def load_layer_to_map_cosmetic(map, x1, y1, xp_file_layer, rotation='None'): global id from MapGen import Themes if not xp_file_layer['width'] or not xp_file_layer['height']: raise AttributeError( 'Attempted to call load_layer_to_console on data that didn\'t have a width or height key, check your data' ) width = xp_file_layer['width'] - 2 height = xp_file_layer['height'] - 2 for x in range(1, width + 1): for y in range(1, height + 1): cell_data = xp_file_layer['cells'][x][y] fore_color = Color('{0},{1},{2}'.format(cell_data['fore_r'], cell_data['fore_g'], cell_data['fore_b'])) back_color = Color('{0},{1},{2}'.format(cell_data['back_r'], cell_data['back_g'], cell_data['back_b'])) # libtcod.console_put_char_ex(console, x, y, cell_data['keycode'], fore_color, back_color) char = cell_data['keycode'] # print char # map[x1 + x][y1 + y].char = cell_data['keycode'] # map[x1 + x][y1 + y].f_color = fore_color # map[x1 + x][y1 + y].b_color = back_color if rotation == '90': temp_y = x temp_x = -y temp_x += height + 1 elif rotation == '270': temp_y = -x temp_x = y temp_y += width + 1 elif rotation == '180': temp_y = -y temp_x = -x temp_y += height + 1 temp_x += width + 1 elif rotation == 'None': temp_y = y temp_x = x if char != 32: map[x1 + temp_x - 1][y1 + temp_y - 1].char = char map[x1 + temp_x - 1][y1 + temp_y - 1].f_color = fore_color map[x1 + temp_x - 1][y1 + temp_y - 1].b_color = Themes.ground_bcolor() id += 1 return map
def load_layer_to_console(console, xp_file_layer): if not xp_file_layer['width'] or not xp_file_layer['height']: raise AttributeError( 'Attempted to call load_layer_to_console on data that didn\'t have a width or height key, check your data' ) for x in range(xp_file_layer['width']): for y in range(xp_file_layer['height']): cell_data = xp_file_layer['cells'][x][y] fore_color = Color('{0},{1},{2}'.format(cell_data['fore_r'], cell_data['fore_g'], cell_data['fore_b'])) back_color = Color('{0},{1},{2}'.format(cell_data['back_r'], cell_data['back_g'], cell_data['back_b'])) Render.draw_char(console, x, y, cell_data['keycode'], fore_color, back_color)
def large_button(x, y, text, hover, length=None, target=0): animation_console = target if hover: color = Color('light azure') else: color = Color('azure') if length is None: length = len(text) text = x = x - ((length + 2) / 2) base_color = color value = 40 adj = Color("{0},{0},{0}".format(value)) color1 = base_color - adj - adj color2 = base_color - adj color3 = base_color #Render.draw_char(animation_console, x + 1, y, libtcod.CHAR_HLINE, color, libtcod.BKGND_NONE) Render.draw_char(animation_console, x, y - 1, Constants.BOX_NW, color1, libtcod.BKGND_NONE) Render.draw_char(animation_console, x, y, Constants.BOX_W, color2, libtcod.BKGND_NONE) Render.draw_char(animation_console, x, y + 1, Constants.BOX_SW, color3, libtcod.BKGND_NONE) for z in range(length): Render.draw_char(animation_console, x + z + 1, y - 1, Constants.BOX_S, color1, libtcod.BKGND_NONE) Render.draw_char(animation_console, x + z + 1, y, text[z], color2, libtcod.BKGND_NONE) Render.draw_char(animation_console, x + z + 1, y + 1, Constants.BOX_S, color3, libtcod.BKGND_NONE) Render.draw_char(animation_console, x + 1 + length, y - 1, Constants.BOX_NE, color1, libtcod.BKGND_NONE) Render.draw_char(animation_console, x + 1 + length, y, Constants.BOX_W, color2, libtcod.BKGND_NONE) Render.draw_char(animation_console, x + 1 + length, y + 1, Constants.BOX_SE, color3, libtcod.BKGND_NONE)
