Ejemplo n.º 1
def initialize_graph(recognizer, data, config, params):
    # Separate attention_params to be handled differently
    # when regularization is applied
    attentions = recognizer.all_children().generator.transition.attention.get()
    attention_params = [Selector(attention).get_parameters().values()
                        for attention in attentions]

        "Initialization schemes for all bricks.\n"
        "Works well only in my branch with __repr__ added to all them,\n"
        "there is an issue #463 in Blocks to do that properly.")

    def show_init_scheme(cur):
        result = dict()
        for attr in dir(cur):
            if attr.endswith('_init'):
                result[attr] = getattr(cur, attr)
        for child in cur.children:
            result[child.name] = show_init_scheme(child)
        return result

    observables = []  # monitored each batch
    cg = recognizer.get_cost_graph(batch=True)
    labels = []
    labels_mask = []
    for chld in recognizer.children:
        lbls = VariableFilter(applications=[chld.cost], name='labels'+chld.names_postfix)(cg)
        lbls_mask = VariableFilter(applications=[chld.cost], name='labels_mask'+chld.names_postfix)(cg)
        if len(lbls) == 1:
            labels += lbls
            labels_mask += lbls_mask

    batch_cost = cg.outputs[0].sum()
    batch_size = rename(labels[0].shape[1], "batch_size")
    # Assumes constant batch size. `aggregation.mean` is not used because
    # of Blocks #514.
    cost = batch_cost / batch_size

    cost.name = "sequence_total_cost"
    logger.info("Cost graph is built")

    # Fetch variables useful for debugging.
    # It is important not to use any aggregation schemes here,
    # as it's currently impossible to spread the effect of
    # regularization on their variables, see Blocks #514.
    cost_cg = ComputationGraph(cost)
    bottom_output = VariableFilter(
        # We need name_regex instead of name because LookupTable calls itsoutput output_0
        applications=recognizer.all_children().bottom.apply.get(), name_regex="output")(
    attended = VariableFilter(
        applications=recognizer.all_children().generator.transition.apply.get(), name="attended")(
    attended_mask = VariableFilter(
        applications=recognizer.all_children().generator.transition.apply.get(), name="attended_mask")(
    weights = VariableFilter(
        applications=recognizer.all_children().generator.evaluate.get(), name="weights")(
    def get_renamed_list(rlist, elem_func, elem_name):
        return [rename(elem_func(elem), elem_name+chld.names_postfix)
                    for elem,chld in zip(rlist, recognizer.children)]
    max_sentence_lengths = get_renamed_list(bottom_output,
                                            lambda e: e.shape[0],
    max_attended_mask_lengths = get_renamed_list(attended_mask,
                                            lambda e: e.shape[0],
    max_attended_lengths = get_renamed_list(attended,
                                            lambda e: e.shape[0],
    max_num_characters = get_renamed_list(labels,
                                            lambda e: e.shape[0],
    mean_attended = get_renamed_list(attended,
                                            lambda e: abs(e).mean(),
    mean_bottom_output = get_renamed_list(bottom_output,
                                            lambda e: abs(e).mean(),
    mask_density = get_renamed_list(labels_mask,
                                            lambda e: e.mean(),
    weights_entropy = [rename(entropy(w, lm),
                       for w, lm, chld in zip(weights, labels_mask, recognizer.children)]

    observables += max_attended_lengths + max_attended_mask_lengths + max_sentence_lengths
    # Monitoring of cost terms is tricky because of Blocks #514 - since the
    # costs are annotations that are not part of the original output graph,
    # they are unaffected by replacements such as dropout!!
    cost_terms = []
    for chld in recognizer.children:
        chld_cost_terms = VariableFilter(applications=[chld.generator.evaluate],
        chld_cost_terms = [rename(var, var.name[:-4] + chld.names_postfix + '_nll')
                           for var in chld_cost_terms]
        cost_terms += chld_cost_terms
    cg = ComputationGraph([cost, batch_size] +
        weights_entropy + mean_attended +
        mean_bottom_output + max_num_characters +
        mask_density + cost_terms)

    # Regularization. It is applied explicitly to all variables
    # of interest, it could not be applied to the cost only as it
    # would not have effect on auxiliary variables, see Blocks #514.
    reg_config = config['regularization']
    regularized_cg = cg

    if reg_config.get('dropout'):
        drop_conf = reg_config['dropout']
        bot_drop = drop_conf.get('bottom', 0.0)
        if bot_drop:
            logger.info('apply bottom dropout')
            regularized_cg = apply_dropout(regularized_cg,
                                           bottom_output, bot_drop)
        enc_drop = drop_conf.get('encoder', 0.0)
        if enc_drop:
            logger.info('apply encoder dropout')
            enc_bricks = reduce(lambda acc,x: acc+list(x), recognizer.all_children().encoder.children.get(), [])
            enc_states = VariableFilter(bricks=enc_bricks,
            regularized_cg = apply_dropout(regularized_cg,
        post_merge_drop = drop_conf.get('post_merge', 0.0)
        if post_merge_drop:
            logger.info('apply post_merge dropout')
            pm_bricks = []
            for chld in recognizer.children:
                cpm_bricks = list(chld.generator.readout.post_merge.children)
                cpm_bricks += cpm_bricks[-1].children
                cpm_bricks = [b for b in cpm_bricks if
                             isinstance(b, type(chld.post_merge_activation))]
                pm_bricks += cpm_bricks
            regularized_cg = apply_dropout(
                VariableFilter(bricks=pm_bricks, name='output')(regularized_cg),

    if reg_config.get('noise'):
        logger.info('apply noise')
        noise_subjects = [p for p in cg.parameters if p not in attention_params]
        regularized_cg = apply_noise(cg, noise_subjects, reg_config['noise'])

