeptide.annotation = parse_annotation_from_column_9(cols[8]) features[feat_id] = polypeptide elif cols[2] == 'five_prime_UTR': utr = biothings.FivePrimeUTR(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) utr.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_five_prime_UTR(utr) features[feat_id] = utr elif cols[2] == 'three_prime_UTR': utr = biothings.ThreePrimeUTR(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) utr.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_three_prime_UTR(utr) features[feat_id] = utr else: sys.stderr.write( "Skipping feature {0} with type {1}\n".format(feat_id, cols[2]) ) continue features[feat_id].length = rfmax - rfmin return (assemblies, features)
def get_gff3_features(gff3_file): ''' Parses the passed GFF3 file and returns two dicts, loaded with biocode.biothings objects: 1. The first dict are the Assembly objects, keyed on assembly ID. Each Assembly has all of the children populated, so you can fully recover gene, RNA, exon and CDS features iterating on the assembly. 2. The second dist is a flat structure of all the descendent feature objects of the Assemblies keyed by the feature IDs. See the documentation for each feature type in biocode.biothings for more info ''' assemblies = dict() features = dict() # these are related to parsing any embedded FASTA in_fasta_section = False is_assembly_fasta = False current_fasta_id = None for line in open(gff3_file): if in_fasta_section == True: m ='>(\S+)\s*(.*)', line) if m: current_fasta_id = if current_fasta_id in assemblies: is_assembly_fasta = True else: is_assembly_fasta = False else: if is_assembly_fasta == True: # must be a sequence line for an assembly # python 2.6+ makes string concatenation amortized O(n) # assemblies[current_fasta_id].residues += str(line.rstrip()) assemblies[current_fasta_id].length = len( assemblies[current_fasta_id].residues ) continue elif line.startswith("##FASTA"): # all data to the end of the file must be FASTA in_fasta_section = True continue cols = line.split("\t") if len(cols) != 9: continue mol_id = cols[0] # initialize this assembly if we haven't seen it yet if mol_id not in assemblies: assemblies[mol_id] = biothings.Assembly( id=mol_id, residues='' ) current_assembly = assemblies[mol_id] rfmin = int(cols[3]) - 1 rfmax = int(cols[4]) rstrand = None feat_id = column_9_value(cols[8], 'ID') parent_id = column_9_value(cols[8], 'Parent') parent_feat = None # shared features is not yet supported if isinstance(parent_id, list): raise Exception("This line contains a shared feature with multiple parents. This isn't yet supported:\n{0}".format(line)) if parent_id is not None: if parent_id in features: parent_feat = features[parent_id] else: raise Exception("Error in GFF3: Parent {0} referenced by a child feature before it was defined".format(parent_id) ) if cols[6] == '-': rstrand = -1 elif cols[6] == '+': rstrand = 1 else: rstrand = 0 if cols[2] == 'gene': gene = biothings.Gene(id=feat_id) gene.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) features[feat_id] = gene current_assembly.add_gene(gene) elif cols[2] == 'mRNA': mRNA = biothings.mRNA(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) mRNA.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_mRNA(mRNA) features[feat_id] = mRNA elif cols[2] == 'rRNA': rRNA = biothings.rRNA(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) rRNA.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_rRNA(rRNA) features[feat_id] = rRNA elif cols[2] == 'tRNA': tRNA = biothings.tRNA(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) tRNA.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_tRNA(tRNA) features[feat_id] = tRNA elif cols[2] == 'exon': exon = biothings.Exon(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) exon.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_exon(exon) features[feat_id] = exon elif cols[2] == 'CDS': CDS = biothings.CDS(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) CDS.