Ejemplo n.º 1
def booth(m, r):

    x = 8
    y = 8
    totallength = x + y + 1

    mA = BitArray(int=m, length=totallength)
    rA = BitArray(int=r, length=totallength)
    A = mA << (y + 1)
    S = BitArray(int=-m, length=totallength) << (y + 1)
    P = BitArray(int=r, length=y)
    P.prepend(BitArray(int=0, length=x))
    P = P << 1

    print "Initial values"
    print "", A.bin
    print "", S.bin
    print "", P.bin

    for i in range(1, y + 1):
        if P[-2:] == '0b01':
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + A.int, length=totallength)
            print "P +  A:", P.bin
        elif P[-2:] == '0b10':
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + S.int, length=totallength)
            print "P +  S:", P.bin
        P = arith_shift_right(P, 1)
        print "P >> 1:", P.bin
    P = arith_shift_right(P, 1)
    print "P >> 1:", P.bin
    return P.int
Ejemplo n.º 2
def huff_encode(text):
	freq = defaultdict(int)
	for s in text:
		freq[s] += 1

	tree = [ [f, [s, ""]] for s,f in freq.items() ]

	while len(tree) > 1:
		l = heappop(tree)
		h = heappop(tree)
		for n in l[1:]:
			n[1] = '0' + n[1]
		for n in h[1:]:
			n[1] = '1' + n[1]

		heappush(tree, [l[0] + h[0]] + l[1:] + h[1:])

	root = heappop(tree)[1:]
	codes = dict([(s, "0b"+c) for s,c in root])
	# Header
	enc = BitArray()
	for s,c in root:
		enc += BitArray(bytes=s)
		enc += BitArray(uint=len(c), length=8)
		enc += BitArray("0b"+c)
	enc.prepend(BitArray(uint=len(root), length=8))
	for s in text:
		enc += BitArray(codes[s])

	return enc
Ejemplo n.º 3
def multiply_bins(m, r, x, y): #Алгоритм Бута
    print(m," x ",r)
    length = x + y + 1
    m_arr = BitArray(int = m, length = length)
    A = m_arr<<(y+1) #Заповнити найбільш значимі (з ліва) біти значенням m. Біти (y + 1), які залишилися, заповнити нулями.
    print("A = ", A.bin)
    S = BitArray(int = -m, length = length) << (y+1) #Заповнити найбільш значимі біти значенням (−m) в додатковому коді. Біти (y + 1), які залишилися, заповнити нулями.
    print("S = ", S.bin)
    P = BitArray(int = r, length = y) #заповнити біти значенням r.
    P.prepend(BitArray(int = 0, length = x)) #Заповнити найбільш значимі x біт нулями.
    P = P << 1 #Записати 0 в крайній найменший значимий (правий) біт.
    print("P = ", P.bin)

    for _ in range(1, y + 1):
        if P[-2:] == '0b01': #if last two bits are 01, find P+A
            P = BitArray(int = P.int + A.int, length = length)
            print("P + A = ", P.bin)
        elif P[-2:] == '0b10': #if last two bits are 10, find P+S
            P = BitArray(int = P.int + S.int, length = length)
            print("P + S = ", P.bin)
        P = ar_shift(P, 1) #Виконати операцію арифметичного зсуву над значенням, яке було отримане на другому кроці, на один біт вправо. Присвоїти P це нове значення.
        print("P >> 1 = ", P.bin)
    P = ar_shift(P, 1) #Відкинути крайній найменш значимий (правий) біт P. Це і є добуток m і r.
    print("P >> 1 = ", P.bin)
    return P.int
Ejemplo n.º 4
def booth(m, r):
	# Initialize
	totalLength = x + y + 1
	mA = BitArray(int = m, length = totalLength) #2 00000000000000010
	rA = BitArray(int = r, length = totalLength)
	A = mA << (y+1)#2 = 00000010000000000#
	S = BitArray(int = -m, length = totalLength) << (y+1)#subtractor
	P = BitArray(int = r, length = y)
	P.prepend(BitArray(int = 0, length = x))#this is Q in AQQ-1
	P = P << 1
	print "Initial values"
	print "A", A.bin
	print "S", S.bin
	print "P", P.bin
	print "Starting calculation"
	for i in range(1,y+1):
		if P[-2:] == '0b01':
			P = BitArray(int = P.int + A.int, length = totalLength)
			print "P +  A:", P.bin
		elif P[-2:] == '0b10':
			P = BitArray(int = P.int +S.int, length = totalLength)#a=a-m
			print "P +  S:", P.bin
		P = arith_shift_right(P, 1)
		print "P >> 1:", P.bin
	P = arith_shift_right(P, 1)
	print "P >> 1:", P.bin
	return P.int
Ejemplo n.º 5
def booth(m, r, x, y):
	# Initialize
	totalLength = x + y + 1
	mA = BitArray(int = m, length = totalLength)
	rA = BitArray(int = r, length = totalLength)
	A = mA << (y+1)
	S = BitArray(int = -m, length = totalLength)  << (y+1)
	P = BitArray(int = r, length = y)
	P.prepend(BitArray(int = 0, length = x))
	P = P << 1
	print "Initial values"
	print "A", A.bin
	print "S", S.bin
	print "P", P.bin
	print "Starting calculation"
	for i in range(1,y+1):
		if P[-2:] == '0b01':
			P = BitArray(int = P.int + A.int, length = totalLength)
			print "P +  A:", P.bin
		elif P[-2:] == '0b10':
			P = BitArray(int = P.int +S.int, length = totalLength)
			print "P +  S:", P.bin
		P = arith_shift_right(P, 1)
		print "P >> 1:", P.bin
	P = arith_shift_right(P, 1)
	print "P >> 1:", P.bin
	return P.int
Ejemplo n.º 6
def hf_compress(byte_array):
    MAX_SIZE = 256

