Ejemplo n.º 1
This example shows how to implement a Device Info Service on a peripheral.

This example can be used alongside the central_device_info_service example running on another nordic device,
or using the Nordic nRF Connect app to connect and browse the peripheral's service data
from blatann import BleDevice
from blatann.examples import example_utils
from blatann.gap import advertising
from blatann.services import device_info
from blatann.waitables import GenericWaitable

logger = example_utils.setup_logger(level="DEBUG")

def on_connect(peer, event_args):
    Event callback for when a central device connects to us

    :param peer: The peer that connected to us
    :type peer: blatann.peer.Client
    :param event_args: None
    if peer:
        logger.info("Connected to peer")
        logger.warning("Connection timed out")

def on_disconnect(peer, event_args):
Ejemplo n.º 2
This example simply demonstrates scanning for peripheral devices
from blatann import BleDevice
from blatann.examples import example_utils

logger = example_utils.setup_logger(level="INFO")

def main(serial_port):
    # Create and open the device
    ble_device = BleDevice(serial_port)

    # Set scanning for 4 seconds

    # Start scanning and iterate through the reports as they're received
    for report in ble_device.scanner.start_scan().scan_reports:
        if not report.duplicate:

    scan_report = ble_device.scanner.scan_report
    logger.info("Finished scanning. Scan reports by peer address:")
    # Iterate through all the peers found and print out the reports
    for report in scan_report.advertising_peers_found:

    # Clean up and close the device