Ejemplo n.º 1
def find_prefix_length(encryptor, block_size=16):
    test_input = b'A' * block_size * 2
    for i in range(block_size):
        encrypted_block = encryptor(test_input)
        duplicate_block = block.findDuplicateBlock(encrypted_block, block_size)
        if duplicate_block:
            duplicate_index = block.blockSplit(
                encrypted_block, block_size).index(duplicate_block)
            prefix_length = (duplicate_index * block_size) - i
        test_input = b'B' + test_input
    return prefix_length
Ejemplo n.º 2
import utils
import strcon
import itertools
import block

block_length = 16

texts = [
    strcon.hexToBytes(t) for t in utils.import_file("Inputs/8.txt", split=True)
for text in texts:
    blocks = block.blockSplit(text, block_length)
    for combo in itertools.combinations(blocks, 2):
        if combo[0] == combo[1]:
            print('Detected duplicate! Text was {0}, block was {1}'.format(
                strcon.bytesToHex(text), strcon.bytesToHex(combo[0])))
Ejemplo n.º 3
#Strategy: 1) Find the encrypted block for "user" + padding_bytes
#          2) Feed input of different lengths until that block is found
#          3) Find the encrypted block for "admin" + padding_bytes
#          4) Replace the user block with the admin block

def find_encrypted(plaintext_block, block_size=16):
    crafted_input = b'A' * (block_size - len("email=")) + (plaintext_block * 2)
    return block.findDuplicateBlock(encrypted_profile(crafted_input),

#step 1
user_email = block.pkcsPadding(b"user", block_size)
user_block = find_encrypted(user_email)
#step 2
for i in range(block_size):
    email = b'A' * i
    if user_block in block.blockSplit(encrypted_profile(email), block_size):
        attack_length = i
#step 3
admin_email = block.pkcsPadding(b"admin", block_size)
admin_block = find_encrypted(admin_email)
#step 4
attacked_profile = encrypted_profile(b'A' * attack_length)
attacked_profile_blocks = block.blockSplit(attacked_profile, block_size)
modified_profile = b''.join(attacked_profile_blocks[:-1] + [admin_block])
print(profile_decryptor(modified_profile, key))
Ejemplo n.º 4
        return False

assert (has_valid_padding(encryption_oracle()[0]))

#Strategy: 1) Compile (prev_block || block) strings from the ciphertext and IV
#          2) For each string repeat steps 3-6:
#          3) Use bitflipping on prev_block to edit the final byte of block
#          4) Eventually the padding oracle will return True
#          5) Perform xor(\x01, edit) to get the plaintext byte
#          6) Edit the final byte to \x02, and cycle through edits for the
#             penultimate byte until we get valid padding etc.

#Step 1
ciphertext, IV = encryption_oracle()
blocks = [IV] + block.blockSplit(ciphertext, block_size)
consec_blocks_list = [blocks[i:i + 2] for i in range(len(blocks) - 1)]

# Step 2
def decrypt_block(consec_blocks, reverse_search=False):
    """Given a list [prev_block, block], decrypts block"""
    prev_block, block = consec_blocks
    prev_block_edit = bytearray(prev_block)
    plaintext = bytes()
    for i in range(1, len(block) + 1):
        start_val = prev_block_edit[-i]
        search_range = range(255, -1, -1) if reverse_search else range(256)
        for b in search_range:
            prev_block_edit[-i] = b
            if has_valid_padding(bytes(prev_block_edit + block)):
Ejemplo n.º 5
#Step 1
def calculate_filler_length(encryptor):
    """Finds the length of input such that the last block is all padding"""
    filler = bytes()
    basic_length = current_length = len(encryptor(filler))
    while basic_length == current_length:
        filler += b'A'
        current_length = len(encryptor(filler))
    return len(filler)

filler_length = calculate_filler_length(encryption_oracle)

#Step 2
ciphertext = encryption_oracle(b'A' * filler_length)

#Step 3
ciphertext_blocks = block.blockSplit(ciphertext, block_size)
padding_block = bytes(block_size * [block_size])
admin_string = b";admin=true;"
admin_block = admin_string + (b'A' * (block_size - len(admin_string)))
evil_block = xor.xorBytes(xor.xorBytes(ciphertext_blocks[-2], padding_block),
modified_ciphertext = b''.join(ciphertext_blocks[:-2] + [evil_block] +

#Step 4
if detect_admin(modified_ciphertext):
    print("You are now the admin. Muahahahaha")