Ejemplo n.º 1
def createPath(node0, node1):
    new_route = [node0]
    lat0, lon0 = cb.getLatLonnode(cb.GRAPH, node0)
    lat1, lon1 = cb.getLatLonnode(cb.GRAPH, node1)
    qdr, dist = geo.kwikqdrdist(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1)
    possible_directions = [86.8, 176.8, 266.8, 356.8]
    distances = [94.4, 207.6, 94.4, 207.6]  # meters
    closest_heading = min(range(len(possible_directions)),
                          key=lambda i: abs(possible_directions[i] - qdr))
    dist = dist * nm
    current_node = node0
    while dist > distances[closest_heading]:
        edges_current_node = cb.EDGES_PER_NODE[current_node]
        lat0, lon0, edges_current_node, new_node = getNewNode(
            current_node, closest_heading, edges_current_node)
        qdr, dist = geo.kwikqdrdist(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1)
        dist = dist * nm
        closest_heading = min(range(len(possible_directions)),
                              key=lambda i: abs(possible_directions[i] - qdr))
        current_node = new_node

    if new_route[-1] != node1:
        if cb.EDGES_PER_NODE[new_route[-1]][closest_heading] is None:
            cb.EDGES_PER_NODE[new_route[-1]][closest_heading] = (node1, qdr,
    return new_route
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def createAircraft(self, aicraftname, alts, route, vars):
        lat0, lon0 = cb.getLatLonnode(cb.GRAPH, route[0])
        lat1, lon1 = cb.getLatLonnode(cb.GRAPH, route[1])

        qdr, dummy = geo.kwikqdrdist(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1)
        creation_speed = TAS_MAX
        if vars[0] or vars[1]:
            creation_speed = TAS_CURVE
        bs.traf.create(1, AC_TYPE, ALTS[int(alts[0])] * ft,
                       creation_speed * kts, None, lat0, lon0, qdr,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getAltitudeLayer(point0, point1):
    expected_headings = [356, 86, 176, 266]

    lat0, lon0 = cb.getLatLonnode(cb.GRAPH, point0)
    lat1, lon1 = cb.getLatLonnode(cb.GRAPH, point1)

    qdr, dummy = geo.kwikqdrdist(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1)
    altitude = min(range(len(expected_headings)),
                   key=lambda i: abs(expected_headings[i] - qdr))
    # main altitudes start at layer 2
    altitude = 2 + altitude * 2

    return altitude, qdr, lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_conflict(lat_own, lon_own, lat_int, lon_int, gs_own, trk_own, gs_int,
                   trk_int, rpz, dtlookahead):
    ''' Horizontal conflict detection for two-criteria method by Schaberg '''

    # Horizontal conflict ------------------------------------------------------

    # qdrlst is for [i,j] qdr from i to j, from perception of ADSB and own coordinates
    qdr, dist = geo.kwikqdrdist(lat_own, lon_own, lat_int, lon_int)
    dist *= nm

    # Calculate horizontal closest point of approach (CPA)
    qdrrad = np.radians(qdr)
    dx = dist * np.sin(qdrrad)  # is pos j rel to i
    dy = dist * np.cos(qdrrad)  # is pos j rel to i

    # Ownship track angle and speed
    owntrkrad = np.radians(trk_own)
    ownu = gs_own * np.sin(owntrkrad)  # m/s
    ownv = gs_own * np.cos(owntrkrad)  # m/s

    # Intruder track angle and speed
    inttrkrad = np.radians(trk_int)
    intu = gs_int * np.sin(inttrkrad)  # m/s
    intv = gs_int * np.cos(inttrkrad)  # m/s

    du = intu - ownu  # Speed du[i,j] is perceived eastern speed of i to j
    dv = intv - ownv  # Speed dv[i,j] is perceived northern speed of i to j

    dv2 = du * du + dv * dv
    dv2 = 1e-6 if np.abs(dv2) < 1e-6 else dv2  # limit lower absolute value
    vrel = np.sqrt(dv2)

    tcpa = -(du * dx + dv * dy) / dv2

    # Calculate distance^2 at CPA (minimum distance^2)
    dcpa2 = np.abs(dist * dist - tcpa * tcpa * dv2)
    # Check for horizontal conflict
    R2 = rpz * rpz
    swhorconf = dcpa2 < R2  # conflict or not

