Ejemplo n.º 1
class thisMain:
    def __init__(self):
        # Creating blockchain
        self.currentUser = User(id=random.randint(0, 10000),
        self.blockchain = Blockchain()
        newBlock = Block().make_block2(self.blockchain)
        self.blockchain.addToChain(newBlock)  # Genesis block created here

        # Creating user list
        # u1 = User("FirstNameBob", "LastNameDoe", "Account0123-ABC-321")  # Creating a user
        # u2 = User("SecondNameJane", "Doe", "Acc1987-ZXC")
        # u3 = User("ThirdNameJosh", "Burrows", "901-999-231")
        # self.userList = []
        # self.userList.append(u1)
        # self.userList.append(u2)
        # self.userList.append(u3)

        # Creating the directory ticket for all the outputs.
        self.pathTicket = os.path.abspath("ticket")
        if not os.path.exists(self.pathTicket):
        # print("Making a directory:"+self.pathTicket)

        self.condition = "0"

    def createUser(self, firstName, lastName, account):
        self.currentUser.id = account
        return self.currentUser

    def addData(self, place, time, seat, price):
        self.data = {
            'Place': '{}'.format(place),
            'Time': 'Time of the event:{}'.format(time),
            'Seat': '{}'.format(seat),
            'Price': 'AUD {}'.format(price)

    def run(self):
        # Server will request a new block to be mined if there isn't any block ready to go.
        newBlock = self.nextBlocksUsed(
        )  # if the last block is empty, it will get the last block. Otherwise, a new block will be added.

        # If duplicate payment ID is found, paymentFlag will be False and the rest of the if loop won't be executed
        # if(newBlock and paymentFlag):	# This is for paypal payment
        if (newBlock):
            # Update the data of the empy block.
            # Generate the QR Code of new block.
            # Generate barcode
            # Generate the PDF of new block.
            pdfName = self.generate_pdf(newBlock)
            # Generate txt file.

            # return int(cPrice), paymentID, approval_url # This line is used with paypal payment
            return pdfName, newBlock.getHash(), newBlock.getPrevHash(
            )  # This line used for Stripe payment.
            # print("New block is not created! newBlock:{}. paymentFlag:{}.".format(newBlock, paymentFlag)) # This line is used with paypal payment
            # print("New block is not created! newBlock:{}.".format(newBlock)) # This line is used with Stripe payment

    def nextBlocksUsed(self):
        Make a new block if the length of the empty block is less than N.
        Example: if we want to make 3 empty blocks every single times, set N to 4.
        N = 4  # Number of empty blocks + 1.
        while (self.blockchain.lenEmptyBlock() < N):
        return self.blockchain.nextBlockToUse()

    def createBlockEmptyData(self):
        # Make a new block with empty data
        data = {}
        newBlock = Block().make_block2(
            self.blockchain, data
        )  # Server releases a block to be mined by user.	This will return None if payment ID is duplicated

        # In real life, user will not be chosen, but will race against each others
        # user1 = self.userList[random.randint(0, len(self.userList) - 1)]
        user1 = self.currentUser
        solution, answer = user1.minePuzzle(
            newBlock.getHash(), self.condition
        )  # PoW to verify himself, user needs to send the answer for verification in the real life.

        # Verifying the answer.
        isAnswerTrue = self.verifyAnswer(solution, self.condition)

        # Verifying the whole blockchain
        isNoBrokenChain = self.blockchain.verifyBlockchain(
        )  # Check every single blockchain, making sure there isn't any broken chain

        if (isNoBrokenChain == False and isAnswerTrue):
            print("Not adding to blockchain..")
            return None
        else:  # If there isn't any broken chain.

            # The person is successfully verify himself and the blockchain.
            user1.addToken(1)  # Add one token
            )  # Update the answer of the new made block to verify the specific requirement.
                user1.getName())  # Update the author of the block.

