Ejemplo n.º 1
def guessForOEP4(player, number, amount, inviter):
    constracthash = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    #bla = balanceOf(constracthash, TNT)
    #OEP_MAX = bla / 100
    if amount < OPE4_MIN: #or amount > OEP_MAX:
        return False
    if CheckRange(number) == False:
        return False

    playbla = balanceOf(player, TNT)
    if playbla < amount:
        return False

    id = Get(ctx, BET_ID_PREFIX)
    Put(ctx, BET_ID_PREFIX, id + 1)  # 游戏次数

    sysnumber = GeneratorRandom()

    if number > sysnumber:
        winreward = GetBetReward(number, amount)
        #win = winreward - amount
        transferOEP4(constracthash, player, win)
        transferOEP4(player, constracthash, amount)
    Notify(['guess', TNT, player,amount, id + 1, number, sysnumber])
    # rewardInviterFEE(inviter,constracthash,amount,TNT)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_asset_attachments():
    Gets information about Gas attached to an invocation TX

        list: A list with information about attached gas

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References

    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    sender_addr = None
    sent_amount_gas = 0

    if len(references) > 0:

        reference = references[0]
        sender_addr = reference.ScriptHash
        for output in tx.Outputs:
            if output.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
                #Only stick with GAS in this Hackathon
                #if output.AssetId == neo_asset_id:
                    #sent_amount_neo += output.Value
                if output.AssetId == gas_asset_id:
                    sent_amount_gas += output.Value

    return [receiver_addr, sender_addr, sent_amount_gas]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_asset_attachments_for_prev():
    attachment = create_attachment()

    tx = GetScriptContainer()  # type:Transaction

    sent_amount_neo = 0
    sent_amount_gas = 0

    attachment["receiver_addr"] = GetExecutingScriptHash()

    for ins in tx.Inputs:

        prev_tx = GetTransaction(ins.Hash)
        references = prev_tx.References

        if len(references) > 0:

            reference = references[0]
            attachment["sender_addr"] = reference.ScriptHash

            prev_output = prev_tx.Outputs[ins.Index]

            if prev_output.ScriptHash == attachment["receiver_addr"] and prev_output.AssetId == attachment["neo_asset_id"]:
                sent_amount_neo += prev_output.Value

            if prev_output.ScriptHash == attachment["receiver_addr"] and prev_output.AssetId == attachment["gas_asset_id"]:
                sent_amount_gas += prev_output.Value

    attachment.neo_attached = sent_amount_neo
    attachment.gas_attached = sent_amount_gas

    return attachment
Ejemplo n.º 4
def process_withdrawal():
    my_container = GetScriptContainer()
    my_hash = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    withdrawl_stage = WithdrawStage(my_container)
    if withdrawl_stage is None:
        return False

    withdrawingaddr = getWithdrawAddress(mycontainer, withdrawlstage)
    assetID = getWithdrawlAsset(mycontainer)
    if len(assetID) == 20:
        iswithdrawingNEP5 = True
        iswithdrawingNEP5 = False

    # inputs = mycontainer.getInputs()
    # outputs = mycontainer.getOutputs()

    if withdrawlstage == 'Mark':
        amount = getbalance(withdrawingaddr, assetID)
        # Here you can add withdraw fees and things like that
        markwithdrawal(withdrawingaddr, assetID, amount)

    byteArray = ['0']
    if iswithdrawingNEP5:
        put(myhash + byteArray, withdrawingaddr)
    # else:
    #   value = 0
    #   for output in outputs:
    #       value += outputs[output]['Value']

    withdrawing(withdrawingaddr, assetID, amount)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
def Main(operation, args):

    trigger = GetTrigger()

    if trigger == Verification():
        if CheckWitness(OWNER):
            return True

        return False

    elif trigger == Application():

        if operation == 'currentKing':
            return Get(ctx, KOTH_KEY)

        if operation == 'currentBounty':
            myhash = GetExecutingScriptHash()
            currentBalance = TUT_Contract('balanceOf', [myhash])
            current_bounty = currentBalance + INCREMENT
            return current_bounty

        chash = GetCallingScriptHash()
        if chash != TUT_Scripthash:
            print('Token type not accepted by this contract')
            return False

        elif operation == 'onTokenTransfer':
            print('onTokenTransfer() called')

            return handle_token_received(ctx, args)

