Ejemplo n.º 1
    def processSerial(self, rawSerial):
        first collect bits from serial in to a BitStream buffer. Then split at 0xC0
        you now have a list of buffers. Discard garbage ones, and keep the last one
        to accumulate more bits in to as they come in. Don't process that last one,
        it might still have stuff in it - save it until the next time through. Pass
        good packets to unkissify
        rawSerial = BitStream(self.serialBuffer + rawSerial)
        # print(rawSerial)
        raw = [s for s in rawSerial.split('0xc0', bytealigned=True)]
        # if you have at least 1 whole packet, there >= 3 elements in "raw"
        # '', [data], and ['0xc0']
        if len(raw) < 3:
            self.serialBuffer = rawSerial.tobytes()
            return  # need more data!

        for packet in raw[1:-1]:  # skip the stuff before the first '0xc0'
            if len(packet) > 16:
                unkissPacket = unkissifyPacket(packet)
                addresses, unkissPacket.pos = unax25ifyAddresses(unkissPacket)
                if all(self.destFilter not in s for s in addresses):
                controlField = unkissPacket.read(8)
                PIDField = unkissPacket.read(8)
                if (unkissPacket.peek(24) == b'{{V'):
                if (isBase91(
                            len(unkissPacket) - unkissPacket.pos).bytes)):
                    unkissPacket = base91tobytes(unkissPacket)
                imageID = unkissPacket.read('uint:8')
                ny = unkissPacket.read('uint:8') * 16
                nx = unkissPacket.read('uint:8') * 16
                packetNum = unkissPacket.read('uint:16')
                numYCbCr = unkissPacket.read('uint:8')
                channelBD = unkissPacket.read('uint:8') + 1
                # print([controlField, PIDField, imageID, ny, nx, packetNum, numYCbCr, channelBD])
                hashID = addresses[0] + "/" + addresses[1] + "/" + str(imageID)
                # print(hashID)
                pixelYData = []
                pixelCbData = []
                pixelCrData = []
                for tmp in range(numYCbCr):
                        unkissPacket.read('uint:' + str(channelBD)))
                        unkissPacket.read('uint:' + str(channelBD)))
                        unkissPacket.read('uint:' + str(channelBD)))
                while unkissPacket.len - unkissPacket.pos >= channelBD:
                        unkissPacket.read('uint:' + str(channelBD)))

                pixelList = shufflePixels(ny, nx)
                startingPixel = packetNum * (len(pixelYData)
                                             )  # last packet might have fewer!
                pixelID = pixelList[startingPixel:startingPixel +

                # temporarily display and hold image data
                # pixels are counted down a column first, so we transpose image
                # this conversion is "wrong," need to do it as floats

                pixelYData = np.array(pixelYData) / (2**(channelBD) -
                                                     1) * (2**8 - 1)
                pixelYData[pixelYData > 255] = 255

                pixelCbData = np.array(pixelCbData) / (2**(channelBD) -
                                                       1) * (2**8 - 1)
                pixelCbData[pixelCbData > 255] = 255

                pixelCrData = np.array(pixelCrData) / (2**(channelBD) -
                                                       1) * (2**8 - 1)
                pixelCrData[pixelCrData > 255] = 255

                if hashID not in self.Z:
                    self.Z[hashID] = np.zeros((ny, nx, 3), dtype='uint8')
                    self.pixelsY[hashID] = set()
                    self.pixelsCbCr[hashID] = set()
                    self.nynx[hashID] = (ny, nx)
                    self.pixelsPerPacket[hashID] = len(pixelYData)
                self.Z[hashID][:, :, 0].T.flat[pixelID] = np.around(pixelYData)
                # self.Z[:,:,0].T.flat[pixelID] <<= (8-channelBD)
                self.Z[hashID][:, :, 1].T.flat[
                    pixelID[:len(pixelCbData)]] = np.around(pixelCbData)
                # self.Z[:,:,1].T.flat[pixelID] <<= (8-channelBD)
                self.Z[hashID][:, :, 2].T.flat[
                    pixelID[:len(pixelCrData)]] = np.around(pixelCrData)
                # self.Z[:,:,2].T.flat[pixelID] <<= (8-channelBD)
                # self.Z = self.Z << (8-channelBD)  # (Z >> (8-channelBD) ) << (8-channelBD) # /(2**channelBD-1)*255
                # self.Z = ycbcr2rgb(self.Z.astype(float))
        self.serialBuffer = raw[-1].tobytes()