def draw_box_bar(x, y, total_width, name, value, maximum, bar_color, back_color, target): # render a bar (HP, experience, etc). first calculate the width of the bar pos = Pos(Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH + 4, 35) bar_width = int(float(value) / maximum * total_width) og_y = y height = 1 offset_color = Color("128, 128, 128") if name != '': set_background(target, set_foreground(target, Color("51, 51, 51")) print_line(target, x, y, name) y += 1 height += 1 #print "Bar Colors" #print bar_color #print back_color ''' render MAX value ''' # set_background(target, back_color-offset_color) # set_foreground(target, bar_color-offset_color) for x1 in range(x, x + total_width): draw_char(target, x1, y, Utils.get_unicode(219), back_color, libtcod.BKGND_SET) draw_char(target, x1, y, Utils.get_unicode(255), bar_color, libtcod.BKGND_SET) ''' render current value ''' #set_background(target, back_color) # set_foreground(target, bar_color) for x1 in range(x, x + bar_width): draw_char(target, x1, y, Utils.get_unicode(219), back_color, libtcod.BKGND_SET) draw_char(target, x1, y, Utils.get_unicode(254), bar_color, libtcod.BKGND_SET) if Utils.is_mouse_in(x, og_y, total_width, height): terminal.composition(terminal.TK_OFF) line = str(value) + "/" + str(maximum) set_foreground(target, 'white') print_line(target, x, y, line) terminal.composition(terminal.TK_ON)
def get_offset_color(map_x, map_y, source_x, source_y): try: dist = int(distance_between(map_x, map_y, source_x, source_y)) except: dist = 0 offset_value = int((float(dist) / Constants.TORCH_RADIUS) * 255) offset_value = max(0, min(offset_value, 255)) / 2 offset_color = Color('{0},{1},{2}'.format(offset_value, offset_value, offset_value)) return offset_color
def __init__(self, x, y, char, name, color, speed=10, blocks=False, blocks_sight=False, delay=0, fighter=None, always_visible=False, ai=None, item=None, equipment=None, ranged=None): = name self.blocks = blocks self.blocks_sight = blocks_sight self.x = x self.y = y self.delay = delay self.base_speed = speed self.char = char self.color = Color(color) self.always_visible = always_visible self.path = None self.status = Status.StatusList() # Optional Components self.fighter = fighter if self.fighter: # let the fighter component know who owns it self.fighter.owner = self self.ranged = ranged if self.ranged: # let the fighter component know who owns it self.ranged.owner = self = ai if # let the AI component know who owns it = self self.item = item if self.item: # let the Item component know who owns it self.item.owner = self = equipment if # let the Equipment component know who owns it = self self.item = Components.Item() self.item.owner = self
def render_stat_bars(): pos = Pos(Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH + 4, 35) # SHOW PLAYER STAT BARS Render.draw_box_bar(pos.x, pos.y, 14, '', GameState.get_player().fighter.hp, GameState.get_player().fighter.base_max_hp, Color("178,0,45"), Color("64,0,16"), layers['side_panel_console']) Render.draw_box_bar(pos.x, pos.y + 1, 14, '', GameState.get_player().fighter.sp, GameState.get_player().fighter.base_max_sp, Color("0,30,255"), Color("0,10,64"), layers['side_panel_console']) Render.draw_box_bar( pos.x, pos.y + 2, 14, '', GameState.get_player().fighter.xp, 1000, # TODO: will be NEXT_LVL_XP Color("255,255,0"), Color("65,65,0"), layers['side_panel_console']) # RENDER MONSTER HEALTH BARS temp_y = 3 for object in GameState.current_level.get_visible_objects(): if object.fighter and object.base_speed != 0 and ( object is not GameState.get_player() ): # and Fov.is_visible(obj=object) if temp_y < 17: # TODO: Make constant to scale UI Render.draw_box_bar(Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH + 1, temp_y, 17,, object.fighter.hp, object.fighter.max_hp, Color("0,255,0"), Color("0,64,0"), layers['side_panel_console']) temp_y += 2
def skill_tree(): key = libtcod.Key() mouse = libtcod.Mouse() # calculate total height for the header (after auto-wrap) and one line per option width = Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH height = Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_HEIGHT st = libtcod.console_new(width, height) # print the header, with auto-wrap libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(st, Constants.UI_PopFore) libtcod.console_set_default_background(st, Constants.UI_PopBack) libtcod.console_print_frame(st, 0, 0, width, height, clear=True, flag=libtcod.BKGND_SET, fmt="Skill Tree") Render.print_rect(st, 4, 4, width, height, 'Insert Skill Tree') # blit the contents of "window" to the root