Ejemplo n.º 1
class DashdClient(BaseClient):
    Class to interact with dashd, the Dash deamon
    def from_config(configfile=None, network='dash'):
        Read settings from dashd config file

        :param configfile: Path to config file. Leave empty to look in default places
        :type: str
        :param network: Dash mainnet or testnet. Default is dash mainnet
        :type: str

        :return DashdClient:
        config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False)
        if not configfile:
            cfn = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),
            if not os.path.isfile(cfn):
                cfn = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),
            if not os.path.isfile(cfn):
                raise ConfigError(
                    "Please install dash client and specify a path to config file if path is not "
                    "default. Or place a config file in .bitcoinlib/dash.conf to reference to "
                    "an external server.")
            cfn = os.path.join(BCL_DATA_DIR, 'config', configfile)
            if not os.path.isfile(cfn):
                raise ConfigError("Config file %s not found" % cfn)
        with open(cfn, 'r') as f:
            config_string = '[rpc]\n' + f.read()

            if int(config.get('rpc', 'testnet')):
                network = 'testnet'
        except configparser.NoOptionError:
        if config.get('rpc', 'rpcpassword') == 'specify_rpc_password':
            raise ConfigError("Please update config settings in %s" % cfn)
            port = config.get('rpc', 'port')
        except configparser.NoOptionError:
            if network == 'testnet':
                port = 19998
                port = 9998
        server = ''
        if 'bind' in config['rpc']:
            server = config.get('rpc', 'bind')
        elif 'externalip' in config['rpc']:
            server = config.get('rpc', 'externalip')
        url = "http://%s:%s@%s:%s" % (config.get(
            'rpc', 'rpcuser'), config.get('rpc', 'rpcpassword'), server, port)
        return DashdClient(network, url)

    def __init__(self,
        Open connection to dashcore node

        :param network: Dash mainnet or testnet. Default is dash mainnet
        :type: str
        :param base_url: Connection URL in format http(s)://user:password@host:port.
        :type: str
        :param denominator: Denominator for this currency. Should be always 100000000 (satoshis) for Dash
        :type: str
        if not base_url:
            bdc = self.from_config('', network)
            base_url = bdc.base_url
            network = bdc.network
        if len(base_url.split(':')) != 4:
            raise ConfigError(
                "Dashd connection URL must be of format 'http(s)://user:password@host:port,"
                "current format is %s. Please set url in providers.json file" %
        if 'password' in base_url:
            raise ConfigError(
                "Invalid password 'password' in dashd provider settings. "
                "Please set password and url in providers.json file")
        _logger.info("Connect to dashd")
        self.proxy = AuthServiceProxy(base_url)
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(network, PROVIDERNAME, base_url,
                                             denominator, *args)

    def _parse_transaction(self, tx, block_height=None, get_input_values=True):
        t = Transaction.parse_hex(tx['hex'],
        t.confirmations = None if 'confirmations' not in tx else tx[
        if t.confirmations or block_height:
            t.status = 'confirmed'
            t.verified = True
        for i in t.inputs:
            if i.prev_txid == b'\x00' * 32:
                i.script_type = 'coinbase'
            if get_input_values:
                txi = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(i.prev_txid.hex(), 1)
                i.value = int(
                        float(txi['vout'][i.output_n_int]['value']) /
        for o in t.outputs:
            o.spent = None
        t.block_height = block_height
        t.version = tx['version'].to_bytes(4, 'big')
        t.date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tx['blocktime'])
        return t

    def gettransaction(self, txid):
        tx = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid, 1)
        return self._parse_transaction(tx)

    def getrawtransaction(self, txid):
        res = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid)
        return res

    def sendrawtransaction(self, rawtx):
        res = self.proxy.sendrawtransaction(rawtx)
        return {'txid': res, 'response_dict': res}

    def estimatefee(self, blocks):
            res = self.proxy.estimatesmartfee(blocks)['feerate']
        except KeyError:
            res = self.proxy.estimatefee(blocks)
        return int(res * self.units)

    def blockcount(self):
        return self.proxy.getblockcount()

    def getutxos(self, address, after_txid='', limit=MAX_TRANSACTIONS):
        txs = []

