Ejemplo n.º 1
class ImageBackedTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    """ A class to encapsulate testing of blivet using block devices.

        The basic idea is you create some scratch block devices and then run
        some test code on them.

        :attr:`~.ImageBackedTestCase.disks` defines the set of disk images.

        :meth:`~.ImageBackedTestCase._set_up_storage` is where you specify the
        initial layout of the disks. It will be written to the disk images in

        You then write test methods as usual that use the disk images, which
        will be cleaned up and removed when each test method finishes.

    initialize_disks = True
    """ Whether or not to create a disklabel on the disks. """

    disks = {"disk1": Size("2 GiB"),
             "disk2": Size("2 GiB")}
    """ The names and sizes of the disk images to create/use. """

    def set_up_disks(self):
        """ Create disk image files to build the test's storage on.

            If you are actually creating the disk image files here don't forget
            to set the initialize_disks flag so they get a fresh disklabel when
            clear_partitions gets called from create_storage later.
        for (name, size) in iter(self.disks.items()):
            path = util.create_sparse_tempfile(name, size)
            self.blivet.disk_images[name] = path

        # set up the disk images with a disklabel
        self.blivet.config.initialize_disks = self.initialize_disks

    def _set_up_storage(self):
        """ Schedule creation of storage devices on the disk images.

            .. note::

                The disk images should already be in a populated devicetree.


    def set_up_storage(self):
        """ Create a device stack on top of disk images for this test to run on.

            This will write the configuration to whatever disk images are
            defined in set_up_disks.
        # create disk images

        # populate the devicetree

        # clear and/or initialize disks as specified in set_up_disks

        # create the rest of the stack

        # write configuration to disk images

    def setUp(self):
        """ Do any setup required prior to running a test. """
        flags.image_install = True
        self.blivet = InstallerStorage()


    def _clean_up(self):
        """ Clean up any resources that may have been set up for a test. """
        for fn in self.blivet.disk_images.values():
            if os.path.exists(fn):

        flags.image_install = False
Ejemplo n.º 2
class ImageBackedTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    """ A class to encapsulate testing of blivet using block devices.

        The basic idea is you create some scratch block devices and then run
        some test code on them.

        :attr:`~.ImageBackedTestCase.disks` defines the set of disk images.

        :meth:`~.ImageBackedTestCase._set_up_storage` is where you specify the
        initial layout of the disks. It will be written to the disk images in

        You then write test methods as usual that use the disk images, which
        will be cleaned up and removed when each test method finishes.

    initialize_disks = True
    """ Whether or not to create a disklabel on the disks. """

    disks = {"disk1": Size("2 GiB"), "disk2": Size("2 GiB")}
    """ The names and sizes of the disk images to create/use. """
    def set_up_disks(self):
        """ Create disk image files to build the test's storage on.

            If you are actually creating the disk image files here don't forget
            to set the initialize_disks flag so they get a fresh disklabel when
            clear_partitions gets called from create_storage later.
        for (name, size) in iter(self.disks.items()):
            path = util.create_sparse_tempfile(name, size)
            self.blivet.disk_images[name] = path

        # set up the disk images with a disklabel
        self.blivet.config.initialize_disks = self.initialize_disks

    def _set_up_storage(self):
        """ Schedule creation of storage devices on the disk images.

            .. note::

                The disk images should already be in a populated devicetree.


    def set_up_storage(self):
        """ Create a device stack on top of disk images for this test to run on.

            This will write the configuration to whatever disk images are
            defined in set_up_disks.
        # create disk images

        # populate the devicetree

        # clear and/or initialize disks as specified in set_up_disks

        # create the rest of the stack

        # write configuration to disk images

    def setUp(self):
        """ Do any setup required prior to running a test. """
        flags.image_install = True
        self.blivet = InstallerStorage()


    def _clean_up(self):
        """ Clean up any resources that may have been set up for a test. """
        for fn in self.blivet.disk_images.values():
            if os.path.exists(fn):

        flags.image_install = False