            # This is to modify the blockchain will be made public.
                newBlock)  # Add the new block to the chain
            return newBlock

    def verifyAnswer(self, solution, condition):
        import string
        if solution.startswith(condition):
            return True
        return False

    def generate_pdf(self, block):
        # importing report master
        import time
        from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_JUSTIFY
        from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
        from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph, Spacer, Image
        from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle
        from reportlab.lib.units import inch

        i = block.hash
        # pdf_name = self.pathTicket + "/" + str(i) + 'Ticket.pdf'
        pdf_name = os.path.join(self.pathTicket, str(i) + 'Ticket.pdf')
        doc = SimpleDocTemplate(pdf_name,
        Story = []

        # Adding barcode
        # logo = self.pathTicket + '/barcode' + str(i) + ".png"
        logo = os.path.join(self.pathTicket, 'barcode' + str(i) + '.png')
        im = Image(logo, 8 * inch, 3 * inch)

        formatted_time = time.ctime()
        full_name = self.currentUser.firstName + ' ' + self.currentUser.lastName
        # list_full_name = ["Mike Driscoll", "Julie Hayden", "Augustine Marie"]
        # full_name = list_full_name[random.randint(0, len(list_full_name) - 1)]

        styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
        styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='Justify', alignment=TA_JUSTIFY))
        ptext = '<font size=12>%s</font>' % formatted_time

        Story.append(Paragraph(ptext, styles["Normal"]))
        Story.append(Spacer(1, 15))

        ptext = '<font size=12>Dear %s:</font>' % full_name.split()[0].strip()
        Story.append(Paragraph(ptext, styles["Normal"]))
        Story.append(Spacer(1, 12))

        ptext = '<font size=12>Thank you for purchasing the ticket! </font>'
        Story.append(Paragraph(ptext, styles["Justify"]))
        Story.append(Spacer(1, 12))
        # This line below, is for paypal payment
        ptext = '<font size=12> Below is the detail of your ticket<br/>Place: {}.<br/>Seat: {}.<br/>{}.<br/>Payment ID:{}.<br/>\
        </font>'.format(block.data['Place'], block.data['Seat'], block.data['Time'], block.data['PaymentID'])
        ptext = '<font size=12> Below is the detail of your ticket<br/>Place: {}.<br/>Seat: {}.<br/>{}.<br/></font>'.format(
            block.data['Place'], block.data['Seat'], block.data['Time'])
        Story.append(Paragraph(ptext, styles["Justify"]))
        Story.append(Spacer(1, 12))

        # Adding QR Code
        # logo = self.pathTicket + "/" + str(
        #    i) + ".png"  # An example of pdf generation using the qrcode we just generated
        logo = os.path.join(self.pathTicket, str(i) + '.png')
        im = Image(logo, 3 * inch, 3 * inch)

        # print('---PDF Generated, saved as %s---' %pdf_name)
        return str(i) + 'Ticket.pdf'

    # FILE NAME GENERATED AS: 1Ticket.pdf, 2Ticket.pdf

    def generate_qrcode(self, b):
        import pyqrcode
        i = b.hash
        qrcode = pyqrcode.create(b.getHash())  # Creat a qr code
        # st = self.pathTicket + "/" + str(i) + '.png'
        st = os.path.join(self.pathTicket, str(i) + '.png')
                   scale=8)  # Output in png on the same dir. 0.png for example