    freq_table = [0 for i in range(MAX_SIZE)]
    for b in byte_array:
        freq_table[b] += 1

    hf_tree = create_huffman_tree(freq_table)
    hf_codes = parse_tree(hf_tree)

    result = BitArray(bin_pad(len(hf_codes), 8))

    for n in hf_codes:

        byte_key = bytes([n[0]])

        code_length = bin_pad(len(n[1]), 4)
        result.append('0b' + n[1])

    for b in byte_array:
        code = [c[1] for c in hf_codes if c[0] == b].pop()
        result.append('0b' + code)

    # find required padding to make bits go into bytes
    padding_size = 8 - len(result.bin) % 8
    result.prepend(bin_pad(padding_size, 8))

    return result.tobytes()
Ejemplo n.º 7
def booth(m, r, x, y):  # starting booths logic
    totalLength = x + y + 1
    mA = BitArray(
        int=m, length=totalLength
    )  # convert 1st no (int data) into binary and store it in mA with total length of 17 bits (16+carry)
    A = mA << (y + 1)  # left shift mA by 1 bit
    mA1 = BitArray(
        int=-m, length=totalLength
    )  # convert 2nd no (int data) into binary and store it in mA1 with total length of 17 bits (16+carry)
    S = mA1 << (y + 1)  # left shift mA1 by 1 bit
    P1 = BitArray(
        int=r, length=y
    )  # convert 2nd no (int data) into binary and store it in p1 with total length of 8 bits (as y=8)
        BitArray(int=0, length=x)
    )  # pre-append converted 1st no (int data) into binary at p1. now p1 is of 16 bits.
    P = P1 << (1)  # left shitf operation on p1 and store it in p
    print("A : ", A.bin)  #print binary of A
    print("S : ", S.bin)  #print binary of S