    # Calculate time of entering PZ
    dxinhor = np.sqrt(np.maximum(
        0., R2 - dcpa2))  # half the distance travelled inzide zone)
    dtinhor = dxinhor / vrel
    tinhor = tcpa - dtinhor if swhorconf else 1e8  # Set very large if no conf

    return tinhor < dtlookahead
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getNewNode(previous_node, step, edges):
    lat_node, lon_node = cb.getLatLonnode(cb.GRAPH, previous_node)
    possible_directions = [86.8, 176.8, 266.8, 356.8]
    distances = [94.4, 207.6, 94.4, 207.6]  # meters
    lat0, lon0 = geo.kwikpos(lat_node, lon_node, possible_directions[step],
                             distances[step] / nm)

    # check if we ended up in an existing node
    lat_nodes, lon_nodes, node_ids = cb.getLatLonAllNodes(cb.GRAPH)
    closest_node, dummy = cb.getclosestnode([lat0], [lon0], lat_nodes,
                                            lon_nodes, node_ids)
    lat_closest_node, lon_closest_node = cb.getLatLonnode(
        cb.GRAPH, closest_node)
    qdr, dist = geo.kwikqdrdist(lat0, lon0, lat_closest_node, lon_closest_node)
    if closest_node != previous_node and dist * nm < 15:  # lets use this existent node
        lat0, lon0 = lat_closest_node, lon_closest_node
        edges[step] = (closest_node, qdr, dist * nm)
        cb.EDGES_PER_NODE[previous_node] = edges
    # create a new node
        existent_nodes = list(cb.NODES.keys())
        # find the smallest positive number not in list
        new_nodes_key = next(
            filterfalse(set(existent_nodes).__contains__, count(1)))
        cb.addtoNodes(lat0, lon0, new_nodes_key, True)
        if edges[step] is None:
            edges[step] = (new_nodes_key, possible_directions[step],
            cb.EDGES_PER_NODE[previous_node] = edges
        # create edges for the new node, create only the ones that we are going to need
        new_nodes_edges = [None, None, None, None]
        opposite_step = getOppositeStep(step)
        new_nodes_edges[opposite_step] = (previous_node,
        cb.EDGES_PER_NODE[new_nodes_key] = new_nodes_edges
        closest_node = new_nodes_key

    return lat0, lon0, edges, closest_node
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def update(self,gain):
        # Time step update of source

        # Get time step
        dt = sim.simt - self.tupdate
        self.tupdate = sim.simt

        # Time for a new aircraft?
        if dt>0.0:

            # Calculate probability of a geberate occurring with flow
            chances = 1.0-gain*self.flow*dt/3600. #flow is in a/c per hour=360 seconds
            if random.random() >= chances:

                # Runways defined? => use runway lines (queues)
                if len(self.runways)>0:
                    # We do not yet need to create an aircraft
                    gennow = False

                    # Find shortest line and put it in
                    isel = random.randint(0,len(self.runways)-1)
                    self.rwyline[isel] = self.rwyline[isel] + 1
                    # Yes we do need to generate one now
                    gennow = True
                gennow = False

            # Check for generating aircraft
            # First check runways for a/c already in line:
            txt = ""
            for i in range(len(self.runways)):
                # Runway vacated and there is one waiting?
                if sim.simt-self.rwytotime[i]>self.dtakeoff and self.rwyline[i]>0:
                    #if self.name == "EHAM":
                    #   print(sim.simt, self.runways[i], self.rwytotime[i])
                    self.rwytotime[i] = sim.simt
                    self.rwyline[i]   = self.rwyline[i]-1

                    # Choose and aicraft type, check for distance
                    if len(self.dest)>0:
                        idest = int(random.random() * len(self.dest))
                        idest = -1

                    if idest>=0:
                        acid = randacname(self.name,self.dest[idest])

                        if self.desttype[idest]=="seg" or self.dest[idest][:4]=="SEGM":
                            lat,lon,hdg = getseg(self.dest[idest])
                            success,posobj = txt2pos(self.dest[idest],ctrlat,ctrlon)
                            lat,lon = posobj.lat,posobj.lon
                        distroute = latlondist(self.lat,self.lon,lat,lon)/nm

