Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    # generate 16 bytes of entropy and
    # convert to a mnemonic phrase (12 words)
    entropy = bytes([urandom.getrandbits(8) for i in range(16)])
    mnemonic = bip39.mnemonic_from_bytes(entropy)
    # or just define hardcoded:
    mnemonic = "alien visual jealous source coral memory embark certain radar capable clip edit"
    # convert to seed, empty password
    seed = bip39.mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic)
    # convert to the root key
    # you can define the version - x/y/zprv for desired network
    root = bip32.HDKey.from_seed(seed, version=NETWORKS["test"]["xprv"])

    print("\nBIP-44 - legacy")
    # derive account according to bip44
    bip44_xprv = root.derive("m/44h/1h/0h")
    # corresponding master public key:
    bip44_xpub = bip44_xprv.to_public()
    # first 5 receiving addresses
    for i in range(5):
        # .key member is a public key for HD public keys
        #            and a private key for HD private keys
        pub = bip44_xpub.derive("m/0/%d" % i).key
        sc = script.p2pkh(pub)

    print("\nBIP-84 - native segwit")
    # derive account according to bip84
    bip84_xprv = root.derive("m/84h/1h/0h")
    # you can also change version of the key to get zpub (vpub on testnet)
    bip84_xprv.version = NETWORKS["test"]["zprv"]
    # corresponding master public key:
    bip84_xpub = bip84_xprv.to_public()
    # first 5 receiving addresses
    for i in range(5):
        pub = bip84_xpub.derive("m/0/%d" % i).key
        sc = script.p2wpkh(pub)

    print("\nBIP-49 - nested segwit")
    # derive account according to bip49
    bip49_xprv = root.derive("m/49h/1h/0h")
    # you can also change version of the key to get ypub (upub on testnet)
    bip49_xprv.version = NETWORKS["test"]["yprv"]
    # corresponding master public key:
    bip49_xpub = bip49_xprv.to_public()
    # first 5 receiving addresses
    for i in range(5):
        pub = bip49_xpub.derive("m/0/%d" % i).key
        # use p2sh(p2wpkh(pubkey)) to get nested segwit scriptpubkey
        sc = script.p2sh(script.p2wpkh(pub))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_bip39(self):
     for [seed, exp_mnemonic, hex_seed, xprv] in VECTORS:
         act_mnemonic = mnemonic_from_bytes(unhexlify(seed))
         act_xkey = HDKey.from_seed(
             mnemonic_to_seed(act_mnemonic, password="******"))
         self.assertEqual(act_mnemonic, exp_mnemonic)
             hexlify(mnemonic_to_bytes(act_mnemonic)).decode(), seed)
         self.assertEqual(act_xkey.to_base58(), xprv)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def init_keys(password):
    mnemonic = bip39.mnemonic_from_bytes(entropy)
    seed = bip39.mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic, password)
    # choose testnet by default
    if usb_host.callback is None:
        usb_host.callback = host_callback
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def load_wallet(self, recovery_phrase: str, password: str) -> bool:
     seed = mnemonic_to_seed(recovery_phrase, password)
     master_xpriv = HDKey.from_seed(
         seed, NETWORKS[self.network]["xprv"])
     wallet_xpub = master_xpriv.derive(self.wallet_keypath).to_public()
     if wallet_xpub == self.wallet_xpub:
         self.master_xpriv = master_xpriv
         return True
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def save_wallet(self, recovery_phrase: str, password: str, was_recovered: bool):
     seed = mnemonic_to_seed(recovery_phrase, password)
     self.master_xpriv = HDKey.from_seed(
         seed, NETWORKS[self.network]["xprv"])
     self.master_xpub = self.master_xpriv.to_public()
     wallet_xpubs = self.derive_wallet_xpubs(was_recovered)
     master_fingerprint = self.master_xpub.child(0).fingerprint
         wallet_xpubs, master_fingerprint, len(recovery_phrase.split())
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, mnemonic, password="", network=NETWORKS["test"]):
     seed = bip39.mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic, password)
     self.network = network
     # our root key
     self.root = bip32.HDKey.from_seed(seed, version=network["xprv"])
     # fingerprint
     self.fingerprint = self.root.child(0).fingerprint
     # makes sense to cache the account
     self.derivation = "m/84h/%dh/0h" % network[
         "bip32"]  # contains coin type - 0 for main, 1 for test
     self.account = self.root.derive(self.derivation).to_public()
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def set_mnemonic(self, mnemonic=None, password=""):
     """Load mnemonic and password and create root key"""
     if mnemonic is not None:
         self.mnemonic = mnemonic.strip()
         if not bip39.mnemonic_is_valid(self.mnemonic):
             raise KeyStoreError("Invalid mnemonic")
     seed = bip39.mnemonic_to_seed(self.mnemonic, password)
     self.root = bip32.HDKey.from_seed(seed)
     self.fingerprint = self.root.child(0).fingerprint
     # id key to sign and encrypt wallet files
     # stored on untrusted external chip
     self.idkey = self.root.child(0x1D, hardened=True).key.serialize()
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def set_mnemonic(self, mnemonic=None, password=""):
     if mnemonic == self.mnemonic and password != "":
         # probably checking mnemonic after saving
         self.show_loader(title="Generating keys...")
     """Load mnemonic and password and create root key"""
     if mnemonic is not None:
         self.mnemonic = mnemonic.strip()
         if not bip39.mnemonic_is_valid(self.mnemonic):
             raise KeyStoreError("Invalid mnemonic")
     seed = bip39.mnemonic_to_seed(self.mnemonic, password)
     self.root = bip32.HDKey.from_seed(seed)
     self.fingerprint = self.root.child(0).fingerprint
     # id key to sign and encrypt wallet files
     # stored on untrusted external chip
     self.idkey = self.root.child(0x1D, hardened=True).key.serialize()
Ejemplo n.º 9

################# BIP-39 #####################

phrase = bip39.mnemonic_from_bytes(entropy)
print("Your recovery phrase:\n%s\n" % phrase)

# uncomment this line to make invalid mnemonic:
# phrase += " satoshi"

# you can check if recovery phrase is valid or not:
if not bip39.mnemonic_is_valid(phrase):
    raise ValueError("Meh... Typo in the recovery?")

