Ejemplo n.º 1
def strip(a, mode='right'):
    """strip(bitarray, mode='right', /) -> bitarray

Strip zeros from left, right or both ends.
Allowed values for mode are the strings: `left`, `right`, `both`
    if not isinstance(a, bitarray):
        raise TypeError("bitarray expected, got '%s'" % type(a).__name__)
    if not isinstance(mode, str):
        raise TypeError("str expected for mode")
    if mode not in ('left', 'right', 'both'):
        raise ValueError("allowed values 'left', 'right', 'both', got: %r" %
    first = 0
    if mode in ('left', 'both'):
            first = a.index(1)
        except ValueError:
            return bitarray(0, a.endian())

    last = len(a) - 1
    if mode in ('right', 'both'):
            last = rindex(a)
        except ValueError:
            return bitarray(0, a.endian())

    return a[first:last + 1]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def strip(a, mode='right'):
    """strip(bitarray, mode='right', /) -> bitarray

Return a new bitarray with zeros stripped from left, right or both ends.
Allowed values for mode are the strings: `left`, `right`, `both`
    if not isinstance(a, bitarray):
        raise TypeError("bitarray expected, got '%s'" % type(a).__name__)
    if not isinstance(mode, str):
        raise TypeError("str expected for mode, got '%s'" % type(a).__name__)
    if mode not in ('left', 'right', 'both'):
        raise ValueError("mode must be 'left', 'right' or 'both', got: %r" %
    first = 0
    if mode in ('left', 'both'):
            first = a.index(1)
        except ValueError:
            return a[:0]

    last = len(a) - 1
    if mode in ('right', 'both'):
            last = rindex(a)
        except ValueError:
            return a[:0]

    return a[first:last + 1]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def int2ba(i, length=None, endian='big'):
    """int2ba(int, /, length=None, endian='big') -> bitarray

Convert the given integer into a bitarray (with given endianness,
and no leading (big-endian) / trailing (little-endian) zeros).
If length is provided, the result will be of this length, and an
`OverflowError` will be raised, if the integer cannot be represented
within length bits.
    if not isinstance(i, (int, long) if _is_py2 else int):
        raise TypeError("integer expected")
    if i < 0:
        raise ValueError("non-negative integer expected")
    if length is not None:
        if not isinstance(length, int):
            raise TypeError("integer expected for length")
        if length <= 0:
            raise ValueError("integer larger than 0 expected for length")
    if not isinstance(endian, str):
        raise TypeError("string expected for endian")
    if endian not in ('big', 'little'):
        raise ValueError("endian can only be 'big' or 'little'")

    if i == 0:
        # there a special cases for 0 which we'd rather not deal with below
        return zeros(length or 1, endian=endian)

    big_endian = bool(endian == 'big')
    if _is_py2:
        c = bytearray()
        while i:
            i, r = divmod(i, 256)
        if big_endian:
        b = bytes(c)
    else:  # py3
        b = i.to_bytes(bits2bytes(i.bit_length()), byteorder=endian)

    a = bitarray(endian=endian)
    la = a.length()
    if la == length:
        return a

    if length is None:
        return strip(a, 'left' if big_endian else 'right')

    if la > length:
        size = (la - a.index(1)) if big_endian else (rindex(a) + 1)
        if size > length:
            raise OverflowError("cannot represent %d bit integer in "
                                "%d bits" % (size, length))
        a = a[la - length:] if big_endian else a[:length - la]

    if la < length:
        if big_endian:
            a = zeros(length - la, 'big') + a
            a += zeros(length - la, 'little')

    assert a.length() == length
    return a