    # print("--- Finish generating QRCode, saved as:{} ---".format(st))

    def generate_barcode(self, block):
        import barcode
        from barcode.writer import ImageWriter

        code39 = barcode.get_barcode_class('code39')
        barcode39 = code39(str(block.getHash()), writer=ImageWriter())
        # fileName = self.pathTicket + '/barcode' + str(block.getHash())
        fileName = os.path.join(self.pathTicket,
                                'barcode' + str(block.getHash()))

    def print_to_file(self):
        file = open(self.pathTicket + '/out.txt', 'w')
        str = ""
        str += '----- Below is the whole blockchain.. -----\n'
        for b in self.blockchain:
            # print('Data of Ticket:\n{}. Ticket number:{}.\nTimestamp:{}.\nHash:{}.\nPrevious hash:{}.\n'.format(b.data,b.index,b.timestamp,b.hash,b.previous_hash))
            # print('Block Author:{}.\nBlock Answer to Reach Requirement:{}.\n'.format(b.getAuthor(),b.getAnswer()))
            str += 'Data of Ticket:\n{}. Ticket number:{}.\nTimestamp:{}.\nHash:{}.\nPrevious Hash:{}.\nAnswer:{}.\nAuthor:{}.\n\n'.format(
                b.data, b.index, b.timestamp, b.hash, b.previous_hash,
                b.getAnswer(), b.getAuthor())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    from blockchain import Blockchain
    blockchain  = Blockchain()
    blockchain.addToChain(Block().make_block2(blockchain)) # Genesis block created here

    # Making our own blocks.
    n = 3
    for _ in range(0, n):
        data = {'Place': 'Place_{}'.format(_+1),
        'Time': 'Time of the event:{}'.format(datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')),
        'Seat': 'E{}'.format(random.randint(1,999)),
        'Price': 'AUD {}'.format(random.randint(1,99999))
        block = Block().make_block2(blockchain, data)

        blockchain.addToChain(block) # Add the new block to the chain
        #prev_block = blockchain.getLastBlock() # Update the previous block pointer.

        generate_qrcode(block) # Generate the QR Code of new block.
        generate_pdf(block) # Generate the PDF of new block.


    # Before making the block, I need to get POW from users to make a block.
    # Assume we have user 1 attempting to verify himself..
    from user import User
    u1 = User("FirstNameBob","LastNameDoe","Account0123-ABC-321") # Creating a user
    u2 = User("SecondNameJane","Doe","Acc1987-ZXC")
    u3 = User("ThirdNameJosh","Burrows","901-999-231")
    userList = []

    # Need to make data list.
    placeList = []
    priceSeatDict = {}
    dateList = []

    placeList.append("Belmont Park")
    placeList.append("New Era Field")
    placeList.append("Yankee Stadium")

    priceSeatDict["C"] = "109"
    priceSeatDict["D"] = "129"
    priceSeatDict["E"] = "139"

    # Input is %d - %m - %Y %I:%M %p
    # Date - Month - Year Hour:Minute AM/PM
    dateList.append("27 - 11 - 2017 11:00 pm")
    dateList.append("09 - 12 - 2017 11:00 pm")
    dateList.append("19 - 01 - 2018 11:00 pm")

    numOfTicket = 3
    i = numOfTicket
    totalPrice = 0

    approvalList = []  # Only for paypal. Cannot use this atm.
    pdfList = []  # List of PDF file made this time.

    from myPayment import MyPayment
    paymentClass = MyPayment()

    thisPDF = []  # PDF generated based on tickets.

    # looping down the ticket.
    while i>0:
        # a, b, c = main2(blockchain, userList, placeList, dateList, priceSeatDict, paymentClass) # Paypal payment
        a, pdfName = main2(blockchain, userList, placeList, dateList, priceSeatDict, paymentClass) # Stripe payment
        totalPrice += a
        # paymentIDList.append(b) # paypal payment
        # approvalList.append(c) # paypal payment
        i -= 1

    paymentID = sPayment.createCharge(totalPrice*100)	# Converting to $ because Stripe will start from c ..
    checkDuplicate(paymentIDList,paymentID) # To prevent duplicate payment_id

    print("Total Price:{}. PaymentID:{}.\nTickets:\n{}\n".format(totalPrice,paymentID, '\n'.join(thisPDF)))

    for i in thisPDF:
        import subprocess
        subprocess.Popen([i], shell=True)