console x = 0 y = 0 file = open('Assets\', 'r') # fill map with "blocked" tiles #kills = [[' ' for y in range(Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_HEIGHT)] for x in range(Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH)] skills = [[Skill(' ') for y in range(Constants.MAP_HEIGHT)] for x in range(Constants.MAP_WIDTH)] selected_x = 0 selected_y = 0 for y in range(Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_HEIGHT): line = file.readline() # print line x = 0 for c in line: if c == 'S': selected_x = x selected_y = y skills[x][y] = Skill(c, True) else: skills[x][y] = Skill(c) x += 1 # print selected_x, selected_y button_text = 'Exit' ct_button = Button(button_text, width / 2, height - 3, length=6, function=close_window) while True: libtcod.console_flush() libtcod.sys_check_for_event( libtcod.EVENT_KEY_PRESS | libtcod.EVENT_MOUSE, key, mouse) if key.vk == libtcod.KEY_LEFT: if skills[selected_x - 1][selected_y].char == "-": selected_x -= 2 elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_RIGHT: if skills[selected_x + 1][selected_y].char == "-": selected_x += 2 elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_UP: if skills[selected_x][selected_y - 1].char == "|": selected_y -= 2 elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_DOWN: if skills[selected_x][selected_y + 1].char == "|": selected_y += 2 elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_SPACE: skills[selected_x][selected_y].purchased = True if selected_y < 0: selected_y = 0 if selected_x < 0: selected_x = 0 offset = 20, 10 for y in range(Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_HEIGHT): for x in range(Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH): # print skills if selected_x == x and selected_y == y: color = Color('purple') else: if skills[x][y].purchased: color = Color('green') else: color = Color('white') char = skills[x][y].char if char == "|": Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0], y + y + offset[1], libtcod.CHAR_VLINE, libtcod.white, Constants.UI_PopBack) elif char == "-": Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0], y + y + offset[1], libtcod.CHAR_HLINE, libtcod.white, Constants.UI_PopBack) elif char == ".": if color == Color('purple'): Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] + 1, y + y + offset[1] - 1, libtcod.CHAR_DNE, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0], y + y + offset[1] - 1, libtcod.CHAR_DHLINE, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] - 1, y + y + offset[1] - 1, libtcod.CHAR_DNW, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] - 1, y + y + offset[1], libtcod.CHAR_DVLINE, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] + 1, y + y + offset[1], libtcod.CHAR_DVLINE, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] + 1, y + y + offset[1] + 1, libtcod.CHAR_DSE, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0], y + y + offset[1] + 1, libtcod.CHAR_DHLINE, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] - 1, y + y + offset[1] + 1, libtcod.CHAR_DSW, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) else: Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] + 1, y + y + offset[1] - 1, ' ', color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0], y + y + offset[1] - 1, ' ', color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] - 1, y + y + offset[1] - 1, ' ', color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] - 1, y + y + offset[1], ' ', color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] + 1, y + y + offset[1], ' ', color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] + 1, y + y + offset[1] + 1, ' ', color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0], y + y + offset[1] + 1, ' ', color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] - 1, y + y + offset[1] + 1, ' ', color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0], y + y + offset[1], chr(4), libtcod.white, Constants.UI_PopBack) elif char != ' ' and char != chr(10): Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] + 