        txs_list = self.proxy.listunspent(0, 99999999, [address])
        for t in sorted(txs_list,
                        key=lambda x: x['confirmations'],
                'address': t['address'],
                'txid': t['txid'],
                'confirmations': t['confirmations'],
                'output_n': t['vout'],
                'input_n': -1,
                'block_height': None,
                'fee': None,
                'size': 0,
                'value': int(t['amount'] * self.units),
                'script': t['scriptPubKey'],
                'date': None,
            if t['txid'] == after_txid:
                txs = []

        return txs

    def getblock(self, blockid, parse_transactions=True, page=1, limit=None):
        if isinstance(blockid, int):
            blockid = self.proxy.getblockhash(blockid)
        if not limit:
            limit = 99999

        txs = []
        if parse_transactions:
            bd = self.proxy.getblock(blockid, 2)
            for tx in bd['tx'][(page - 1) * limit:page * limit]:
                # try:
                tx['blocktime'] = bd['time']
                tx['blockhash'] = bd['hash']
                # except Exception as e:
                #     _logger.error("Could not parse tx %s with error %s" % (tx['txid'], e))
            # txs += [tx['hash'] for tx in bd['tx'][len(txs):]]
            bd = self.proxy.getblock(blockid, 1)
            txs = bd['tx']

        block = {
            'bits': int(bd['bits'], 16),
            'depth': bd['confirmations'],
            'hash': bd['hash'],
            'height': bd['height'],
            'merkle_root': bd['merkleroot'],
            'nonce': bd['nonce'],
            'prev_block': bd['previousblockhash'],
            'time': bd['time'],
            'total_txs': bd['nTx'],
            'txs': txs,
            'version': bd['version'],
            'page': page,
            'pages': None,
            'limit': limit
        return block

    def getrawblock(self, blockid):
        if isinstance(blockid, int):
            blockid = self.proxy.getblockhash(blockid)
        return self.proxy.getblock(blockid, 0)

    def isspent(self, txid, index):
        res = self.proxy.gettxout(txid, index)
        if not res:
            return True
        return False

    def getinfo(self):
        info = self.proxy.getmininginfo()
        return {
            'blockcount': info['blocks'],
            'chain': info['chain'],
            'difficulty': int(info['difficulty']),
            'hashrate': int(info['networkhashps']),
            'mempool_size': int(info['pooledtx']),
Ejemplo n.º 2
class DashdClient(BaseClient):
    Class to interact with dashd, the Dash deamon

    def from_config(configfile=None, network='dash'):
        Read settings from dashd config file

        :param configfile: Path to config file. Leave empty to look in default places
        :type: str
        :param network: Dash mainnet or testnet. Default is dash mainnet
        :type: str

        :return DashdClient:
        config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False)
        if not configfile:
            cfn = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), '.bitcoinlib/config/dash.conf')
            if not os.path.isfile(cfn):
                cfn = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), '.dashcore/dash.conf')
            if not os.path.isfile(cfn):
                raise ConfigError("Please install dash client and specify a path to config file if path is not "
                                  "default. Or place a config file in .bitcoinlib/config/dash.conf to reference to "
                                  "an external server.")
            cfn = os.path.join(BCL_DATA_DIR, 'config', configfile)
            if not os.path.isfile(cfn):
                raise ConfigError("Config file %s not found" % cfn)
        with open(cfn, 'r') as f:
            config_string = '[rpc]\n' + f.read()

            if int(config.get('rpc', 'testnet')):
                network = 'testnet'
        except configparser.NoOptionError:
        if config.get('rpc', 'rpcpassword') == 'specify_rpc_password':
            raise ConfigError("Please update config settings in %s" % cfn)
            port = config.get('rpc', 'port')
        except configparser.NoOptionError:
            if network == 'testnet':
                port = 19998
                port = 9998
        server = ''
        if 'bind' in config['rpc']:
            server = config.get('rpc', 'bind')
        elif 'externalip' in config['rpc']:
            server = config.get('rpc', 'externalip')
        url = "http://%s:%s@%s:%s" % (config.get('rpc', 'rpcuser'), config.get('rpc', 'rpcpassword'), server, port)
        return DashdClient(network, url)

    def __init__(self, network='dash', base_url='', denominator=100000000, *args):
        Open connection to dashcore node