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_CDS(CDS) features[feat_id] = CDS return (assemblies, features)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Convert GenBank flat files to GFF3 format') ## output file to be written parser.add_argument('-i', '--input_file', type=str, required=True, help='Path to an input GBK file' ) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_file', type=str, required=False, help='Path to an output GFF file to be created' ) parser.add_argument('--with_fasta', dest='fasta', action='store_true', help='Include the FASTA section with genomic sequence at end of file. (default)' ) parser.add_argument('--no_fasta', dest='fasta', action='store_false' ) parser.set_defaults(fasta=True) args = parser.parse_args() ## output will either be a file or STDOUT ofh = sys.stdout if args.output_file is not None: ofh = open(args.output_file, 'wt') ofh.write("##gff-version 3\n") assemblies = dict() current_assembly = None current_gene = None current_RNA = None rna_count_by_gene = defaultdict(int) exon_count_by_RNA = defaultdict(int) seqs_pending_writes = False features_skipped_count = 0 # each gb_record is a SeqRecord object for gb_record in SeqIO.parse(open(args.input_file, "r"), "genbank"): mol_id = if mol_id not in assemblies: assemblies[mol_id] = biothings.Assembly( id=mol_id ) if len(str(gb_record.seq)) > 0: seqs_pending_writes = True assemblies[mol_id].residues = str(gb_record.seq) assemblies[mol_id].length = len(str(gb_record.seq)) current_assembly = assemblies[mol_id] # each feat is a SeqFeature object for feat in gb_record.features: #print(feat) fmin = int(feat.location.start) fmax = int(feat.location.end) if feat.location.strand == 1: strand = '+' elif feat.location.strand == -1: strand = '-' else: raise Exception("ERROR: unstranded feature encountered: {0}".format(feat)) #print("{0} located at {1}-{2} strand:{3}".format( locus_tag, fmin, fmax, strand ) ) if feat.type == 'source': continue if feat.type == 'gene': # print the previous gene (if there is one) if current_gene is not None: gene.print_as(fh=ofh, source='GenBank', format='gff3') locus_tag = feat.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] gene = biothings.Gene( id=locus_tag ) gene.locate_on( target=current_assembly, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, strand=strand ) current_gene = gene elif feat.type == 'mRNA': locus_tag = feat.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] rna_count_by_gene[locus_tag] += 1 feat_id = "{0}.mRNA.{1}".format( locus_tag, rna_count_by_gene[locus_tag] ) mRNA = biothings.mRNA( id=feat_id, parent=current_gene ) mRNA.locate_on( target=current_assembly, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, strand=strand ) gene.add_mRNA(mRNA) current_RNA = mRNA if feat_id in exon_count_by_RNA: raise Exception( "ERROR: two different RNAs found with same ID: {0}".format(feat_id) ) else: exon_count_by_RNA[feat_id] = 0 elif feat.type == 'tRNA': locus_tag = feat.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] rna_count_by_gene[locus_tag] += 1 feat_id = "{0}.tRNA.{1}".format( locus_tag, rna_count_by_gene[locus_tag] ) tRNA = biothings.tRNA( id=feat_id, parent=current_gene ) tRNA.locate_on( target=current_assembly, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, strand=strand ) gene.add_tRNA(tRNA) current_RNA = tRNA if feat_id in exon_count_by_RNA: raise Exception( "ERROR: two different RNAs found with same ID: {0}".format(feat_id) ) else: exon_count_by_RNA[feat_id] = 0 elif feat.type == 'rRNA': locus_tag = feat.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] rna_count_by_gene[locus_tag] += 1 feat_id = "{0}.rRNA.{1}".format( locus_tag, rna_count_by_gene[locus_tag] ) rRNA = biothings.rRNA( id=feat_id, parent=current_gene ) rRNA.locate_on( target=current_assembly, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, strand=strand ) gene.add_rRNA(rRNA) current_RNA = rRNA if feat_id in exon_count_by_RNA: raise Exception( "ERROR: two different RNAs found with same ID: {0}".format(feat_id) ) else: exon_count_by_RNA[feat_id] = 0 elif feat.type == 'CDS': locus_tag = feat.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] exon_count_by_RNA[] += 1 cds_id = "{0}.CDS.{1}".format(, exon_count_by_RNA[] ) current_CDS_phase = 0 for loc in subfmin = int(loc.start) subfmax = int(loc.end) CDS = biothings.CDS( id=cds_id, parent=current_RNA ) CDS.locate_on( target=current_assembly, fmin=subfmin, fmax=subfmax, strand=strand, phase=current_CDS_phase ) current_RNA.add_CDS(CDS) # calculate the starting phase for the next CDS feature (in case there is one) # 0 + 6 = 0 TTGCAT # 0 + 7 = 2 TTGCATG # 1 + 6 = 1 TTGCAT # 2 + 7 = 1 TTGCATG # general: 3 - ((length - previous phase) % 3) current_CDS_phase = 3 - (((subfmax - subfmin) - current_CDS_phase) % 3) if current_CDS_phase == 3: current_CDS_phase = 0 exon_id = "{0}.exon.