    for i in range(1, y + 1):  # check for -ve sign in input and output.
        if P[-2:] == '0b01':  # 1st no contains -ve sign then ans also contain -ve sign
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + A.int,
                         length=totalLength)  # add -ve sign to answer
        elif P[-2:] == '0b10':  # 2nd no contains -ve sign then ans also contain -ve sign
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + S.int,
                         length=totalLength)  # add -ve sign to answer
        P = BitArray(int=(P.int >> 1),
                     length=P.len)  # convert answer into binary and int.
    P = P[:-1]
    print("P : ", P.bin)  # print binary i=on terminal
    return P.bin, P.int  # print binary + integer on web page
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def testPrependAfterCreationFromDataWithOffset(self):
     s1 = BitArray(bytes=b'\x00\x00\x07\xff\xf0\x00', offset=21, length=15)
     self.assertEqual(s1.bin, '0111111111111111')
     self.assertEqual(s1.bin, '00111111111111111')
 def testPrependAfterCreationFromDataWithOffset(self):
     s1 = BitArray(bytes=b'\x00\x00\x07\xff\xf0\x00', offset=21, length=15)
     self.assertEqual(s1.bin, '0111111111111111')
     self.assertEqual(s1.bin, '00111111111111111')
Ejemplo n.º 10
def booth(m, r, x, y):
	# Initialize
	totalLength = x + y + 1
	mA = BitArray(int = m, length = totalLength)
	A = mA << (y+1)
	S = BitArray(int = -m, length = totalLength)  << (y+1)
	P = BitArray(int = r, length = y)
	P.prepend(BitArray(int = 0, length = x))
	P = P << 1
	print "Initial values"
	print "A", A.bin
	print "S", S.bin
	print "P", P.bin
	print "Starting calculation"
	for i in range(1,y+1):
		if P[-2:] == '0b01':
			P = BitArray(int = P.int + A.int, length = totalLength)
			print "P +  A:", P.bin
		elif P[-2:] == '0b10':
			P = BitArray(int = P.int +S.int, length = totalLength)
			print "P +  S:", P.bin
		P = arith_shift_right(P, 1)
		print "P >> 1:", P.bin
	P = arith_shift_right(P, 1)
	print "P >> 1:", P.bin
	return P.int
Ejemplo n.º 11
def booth(m, r, x, y):
    total_length = x + y + 1
    mA = BitArray(int=m, length=total_length)
    print mA
    A = mA << (y + 1)
    print A
    mA1 = BitArray(int=-m, length=total_length)
    print mA1
    S = mA1 << (y + 1)
    print S
    P1 = BitArray(int=r, length=y)
    P1.prepend(BitArray(int=0, length=x))
    P = P1 << (1)
    print "A:", A.bin
    print "S:", S.bin

    for i in range(1, y + 1):
        if P[-2:] == "0b01":
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + A.int, length=total_length)
        if P[-2:] == "0b10":
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + S.int, length=total_length)
        P = BitArray(int=(P.int >> (1)), length=total_length)
    P = P[:-1]
    print "P:", P.bin
    return P.bin, P.int
Ejemplo n.º 12
def bit_add32(bs1, bs2):
    b1 = int(bs1.bin, 2)
    b2 = int(bs2.bin, 2)
    b3 = b1 + b2
    bs3 = BitArray(bin(b3))
    while len(bs3) < 32:
    return bs3[-32:]
Ejemplo n.º 13
def array2hexstring(array, dtype, pad_to_nbits, prefix="0x", reverse=False):
    Pack given one-dimensional NumPy array with FINN DataType dtype into a hex
    Any BIPOLAR values will be converted to a single bit with a 0 representing
    pad_to_nbits is used to prepend leading zeros to ensure packed strings of
    fixed width. The minimum value for pad_to_nbits is 4, since a single hex
    digit is four bits. reverse can be used to reverse the array prior to


    array2hexstring([1, 1, 1, 0], DataType.BINARY, 4) = "0xe"

    array2hexstring([1, 1, 1, 0], DataType.BINARY, 8) = "0x0e"

    array2hexstring([1, 1, 0, 1], DataType.BINARY, 4, reverse=True) = "0xb"

    array2hexstring([1, 1, 1, 0], DataType.BINARY, 8, reverse=True) = "0x07"
    if pad_to_nbits < 4:
        pad_to_nbits = 4
    # ensure input is a numpy array with float values
    if type(array) != np.ndarray or array.dtype != np.float32:
        # try to convert to a float numpy array (container dtype is float)
        array = np.asarray(array, dtype=np.float32)
    # ensure one-dimensional array to pack
    assert array.ndim == 1, "The given array is not one-dimensional."
    if dtype == DataType.BIPOLAR:
        # convert bipolar values to binary
        array = (array + 1) / 2
        dtype = DataType.BINARY
    # reverse prior to packing, if desired
    if reverse:
        array = np.flip(array, -1)
    lineval = BitArray(length=0)
    bw = dtype.bitwidth()
    for val in array:
        # ensure that this value is permitted by chosen dtype
        assert dtype.allowed(
            val), "This value is not permitted by chosen dtype."
        if dtype.is_integer():
            if dtype.signed():
                lineval.append(BitArray(int=int(val), length=bw))
                lineval.append(BitArray(uint=int(val), length=bw))
            lineval.append(BitArray(float=val, length=bw))
    if pad_to_nbits >= lineval.len:
        # extend to the desired output width (a minimum of 4 bits)
        lineval.prepend(BitArray(length=pad_to_nbits - lineval.len))
        raise Exception("Number of bits is greater than pad_to_nbits")
    # represent as hex
    return prefix + lineval.hex
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _root_path(self):
     code = BitArray()
     node = self
     while not node._is_root():
         if node._is_left_child():
         node = node.p
     return code
Ejemplo n.º 15
def rc(t):
    if t % 255 == 0:
        return True
    r = BitArray('0b10000000')
    for i in range(1, t%255 + 1):
        # A especificacao do NIST diz para fazer uma soma de bits.
        # Essa operacao em um bit, eh exatamente equivalente ao XOR
        r[0] = (r[0] ^ r[8])
        r[4] = (r[4] ^ r[8])
        r[5] = (r[5] ^ r[8])
        r[6] = (r[6] ^ r[8])
        r = r[:8]
    return r[0]
Ejemplo n.º 16
def rc(t):
    if t % 255 == 0:
        return True
    r = BitArray('0b10000000')
    for i in range(1, t % 255 + 1):
        # A especificacao do NIST diz para fazer uma soma de bits.
        # Essa operacao em um bit, eh exatamente equivalente ao XOR
        r[0] = (r[0] ^ r[8])
        r[4] = (r[4] ^ r[8])
        r[5] = (r[5] ^ r[8])
        r[6] = (r[6] ^ r[8])
        r = r[:8]
    return r[0]
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def rc(self, t):
        if t % 255 == 0:
            return 1

