Ejemplo n.º 1
def merge_typevar_sets(constraints, solution):
    Update  the solution of sets that contain only type variables with a new
    type variable along with new coercion constraints.

    Consider the example:

        x, y, z = dshapes('A, B, int32', 'C, D, float32', 'X, Y, float32')

    with x ⊆ z and y ⊆ z:

        >>> A, B, C, D, X, Y = map(TypeVar, 'ABCDXY')
        >>> constraints = [(A, X), (C, X), (B, Y), (D, Y)]
        >>> solution = {X: set([A, C]), Y: set([B, D])}
        >>> merge_typevar_sets(constraints, solution)
        >>> solution[X]
        >>> solution[Y]
    for src_var, typeset in list(dict_iteritems(solution)):
        if len(typeset) > 1 and all(isinstance(v, TypeVar) for v in typeset):
            new_var = TypeVar("_".join(sorted(v.symbol for v in typeset)))
            solution[src_var] = set([new_var])
            solution[new_var] = set()
            for v in typeset:
                constraints.append((v, new_var))
                constraints.remove((v, src_var))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def reify(solution, S=None):
    Reify a typing solution, returning a new solution with types as concrete
    types as opposed to type sets.

    solution : { TypeVar : set([ Type ]) }
        Typing solution

    Returns: { TypeVar : Type }
        Returns a solution reduced to concrete types only.
    if S is None:
        S = IdentityDict()

    seen = set()
    queue = deque(dict_iteritems(solution))
    while queue:
        typevar, t = queue.popleft()
        t = frozenset(t)
        if typevar in S:

        typeset = solution[typevar]
        freevars = IdentityDict.fromkeys(chain(*[free(t) for t in typeset]))

        if not typeset:
            S[typevar] = typevar
        elif freevars and (typevar, t) not in seen:
            # Reify dependencies first
            queue.append((typevar, t))
            seen.add((typevar, t))
        elif freevars:
            typeset = set(substitute(S, t) for t in typeset)

        S[typevar] = promote_units(*typeset)

    return S
Ejemplo n.º 3
def blaze_args(args, kwargs):
    """Build blaze arrays from inputs to a blaze kernel"""
    args = [blaze.array(a) for a in args]
    kwargs = dict((v, blaze.array(k)) for k, v in dict_iteritems(kwargs))
    return args, kwargs