        :param network: Dash mainnet or testnet. Default is dash mainnet
        :type: str
        :param base_url: Connection URL in format http(s)://user:password@host:port.
        :type: str
        :param denominator: Denominator for this currency. Should be always 100000000 (satoshis) for Dash
        :type: str
        if not base_url:
            bdc = self.from_config('', network)
            base_url = bdc.base_url
            network = bdc.network
        if len(base_url.split(':')) != 4:
            raise ConfigError("Dashd connection URL must be of format 'http(s)://user:password@host:port,"
                              "current format is %s. Please set url in providers.json file" % base_url)
        if 'password' in base_url:
            raise ConfigError("Invalid password 'password' in dashd provider settings. "
                              "Please set password and url in providers.json file")
        _logger.info("Connect to dashd on %s" % base_url)
        self.proxy = AuthServiceProxy(base_url)
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(network, PROVIDERNAME, base_url, denominator, *args)

    def gettransaction(self, txid):
        tx = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid, 1)
        t = Transaction.import_raw(tx['hex'], network=self.network)
        t.confirmations = tx['confirmations']
        if t.confirmations:
            t.status = 'confirmed'
            t.verified = True
        for i in t.inputs:
            txi = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(to_hexstring(i.prev_hash), 1)
            value = int(float(txi['vout'][i.output_n_int]['value']) / self.network.denominator)
            i.value = value
        t.block_hash = tx['blockhash']
        t.version = tx['version']
        t.date = datetime.fromtimestamp(tx['blocktime'])
        return t

    def getrawtransaction(self, txid):
        res = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid)
        return res

    def sendrawtransaction(self, rawtx):
        res = self.proxy.sendrawtransaction(rawtx)
        return {
            'txid': res,
            'response_dict': res

    def estimatefee(self, blocks):
            res = self.proxy.estimatesmartfee(blocks)['feerate']
        except KeyError:
            res = self.proxy.estimatefee(blocks)
        return int(res * self.units)

    def blockcount(self):
        return self.proxy.getblockcount()

    def getutxos(self, address, after_txid='', max_txs=MAX_TRANSACTIONS):
        txs = []

        for t in self.proxy.listunspent(0, 99999999, [address]):
                'address': t['address'],
                'tx_hash': t['txid'],
                'confirmations': t['confirmations'],
                'output_n': t['vout'],
                'input_n': -1,
                'block_height': None,
                'fee': None,
                'size': 0,
                'value': int(t['amount'] * self.units),
                'script': t['scriptPubKey'],
                'date': None,

        return txs
Ejemplo n.º 3
class LitecoindClient(BaseClient):
    Class to interact with litecoind, the Litecoin deamon
    def from_config(configfile=None, network='litecoin'):
        Read settings from litecoind config file

        :param configfile: Path to config file. Leave empty to look in default places
        :type: str
        :param network: Litecoin mainnet or testnet. Default is litecoin mainnet
        :type: str

        :return LitecoindClient:
        if PY3:
            config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False)
            config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        config_fn = 'litecoin.conf'
        if isinstance(network, Network):
            network = network.name
        if network == 'testnet':
            config_fn = 'litecoin-testnet.conf'
        if not configfile:
            cfn = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),
                               '.bitcoinlib/config/%s' % config_fn)
            if not os.path.isfile(cfn):  # Linux
                cfn = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),
                                   '.litecoin/%s' % config_fn)
            if not os.path.isfile(cfn):  # Try Windows path
                cfn = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),
                                   'Application Data/Litecoin/%s' % config_fn)
            if not os.path.isfile(cfn):  # Try Mac path
                cfn = os.path.join(
                    'Library/Application Support/Litecoin/%s' % config_fn)
            if not os.path.isfile(cfn):
                raise ConfigError(
                    "Please install litecoin client and specify a path to config file if path is not "
                    "default. Or place a config file in .bitcoinlib/config/litecoin.conf to reference to "
                    "an external server.")
            cfn = os.path.join(BCL_CONFIG_DIR, configfile)
            if not os.path.isfile(cfn):
                raise ConfigError("Config file %s not found" % cfn)
        except Exception:
            with open(cfn, 'r') as f:
                config_string = '[rpc]\n' + f.read()

