Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __add3(self, n_members, excluded, trippleIndex):
        Add a tripple of numbers from range( n_members ) to be
        excluded for error estimation. Tripples are chosen to have
        minimal overlap. For 10 trajectories (*n_members*=10), the
        first 3 tripples will be (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9).

        :param n_members: number of member trajectories
        :type  n_members: int
        :param excluded: excluded member trajectories
        :type  excluded: [ int ]
        :param trippleIndex: 
        :type  trippleIndex: int

        :return: the indices of all excluded member trajectories
        :rtype: [ int ]
        remaining = MU.difference(range(n_members), excluded)
        tripple = self.tripples(remaining, trippleIndex + 1)[-1]
        return MU.union(excluded, list(tripple))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __add3( self, n_members, excluded, trippleIndex ):
        Add a tripple of numbers from range( n_members ) to be
        excluded for error estimation. Tripples are chosen to have
        minimal overlap. For 10 trajectories (*n_members*=10), the
        first 3 tripples will be (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9).

        :param n_members: number of member trajectories
        :type  n_members: int
        :param excluded: excluded member trajectories
        :type  excluded: [ int ]
        :param trippleIndex: 
        :type  trippleIndex: int

        :return: the indices of all excluded member trajectories
        :rtype: [ int ]
        remaining = MU.difference( range( n_members ), excluded )
        tripple = self.tripples( remaining, trippleIndex+1 )[-1]
        return MU.union( excluded, list(tripple) )
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def parmSolvated( self, f_out, f_out_crd=None, f_out_pdb=None,
                      hetatm=0, norun=0,
                      cap=0, capN=[], capC=[],
                      fmod=['frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p'], fprep=[],
                      box=10.0, center=True, **kw ):
        :param f_out: target file for parm (topology)
        :type  f_out: str
        :param f_out_crd: target file for crd (coordinates)
        :type  f_out_crd: str
        :param f_out_pdb: target file for pdb (default:|f_out_base|.pdb)
        :type  f_out_pdb: str
        :param hetatm: keep hetero atoms (default: 0)
        :type  hetatm: 1|0
        :param cap: put ACE and NME capping residue on chain breaks 
                    (default: 0)
        :type  cap: 1|0
        :param capN: indices of chains that should get ACE cap (default: [])
        :type  capN: [int]
        :param capC: indices of chains that should get NME cap (default: [])
        :type  capC: [int]
        :param box: minimal distance of solute from box edge (default: 10.0)
        :type  box: float
        :param center: re-center coordinates (default: True)
        :type  center: bool
        :param fmod: list of files with amber parameter modifications
                     to be loaded into leap with loadAmberParams
                    (default:['frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p'] ... mod file needed for 
                    default Amber ff10 ions -- topology saving will fail if this 
                    one is missing)
        :type  fmod: [str]
        :param fprep: list of files with amber residue definitions
                    (to be loaded into leap with loadAmberPrep) (default: [])
        :type  fprep: [str]
        :param kw: additional key=value pairs for leap input template
        :type  kw: key=value

        :raise IOError:
        f_out = t.absfile( f_out )
        f_out_crd = t.absfile( f_out_crd ) or t.stripSuffix( f_out ) + '.crd'
        f_out_pdb = t.absfile( f_out_pdb ) or t.stripSuffix( f_out ) +\

        ## removed: (bugfix 3434136)
        #fmod  = [ t.absfile( f ) for f in t.toList( fmod )  ]
        #fprep = [ t.absfile( f ) for f in t.toList( fprep ) ]

            if self.verbose: self.log.add( '\nCleaning PDB file for Amber:' )
            m = self.leapModel( hetatm=hetatm, center=center )

            if cap:
                end_broken = m.atom2chainIndices( m.chainBreaks() )
                capC = MU.union( capC, end_broken )
                capN = MU.union( capN, N0.array( end_broken ) + 1 )

            for i in capN:
                if self.verbose:
                    self.log.add( 'Adding ACE cap to chain %i' % i )
                m = self.capACE( m, i )

            for i in capC:
                if self.verbose:
                    self.log.add( 'Adding NME cap to chain %i' % i )
                m = self.capNME( m, i )

            m.renumberResidues( addChainId=1 )  ## again, to accomodate capping

            template = open( self.leap_template ).read()

            leap_mod = self.__fLines( 'm = loadAmberParams %s\n', fmod )
            leap_prep= self.__fLines( 'loadAmberPrep %s\n', fprep )