{1}".format(, exon_count_by_RNA[] ) exon = biothings.Exon( id=exon_id, parent=current_RNA ) exon.locate_on( target=current_assembly, fmin=subfmin, fmax=subfmax, strand=strand ) current_RNA.add_exon(exon) exon_count_by_RNA[] += 1 product = feat.qualifiers['product'][0] else: print("WARNING: The following feature was skipped:\n{0}".format(feat)) features_skipped_count += 1 # don't forget to do the last gene, if there were any if current_gene is not None: gene.print_as(fh=ofh, source='GenBank', format='gff3') if args.fasta is True: if seqs_pending_writes is True: ofh.write("##FASTA\n") for assembly_id in assemblies: ofh.write(">{0}\n".format(assembly_id)) ofh.write("{0}\n".format(biocodeutils.wrapped_fasta(assemblies[assembly_id].residues))) if features_skipped_count > 0: print("Warning: {0} unsupported feature types were skipped".format(features_skipped_count))
def get_gff3_features(gff3_file, assemblies=None): ''' Parses the passed GFF3 file and returns two dicts, loaded with biocode.biothings objects: 1. The first dict are the Assembly objects, keyed on assembly ID. Each Assembly has all of the children populated, so you can fully recover gene, RNA, exon and CDS features iterating on the assembly. 2. The second dist is a flat structure of all the descendent feature objects of the Assemblies keyed by the feature IDs. See the documentation for each feature type in biocode.biothings for more info ''' if assemblies is None: assemblies = dict() features = dict() # these are related to parsing any embedded FASTA in_fasta_section = False is_assembly_fasta = False current_fasta_id = None for line in open(gff3_file): #print("INFO: processing line: {0}".format(line)) if in_fasta_section == True: m ='>(\S+)\s*(.*)', line) if m: current_fasta_id = if current_fasta_id in assemblies: is_assembly_fasta = True else: is_assembly_fasta = False else: if is_assembly_fasta == True: # must be a sequence line for an assembly # python 2.6+ makes string concatenation amortized O(n) # assemblies[current_fasta_id].residues += str(line.rstrip()) assemblies[current_fasta_id].length = len( assemblies[current_fasta_id].residues) continue elif line.startswith("##FASTA"): # all data to the end of the file must be FASTA in_fasta_section = True continue # ignore all other comments if line.startswith('#'): continue cols = line.split("\t") if len(cols) != 9: continue mol_id = cols[0] # initialize this assembly if we haven't seen it yet if mol_id not in assemblies: assemblies[mol_id] = biothings.Assembly(id=mol_id, residues='') current_assembly = assemblies[mol_id] rfmin = int(cols[3]) - 1 rfmax = int(cols[4]) rstrand = None atts = column_9_dict(cols[8]) feat_id = atts.get('ID') parent_id = atts.get('Parent') parent_feat = None # sanity check if rfmin > rfmax: raise Exception( "ERROR: Coordinates in GFF for feature id {0} appear to be reversed and violate GFF3 specification: {1} > {2}" .format(feat_id, cols[3], cols[4])) if 'locus_tag' in atts: locus_tag = atts['locus_tag'] else: locus_tag = None # shared features is not yet supported if isinstance(parent_id, list): raise Exception( "This line contains a shared feature with multiple parents. This isn't yet supported:\n{0}" .format(line)) if parent_id is not None: if parent_id in features: parent_feat = features[parent_id] else: raise Exception( "Error in GFF3: Parent {0} referenced by a child feature before it was defined" .format(parent_id)) if cols[6] == '-': rstrand = -1 elif cols[6] == '+': rstrand = 1 else: rstrand = 0 if cols[2] == 'gene': gene = biothings.Gene(id=feat_id, locus_tag=locus_tag) gene.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) features[feat_id] = gene current_assembly.add_gene(gene) elif cols[2] == 'mRNA': mRNA = biothings.mRNA(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat, locus_tag=locus_tag) mRNA.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_mRNA(mRNA) features[feat_id] = mRNA elif cols[2] == 'rRNA': rRNA = biothings.rRNA(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat, locus_tag=locus_tag) rRNA.