        R = BitArray(bin='10000000')

        for i in range(1, t%255 + 1):
            R[0] = (R[0] + R[8]) % 2
            R[4] = (R[4] + R[8]) % 2
            R[5] = (R[5] + R[8]) % 2
            R[6] = (R[6] + R[8]) % 2
            R = R[:8]

        return R[0]
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def to_bytearray(self):
        ba = bytearray(self.block_size - self.num_bytes_for_pointers)
        pointers = BitArray()
        offset = -1
        for i in range(0, self.max_num_records):
            if self.records[i] is None:
                offset = -1
                ba[i * RECORD_SIZE:(i + 1) *
                   RECORD_SIZE] = self.records[i].to_bytearray()
                offset = i * RECORD_SIZE
                    bin=np.binary_repr(offset, width=self.addr_bit_width)))

        padded_pointers = pad_bits(pointers, self.num_bytes_for_pointers).bytes
        diff = self.block_size - len(ba) - len(padded_pointers)
        return ba + bytearray(diff) + padded_pointers
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: A3.py Proyecto: pictexam/CL-3
def booth(m, r, x, y):
    tot = x + y + 1
    mA = BitArray(int=m, length=tot)
    print mA
    A = mA << (y + 1)
    mA1 = BitArray(int=-m, length=tot)
    B = mA1 << (y + 1)
    P = BitArray(int=r, length=x)
    P.prepend(BitArray(int=0, length=y))
    P = P << (1)
    for i in range(0, y):
        if (P[-2:] == '0b01'):
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + A.int, length=tot)
        elif (P[-2:] == '0b10'):
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + B.int, length=tot)
        P = BitArray(int=P.int >> (1), length=tot)
    P = P[:-1]
    return P.bin, P.int
Ejemplo n.º 20
def booth(multiplicand, multiplier, x, y):
    totalLength = x + y + 1
    M1 = BitArray(int=multiplicand, length=totalLength)
    A = M1 << (y + 1)
    M2 = BitArray(int=-multiplicand, length=totalLength)
    S = M2 << (y + 1)
    print "value of S " + str(S.int)
    P1 = BitArray(int=multiplier, length=y)
    P1.prepend(BitArray(int=0, length=x))
    P = P1 << (1)

    for i in range(1, y + 1):
        if P[-2:] == '0b01':
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + A.int, length=totalLength)
        elif P[-2:] == '0b10':
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + S.int, length=totalLength)
        P = BitArray(int=(P.int >> 1), length=P.len)
    P = P[:-1]
    return P.bin, P.int
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def hash(self, key):
         Key should be two tuple, where the first item is the key for jenkins hash while the second part is only xored to the first part.
         :param key: input data to be hashed divided into two parts.
         :type key: tuple(int, int)
         :returns: Hash value.
         :rtype: int
     h1 = jenkins.hash(self, key[0])
     h1_data = BitArray(uint=h1, length=32)
     #        h2_data = BitArray(bytes=key[1])
     h2_data = BitArray(bytes=key[1])
     h2_data.prepend(BitArray(uint=0, length=32 - (len(h2_data))))
     #h = h1^key[1];
     h3 = h1_data ^ h2_data
     #print(h3.uint &0x00000FFF)
     return h3.uint  #& 0x000007FF;
class GifDataStream:
    def __init__(self, bytez):
        self.bytez = bytearray(bytez)
        self.remainder = BitArray()