            ss = self.__ssBonds( m, cutoff=4. )
            self.__cys2cyx( m, ss )
            leap_ss  = self.__fLines( self.ss_bond, ss )
            if self.verbose:
                self.log.add('Found %i disulfide bonds: %s' % (len(ss),str(ss)))

            if self.verbose:
                self.log.add( 'writing cleaned PDB to %s'  % self.leap_pdb )
            m.writePdb( self.leap_pdb, ter=3 )

            self.__runLeap( template, in_pdb=self.leap_pdb,
                            out_parm=f_out, out_crd=f_out_crd,
                            ss_bonds=leap_ss, fmod=leap_mod,
                            fprep=leap_prep, norun=norun,
                            box=box, **kw )

            if not norun:
                parm_pdb = self.parm2pdb( f_out, f_out_crd, f_out_pdb )

            if not self.keep_leap_pdb and not self.debug:
                t.tryRemove( self.leap_pdb )

        except IOError as why:
            raise IOError(why)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def concat(self, *profiles):
        Concatenate all profiles in this with corresponding profiles in the
        given ProfileCollection(s). Profiles that are not found in all
        ProfileCollections are skipped::
          p0.concat( p1 [, p2, ..]) -> single ProfileCollection with the
          same number of profiles as p0 but with the length of p0+p1+p2..

        :param profiles: profile(s) to concatenate
        :type  profiles: ProfileCollection(s)
        :return: concatenated profile(s)  
        :rtype: ProfileCollection / subclass
        ## end recursion (no more arguments)
        if len(profiles) == 0:
            return self

        next = profiles[0]

        r = self.__class__()

        ##!!! BIG FAT WARNING: empty profilecollection does not imply empty model
        ## an empty PC w/o any profiles currently doesn't know which length
        ## is is supposed to have. If profLength == 0 for real, then
        ## the next PC's profiles don't need to be skipped
        ## Otherwise,
        ## this creates too-short profiles if the PC parent model has
        ## non-zero length and simply doesn't have any profiles registered.

        ##        ## special case 1: concat something to empty profile collection
        ##        if not self.keys():
        ##            return next.clone().concat( *profiles[1:] )
        ##        ## special case 2: concat empty profile collection to this one
        ##        if not next.keys():
        ##            return self.clone().concat( *profiles[1:] )
        allkeys = M.union(list(self.profiles.keys()), list(next.keys()))

        ##        for k, p in self.profiles.items():
        for k in allkeys:
            p = self.profiles.get(k, None)
            pnext = next.profiles.get(k, None)
            infos = {}

            if p is None:
                default = next[k, 'default']
                p = self.__clonedefault(pnext, self.profLength(), default)
                infos = next.infos[k]

            if pnext is None:
                default = self[k, 'default']
                pnext = self.__clonedefault(p, next.profLength(), default)
                infos = self.infos[k]

                if isinstance(p, N.ndarray):

                    if len(pnext) == 0:
                        pnext = pnext.astype(p.dtype)

                    r.set(k, N.concatenate((p, pnext)), **infos)

                    r.set(k, p + pnext, **infos)
                EHandler.warning("Profile %s skipped during concat." % k,

        return r.concat(*profiles[1:])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def capTerminals( self, auto=False, breaks=False, capN=[], capC=[],
        Add NME and ACE capping residues to chain breaks or normal N- and 
        C-terminals. Note: these capping residues contain hydrogen atoms.
        Chain indices for capN and capC arguments can be interpreted either
        with or without chain break detection enabled. For example, let's
        assume we have a two-chain protein with some missing residues (chain
        break) in the first chain:
        A:   MGSKVSK---FLNAGSK
        B:   FGHLAKSDAK

          capTerminals( breaks=False, capN=[1], capC=[1]) will add N-and 
          C-terminal caps to chain B.
          capTerminals( breaks=True, capN=[1], capC=[1]) will add N- and 
          C-terminal caps to the second fragment of chain A.
        Note: this operation *replaces* the internal model.
        :param auto: put ACE and NME capping residue on chain breaks
                     and on suspected false N- and C-termini (default: False)
        :type  auto: bool
        :param breaks: switch on chain break detection before interpreting
                       capN and capC
        :type  breaks: False
        :param capN: indices of chains that should get ACE cap (default: [])
        :type  capN: [int]
        :param capC: indices of chains that should get NME cap (default: [])
        :type  capC: [int]
        m = self.model
        c_len = m.lenChains()
        i_breaks = m.chainBreaks()
        if auto:
            if not breaks:
                capN = self.convertChainIdsNter( m, capN )
                capC = self.convertChainIdsCter( m, capC )

