def readdxf(infile):
    infile = infile.readlines()
    file_index = 0

    block_record = []
    block_record_start_flag = False
    block_record_id_flag = False
    block_record_end_flag = False

    while block_record_end_flag == False:
        infile[file_index] = infile[file_index].strip()

        if infile[file_index] == 'BLOCK_RECORD':
            block_record_start_flag = True
            bloc = Block_Record()

        elif infile[file_index] == '5':
            block_record_id_flag = True

        elif block_record_start_flag == True and block_record_id_flag == True:
   = infile[file_index]
            #l = copy.copy(bloc)
            block_record.append(bloc) #when using outside of class, you can append directly without the danger of overwriting

            block_record_start_flag = False
            block_record_id_flag = False

        elif infile[file_index] == 'ENDTAB':
            if infile[file_index+2].strip() == 'ENDSEC':
                block_record_start_flag = False
                block_record_id_flag = False
                block_record_end_flag = True
        file_index += 1

    block_start_flag = False
    return block_record
Ejemplo n.º 2
def readdxf(infile):
    infile = infile.readlines()
    file_index = 0

    block_record = []
    block_record_start_flag = False
    block_record_id_flag = False
    block_record_end_flag = False

#block record collection program start
#goes through dxf file and collects the unique ids of the blocks
    while block_record_end_flag == False:
        infile[file_index] = infile[file_index].strip()

        if infile[file_index] == 'BLOCK_RECORD':
            block_record_start_flag = True
            bloc_rec = Block_Record()

        elif infile[file_index] == '5':
            block_record_id_flag = True

        elif block_record_start_flag == True and block_record_id_flag == True:
   = infile[file_index]
            #l = copy.copy(bloc_rec)
            block_record.append(bloc_rec) #when using outside of class, you can append directly without the danger of overwriting

            block_record_start_flag = False
            block_record_id_flag = False

        elif infile[file_index] == 'ENDTAB':
            if infile[file_index+2].strip() == 'ENDSEC':
                block_record_start_flag = False
                block_record_id_flag = False
                block_record_end_flag = True
        file_index += 1

#block record collection program end

    block_list = []
    block_section_end_flag = False
#block collection program start
    while block_section_end_flag == False:
        block_id_flag = False
        block_acbdblockbegin_flag = False
        block_end_flag = False

        line_flag = False
        polyline_flag = False

        infile[file_index] = infile[file_index].strip()

        if infile[file_index] == 'BLOCK':
            block_start_flag = True
            bloc = Block()

        elif block_start_flag == True and infile[file_index] == '330':
            block_id_flag = True

        elif block_start_flag == True and block_id_flag == True:
   = infile[file_index]
            block_id_flag = False

        elif infile[file_index] == 'AcDbBlockBegin' and block_start_flag == True:
            acbdblockbegin_flag = True

        elif infile[file_index] == '2' and acbdblockbegin_flag == True and block_start_flag == True:
   = infile[file_index+1].strip()

        elif infile[file_index] == 'AcDbLine' and acbdblockbegin_flag == True and block_start_flag == True:
            line_flag = True

        elif line_flag == True and acbdblockbegin_flag == True and block_start_flag == True:
            if infile[file_index] == '10' and infile[file_index+2].strip() == '20':
                lin = Line(
                lin.x_start = entities[index+1].strip()
                lin.y_start = entities[index+3].strip()
                lin.x_end = entities[index+7].strip()
                lin.y_end = entities[index+9].strip()
                line_flag = False

        elif infile[file_index] == 'AcDbPolyline' and acbdblockbegin_flag == True and block_start_flag == True:
            polyline_flag = True

        elif polyline_flag == True and acbdblockbegin_flag == True and block_start_flag == True:
            if infile[file_index] == '10' and infile[file_index+2].strip() == '20':
                poly = Polyline(
                x_coordinates = entities[file_index+1:file_index+14:4].strip()
                y_coordinates = entities[file_index+3:file_index+16:4].strip()
                x_coordinates = [float(item) for item in self.x_coordinates]
                y_coordinates = [float(item) for item in self.y_coordinates]
                poly.x_bl = min(self.x_coordinates)
                poly.y_bl = min(self.y_coordinates)
                poly.x_tr = max(self.x_coordinates)
                poly.y_tr = max(self.y_coordinates)
                polyline_flag = False

        elif infile[file_index] == 'AcDbBlockEnd' and acbdblockbegin_flag == True and block_start_flag == True:
            acbdblockbegin_flag = False
            block_start_flag = False

        elif infile[file_index] == 'ENDSEC':
            block_section_end_flag = True
            block_id_flag = False

        file_index += 1