    train_cost = regularized_cg.outputs[0]

    if reg_config.get("penalty_coof", .0) > 0:
        # big warning!!!
        # here we assume that:
        # regularized_weights_penalty = regularized_cg.outputs[1]
        train_cost = (train_cost +
                      reg_config.get("penalty_coof", .0) *
                      regularized_cg.outputs[1] / batch_size)
    if reg_config.get("decay", .0) > 0:
        train_cost = (train_cost + reg_config.get("decay", .0) *
                      l2_norm(VariableFilter(roles=[WEIGHT])(cg.parameters)) ** 2)

    train_cost = train_cost.copy(name='train_cost')

    gradients = None
    if reg_config.get('adaptive_noise'):
        logger.info('apply adaptive noise')
        if ((reg_config.get("penalty_coof", .0) > 0) or
                (reg_config.get("decay", .0) > 0)):
            logger.error('using  adaptive noise with alignment weight panalty '
                         'or weight decay is probably stupid')
        train_cost, regularized_cg, gradients, noise_brick = apply_adaptive_noise(
            cg, cg.outputs[0],
        train_cost.name = 'train_cost'
        adapt_noise_cg = ComputationGraph(train_cost)
        model_prior_mean = rename(
        model_cost = rename(
        model_prior_variance = rename(
        regularized_cg = ComputationGraph(
            [train_cost, model_cost] +
            regularized_cg.outputs +
            [model_prior_mean, model_prior_variance])
        observables += [
            regularized_cg.outputs[1],  # model cost
            regularized_cg.outputs[2],  # task cost
            regularized_cg.outputs[-2],  # model prior mean
            regularized_cg.outputs[-1]]  # model prior variance

    if len(cost_terms):
        # Please note - the aggragation (mean) is done in
        # "attach_aggregation_schemes"
        ct_names = [v.name for v in cost_terms]
        for v in regularized_cg.outputs:
            if v.name in ct_names:
    for chld in recognizer.children:
        if chld.train_tags:
            tags_cost = VariableFilter(applications=[chld.addTagCost],
            observables += [rename(tags_cost.sum()/batch_size, 'tags_nll'+chld.names_postfix)]

    # Model is weird class, we spend lots of time arguing with Bart
    # what it should be. However it can already nice things, e.g.
    # one extract all the parameters from the computation graphs
    # and give them hierahical names. This help to notice when a
    # because of some bug a parameter is not in the computation
    # graph.
    model = SpeechModel(train_cost)
    if params:
        logger.info("Load parameters from " + params)
        # please note: we cannot use recognizer.load_params
        # as it builds a new computation graph that dies not have
        # shapred variables added by adaptive weight noise
        param_values = load_parameter_values(params)

    parameters = model.get_parameter_dict()

    logger.info("Parameters:\n" +
                    [(key, parameters[key].get_value().shape) for key
                     in sorted(parameters.keys())],
    max_norm_rules = []
    if reg_config.get('max_norm', False) > 0:
        logger.info("Apply MaxNorm")
        maxnorm_subjects = VariableFilter(roles=[WEIGHT])(cg.parameters)
        if reg_config.get('max_norm_exclude_lookup', False):
            maxnorm_subjects = [v for v in maxnorm_subjects
                                if not isinstance(get_brick(v), LookupTable)]
        logger.info("Parameters covered by MaxNorm:\n"
                    + pprint.pformat([name for name, p in parameters.items()
                                      if p in maxnorm_subjects]))
        logger.info("Parameters NOT covered by MaxNorm:\n"
                    + pprint.pformat([name for name, p in parameters.items()
                                      if not p in maxnorm_subjects]))
        max_norm_rules = [
            Restrict(VariableClipping(reg_config['max_norm'], axis=0),

    return { 'observables': observables, 'max_norm_rules': max_norm_rules,
             'cg': cg, 'regularized_cg' : regularized_cg, 'train_cost' : train_cost,
             'cost' : cost, 'batch_size' : batch_size, 'batch_cost' : batch_cost,
             'parameters' : parameters, 'gradients': gradients, 
             'model' : model, 'data' : data, 'recognizer' : recognizer,
             'weights_entropy' : weights_entropy,
             'labels_mask' : labels_mask, 'labels' : labels }
print lord
zaza = prob_function([lord], numpy.ones((1, len(lord)), dtype="int8"))[:, 0, :]
print zaza
print zaza.shape
for (ey, row) in enumerate(zaza):
    print "PREDICTION PROBABILITIES FOR POSITION", ey, "LETTER", repr(lord_original[ey])
    sorted_thing = [(prob, ind) for (ind, prob) in enumerate(row)]
    for (prob, ind) in sorted_thing:
        print repr(map_ind_2_chr[ind]), ":", prob
    print "\n"

# define a function that gets the overall "sum of scores" at a given time step
readouts = VariableFilter(theano_name="readout_readout_output_0")(lstm_net.cost_model.variables)[0]
score_function = function([lstm_net.x, lstm_net.mask], readouts.sum(axis=2))

# this section of the playground has some fun rides that revolve around various correlation stuff. uncomment to access
# =)
sc = StateComputer(lstm_net.cost_model, map_chr_2_ind)
# storage for the correlations at the very end
correlation_dict = dict()
for name in sc.state_var_names:
    correlation_dict[name] = numpy.zeros(lstm_net.hidden_dims[0], dtype=float)

# get validation data to run over
valid_data = H5PYDataset("bible.hdf5", which_sets=("valid",), load_in_memory=True)
data_stream = PadAndAddMasks(
    DataStream.default_stream(dataset=valid_data, iteration_scheme=SequentialScheme(valid_data.num_examples,