                        acid = randacname(self.name, self.name)

                    if self.destactypes[idest] == []:
                        actype = random.choice(self.actypes)
                        actype = checkactype(actype, distroute, self.actypes)
                        actype = random.choice(self.destactypes[idest])

                    stack.stack("CRE "+",".join([acid, actype,

                    #wplat,wplon = kwikpos(self.rwylat[i],self.rwylon[i],self.rwyhdg[i],5.0*nm)
                    #stack.stack(acid + " ADDWPT ",wplat," ",wplon)
                    #stack.stack(acid+"LNAV ON")
                    if idest>=0:
                        if self.dest[idest][:4] != "SEGM":
                            stack.stack(acid + " DEST " + self.dest[idest])
                            stack.stack(acid + " DEST " + str(self.destlat[idest])
                                    + " " + str(self.destlon[idest]))

                    if self.name[:4] != "SEGM":
                        stack.stack(acid + " ORIG " + self.name)
                        stack.stack(acid + " ORIG " + str(self.lat) + " " + str(self.lon))

                    stack.stack(acid + " SPD 250")
                    stack.stack(acid + " ALT FL100")
                    stack.stack(acid + " HDG " + str(self.rwyhdg[i]))

                    stack.stack(acid+" LNAV OFF")

            # Not runway, then define instantly at position with random heading or in case of segment inward heading
            if gennow:
                if not self.incircle:
                    lat,lon = kwikpos(ctrlat,ctrlon,self.segdir,radius)
                    hdg = self.segdir-180
                elif self.type=="seg":
                    lat,lon,brg = getseg(self.name)
                    hdg = (brg+180)%360
                elif self.type=="rwy":
                    lat,lon = self.lat,self.lon
                    hdg     = self.hdg # Runway heading
                    hdg = random.random()*360.

                if self.startaltmin and self.startaltmax:
                    alt = random.randint(int(self.startaltmin), int(self.startaltmax))
                    alt = random.randint(200, 300) * 100 * ft

                if self.startspdmin and self.startspdmax:
                    spd = random.randint(int(self.startspdmin), int(self.startspdmax))
                    spd = random.randint(250, 350)

                alttxt, spdtxt = "FL" + str(int(round(alt / (100 * ft)))), str(spd)

                # Add destination
                if len(self.dest)>0:
                    idest = int(random.random() * len(self.dest))
                    acid = randacname(self.name,self.dest[idest])
                    acid  = randacname(self.name,self.name)
                    idest = -1

                stack.stack("CRE " + ",".join([acid, random.choice(self.actypes),
                                               str(self.lat), str(self.lon), str(int(hdg%360)),

                if idest>=0:
                    if self.dest[idest][:4] != "SEGM":
                        stack.stack(acid + " DEST " + self.dest[idest])
                        stack.stack(acid + " DEST " + str(self.destlat[idest])+" "+str(self.destlon[idest]))

                if self.name[:4] != "SEGM":
                    stack.stack(acid + " ORIG " + self.name)
                    stack.stack(acid + " ORIG " + str(self.lat)+" "+str(self.lon))

                if alttxt=="0" and spdtxt =="0":
                    stack.stack(acid+" SPD 250")
                    stack.stack(acid+" ALT FL100")
                    if idest>=0:
                        if self.desttype[idest] == "seg":
                            lat, lon, hdg = getseg(self.dest[idest])
                            brg, dist = kwikqdrdist(self.lat, self.lon, lat, lon)
                            stack.stack(acid + " HDG " + str(brg))
                            stack.stack(acid + " LNAV ON")
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def update(self,gain):
        # Time step update of source

        # Get time step
        dt = sim.simt - self.tupdate
        self.tupdate = sim.simt

        # Time for a new aircraft?
        if dt>0.0:

            # Calculate probability of a geberate occurring with flow
            chances = 1.0-gain*self.flow*dt/3600. #flow is in a/c per hour=360 seconds
            if random.random() >= chances:

                # Runways defined? => use runway lines (queues)
                if len(self.runways)>0:
                    # We do not yet need to create an aircraft
                    gennow = False

                    # Find shortest line and put it in
                    isel = random.randint(0,len(self.runways)-1)
                    self.rwyline[isel] = self.rwyline[isel] + 1
                    # Yes we do need to generate one now
                    gennow = True
                gennow = False