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 6
def Withdraw(address, amount):
    if len(address) != 20:
        return False
    if CheckWitness(address) != True:
        return False
    if amount % FACTOR != 0:
        return False
    blakey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, address)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, blakey)

    if amount > fromBalance:
        return False

    ontam = amount / FACTOR
    constracthash = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    if transferONT(constracthash, address, ontam):
        if amount == fromBalance:
            Delete(ctx, blakey)
            Put(ctx, blakey, fromBalance - amount)
        Notify(["success", ontam])
        return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 7
def guessForONG(player, number, amount, inviter):
    constracthash = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    #bla = balanceOf(constracthash, ONG)
    #ONG_max = bla / 100
    if amount < ONG_MIN: #or amount > ONG_max:
        return False
    if CheckRange(number) == False:
        return False

    if transferONG(player, constracthash, amount) == False:  # 转移投注金额
        return False

    id = Get(ctx, BET_ID_PREFIX)
    Put(ctx, BET_ID_PREFIX, id + 1)  # 游戏次数

    sysnumber = GeneratorRandom(id)

    if number > sysnumber:
        winreward = GetBetReward(number, amount)
        transferONG(constracthash, player, winreward)
    Notify(['guess', ONG,player, amount, id + 1, number, sysnumber])
    rewardToken(player, constracthash, amount, ONG)
    if inviter != player:
        rewardInviterFEE(inviter, constracthash, amount, TNT)
        rewardInviterFEE(teamaddress, constracthash, amount, TNT)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 8
def GetMintInfo(ctx):
    Gets information about acception coin attached to an invocation TX

        list: A list with information about attached the acception coin

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References
    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    sender_addr = None
    sent_amount_ac = 0
    ac = Get(ctx, "ACCEPTCOIN")
    if len(ac) == 32:
        if len(references) > 0:
            reference = references[0]
            sender_addr = reference.ScriptHash
            for output in tx.Outputs:
                if output.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
                    if output.AssetId == ac:
                        sent_amount_ac += output.Value

    return [receiver_addr, sender_addr, sent_amount_ac]
def VerifyCaller(operation, caller, keyNo):
    authContractAddr = bytearray(
    param = state(GetExecutingScriptHash(), caller, operation, keyNo)
    res = Invoke(0, authContractAddr, "verifyToken", param)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_asset_attachments():
    Gets information about NEO and Gas attached to an invocation TX

        list: A list with information about attached neo and gas

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References

    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    sender_addr = None
    sent_amount_neo = 0
    sent_amount_gas = 0

    if len(references) > 0:

        reference = references[0]
        sender_addr = reference.ScriptHash
        for output in tx.Outputs:
            if output.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
                if output.AssetId == neo_asset_id:
                    sent_amount_neo += output.Value
                if output.AssetId == gas_asset_id:
                    sent_amount_gas += output.Value

    return [receiver_addr, sender_addr, sent_amount_neo, sent_amount_gas]
Ejemplo n.º 11
def handle_token_received(ctx, args):

    arglen = len(args)

    if arglen < 3:
        print('arg length incorrect')
        return False

    t_from = args[0]
    t_to = args[1]
    t_amount = args[2]

    king_name = None

    if arglen == 4:
        king_name = args[3]  # optional 4th argument passed by transfer()

    if len(t_from) != 20:
        return False

    if len(t_to) != 20:
        return False

    myhash = GetExecutingScriptHash()

    if t_to != myhash:
        return False

    currentBalance = TUT_Contract('balanceOf', [myhash])
    current_bounty = currentBalance + INCREMENT