    def read_uint(self, n):
        while len(self.remainder) < n:
        uint = self.remainder.uint & (2**n - 1)
        self.remainder >>= n
        del self.remainder[0:n]
        return uint

    def peek_uint(self, n):
        s = self.remainder.copy()
        i = 0
        while len(s) < n:
            s.prepend(Bits(bytearray(self.bytez[i:i + 1])))
            i += 1
        bits = Bits(s)
        return bits.uint & (2**n - 1)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def booth(m, r, x, y):
    totalLength = x + y + 1
    mA = BitArray(int=m, length=totalLength)
    A = mA << (y + 1)
    mA1 = BitArray(int=-m, length=totalLength)
    S = mA1 << (y + 1)
    P1 = BitArray(int=r, length=y)
    P1.prepend(BitArray(int=0, length=x))
    P = P1 << (1)
    print "A : ", A.bin
    print "S : ", S.bin

    for i in range(1, y + 1):
        if P[-2:] == '0b01':
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + A.int, length=totalLength)
        elif P[-2:] == '0b10':
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + S.int, length=totalLength)
        P = BitArray(int=(P.int >> 1), length=P.len)
    P = P[:-1]
    print "P : ", P.bin
    return P.bin, P.int
Ejemplo n.º 24
def booths(num1, num2, len):
    totalLength = len + len + 1
    mulArray = BitArray(int=num1, length=totalLength)
    compMulArray = BitArray(int=-num1, length=totalLength)

    add = mulArray << (len + 1)
    sub = compMulArray << (len + 1)

    result = BitArray(int=num2, length=len)
    result.prepend(BitArray(int=0, length=len))
    result = result << (1)

    for i in range(len):
        if result[-2:] == '0b01':
            result = BitArray(int=result.int + add.int, length=totalLength)
        elif result[-2:] == '0b10':
            result = BitArray(int=result.int + sub.int, length=totalLength)
        result = BitArray(int=(result.int >> (1)), length=result.len)

    result = result[:-1]
    return result.bin, result.int
Ejemplo n.º 25
def attach_crc32(config_string: BitArray) -> BitArray:

    # 1 + x + x2 + x4 + x5 +x7 + x8 + x10 + x11 + x12 + x16 + x22 + x23 + x26 + x32.
    polynomial = BitArray(bin='1110 1101 1011 1000 1000 0011 0010 0000 1')

    # enter corrected length with CRC32 packet
    current_length = config_string.length
    length_with_crc32 = current_length + DB_ADDRESS_BITWIDTH + DB_CHANNEL_BITWIDTH + DB_LENGTH_BITWIDTH + 32
        BitArray(uint=length_with_crc32, length=DB_CONFIG_LENGTH_BITWIDTH),

    # attach DB_ADDRESS 0, Channel 0 for CRC32 receiver, length 32 of checksum
        BitArray(uint=0, length=DB_ADDRESS_BITWIDTH + DB_CHANNEL_BITWIDTH))
    config_string.prepend(BitArray(uint=32, length=DB_LENGTH_BITWIDTH))

    # actual CRC32 calculation
    divstring = config_string[:
                              -DB_CONFIG_LENGTH_BITWIDTH]  # without config length (doesn't leave db_config)
    divstring.prepend(BitArray(32))  # prepend empty CRC32
        BitArray(1))  # attach a 0 to make indexing from LSB side easier
    for j in range(1, divstring.length - 32):
        if divstring[-(j + 1)] == 1:
            divstring[-(j + 33):-j] ^= polynomial
    remainder = divstring[0:32]

    return config_string
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def from_data(cls, databytes):

        values = dict.fromkeys(MdatStateMessage.fields)

        # accept either the full frame payload or just the data after the CCL type identifier
        if (len(databytes) > 31):
            databytes = databytes[1:-1]

        d = BitStream(databytes)

        values['mode'] = 'MDAT_STATE'

        lat_bits = BitArray(d.read('bits:24'))
        if lat_bits[0] == 1:
        values['latitude'] = lat_bits.floatbe * (180.0 / 2 ** 23)

        lon_bits = BitArray(d.read('bits:24'))
        if lon_bits[0] == 1:
        values['longitude'] = lon_bits.floatbe * (180.0 / 2 ** 23)