        testnet = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'testnet')
        if testnet:
            network = 'testnet'
        if _read_from_config(config, 'rpc',
                             'rpcpassword') == 'specify_rpc_password':
            raise ConfigError("Please update config settings in %s" % cfn)
        if network == 'testnet':
            port = 19332
            port = 9332
        port = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'rpcport', port)
        server = ''
        server = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'rpcconnect', server)
        server = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'bind', server)
        server = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'externalip', server)
        url = "http://%s:%s@%s:%s" % (config.get(
            'rpc', 'rpcuser'), config.get('rpc', 'rpcpassword'), server, port)
        return LitecoindClient(network, url)

    def __init__(self,
        Open connection to litecoin node

        :param network: Litecoin mainnet or testnet. Default is litecoin mainnet
        :type: str
        :param base_url: Connection URL in format http(s)://user:password@host:port.
        :type: str
        :param denominator: Denominator for this currency. Should be always 100000000 (satoshis) for litecoin
        :type: str
        if isinstance(network, Network):
            network = network.name
        if not base_url:
            bdc = self.from_config('', network)
            base_url = bdc.base_url
            network = bdc.network
        if len(base_url.split(':')) != 4:
            raise ConfigError(
                "Litecoind connection URL must be of format 'http(s)://user:password@host:port,"
                "current format is %s. Please set url in providers.json file or check litecoin config "
                "file" % base_url)
        if 'password' in base_url:
            raise ConfigError(
                "Invalid password in litecoind provider settings. "
                "Please replace default password and set url in providers.json or litecoin.conf file"
        _logger.info("Connect to litecoind on %s" % base_url)
        self.proxy = AuthServiceProxy(base_url)
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(network, PROVIDERNAME, base_url,
                                             denominator, *args)

    # def getbalance

    def getutxos(self, address, after_txid='', max_txs=MAX_TRANSACTIONS):
        txs = []

        res = self.proxy.getaddressinfo(address)
        if not (res['ismine'] or res['iswatchonly']):
            raise ClientError(
                "Address %s not found in litecoind wallet, use 'importaddress' to add address to "
                "wallet." % address)

        for t in self.proxy.listunspent(0, 99999999, [address]):
                'address': t['address'],
                'tx_hash': t['txid'],
                'confirmations': t['confirmations'],
                'output_n': t['vout'],
                'input_n': -1,
                'block_height': None,
                'fee': None,
                'size': 0,
                'value': int(t['amount'] * self.units),
                'script': t['scriptPubKey'],
                'date': None,

        return txs

    def gettransaction(self, txid):
        tx = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid, 1)
        t = Transaction.import_raw(tx['hex'], network=self.network)
        t.confirmations = tx['confirmations']
        if t.confirmations:
            t.status = 'confirmed'
            t.verified = True
        for i in t.inputs:
            if i.prev_hash == b'\x00' * 32:
                i.value = t.output_total
                i.script_type = 'coinbase'
            txi = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(to_hexstring(i.prev_hash), 1)
            i.value = int(
                    float(txi['vout'][i.output_n_int]['value']) /
        for o in t.outputs:
            o.spent = None
        t.block_hash = tx['blockhash']
        t.version = struct.pack('>L', tx['version'])
        t.date = datetime.fromtimestamp(tx['blocktime'])
        t.hash = txid
        return t

    # def gettransactions

    def getrawtransaction(self, txid):
        res = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid)
        return res

    def sendrawtransaction(self, rawtx):
        res = self.proxy.sendrawtransaction(rawtx)
        return {'txid': res, 'response_dict': res}

    def estimatefee(self, blocks):
        pres = ''
            pres = self.proxy.estimatesmartfee(blocks)
            res = pres['feerate']
        except KeyError as e:
            _logger.warning("litecoind error: %s, %s" % (e, pres))
            res = self.proxy.estimatefee(blocks)
        return int(res * self.units)

    def blockcount(self):
        return self.proxy.getblockcount()

    def mempool(self, txid=''):
        txids = self.proxy.getrawmempool()
        if not txid:
            return txids
        elif txid in txids:
            return [txid]
        return []
Ejemplo n.º 4
class BitcoindClient(BaseClient):
    Class to interact with bitcoind, the Bitcoin deamon
    def from_config(configfile=None, network='bitcoin'):
        Read settings from bitcoind config file