    # contract owner can reset the game at will by sending low bounty

    if t_amount < current_bounty:
        if CheckWitness(OWNER):
            print('Game reset by contract owner!')
            print('Not enough to become king!')
            return False

    last_king = Get(ctx, KOTH_KEY)
    next_bounty = t_amount + INCREMENT

    if len(last_king) == 0:
        print('The first king has arrived!')
        Put(ctx, KOTH_KEY, t_from)
        KingNotify(t_from, next_bounty, king_name)
        return True

    # transfer all existing token balance to the previous king
    transferred = TUT_Contract('transfer', [myhash, last_king, currentBalance])

    if transferred:
        Put(ctx, KOTH_KEY, t_from)
        KingNotify(t_from, next_bounty, king_name)
        return True
        print('Transfer of treasury to previous king failed!')

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 12
def deploy():
    Initial deploy, which places initial amount into circulation
    Requires full owner permission ( 3 of 5 )

        bool: Whether the operation was successful

    if not check_owners(ctx, 3):
        return False

    if not Get(ctx, 'initialized'):
        # do deploy logic
        Put(ctx, 'initialized', 1)

        # who or what address do we put the initial amount to?
        # we will put it to the address of the contract

        contract_address = GetExecutingScriptHash()

        contract_balance_key = get_balance_key(contract_address)

        Put(ctx, contract_balance_key, TOKEN_INITIAL_AMOUNT)

        added_to_circ = add_to_circulation(ctx, TOKEN_INITIAL_AMOUNT)

        # dispatch mint
        OnTransfer(False, contract_address, TOKEN_INITIAL_AMOUNT)

        return added_to_circ

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 13
def GetToken(tokentype, amount):
    if (CheckWitness(superadmin)):
        if ONT == tokentype:
            constracthash = GetExecutingScriptHash()
            transferONT(constracthash, superadmin, amount)
            return True
        if ONG == tokentype:
            constracthash = GetExecutingScriptHash()
            transferONG(constracthash, superadmin, amount)
            return True
        if TNT == tokentype:
            constracthash = GetExecutingScriptHash()
            transferOEP4(constracthash, superadmin, amount)
            return True
        return False

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 14
def do_mint_token(ctx, args):
    """Mints a new NFT token; stores it's properties, URI info, and
    owner on the blockchain; updates the totalSupply

    :param StorageContext ctx: current store context
    :param list args:
        0: byte[] t_owner: token owner
        1: byte[] t_properties: token's read only data
        2: bytes t_uri: token's uri
        3: extra_arg (optional): extra arg to be passed to a smart
    :return: mint success
    :rtype: bool
    t_id = Get(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY)
    # the int 0 is represented as b'' in neo-boa, this caused bugs
    # throughout my code
    # This is the reason why token id's start at 1 instead
    t_id += 1

    # this should never already exist
    if len(Get(ctx, t_id)) == 20:
        Notify('token already exists')
        return False

    t_owner = args[0]
    if len(t_owner) != 20:
        return False

    t_properties = args[1]
    if len(t_properties) == b'\x00':
        Notify('missing properties data string')
        return False

    t_uri = args[2]

    if GetContract(t_owner):
        contract_args = [t_owner, t_id]
        if len(args) == 4:  # append optional extra arg

        success = transfer_to_smart_contract(ctx, GetExecutingScriptHash(),
                                             contract_args, True)
        if success is False:
            return False

    Put(ctx, t_id, t_owner)  # update token's owner
    Put(ctx, concat('properties/', t_id), t_properties)
    Put(ctx, concat('uri/', t_id), t_uri)
    add_token_to_owners_list(ctx, t_owner, t_id)
    Put(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY, t_id)  # update total supply