            capN, capC = self.unresolvedTerminals( m )
            end_broken = m.atom2chainIndices( m.chainBreaks(), breaks=1 )
            capC = M.union( capC, end_broken )
            capN = M.union( capN, N0.array( end_broken ) + 1 )
        capN = self.filterProteinChains(m, capN, m.chainIndex(breaks=breaks))
        capC = self.filterProteinChains(m, capC, m.chainEndIndex(breaks=breaks))

        for i in capN:
            m = self.capACE( m, i, breaks=breaks, checkgap=checkgap )
            assert m.lenChains() == c_len, '%i != %i' % \
                   (m.lenChains(), c_len)
            assert len(m.chainBreaks(force=True)) == len(i_breaks)
            assert m['serial_number'].dtype == N0.Int32, 'serial_number not int'

        for i in capC:
            m = self.capNME( m, i, breaks=breaks, checkgap=checkgap )
            assert m.lenChains() == c_len
            assert len(m.chainBreaks(force=True)) == len(i_breaks)
        self.model = m
        return self.model
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def concat( self, *profiles ):
        Concatenate all profiles in this with corresponding profiles in the
        given ProfileCollection(s). Profiles that are not found in all
        ProfileCollections are skipped::
          p0.concat( p1 [, p2, ..]) -> single ProfileCollection with the
          same number of profiles as p0 but with the length of p0+p1+p2..

        :param profiles: profile(s) to concatenate
        :type  profiles: ProfileCollection(s)
        :return: concatenated profile(s)  
        :rtype: ProfileCollection / subclass
        ## end recursion (no more arguments)
        if len( profiles ) == 0:
            return self

        next = profiles[0]

        r = self.__class__()
        ##!!! BIG FAT WARNING: empty profilecollection does not imply empty model
        ## an empty PC w/o any profiles currently doesn't know which length
        ## is is supposed to have. If profLength == 0 for real, then
        ## the next PC's profiles don't need to be skipped
        ## Otherwise,
        ## this creates too-short profiles if the PC parent model has 
        ## non-zero length and simply doesn't have any profiles registered.
##        ## special case 1: concat something to empty profile collection
##        if not self.keys():
##            return next.clone().concat( *profiles[1:] )
##        ## special case 2: concat empty profile collection to this one
##        if not next.keys():
##            return self.clone().concat( *profiles[1:] )
        allkeys = M.union( list(self.profiles.keys()), list(next.keys()) )

##        for k, p in self.profiles.items():
        for k in allkeys:
            p = self.profiles.get(k, None)
            pnext = next.profiles.get(k, None)
            infos = {}
            if p is None:
                default = next[k,'default']
                p = self.__clonedefault(pnext, self.profLength(), default)
                infos = next.infos[k]
            if pnext is None:
                default = self[k,'default']
                pnext = self.__clonedefault(p, next.profLength(), default)
                infos = self.infos[k]

                if isinstance( p, N.ndarray ):
                    if len(pnext) == 0:
                        pnext = pnext.astype(p.dtype)
                    r.set( k, N.concatenate( (p, pnext) ), **infos )
                    r.set( k, p + pnext, **infos )
                EHandler.warning("Profile %s skipped during concat." % k, 
                r.remove( k )

        return r.concat( *profiles[1:] )
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def update(self,
        Update empty or missing fields of model from the source. The
        model will be connected to the source via model.source.
        Profiles that are derived from the source are labeled 'changed'=0.
        The same holds for coordinates (xyzChanged=0).
        However, existing profiles or coordinates or fields remain untouched.

        :param model: existing model
        :type  model: PDBModel
        :param source: source PDB file
        :type  source: str
        :param skipRes: list residue names that should not be parsed
        :type  skipRes: [ str ]
        :param updateMissing: ignored
        :type  updateMissing: 1|0
        :param headPatterns: [(putIntoKey, regex)] extract given REMARKS
        :type  headPatterns: [(str, str)]

        :raise PDBParserError - if something is wrong with the source file

            ## atoms and/or coordinates need to be updated from PDB
            if force or self.needsUpdate(model):

                atoms, xyz, info = self.__collectAll(source, skipRes,

                keys = M.union(list(atoms.keys()), list(self.DEFAULTS.keys()))

                for k in keys:

                    a = model.atoms.get(k, default=0, update=False)
                    if (a is 0) or (a is None):

                        dflt = self.DEFAULTS.get(k, None)
                        model.atoms.set(k, atoms.get(k, dflt), changed=0)

                if model.xyz is None:
                    model.xyz = xyz
                    model.xyzChanged = 0

                model._resIndex = None
                model._chainIndex = None

                model.fileName = model.fileName or source

                model.pdbCode = model.pdbCode or info.get('pdb_code', None) or \
                                self.idFromName( model.fileName)