        :param configfile: Path to config file. Leave empty to look in default places
        :type: str
        :param network: Bitcoin mainnet or testnet. Default is bitcoin mainnet
        :type: str

        :return BitcoindClient:
            config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False)
        except TypeError:
            config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        config_fn = 'bitcoin.conf'
        if isinstance(network, Network):
            network = network.name
        if network == 'testnet':
            config_fn = 'bitcoin-testnet.conf'

        cfn = None
        if not configfile:
            config_locations = [
                '~/.bitcoinlib', '~/.bitcoin', '~/Application Data/Bitcoin',
                '~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin'
            for location in config_locations:
                cfn = Path(location, config_fn).expanduser()
                if cfn.exists():
            cfn = Path(BCL_DATA_DIR, 'config', configfile)
        if not cfn or not cfn.is_file():
            raise ConfigError(
                "Config file %s not found. Please install bitcoin client and specify a path to config "
                "file if path is not default. Or place a config file in .bitcoinlib/bitcoin.conf to "
                "reference to an external server." % cfn)

        except Exception:
            with cfn.open() as f:
                config_string = '[rpc]\n' + f.read()

        testnet = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'testnet')
        if testnet:
            network = 'testnet'
        if _read_from_config(config, 'rpc',
                             'rpcpassword') == 'specify_rpc_password':
            raise ConfigError("Please update config settings in %s" % cfn)
        if network == 'testnet':
            port = 18332
            port = 8332
        port = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'rpcport', port)
        server = ''
        server = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'rpcconnect', server)
        server = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'bind', server)
        server = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'externalip', server)

        url = "http://%s:%s@%s:%s" % (config.get(
            'rpc', 'rpcuser'), config.get('rpc', 'rpcpassword'), server, port)
        return BitcoindClient(network, url)

    def __init__(self,
        Open connection to bitcoin node

        :param network: Bitcoin mainnet or testnet. Default is bitcoin mainnet
        :type: str
        :param base_url: Connection URL in format http(s)://user:password@host:port.
        :type: str
        :param denominator: Denominator for this currency. Should be always 100000000 (satoshis) for bitcoin
        :type: str
        if isinstance(network, Network):
            network = network.name
        if not base_url:
            bdc = self.from_config('', network)
            base_url = bdc.base_url
            network = bdc.network
        if len(base_url.split(':')) != 4:
            raise ConfigError(
                "Bitcoind connection URL must be of format 'http(s)://user:password@host:port,"
                "current format is %s. Please set url in providers.json file or check bitcoin config "
                "file" % base_url)
        if 'password' in base_url:
            raise ConfigError(
                "Invalid password in bitcoind provider settings. "
                "Please replace default password and set url in providers.json or bitcoin.conf file"
        _logger.info("Connect to bitcoind on %s" % base_url)
        self.proxy = AuthServiceProxy(base_url)
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(network, PROVIDERNAME, base_url,
                                             denominator, *args)

    # def getbalance

    def getutxos(self, address, after_txid='', limit=MAX_TRANSACTIONS):
        txs = []

        res = self.proxy.getaddressinfo(address)
        if not (res['ismine'] or res['iswatchonly']):
            raise ClientError(
                "Address %s not found in bitcoind wallet, use 'importpubkey' or 'importaddress' to add "
                "address to wallet." % address)

        txs_list = self.proxy.listunspent(0, 99999999, [address])
        for t in sorted(txs_list,
                        key=lambda x: x['confirmations'],
                'address': t['address'],
                'tx_hash': t['txid'],
                'confirmations': t['confirmations'],
                'output_n': t['vout'],
                'input_n': -1,
                'block_height': None,
                'fee': None,
                'size': 0,
                'value': int(t['amount'] * self.units),
                'script': t['scriptPubKey'],
                'date': None,
            if t['txid'] == after_txid:
                txs = []