        # values['latitude'] = #d.read('floatbe:24') * (180.0 / 2**23)
        #values['longitude'] = d.read('floatbe:24') * (180.0 / 2**23)
        values['fix_age'] = d.read('uint:8') * 4
        values['time_date'] = decode_time_date(d.read('bits:24'))
        values['heading'] = d.read('uint:8') * (360.0 / 255.0)
        values['mission_mode_code'] = d.read('uint:3')
        values['mission_mode'] = mission_modes[values['mission_mode_code']]
        values['depth'] = decode_depth(d.read('uint:13'))
        values['faults_bits'] = d.read('bits:16')
        values['mission_leg'] = d.read('uint:8')
        values['estimated_velocity'] = d.read('uint:8') / 25.0
        values['objective_index'] = d.read('uint:8')
        values['battery_percent'] = d.read('uint:8')
        #values['goal_latitude'] = d.read('floatbe:24') * (180.0 / 2**23)
        #values['goal_longitude'] = d.read('floatbe:24') * (180.0 / 2**23)
        values['pitch'] = d.read('uint:6') * 180.0 / 63.0
        values['oil'] = d.read('uint:5') * 100.0 / 31.0
        values['gfi_percent'] = d.read('uint:5') * 100.0 / 31.0

        # Make a message
        mdat_state = cls(values)

        return mdat_state
Ejemplo n.º 27
class Booths():
    def calculate(self, mc, mr, x, y):
        self.tl = x + y + 1
        print self.tl
        self.mA = BitArray(int=mc, length=self.tl)
        self.A = self.mA << (y + 1)
        self.mS = BitArray(int=-mc, length=self.tl)
        self.S = self.mS << (y + 1)

        self.P1 = BitArray(int=mr, length=y)
        self.P1.prepend(BitArray(int=0, length=x))
        self.P = self.P1 << (1)

        for i in range(1, y + 1):
            if (self.P[-2:] == '0b01'):
                self.P = BitArray(int=self.P.int + self.A.int, length=self.tl)
            elif (self.P[-2:] == '0b10'):
                self.P = BitArray(int=self.P.int + self.S.int, length=self.tl)
            self.P = BitArray(int=(self.P.int >> (1)), length=self.P.len)
        self.P = self.P[:-1]
        print self.P.int
        return self.P.int, self.P.bin
Ejemplo n.º 28
def booth(m,q,x,y):
	print mA
	print Add
	P=Q1 << (1)
	print "Add: ",Add.bin
	print "Sub : ",Sub.bin
 	for i in range(1,y+1):
		if P[-2:] == '0b01':
		elif P[-2:] == '0b10':
		P=BitArray(int=(P.int >>1),length=P.len)
	P = P[:-1]    #everything except the last q0 bit
	print "P : ",P.bin 
	return P.bin,P.int
Ejemplo n.º 29
Archivo: a3.py Proyecto: apoorva509/cl3
def booth(m, q, x, y):

    tlen = x + y + 1

    mA = BitArray(int=m, length=tlen)
    A = mA << (y + 1)
    mA1 = BitArray(int=-m, length=tlen)
    S = mA1 << (y + 1)

    P1 = BitArray(int=q, length=x)
    P1.prepend(BitArray(int=0, length=y))
    P = P1 << 1

    for i in range(1, y + 1):
        if (P[-2:] == '0b01'):
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + A.int, length=tlen)
        elif (P[-2:] == '0b10'):
            P = BitArray(int=P.int + S.int, length=tlen)
        P = BitArray(int=(P.int >> 1), length=P.len)

    P = P[:-1]
    return P.int, P.bin
Ejemplo n.º 30
def gen_syndrome(pBits):
    errorfield = ([BitArray('0b1'), \

    # build all possible error combinations as
    # block errors
    for length in range(3, pBits + 1):
        # set first and last bit of errorstring and
        # count up in between
        for i in range(2**(length - 2)):
            error = BitArray('0b1')
            error.append(BitArray(uint=i, length=length - 2))

    for i in errorfield:

        error = i
        length = len(error)

        fh = open('syndrome82', 'a+')
        # place block errors in every possible position in
        # data string
        for pos in range(190 - length + 1):
            datastring = BitArray(length=190 - length - pos)
            # generate syndrome from datastring
            syndrome = crc.crc82(datastring)

            # make strings a multiple of 4 bit for nicer printing

            fh.write(str(syndrome) + ' ' + str(datastring) + '\n')