1, y + y + offset[1] - 1, libtcod.CHAR_DNE, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0], y + y + offset[1] - 1, libtcod.CHAR_DHLINE, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] - 1, y + y + offset[1] - 1, libtcod.CHAR_DNW, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] - 1, y + y + offset[1], libtcod.CHAR_DVLINE, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0], y + y + offset[1], char,, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] + 1, y + y + offset[1], libtcod.CHAR_DVLINE, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] + 1, y + y + offset[1] + 1, libtcod.CHAR_DSE, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0], y + y + offset[1] + 1, libtcod.CHAR_DHLINE, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.draw_char(st, x + x + offset[0] - 1, y + y + offset[1] + 1, libtcod.CHAR_DSW, color, Constants.UI_PopBack) if ct_button.draw(x, y) == 'close': return libtcod.console_blit(st, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0)
def beastiary(width=10, height=10, title=None, text=None): # calculate total height for the header (after auto-wrap) and one line per option if width is None: width = Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH - 10 if height is None: height = libtcod.console_get_height_rect( 0, 0, 0, width, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT, text) + 7 pop = libtcod.console_new(width, height) # print the header, with auto-wrap libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(pop, Constants.UI_PopFore) libtcod.console_set_default_background(pop, Constants.UI_PopBack) libtcod.console_print_frame(pop, 0, 0, width, height, clear=True, flag=libtcod.BKGND_SET, fmt=title) # blit the contents of "window" to the root console x = 0 y = 0 button_text = 'Click to Continue' button = Button(button_text, width / 2, height - 3, function=close_window) img = libtcod.image_load('Images//cipher_warden_80x80_test_01.png') libtcod.image_set_key_color(img, Color(0, 0, 0)) # show the background image, at twice the regular console resolution libtcod.image_blit_2x(img, pop, 9, 2) libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(pop, Constants.UI_PopFore) libtcod.console_set_default_background(pop, Constants.UI_PopBack) Render.print_rect(pop, 3, 3, width - 6, height, text) background = libtcod.console_new(Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT) libtcod.console_blit(0, 0, 0, Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT, background, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0) dragging = False click_x = None while True: Input.update() mouse = Input.mouse Render.blit(background, 0) # libtcod.console_blit(background, 0, 0, Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0) libtcod.console_blit(pop, 0, 0, width, height, 0, x, y, 1.0, .85) if mouse.lbutton and x <= <= x + width and ( == y or dragging): if click_x is None: click_x = - x x = - click_x # (width / 2) y = dragging = True else: dragging = False click_x = None if button.draw(x, y) == 'close': return libtcod.console_flush()
def display_mainMenu(): # new_game() width = Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH height = Constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT Render.draw_rect(10, 0, 0, width, height, frame=True, f_color=Color('dark azure'), bk_color=Color('darkest azure'), title="DEEP FRIED SUPERNOVA v0.01") Render.print_rect(10, 4, 4, width, height, 'Welcome to Deep Fried Supernova') # blit the contents of "window" to the root console x = 0 y = 0 button_text = 'New Game' ng_button = Button(button_text, width / 2, height - 12, length=16, function=new_game, target=10) button_text = 'Continue Game' ct_button = Button(button_text, width / 2, height - 9, length=16, function=continue_game, target=10) button_text = 'Quit' qt_button = Button(button_text, width / 2, height - 6, length=16, function=close_window, target=10) img = libtcod.image_load('diner_logo_sm.png') # libtcod.image_set_key_color(img, Color(0, 0, 0)) # show the background image, at twice the regular console resolution #libtcod.image_blit_2x(img, mm, 37, 2) #libtcod.console_blit(mm, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0) while True: Input.update() if qt_button.draw(0, 0) == 'close': return if ct_button.draw(0, 0) == 'continue': return ng_button.draw(0, 0) terminal.refresh()