    # Log this minting event
    OnMint(t_owner, 1)
    OnNFTMint(t_owner, t_id)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 15
def do_transfer(ctx, t_from, t_to, amount, callingScriptHash):

    if amount <= 0:
        return False

    if len(t_to) != 20:
        return False

    # if the calling script hash is not the entry script hash
    # we force the `t_from` to be the address of the callingScriptHash
    if callingScriptHash != GetEntryScriptHash():
        print("Cannot call from another contract on behalf of other addresses")
        print("Setting from address to callingScriptHash")
        t_from = callingScriptHash
        if t_from == GetExecutingScriptHash():

            if not check_owners(ctx, 3):
                print("Must authenticate as owners")
                return False

            if not CheckWitness(t_from):
                print("Insufficient priveleges")
                return False

    from_balance_key = get_balance_key(t_from)
    to_balance_key = get_balance_key(t_to)

    from_balance = Get(ctx, from_balance_key)

    if from_balance < amount:
        Notify("insufficient funds")
        return False

    if t_from == t_to:
        return True

    if from_balance == amount:
        Delete(ctx, from_balance_key)

        difference = from_balance - amount
        Put(ctx, from_balance_key, difference)

    to_balance = Get(ctx, to_balance_key)

    to_total = to_balance + amount

    Put(ctx, to_balance_key, to_total)

    OnTransfer(t_from, t_to, amount)

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 16
def Init():
    constracthash = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    key = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX,constracthash)
    tobla = GetStorage(key)
    tobla = tobla + 1000 * FACTOR
    key2 = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX,superadmin)
    key3 = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX,testaddress)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 17
def Main(operation, args):

    trigger = GetTrigger()

    if trigger == Verification():
        if CheckWitness(OWNER):
            return True

        return False

    elif trigger == Application():

        if operation == 'hello':
            print('hello world!')
            totalcalls = Get('totalCalls')
            totalcalls = totalcalls + 1
            if Put('totalCalls', totalcalls):
                return True
            print('staked storage call failed')
            return False

            return True

        if operation == 'ownerWithdraw':
            if not CheckWitness(OWNER):
                    'only the contract owner can withdraw MCT from the contract'
                return False

            if len(args) != 1:
                print('withdraw amount not specified')
                return False

            t_amount = args[0]
            myhash = GetExecutingScriptHash()

            return MCTContract('transfer', [myhash, OWNER, t_amount])

        # end of normal invocations, reject any non-MCT invocations

        caller = GetCallingScriptHash()

        if caller != MCT_SCRIPTHASH:
            print('token type not accepted by this contract')
            return False

        if operation == 'onTokenTransfer':
            print('onTokenTransfer() called')
            return handle_token_received(caller, args)

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 18
def DoDeploy(ctx, accept_coin):
    Method to init totalSupply tokens to OWNER
    result = Get(ctx, "DEPLOY")
    if result == 1:
        return False
    me = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    Put(ctx, "DEPLOY", 1)
    Put(ctx, me, TOTAL_SUPPLY)
    Put(ctx, "ACCEPTCOIN", accept_coin)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 19
def getTotalStaked():
    Gets the total amount of tokens that are currently staked in the contract.
    :return: (int) Current amount of staked tokens

    tokenContract = getStakingContract()
    contractAddress = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    args = [contractAddress]
    balance = DynamicAppCall(tokenContract, 'balanceOf', args)

    return balance
def PurchaseData(order_id, pub_key):
    order = GetOrder(order_id)

    if not order:
        Log("Order doesn't exist")
        return False

    if order[3] != '':
        Log("Already purchased")
        return False

    if pub_key == '':
        Log("Empty public key")
        return False

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References
    if len(references) < 1:
        Log("No NEO attached")
        return False

    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    received_NEO = 0
    for output in tx.Outputs:
        if output.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
            if output.AssetId == NEO_ASSET_ID:
                received_NEO += output.Value
    received_NEO /= 100000000

    Log("Received total NEO:")
    price = order[2]
    if received_NEO < price:
        Log("Not enough NEO")
        return False

    Log("Rewriting order to new public key")
    context = GetContext()
    order[3] = pub_key
    order_data_serialized = serialize_array(order)
    order_key = concat(ORDER_ID_PREFIX, order_id)
    Put(context, order_key, order_data_serialized)

    Log("Payment to user")
    reference = references[0]
    sender = GetScriptHash(reference)
    usr_adr = order[0]
    DispatchTransferEvent(sender, usr_adr, price)
    return True
def _confirmPayment(_from, _amount, _orderId):
    originator = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    to = originator