        return txs

    def _parse_transaction(self, tx, block_height=None, get_input_values=True):
        t = Transaction.import_raw(tx['hex'], network=self.network)
        t.confirmations = None if 'confirmations' not in tx else tx[
        if t.confirmations or block_height:
            t.status = 'confirmed'
            t.verified = True
        for i in t.inputs:
            if i.prev_hash == b'\x00' * 32:
                i.script_type = 'coinbase'
            if get_input_values:
                txi = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(to_hexstring(i.prev_hash),
                i.value = int(
                        float(txi['vout'][i.output_n_int]['value']) /
        for o in t.outputs:
            o.spent = None
        t.block_hash = tx.get('block_hash', tx['txid'])  # FIXME, use only one
        t.block_height = block_height
        t.version = struct.pack('>L', tx['version'])
        t.date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tx['time'])
        return t

    def gettransaction(self, txid):
        tx = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid, 1)
        return self._parse_transaction(tx)

    # def gettransactions

    def getrawtransaction(self, txid):
        res = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid)
        return res

    def sendrawtransaction(self, rawtx):
        res = self.proxy.sendrawtransaction(rawtx)
        return {'txid': res, 'response_dict': res}

    def estimatefee(self, blocks):
        pres = ''
            pres = self.proxy.estimatesmartfee(blocks)
            res = pres['feerate']
        except KeyError as e:
            _logger.info("bitcoind error: %s, %s" % (e, pres))
            res = self.proxy.estimatefee(blocks)
        return int(res * self.units)

    def blockcount(self):
        return self.proxy.getblockcount()

    def mempool(self, txid=''):
        txids = self.proxy.getrawmempool()
        if not txid:
            return txids
        elif txid in txids:
            return [txid]
        return []

    def getblock(self,
        if isinstance(blockid, int):
            blockid = self.proxy.getblockhash(blockid)
        if not limit:
            limit = 99999

        txs = []
        if parse_transactions:
            bd = self.proxy.getblock(blockid, 2)
            for tx in bd['tx'][(page - 1) * limit:page * limit]:
                # try:
                tx['time'] = bd['time']
                tx['txid'] = bd['hash']
                # except Exception as e:
                #     _logger.error("Could not parse tx %s with error %s" % (tx['txid'], e))
            # txs += [tx['hash'] for tx in bd['tx'][len(txs):]]
            bd = self.proxy.getblock(blockid, 1)
            txs = bd['tx']

        block = {
            None if 'previousblockhash' not in bd else bd['previousblockhash'],
        return block

    def getrawblock(self, blockid):
        if isinstance(blockid, int):
            blockid = self.proxy.getblockhash(blockid)
        return self.proxy.getblock(blockid, 0)

    def isspent(self, txid, index):
        res = self.proxy.gettxout(txid, index)
        if not res:
            return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
class DogecoindClient(BaseClient):
    Class to interact with dogecoind, the Dogecoin daemon
    def from_config(configfile=None, network='dogecoin'):
        Read settings from dogecoind config file

        :param configfile: Path to config file. Leave empty to look in default places
        :type: str
        :param network: Dogecoin mainnet or testnet. Default is dogecoin mainnet
        :type: str

        :return DogecoindClient:
            config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False)
        except TypeError:
            config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        config_fn = 'dogecoin.conf'
        if isinstance(network, Network):
            network = network.name
        if network == 'testnet':
            config_fn = 'dogecoin-testnet.conf'

        cfn = None
        if not configfile:
            config_locations = [
                '~/.bitcoinlib', '~/.dogecoin', '~/Application Data/Dogecoin',
                '~/Library/Application Support/Dogecoin'
            for location in config_locations:
                cfn = Path(location, config_fn).expanduser()
                if cfn.exists():
            cfn = Path(BCL_DATA_DIR, 'config', configfile)
        if not cfn or not cfn.is_file():
            raise ConfigError(
                "Config file %s not found. Please install dogecoin client and specify a path to config "
                "file if path is not default. Or place a config file in .bitcoinlib/dogecoin.conf to "
                "reference to an external server." % cfn)

