Ejemplo n.º 1
    def noteon(self, channel, note, velocity, timestamp):
        Add note to chord and call our callback with updated chord.

        Note that channel, velocity and timestamp arguments are ignored.
        debug("noteon channel=%s note=%s velocity=%s t=%s" % (channel, note, velocity, timestamp))
        if note not in self._chord:
            debug("calling %s" % self.callback)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def noteon(self, channel, note, velocity, timestamp):
        Add note to chord and call our callback with updated chord.

        Note that channel, velocity and timestamp arguments are ignored.
        debug('noteon channel=%s note=%s velocity=%s t=%s' % (
                        channel, note, velocity, timestamp))
        if note not in self._chord:
            debug('calling %s' % self.callback)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def noteoff(self, channel, note, velocity, timestamp):
        Remove note from chord.
        If the attribute `sustain` is `True` then we do not
        call callback with the updated chord.

        Note that channel, velocity and timestamp arguments are ignored.
        debug("noteoff channel=%s note=%s velocity=%s t=%s" % (channel, note, velocity, timestamp))
        if note in self._chord:
            if not self.sustain:
                debug("calling %s" % self.callback)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def noteoff(self, channel, note, velocity, timestamp):
        Remove note from chord.
        If the attribute `sustain` is `True` then we do not
        call callback with the updated chord.

        Note that channel, velocity and timestamp arguments are ignored.
        debug('noteoff channel=%s note=%s velocity=%s t=%s' % (
                        channel, note, velocity, timestamp))
        if note in self._chord:
            if not self.sustain:
                debug('calling %s' % self.callback)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def recordNoteOff(self, note):
     tape = self._tape
     last = tape['last_ticks'].get(note, None)
     if last is None:
         if self._last_tape:
             last = self._last_tape['last_ticks'].get(note, None)
             debug('got last tick from past recording: %s' % last)
             if last is None:
                         'woops, i have not seen noteon event in current '
                         'or last phrase for note: %s' % note))
         tape = self._last_tape
         tape['dirty'] = True
     sustain = self.clock.ticks - last
     tape['sustains'].append((last, note, sustain))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def recordNoteOff(self, note):
     tape = self._tape
     last = tape['last_ticks'].get(note, None)
     if last is None:
         if self._last_tape:
             last = self._last_tape['last_ticks'].get(note, None)
             debug('got last tick from past recording: %s' % last)
             if last is None:
                         'woops, i have not seen noteon event in current '
                         'or last phrase for note: %s' % note))
         tape = self._last_tape
         tape['dirty'] = True
     sustain = self.clock.ticks - last
     tape['sustains'].append((last, note, sustain))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __call__(self, message):
     Parse method and call method on self based on midi function.  For
     example, if function is NOTEON_CHAN1, this will call our method
     noteon(), etc.  If a message has a channel as part of it's function,
     this will be the first argument.  After the first optional channel
     argument, remaining positional arguments are passed to the method in
     the same order as specified in MIDI.  Not all MIDI functions need to be
     supplied or implemented in subclass.
     packet, timestamp = message
     func, arg1, arg2, _pad = packet
     args = [arg1, arg2][:FUNCTION_ARITY.get(func, 0)]
     funcname = FUNCTIONS[func]
     tokens = funcname.split('_')
     if len(tokens) == 2:
         type, channel = tokens
         channel = int(channel[4:])
         method = getattr(self, type.lower(), None)
         if method is None:
             debug('No handler defined for midi event of type: %s' % type)
         method(channel, *args)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __call__(self, message):
     Parse method and call method on self based on midi function.  For
     example, if function is NOTEON_CHAN1, this will call our method
     noteon(), etc.  If a message has a channel as part of it's function,
     this will be the first argument.  After the first optional channel
     argument, remaining positional arguments are passed to the method in
     the same order as specified in MIDI.  Not all MIDI functions need to be
     supplied or implemented in subclass.
     packet, timestamp = message
     func, arg1, arg2, _pad = packet
     args = [arg1, arg2][: FUNCTION_ARITY.get(func, 0)]
     funcname = FUNCTIONS[func]
     tokens = funcname.split("_")
     if len(tokens) == 2:
         type, channel = tokens
         channel = int(channel[4:])
         method = getattr(self, type.lower(), None)
         if method is None:
             debug("No handler defined for midi event of type: %s" % type)
         method(channel, *args)