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_rRNA(rRNA) features[feat_id] = rRNA elif cols[2] == 'tRNA': tRNA = biothings.tRNA(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat, locus_tag=locus_tag) tRNA.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_tRNA(tRNA) features[feat_id] = tRNA elif cols[2] == 'exon': exon = biothings.Exon(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) exon.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_exon(exon) features[feat_id] = exon elif cols[2] == 'CDS': CDS = biothings.CDS(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) CDS.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_CDS(CDS) features[feat_id] = CDS elif cols[2] == 'polypeptide': polypeptide = biothings.Polypeptide(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) polypeptide.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_polypeptide(polypeptide) polypeptide.annotation = parse_annotation_from_column_9(cols[8]) features[feat_id] = polypeptide elif cols[2] == 'five_prime_UTR': utr = biothings.FivePrimeUTR(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) utr.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_five_prime_UTR(utr) features[feat_id] = utr elif cols[2] == 'three_prime_UTR': utr = biothings.ThreePrimeUTR(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) utr.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_three_prime_UTR(utr) features[feat_id] = utr else: sys.stderr.write("Skipping feature {0} with type {1}\n".format( feat_id, cols[2])) continue features[feat_id].length = rfmax - rfmin return (assemblies, features)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Convert GenBank flat files to GFF3 format') ## output file to be written parser.add_argument('-i', '--input_file', type=str, required=True, help='Path to an input GBK file' ) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_file', type=str, required=False, help='Path to an output GFF file to be created' ) parser.add_argument('--with_fasta', dest='fasta', action='store_true', help='Include the FASTA section with genomic sequence at end of file. (default)' ) parser.add_argument('--no_fasta', dest='fasta', action='store_false' ) parser.set_defaults(fasta=True) args = parser.parse_args() ## output will either be a file or STDOUT ofh = sys.stdout if args.output_file is not None: ofh = open(args.output_file, 'wt') ofh.write("##gff-version 3\n") assemblies = dict() current_assembly = None current_gene = None current_RNA = None rna_count_by_gene = defaultdict(int) exon_count_by_RNA = defaultdict(int) seqs_pending_writes = False features_skipped_count = 0 # each gb_record is a SeqRecord object for gb_record in SeqIO.parse(open(args.input_file, "r"), "genbank"): mol_id = if mol_id not in assemblies: assemblies[mol_id] = biothings.Assembly( id=mol_id ) if len(str(gb_record.seq)) > 0: seqs_pending_writes = True assemblies[mol_id].residues = str(gb_record.seq) assemblies[mol_id].length = len(str(gb_record.seq)) current_assembly = assemblies[mol_id] # each feat is a SeqFeature object for feat in gb_record.features: #print(feat) fmin = int(feat.location.start) fmax = int(feat.location.end) if feat.location.strand == 1: strand = '+' elif feat.location.strand == -1: strand = '-' else: raise Exception("ERROR: unstranded feature encountered: {0}".format(feat)) #print("{0} located at {1}-{2} strand:{3}".format( locus_tag, fmin, fmax, strand ) ) if feat.type == 'source': continue if feat.type == 'gene': # print the previous gene (if there is one) if current_gene is not None: gene.print_as(fh=ofh, source='GenBank', format='gff3') locus_tag = feat.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] gene = biothings.Gene( id=locus_tag ) gene.locate_on( target=current_assembly, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, strand=strand ) current_gene = gene current_RNA = None elif feat.type == 'mRNA': locus_tag = feat.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] rna_count_by_gene[locus_tag] += 1 feat_id = "{0}.mRNA.{1}".format( locus_tag, rna_count_by_gene[locus_tag] ) mRNA = biothings.mRNA( id=feat_id, parent=current_gene ) mRNA.locate_on( target=current_assembly, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, strand=strand ) gene.add_mRNA(mRNA) current_RNA = mRNA if feat_id in exon_count_by_RNA: raise Exception( "ERROR: two different RNAs found with same ID: {0}".format(feat_id) ) else: exon_count_by_RNA[feat_id] = 0 elif feat.type == 'tRNA': locus_tag = feat.