Ejemplo n.º 31
def gen_syndrome(pBits):
  errorfield = ([BitArray('0b1'), \

  # build all possible error combinations as 
  # block errors
  for length in range(3,pBits+1):
    # set first and last bit of errorstring and
    # count up in between
    for i in range(2**(length-2)):
      error = BitArray('0b1')
      error.append(BitArray(uint=i, length=length-2))

  for i in errorfield:
    error = i
    length = len(error)

    fh = open('syndrome82','a+')
    # place block errors in every possible position in
    # data string
    for pos in range(190-length+1):
      datastring = BitArray(length=190-length-pos)
      # generate syndrome from datastring
      syndrome = crc.crc82(datastring)

      # make strings a multiple of 4 bit for nicer printing

      fh.write(str(syndrome) + ' ' + str(datastring) + '\n')

Ejemplo n.º 32
    def generate_config_bitstring(self, config_list) -> BitArray:

        configbits = BitArray(0)
        if not super().find_block_config(config_list):
            return configbits

        db_vector_width = self.db_component["DB_VECTOR_WIDTH"]
        value = self.block_config["CONFIGURABLE"]["VALUE"]
        configbits.prepend(BitArray(uint=0, length=db_bitwidths["CHANNEL"]))
            BitArray(uint=self.db_address, length=db_bitwidths["ADDRESS"]))
            BitArray(uint=db_vector_width, length=db_bitwidths["LENGTH"]))
        configbits.prepend(BitArray(uint=value, length=db_vector_width))

        return configbits
Ejemplo n.º 33
def loadImage(input, output, text, key):
  img = Image.open(input)

  # TODO - assert RGB/RGBA
  print img.mode

  #text = "Hello World!"
  bits = BitArray(bytes=text)
  lbits = BitArray(hex(bits.len))
  lbits.prepend(32 - lbits.len)
  print text
  print bits.bin
  print lbits.bin
#  print bits[1] & 1
  data = img.getdata()
#  print len(data)

  counter = 0
  newdata = []
  for i in data:
    c = counter - lbits.len
    p = counter % len(key)
    if (counter < lbits.len):
      q = (key[p] ^ (lbits[counter] & 1))
      newdata.append((i[0] ^ q,i[1],i[2],255))
    elif (c < bits.len):
      q = (key[p] ^ (bits[c] & 1))
#      print "q:" + str(q) + " ,i:" + str(i[0]) + " ,i ^ q:" + str(i[0] ^ q)
      newdata.append((i[0] ^ q,i[1],i[2],255))
    counter += 1

#  for i in newdata:
#    print i
Ejemplo n.º 34
def encode(em_tag_id):
    tag_bit_array = BitArray(em_tag_id)
    if len(tag_bit_array.hex) > EM_TAG_ID_LEN * 2:
        raise ValueError("Em410x tag ID must shorter than %s bytes" %
    if len(tag_bit_array.hex) < EM_TAG_ID_LEN * 2:
        warnings.warn("Em410x tag ID length usually equal %s bytes" %
        tag_bit_array.prepend("0x" + "0" *
                              (EM_TAG_ID_LEN * 2 - len(tag_bit_array.hex)))
    bit_with_parity = ""
    count_of_one = 0
    for i in range(0, len(tag_bit_array.bin)):
        bit_with_parity += tag_bit_array.bin[i]
        if tag_bit_array.bin[i] == "1":
            count_of_one += 1
        if (i + 1) % 4 == 0:
            if count_of_one % 2 == 0:
                bit_with_parity += "0"
                bit_with_parity += "1"
            count_of_one = 0
    col_parity = ""
    for i in range(0, 4):
        pos = i
        count_of_one = 0
        while pos < len(bit_with_parity):
            if bit_with_parity[pos] == "1":
                count_of_one += 1
            pos += 5
        if count_of_one % 2 == 0:
            col_parity += "0"
            col_parity += "1"
    bit_with_parity = bit_with_parity + col_parity
    return BitArray("0b" + "111111111" + bit_with_parity + "0")
    def generate_config_bitstring(self, config_list) -> BitArray:

        configbits = BitArray(0)
        if not super().find_block_config(config_list):
            return configbits

        db_register_width = 32
        for i in range(0, 4):
            value = self.block_config["CONFIGURABLE"]["REGISTER_" +
                                                      f'{i:02d}' + "_VALUE"]
                BitArray(uint=self.db_address, length=db_bitwidths["ADDRESS"]))
            configbits.prepend(BitArray(uint=value, length=db_register_width))

        return configbits
class DiveBits_configstring:

    configbits: BitArray
    config_data: dict
    config_file: str
    config_name: str
    components: list
    block_configs: list

    def __init__(self, config_file: str, components: list):

        self.configbits = BitArray(0)
        self.config_file = os.path.basename(config_file)
        self.components = components
        self.config_name = os.path.basename(config_file[:-5])