            # Check for generating aircraft
            # First check runways for a/c already in line:
            txt = ""
            for i in range(len(self.runways)):
                # Runway vacated and there is one waiting?
                if sim.simt-self.rwytotime[i]>self.dtakeoff and self.rwyline[i]>0:
                    #if self.name == "EHAM":
                    #   print(sim.simt, self.runways[i], self.rwytotime[i])
                    self.rwytotime[i] = sim.simt
                    self.rwyline[i]   = self.rwyline[i]-1

                    # Choose and aicraft type, check for distance
                    if len(self.dest)>0:
                        idest = int(random.random() * len(self.dest))
                        idest = -1

                    if idest>=0:
                        acid = randacname(self.name,self.dest[idest])

                        if self.desttype[idest]=="seg" or self.dest[idest][:4]=="SEGM":
                            lat,lon,hdg = getseg(self.dest[idest])
                            success,posobj = txt2pos(self.dest[idest],ctrlat,ctrlon)
                            lat,lon = posobj.lat,posobj.lon
                        distroute = latlondist(self.lat,self.lon,lat,lon)/nm

                        acid = randacname(self.name, self.name)

                    if self.destactypes[idest] == []:
                        actype = random.choice(self.actypes)
                        actype = checkactype(actype, distroute, self.actypes)
                        actype = random.choice(self.destactypes[idest])

                    stack.stack("CRE "+",".join([acid, actype,

                    stack.stack(acid + " SPD 250")
                    stack.stack(acid + " ALT FL100")
                    stack.stack(acid + " HDG " + str(self.rwyhdg[i]))
                    # TBD: Add waypoint for after take-off?

                    if idest>=0:
                        if self.dest[idest][:4] != "SEGM":
                            stack.stack(acid + " DEST " + self.dest[idest])
                            stack.stack(acid + " DEST " + str(self.destlat[idest])
                                    + " " + str(self.destlon[idest]))

                    if self.name[:4] != "SEGM":
                        stack.stack(acid + " ORIG " + self.name)
                        stack.stack(acid + " ORIG " + str(self.lat) + " " + str(self.lon))

                    if idest>=0 and self.desttype[idest]=="seg":
                        lat,lon,hdg = getseg(self.dest[idest])
                        brg,dist = kwikqdrdist(self.lat,self.lon,lat,lon)
                        #stack.stack(acid+" HDG "+str(brg))
                        stack.stack(acid+" LNAV OFF")
                        #stack.stack(acid+" VNAV ON")

            # Not runway, then define instantly at position with random heading or in case of segment inward heading
            if gennow:
                if not self.incircle:
                    lat,lon = kwikpos(ctrlat,ctrlon,self.segdir,radius)
                    hdg = self.segdir-180
                elif self.type=="seg":
                    lat,lon,brg = getseg(self.name)
                    hdg = (brg+180)%360
                elif self.type=="rwy":
                    lat,lon = self.lat,self.lon
                    hdg     = self.hdg # Runway heading
                    hdg = random.random()*360.

                if (self.type=="apt" or self.type=="rwy") and self.incircle:
                    alttxt,spdtxt = str(0),str(0)
                    alttxt,spdtxt = "FL"+str(random.randint(200,300)), str(random.randint(250,350))
                # Add destination
                if len(self.dest)>0:
                    idest = int(random.random() * len(self.dest))
                    acid = randacname(self.name,self.dest[idest])
                    acid  = randacname(self.name,self.name)
                    idest = -1

                stack.stack("CRE " + ",".join([acid, random.choice(self.actypes),
                                               str(self.lat), str(self.lon), str(int(hdg%360)),

                if idest>=0:
                    if self.dest[idest][:4] != "SEGM":
                        stack.stack(acid + " DEST " + self.dest[idest])
                        stack.stack(acid + " DEST " + str(self.destlat[idest])+" "+str(self.destlon[idest]))

                if self.name[:4] != "SEGM":
                    stack.stack(acid + " ORIG " + self.name)
                    stack.stack(acid + " ORIG " + str(self.lat)+" "+str(self.lon))

                if alttxt=="0" and spdtxt =="0":
                    stack.stack(acid+" SPD 250")
                    stack.stack(acid+" ALT FL100")
                    if idest>=0:
                        if self.desttype[idest] == "seg":
                            lat, lon, hdg = getseg(self.dest[idest])
                            brg, dist = kwikdist(self.lat, self.lon, lat, lon)
                            stack.stack(acid + " HDG " + str(brg))
                            stack.stack(acid + " LNAV ON")