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] rna_count_by_gene[locus_tag] += 1 feat_id = "{0}.tRNA.{1}".format( locus_tag, rna_count_by_gene[locus_tag] ) tRNA = biothings.tRNA( id=feat_id, parent=current_gene ) tRNA.locate_on( target=current_assembly, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, strand=strand ) gene.add_tRNA(tRNA) current_RNA = tRNA if feat_id in exon_count_by_RNA: raise Exception( "ERROR: two different RNAs found with same ID: {0}".format(feat_id) ) else: exon_count_by_RNA[feat_id] = 0 elif feat.type == 'rRNA': locus_tag = feat.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] rna_count_by_gene[locus_tag] += 1 feat_id = "{0}.rRNA.{1}".format( locus_tag, rna_count_by_gene[locus_tag] ) rRNA = biothings.rRNA( id=feat_id, parent=current_gene ) rRNA.locate_on( target=current_assembly, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, strand=strand ) gene.add_rRNA(rRNA) current_RNA = rRNA if feat_id in exon_count_by_RNA: raise Exception( "ERROR: two different RNAs found with same ID: {0}".format(feat_id) ) else: exon_count_by_RNA[feat_id] = 0 elif feat.type == 'CDS': locus_tag = feat.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] # If processing a prokaryotic GBK, we'll encounter CDS before mRNA, so we have to # manually make one if current_RNA is None: feat_id = "{0}.mRNA.{1}".format( locus_tag, rna_count_by_gene[locus_tag] ) mRNA = biothings.mRNA( id=feat_id, parent=current_gene ) mRNA.locate_on( target=current_assembly, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, strand=strand ) gene.add_mRNA(mRNA) current_RNA = mRNA exon_count_by_RNA[] += 1 cds_id = "{0}.CDS.{1}".format(, exon_count_by_RNA[] ) current_CDS_phase = 0 for loc in subfmin = int(loc.start) subfmax = int(loc.end) CDS = biothings.CDS( id=cds_id, parent=current_RNA ) CDS.locate_on( target=current_assembly, fmin=subfmin, fmax=subfmax, strand=strand, phase=current_CDS_phase ) current_RNA.add_CDS(CDS) # calculate the starting phase for the next CDS feature (in case there is one) # 0 + 6 = 0 TTGCAT # 0 + 7 = 2 TTGCATG # 1 + 6 = 1 TTGCAT # 2 + 7 = 1 TTGCATG # general: 3 - ((length - previous phase) % 3) current_CDS_phase = 3 - (((subfmax - subfmin) - current_CDS_phase) % 3) if current_CDS_phase == 3: current_CDS_phase = 0 exon_id = "{0}.exon.{1}".format(, exon_count_by_RNA[] ) exon = biothings.Exon( id=exon_id, parent=current_RNA ) exon.locate_on( target=current_assembly, fmin=subfmin, fmax=subfmax, strand=strand ) current_RNA.add_exon(exon) exon_count_by_RNA[] += 1 else: print("WARNING: The following feature was skipped:\n{0}".format(feat)) features_skipped_count += 1 # don't forget to do the last gene, if there were any if current_gene is not None: gene.print_as(fh=ofh, source='GenBank', format='gff3') if args.fasta is True: if seqs_pending_writes is True: ofh.write("##FASTA\n") for assembly_id in assemblies: ofh.write(">{0}\n".format(assembly_id)) ofh.write("{0}\n".format(biocodeutils.wrapped_fasta(assemblies[assembly_id].residues))) if features_skipped_count > 0: print("Warning: {0} unsupported feature types were skipped".format(features_skipped_count))
gene.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) print("DEBUG: locating gene {0} on {1} at coordinates fmin:{2}-fmax:{3} strand:{4}".format(feat_id, mol_id, rfmin, rfmax, rstrand) ) features[feat_id] = gene current_assembly.add_gene(gene) last_gene = gene elif cols[2] == 'mRNA': mRNA = biothings.mRNA(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) mRNA.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) print("DEBUG: attaching mRNA:{0} to parent gene:{1}".format(feat_id, ) parent_feat.add_mRNA(mRNA) features[feat_id] = mRNA elif cols[2] == 'rRNA': rRNA = biothings.rRNA(id=feat_id, parent=parent_feat) rRNA.locate_on(target=current_assembly, fmin=rfmin, fmax=rfmax, strand=rstrand) parent_feat.add_rRNA(rRNA) features[feat_id] = rRNA ======= ## then mark any that align to it (except self) for sbj_gene in things: if == continue elif qry_gene.overlaps_with(sbj_gene): handled_ids[] = 1 >>>>>>> .r101 return nonoverlapping_set