                ## ## make biounit from the dictionary we have parsed                              if 'BIOMT' in info:
                ##     biomt = info['BIOMT']
                ##     model.biounit = BU.BioUnit(model, biomt)
                ##     del info['BIOMT']


            msg = self.__xplorAtomIndicesTest(source) or ' '
            raise PDBParserError('Cannot read ' + str(source) + ' as PDB\n'\
                           '\ERROR: ' + T.lastError() + msg)

Ejemplo n.º 8
    def capTerminals(self,
        Add NME and ACE capping residues to chain breaks or normal N- and 
        C-terminals. Note: these capping residues contain hydrogen atoms.
        Chain indices for capN and capC arguments can be interpreted either
        with or without chain break detection enabled. For example, let's
        assume we have a two-chain protein with some missing residues (chain
        break) in the first chain:
        A:   MGSKVSK---FLNAGSK
        B:   FGHLAKSDAK

          capTerminals( breaks=False, capN=[1], capC=[1]) will add N-and 
          C-terminal caps to chain B.
          capTerminals( breaks=True, capN=[1], capC=[1]) will add N- and 
          C-terminal caps to the second fragment of chain A.
        Note: this operation *replaces* the internal model.
        :param auto: put ACE and NME capping residue on chain breaks
                     and on suspected false N- and C-termini (default: False)
        :type  auto: bool
        :param breaks: switch on chain break detection before interpreting
                       capN and capC
        :type  breaks: False
        :param capN: indices of chains that should get ACE cap (default: [])
        :type  capN: [int]
        :param capC: indices of chains that should get NME cap (default: [])
        :type  capC: [int]
        m = self.model
        c_len = m.lenChains()
        i_breaks = m.chainBreaks()

        if auto:
            if not breaks:
                capN = self.convertChainIdsNter(m, capN)
                capC = self.convertChainIdsCter(m, capC)

            breaks = True
            capN, capC = self.unresolvedTerminals(m)

            end_broken = m.atom2chainIndices(m.chainBreaks(), breaks=1)

            capC = M.union(capC, end_broken)
            capN = M.union(capN, N0.array(end_broken) + 1)

        capN = self.filterProteinChains(m, capN, m.chainIndex(breaks=breaks))
        capC = self.filterProteinChains(m, capC,

        for i in capN:
            m = self.capACE(m, i, breaks=breaks, checkgap=checkgap)
            assert m.lenChains() == c_len, '%i != %i' % \
                   (m.lenChains(), c_len)
            assert len(m.chainBreaks(force=True)) == len(i_breaks)
            assert m[
                'serial_number'].dtype == N0.Int32, 'serial_number not int'

        for i in capC:
            m = self.capNME(m, i, breaks=breaks, checkgap=checkgap)
            assert m.lenChains() == c_len
            assert len(m.chainBreaks(force=True)) == len(i_breaks)

        self.model = m
        return self.model
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def parmSolvated( self, f_out, f_out_crd=None, f_out_pdb=None,
                      hetatm=0, norun=0,
                      cap=0, capN=[], capC=[],
                      fmod=['frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p'], fprep=[],
                      box=10.0, center=True, **kw ):
        :param f_out: target file for parm (topology)
        :type  f_out: str
        :param f_out_crd: target file for crd (coordinates)
        :type  f_out_crd: str
        :param f_out_pdb: target file for pdb (default:|f_out_base|.pdb)
        :type  f_out_pdb: str
        :param hetatm: keep hetero atoms (default: 0)
        :type  hetatm: 1|0
        :param cap: put ACE and NME capping residue on chain breaks 
                    (default: 0)
        :type  cap: 1|0
        :param capN: indices of chains that should get ACE cap (default: [])
        :type  capN: [int]
        :param capC: indices of chains that should get NME cap (default: [])
        :type  capC: [int]
        :param box: minimal distance of solute from box edge (default: 10.0)
        :type  box: float
        :param center: re-center coordinates (default: True)
        :type  center: bool
        :param fmod: list of files with amber parameter modifications
                     to be loaded into leap with loadAmberParams
                    (default:['frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p'] ... mod file needed for 
                    default Amber ff10 ions -- topology saving will fail if this 
                    one is missing)
        :type  fmod: [str]
        :param fprep: list of files with amber residue definitions
                    (to be loaded into leap with loadAmberPrep) (default: [])
        :type  fprep: [str]
        :param kw: additional key=value pairs for leap input template
        :type  kw: key=value