        # open configuration file based on template
        if config_file[-4:].lower() == "yaml":
            self.config_data = yaml.safe_load(open(config_file))
        if config_file[-4:].lower() == "json":
            self.config_data = json.load(open(config_file))

        self.block_configs = self.config_data['db_components']

    def generate_configstring(self):

        # iterate of blocks
        for comp in self.components:

        # insert length into lower end of bitstring

    def add_crc32(self):

        # 1 + x + x2 + x4 + x5 +x7 + x8 + x10 + x11 + x12 + x16 + x22 + x23 + x26 + x32.
        polynomial = BitArray(bin='1110 1101 1011 1000 1000 0011 0010 0000 1')

        # enter corrected length with CRC32 packet
        current_length = self.configbits.length
        len_w_crc32 = current_length + db_bitwidths["ADDRESS"] + db_bitwidths[
            "CHANNEL"] + db_bitwidths["LENGTH"] + 32
            BitArray(uint=len_w_crc32, length=db_bitwidths["CONFIG_LENGTH"]),

        # attach DB_ADDRESS 0, Channel 0 for CRC32 receiver, length 32 of checksum
                     length=db_bitwidths["ADDRESS"] + db_bitwidths["CHANNEL"]))
            BitArray(uint=32, length=db_bitwidths["LENGTH"]))

        # actual CRC32 calculation
        divstring = self.configbits[:-db_bitwidths[
            "CONFIG_LENGTH"]]  # without config length (doesn't leave db_config)
        divstring.prepend(BitArray(32))  # prepend empty CRC32
            BitArray(1))  # attach a 0 to make indexing from LSB side easier
        for j in range(1, divstring.length - 32):
            if divstring[-(j + 1)] == 1:
                divstring[-(j + 33):-j] ^= polynomial
        remainder = divstring[0:32]


    def write_memfile(self, mem_files_path: str):

        # extend bitstring to multiple of 8
        if (self.configbits.length % 8) != 0:
            missing_bits = 8 - (self.configbits.length % 8)

        # generate mem output file
        memfile = open(mem_files_path + self.config_name + ".mem", "w")
        memfile.write("// \n")
        memfile.write("// " + self.config_name + ".mem\n")
        memfile.write("// generated " +
                      datetime.now().strftime("%b %d, %Y - %H:%M:%S") + "\n")
        memfile.write("// from DiveBits configuration data in " +
                      self.config_file + "\n")
        memfile.write("// required to make bitstream " + self.config_name +
        memfile.write("// \n")

        xpos = 0
        while self.configbits.length > 0:
            memfile.write(self.configbits[-8:].hex.upper() + " ")
            del self.configbits[-8:]
            xpos = (xpos + 1) % 16
            if xpos == 0:
        # configbits is empty after this!

    def calculate_configlength(components: list, crc: bool,
                               bram_tcl_file: str):

        bitcount = db_bitwidths["CONFIG_LENGTH"]
        for comp in components:
            bitcount += comp.num_configbits()

        if crc:
            bitcount += (db_bitwidths["ADDRESS"] + db_bitwidths["CHANNEL"] +
                         db_bitwidths["LENGTH"] + 32)

        bram32cnt = bitcount // 32768  # integer division (floor)
        if (bitcount % 32768) != 0:
            bram32cnt += 1  # ceiling

        print("DiveBits component extraction:")
        print("  Complete number of DB config bits:", bitcount)
        print("  Number of RAMB36 required:", bram32cnt)

        # Generate Tcl command to set required number of BRAMs
        tcl_file = open(bram_tcl_file, 'w')
        tcl_file.write("global REQUIRED_BRAMS\n")
        tcl_file.write("set REQUIRED_BRAMS " + str(bram32cnt) + "\n")
 def testPrepend(self):
     s = BitArray("0b0")
     self.assertEqual(s, [1, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def testPrepend(self):
     s = BitArray('0b0')
     self.assertEqual(s, [1, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def encode(self, frame):
     frame = BitArray( "0b"+ re.sub("(" + self.pattern + ")", self.bitStuffedPattern, frame.bin)) 
     return frame