def render_common(): import Input pos = Pos(Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH, 0) # ERRORS Render.set_foreground(layers['side_panel_console'], Color("0,70,140")) """ LEVEL NUMBER """ Render.print_rect(layers['side_panel_console'], pos.x + 1, pos.y + 1, 17, 1, "Level 1".center(17, ' ')) """ MOUSE X / Y """ Render.print_rect( layers['side_panel_console'], pos.x + 9, pos.y + 18, 17, 2, "X: " + str( + " \nY: " + str( + " ") """ STATS """ color = Color("175,175,255") #print color Render.set_foreground(layers['panel_console'], color) #terminal.color('green') player = GameState.player Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH + 5, 18, str(player.fighter.base_str).rjust(3)) Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH + 5, 19, str(player.fighter.base_def).rjust(3)) Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH + 5, 20, str(player.fighter.base_agl).rjust(3)) Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH + 5, 21, str(player.fighter.base_stm).rjust(3)) Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH + 5, 22, str(player.fighter.base_skl).rjust(3)) Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH + 5, 23, str(player.fighter.base_int).rjust(3)) """ Items """ ranged_items = [equip for equip in GameState.inventory if equip.ranged] equipped_ranged = [ for equip in ranged_items if ] if equipped_ranged: Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH + 9, 20, equipped_ranged[0]) """ CONTROLS """ Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], 59, 39, "Move/Attack: NUMPAD/ARROWS") Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], 59, 40, "Fire: F") Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], 59, 41, "Pickup: G") Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], 59, 42, "Pop-Up Test: B") Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], 59, 43, "Decend: <") Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], 59, 44, "Change Weapon: [[/]]") Render.print_line(layers['side_panel_console'], 59, 45, "DEBUG: X") """ DUNGEON NAME """ pos = Pos(0, Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_HEIGHT) Render.print_rect(layers['panel_console'], pos.x + 1, pos.y + 1, Constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - 19, 1,, ' '))
def target_mode(source, target=None, ranged_componenet=None): """ Reset Params """ targets = [] target_x = 0 target_y = 0 if source is None: source = GameState.get_player() """ If no target supplied, Enter Targeting mode """ if target is None: tile_effected = set([]) # Utils.message('Choose Target. Left Click/Space to execute. Right Click/ESC to cancel.', ''' Get list of visible enemies to cycle through ''' target_list = GameState.current_level.closest_monsters( ranged_componenet.max_range) if target_list: target_list = cycle(target_list) target = next(target_list)[0] ''' Used to detect mouse movement ''' mouse = Input.mouse mouse_last_x, mouse_last_y =, mouse_moved = False while True: ''' Clear Screen ''' Render.clear_layer(layers['overlay_console']) """ Render.draw_rect(layers['overlay_console'], 0, 0, Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_WIDTH, Constants.MAP_CONSOLE_HEIGHT, frame=True, f_color=terminal.color_from_argb(255, 255, 100, 100), bk_color=terminal.color_from_name('transparent'), title="Targeting Mode - Right Click/ESC to Cancel") # """ ''' Get Inputs ''' Input.update() key = Input.key ''' determine if mouse moved, otherwise use auto-target ''' if != mouse_last_x or != mouse_last_y: mouse_moved = True moues_last_x, mouse_last_y =, if mouse_moved: target_x, target_y = Utils.to_map_coordinates(, elif target: target_x, target_y = target.x, target.y else: target_x, target_y = source.x, source.y ''' determine line of fire (You may not be able to hit every enemy you see) ''' line = Utils.get_line((source.x, source.y), (target_x, target_y), walkable=True, ignore_mobs=True, max_length=ranged_componenet.max_range) for point in line: if point == (None, None): break point = Utils.to_camera_coordinates(point[0], point[1]) #libtcod.console_set_char_background(0, point[0], point[1], libtcod.lighter_blue, libtcod.BKGND_SET) Render.draw_char(layers['overlay_console'], point[0], point[1], 0x2588, terminal.color_from_argb(128, 64, 64, 255)) if len(line) > 0: index = Utils.find_element_in_list((None, None), line) if index is None: point = line[-1] else: point = line[index - 1] circle = Utils.get_circle_points(point[0], point[1], ranged_componenet.aoe) if circle: tile_effected = set(circle) for points in circle: points = Utils.to_camera_coordinates( points[0], points[1]) Render.draw_char( layers['overlay_console'], points[0], points[1], 0x2588, terminal.color_from_argb(128, 200, 32, 32)) Render.draw_char( layers['overlay_console'], points[0], points[1], 0xE000, terminal.color_from_argb(128, 255, 0, 0)) if mouse.lbutton_pressed or key == terminal.TK_SPACE: # target_tile = (target_x, target_y) # print tile_effected for target in tile_effected: # target = Map.to_map_coordinates(target[0], target[1]) monster = GameState.current_level.get_monster_at( (target[0], target[1])) if monster is not None: print "Monster: " + str(monster) + " at " + str(target) targets.append(monster) break if mouse.rbutton_pressed or key == terminal.TK_ESCAPE: break if key == terminal.TK_F: if target_list: target = next(target_list)[0] GameState.render_ui() if not targets: # no enemy found within maximum range Utils.message('Cancelled.', Color('red')) Render.clear_layer(layers['overlay_console']) return 'cancelled' else: targets = GameState.current_level.get_monsters_in_range_at( target, ranged_componenet.aoe) Render.clear_layer(layers['overlay_console']) # TODO: Allow targeting Empty tiles # zap it! if ranged_componenet.animation: ranged_componenet.animation_params['origin'] = (source.x, source.y) ranged_componenet.animation_params['target'] = (target_x, target_y) ranged_componenet.animation_params['target_angle'] = Utils.get_angle( source.x, source.y, target_x, target_y) GameState.add_animation(ranged_componenet.animation, ranged_componenet.animation_params) for target in targets: if target.fighter: # TODO: Combat should handle all messages...... Utils.message( '[color={1}]{2} [color={0}]takes [color={3}]{4} damage[color={0}].' ''.format(Constants.COMBAT_MESSAGE_DEFAULT_COLOR, Constants.COMBAT_MESSAGE_MONSTER_NAME_COLOR,, Constants.COMBAT_MESSAGE_DAMAGE_COLOR, target.fighter.take_damage( Render.clear_layer(5) return 'fired'
#################################################################### # START LIBTCOD SPECIFIC CODE ################################## # Used primarily internally to parse the data, feel free to reference them externally if it's useful. # Changing these programattically will, of course, screw up the parsing (unless the format changes and you're using an old copy of this file) ################################## # the solid square character poskey_tile_character = 219 # some or all of the below may appear in libtcod's color definitions; and in fact, you can use libtcod colors as you please for position keys. # These are merely the colors provided in the accompanying palette. poskey_color_red = Color('255, 0, 0') poskey_color_lightpurple = Color( '254, 0, 255' ) # specifically 254 as 255, 0, 255 is considered a transparent key color in REXPaint poskey_color_orange = Color('255, 128, 0') poskey_color_pink = Color('255, 0, 128') poskey_color_green = Color('0, 255, 0') poskey_color_teal = Color('0, 255, 255') poskey_color_yellow = Color('255, 255, 0') poskey_color_blue = Color('0, 0, 255') poskey_color_lightblue = Color('0, 128, 255') poskey_color_purple = Color('128, 0, 255') poskey_color_white = Color('255, 255, 255') id = 1