        :raise IOError:
        f_out = t.absfile( f_out )
        f_out_crd = t.absfile( f_out_crd ) or t.stripSuffix( f_out ) + '.crd'
        f_out_pdb = t.absfile( f_out_pdb ) or t.stripSuffix( f_out ) +\

        ## removed: (bugfix 3434136)
        #fmod  = [ t.absfile( f ) for f in t.toList( fmod )  ]
        #fprep = [ t.absfile( f ) for f in t.toList( fprep ) ]

            if self.verbose: self.log.add( '\nCleaning PDB file for Amber:' )
            m = self.leapModel( hetatm=hetatm, center=center )

            if cap:
                end_broken = m.atom2chainIndices( m.chainBreaks() )
                capC = MU.union( capC, end_broken )
                capN = MU.union( capN, N0.array( end_broken ) + 1 )

            for i in capN:
                if self.verbose:
                    self.log.add( 'Adding ACE cap to chain %i' % i )
                m = self.capACE( m, i )

            for i in capC:
                if self.verbose:
                    self.log.add( 'Adding NME cap to chain %i' % i )
                m = self.capNME( m, i )

            m.renumberResidues( addChainId=1 )  ## again, to accomodate capping

            template = open( self.leap_template ).read()

            leap_mod = self.__fLines( 'm = loadAmberParams %s\n', fmod )
            leap_prep= self.__fLines( 'loadAmberPrep %s\n', fprep )

            ss = self.__ssBonds( m, cutoff=4. )
            self.__cys2cyx( m, ss )
            leap_ss  = self.__fLines( self.ss_bond, ss )
            if self.verbose:
                self.log.add('Found %i disulfide bonds: %s' % (len(ss),str(ss)))

            if self.verbose:
                self.log.add( 'writing cleaned PDB to %s'  % self.leap_pdb )
            m.writePdb( self.leap_pdb, ter=3 )

            self.__runLeap( template, in_pdb=self.leap_pdb,
                            out_parm=f_out, out_crd=f_out_crd,
                            ss_bonds=leap_ss, fmod=leap_mod,
                            fprep=leap_prep, norun=norun,
                            box=box, **kw )

            if not norun:
                parm_pdb = self.parm2pdb( f_out, f_out_crd, f_out_pdb )

            if not self.keep_leap_pdb and not self.debug:
                t.tryRemove( self.leap_pdb )

        except IOError as why:
            raise IOError(why)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def update( self, model, source, skipRes=None, updateMissing=0, force=0,
        Update empty or missing fields of model from the source. The
        model will be connected to the source via model.source.
        Profiles that are derived from the source are labeled 'changed'=0.
        The same holds for coordinates (xyzChanged=0).
        However, existing profiles or coordinates or fields remain untouched.

        :param model: existing model
        :type  model: PDBModel
        :param source: source PDB file
        :type  source: str
        :param skipRes: list residue names that should not be parsed
        :type  skipRes: [ str ]
        :param updateMissing: ignored
        :type  updateMissing: 1|0
        :param headPatterns: [(putIntoKey, regex)] extract given REMARKS
        :type  headPatterns: [(str, str)]

        :raise PDBParserError - if something is wrong with the source file

            ## atoms and/or coordinates need to be updated from PDB
            if force or self.needsUpdate( model ):
                atoms, xyz, info = self.__collectAll( source, skipRes, 
                                                      headPatterns )
                keys = M.union( list(atoms.keys()),  list(self.DEFAULTS.keys()) )
                for k in keys:
                    a = model.atoms.get( k, default=0, update=False )
                    if (a is 0) or (a is None):
                        dflt = self.DEFAULTS.get( k, None )
                        model.atoms.set(k, atoms.get(k, dflt), changed=0 )
                if model.xyz is None:
                    model.xyz = xyz
                    model.xyzChanged = 0
                model._resIndex  =None
                model.fileName = model.fileName or source
                model.pdbCode = model.pdbCode or info.get('pdb_code', None) or \
                                self.idFromName( model.fileName)
                ## ## make biounit from the dictionary we have parsed                              if 'BIOMT' in info:
                ##     biomt = info['BIOMT']
                ##     model.biounit = BU.BioUnit(model, biomt)
                ##     del info['BIOMT']
                model.info.update( info )
            msg = self.__xplorAtomIndicesTest( source ) or ' '
            raise PDBParserError('Cannot read ' + str(source) + ' as PDB\n'\
                           '\ERROR: ' + T.lastError() + msg)

        model.setSource( source )