# convert mnemonic and password to bip-32 seed
seed = bip39.mnemonic_to_seed(phrase, password="******")
print("Seed:", hexlify(seed).decode())

################# BIP-32 #####################

# we will use signet:
network = NETWORKS["signet"]

# create HDKey from 64-byte seed
root_key = bip32.HDKey.from_seed(seed)
# generate an account child key:
# purpose: 84h - BIP-84
# coin type: 1h - Testnet
# account: 0h - first account
account = root_key.derive("m/84h/1h/0h")
# convert HD private key to HD public key
Ejemplo n.º 10
import display
import lvgl as lv
from lvqr import QRCode
from bitcoin import bip39, bip32, script
from bitcoin.networks import NETWORKS


mnemonic = "poverty august total basket pool print promote august piece squirrel coil sting"
# seed with empty password
seed = bip39.mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic)
# root key
root = bip32.HDKey.from_seed(seed)

class AddressNavigator(lv.obj):
    def __init__(self, account, *args, 
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.account = account
        self.script_fn = script_fn
        self.network = network
        self._index = 0
        # create title
        self.title = lv.label(self)
        self.title.align(self, lv.ALIGN.IN_TOP_MID, 0, 50)
        # create qr code
        self.qr = QRCode(self)
Ejemplo n.º 11
network = NETWORKS["test"]

entropy = b'\x64\xd3\xe4\xa0\xa3\x87\xe2\x80\x21\xdf\x55\xa5\x1d\x45\x4d\xcf'

recovery_phrase = bip39.mnemonic_from_bytes(entropy)
print("Your recovery phrase:\n%s\n" % recovery_phrase)

# uncomment this line to make invalid mnemonic:
# recovery_phrase += " satoshi"

# you can check if recovery phrase is valid or not:
if not bip39.mnemonic_is_valid(recovery_phrase):
    raise ValueError("Meh... Typo in the recovery?")

# convert mnemonic and password to bip-32 seed
seed = bip39.mnemonic_to_seed(recovery_phrase, password="******")
print("Seed:", hexlify(seed).decode("ascii"))

# create HDKey from 64-byte seed
root_key = bip32.HDKey.from_seed(seed)
# generate an account child key:
# purpose: 84h - BIP-84
# coin type: 1h - Testnet
# account: 0h - first account
account = root_key.derive("m/84h/1h/0h")
# convert HD private key to HD public key
account_pub = account.to_public()
# for Bitcoin Core: pure BIP-32 serialization
print("\nYour xpub:", account_pub.to_base58(version=NETWORKS["test"]["xpub"]))
# for Electrum and others who cares about SLIP-0132
# used for bip-84 by many wallets
Ejemplo n.º 12
def main():
    # get root key from the mnemonic
    mnemonic = "alien visual jealous source coral memory embark certain radar capable clip edit"
    seed = bip39.mnemonic_to_seed(mnemonic)
    root = bip32.HDKey.from_seed(seed, version=NETWORKS["test"]["xprv"])

    # get bip84-xpub to import to Bitcoin Core:
    # we will use the form [fingerprint/derivation]xpub
    # to import to Bitcoin Core with descriptors

    # first let's get the root fingerprint
    # we can get it from any child of the root key
    fingerprint = root.child(0).fingerprint
    hardened_derivation = "m/84h/1h/0h"
    # derive account according to bip84
    bip84_xprv = root.derive(hardened_derivation)
    # corresponding master public key:
    bip84_xpub = bip84_xprv.to_public()
    print("[%s%s]%s" % (hexlify(fingerprint).decode('utf-8'),
                        hardened_derivation[1:], bip84_xpub.to_base58()))

    # parse psbt transaction
    # first convert it to binary
    raw = a2b_base64(b64_psbt)
    # then parse
    tx = psbt.PSBT.parse(raw)

    # print how much we are spending and where
    total_in = 0
    for inp in tx.inputs:
        total_in += inp.witness_utxo.value
    print("Inputs:", total_in, "satoshi")
    change_out = 0  # value that goes back to us
    send_outputs = []
    for i, out in enumerate(tx.outputs):
        # check if it is a change or not:
        change = False
        # should be one or zero for single-key addresses
        for pub in out.bip32_derivations:
            # check if it is our key
            if out.bip32_derivations[pub].fingerprint == fingerprint:
                hdkey = root.derive(out.bip32_derivations[pub].derivation)
                mypub = hdkey.key.get_public_key()
                if mypub != pub:
                    raise ValueError("Derivation path doesn't look right")
                # now check if provided scriptpubkey matches
                sc = script.p2wpkh(mypub)
                if sc == tx.tx.vout[i].script_pubkey:
                    change = True
        if change:
            change_out += tx.tx.vout[i].value
    print("Spending", total_in - change_out, "satoshi")
    fee = total_in - change_out
    for out in send_outputs:
        fee -= out.value
        print(out.value, "to", out.script_pubkey.address(NETWORKS["test"]))
    print("Fee:", fee, "satoshi")

    # sign the transaction
    raw = tx.serialize()
    # convert to base64
    b64_psbt = b2a_base64(raw)
    # somehow b2a ends with \n...
    if b64_psbt[-1:] == b"\n":
        b64_psbt = b64_psbt[:-1]
    # print
    print("\nSigned transaction:")