        except Exception:
            with cfn.open() as f:
                config_string = '[rpc]\n' + f.read()

        testnet = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'testnet')
        if testnet:
            network = 'testnet'
        if _read_from_config(config, 'rpc',
                             'rpcpassword') == 'specify_rpc_password':
            raise ConfigError("Please update config settings in %s" % cfn)
        if network == 'testnet':
            port = 44555
            port = 22555
        port = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'rpcport', port)
        server = ''
        server = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'rpcconnect', server)
        server = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'bind', server)
        server = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'externalip', server)

        url = "http://%s:%s@%s:%s" % (config.get(
            'rpc', 'rpcuser'), config.get('rpc', 'rpcpassword'), server, port)
        return DogecoindClient(network, url)

    def __init__(self,
        Open connection to dogecoin node

        :param network: Dogecoin mainnet or testnet. Default is dogecoin mainnet
        :type: str
        :param base_url: Connection URL in format http(s)://user:password@host:port.
        :type: str
        :param denominator: Denominator for this currency. Should be always 100000000 (satoshis) for dogecoin
        :type: str
        if isinstance(network, Network):
            network = network.name
        if not base_url:
            bdc = self.from_config('', network)
            base_url = bdc.base_url
            network = bdc.network
        if len(base_url.split(':')) != 4:
            raise ConfigError(
                "Dogecoind connection URL must be of format 'http(s)://user:password@host:port,"
                "current format is %s. Please set url in providers.json file or check dogecoin config "
                "file" % base_url)
        if 'password' in base_url:
            raise ConfigError(
                "Invalid password in dogecoind provider settings. "
                "Please replace default password and set url in providers.json or dogecoin.conf file"
        _logger.info("Connect to dogecoind")
        self.proxy = AuthServiceProxy(base_url)
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(network, PROVIDERNAME, base_url,
                                             denominator, *args)

    def getutxos(self, address, after_txid='', max_txs=MAX_TRANSACTIONS):
        txs = []

        for t in self.proxy.listunspent(0, 99999999, [address]):
                'address': t['address'],
                'txid': t['txid'],
                'confirmations': t['confirmations'],
                'output_n': t['vout'],
                'input_n': -1,
                'block_height': None,
                'fee': None,
                'size': 0,
                'value': int(t['amount'] * self.units),
                'script': t['scriptPubKey'],
                'date': None,

        return txs

    def gettransaction(self, txid, block_height=None, get_input_values=True):
        tx = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid, 1)
        t = Transaction.parse_hex(tx['hex'],
        t.confirmations = tx['confirmations']
        if t.confirmations:
            t.status = 'confirmed'
            t.verified = True
        for i in t.inputs:
            if i.prev_txid == b'\x00' * 32:
                i.value = t.output_total
                i.script_type = 'coinbase'
            if get_input_values:
                txi = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(i.prev_txid.hex(), 1)
                i.value = int(
                        float(txi['vout'][i.output_n_int]['value']) /
        for o in t.outputs:
            o.spent = None
        t.version = tx['version'].to_bytes(4, 'big')
        t.date = datetime.fromtimestamp(tx['blocktime'])
        t.block_height = block_height
        return t

    def getrawtransaction(self, txid):
        return self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid)

    def sendrawtransaction(self, rawtx):
        res = self.proxy.sendrawtransaction(rawtx)
        return {'txid': res, 'response_dict': res}

    def estimatefee(self, blocks):
        pres = ''
            pres = self.proxy.estimatesmartfee(blocks)
            res = pres['feerate']
        except KeyError as e:
            _logger.info("dogecoind error: %s, %s" % (e, pres))
            res = self.proxy.estimatefee(blocks)
        return int(res * self.units)

    def blockcount(self):
        return self.proxy.getblockcount()

    def mempool(self, txid=''):
        txids = self.proxy.getrawmempool()
        if not txid:
            return txids
        elif txid in txids:
            return [txid]
        return []

    def getinfo(self):
        info = self.proxy.getmininginfo()
        return {
            'blockcount': info['blocks'],
            'chain': info['chain'],
            'difficulty': int(info['difficulty']),
            'hashrate': int(info['networkhashps']),
            'mempool_size': int(info['pooledtx']),