    Require(_amount > 0)

    payment_key = concat(PAYMENT_PREFIX, _orderId)
    is_paid = Get(ctx, payment_key)

    Require(not is_paid) # only can be paid once
    Require(CallOep4Contract('transferFrom', [originator, _from, to, _amount]))

    Put(ctx, payment_key, _amount)
    return True
def withdraw():
    Withdraws payments collected in the contract to the owner of the contract

    originator = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    owner = Get(ctx, OWNER_KEY)
    balance = SpokkzOEP4Contract('balanceOf', [originator])

    Require(balance > 0)

    Require(_withdraw(originator, owner, balance))
    Notify(['withdraw', originator, owner, balance])
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 23
def completeStake(args):
    Complete the stake specified by `stakeID`
    If the staking period is complete, this returns the staked tokens to the user, and dispatches a `complete` event

    Note that since this method can return tokens ONLY back to the address that originally staked the tokens, it can be called by anyone.

    :param args (list): a list with the first item being the address in question and the second being the stakeID
    :return: (bool): success

    stakes = getStakesForAddr(args[0])
    stakeID = args[1]
    stake = stakes[stakeID]

    if not stake:
        raise Exception("Could not find stake")

    addr = stake['addr']
    amount = stake['amount']
    now = GetTime()

    if stake['endTime'] > now:
        raise Exception("Not eligible to unstake yet")

    if stake['complete']:
        raise Exception("Stake already completed")

    # transfer back to user
    args = [GetExecutingScriptHash(), addr, amount]

    transferOfTokens = DynamicAppCall(getStakingContract(), 'transfer', args)

    if transferOfTokens:

        stake['completed'] = True

        stakes[stakeID] = stake
        addrStakeKey = concat(STAKE_ADDR_KEY, addr)

        Put(ctx, addrStakeKey, Serialize(stakes))

        OnStakeComplete(stakeID, addr)

        return True

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 24
def get_asset_attachments():
    Gets information about NEO and Gas attached to an invocation TX
        Attachments: An object with information about attached neo and gas
    attachment = create_attachment()

    tx = GetScriptContainer()  # type:Transaction
    references = tx.References

    attachment["receiver_addr"] = GetExecutingScriptHash()

    if len(references) > 0:

        reference = references[0]
        attachment["sender_addr"] = reference.ScriptHash

        sent_amount_neo = 0
        sent_amount_gas = 0

        received_amount_neo = 0
        received_amount_gas = 0

        for output in tx.Outputs:
            if output.ScriptHash == attachment["receiver_addr"] and output.AssetId == attachment["neo_asset_id"]:
                sent_amount_neo += output.Value

            if output.ScriptHash == attachment["receiver_addr"] and output.AssetId == attachment["gas_asset_id"]:
                sent_amount_gas += output.Value

            if output.ScriptHash == attachment["sender_addr"] and output.AssetId == attachment["neo_asset_id"]:
                received_amount_neo += output.Value

            if output.ScriptHash == attachment["sender_addr"] and output.AssetId == attachment["gas_asset_id"]:
                received_amount_gas += output.Value

        attachment.neo_attached = sent_amount_neo
        attachment.gas_attached = sent_amount_gas

        attachment.neo_attached_received = received_amount_neo
        attachment.gas_attached_received = received_amount_gas

    return attachment
Ejemplo n.º 25
def mint_remainder():
    After the crowdsale has ended, there is anticipated to be a small amount
    of NEX remaining unminted from the 50,000,000 total.

    This operation mints this remaining amount to the contract's address

    :return: bool
    if not check_owners(ctx, 3):
        return False

    # check that all owners have minted
    if not have_all_owners_minted(ctx):
        print("All Owners must mint before minting remainder")
        return False

    current_time = GetTime()

    if current_time < ROUND2_END:
        return False

    remainder_amount = TOKEN_TOTAL_SUPPLY - get_circulation(ctx)

    if remainder_amount <= 0:
        print("No remaining tokens")
        return False

    contract_address = GetExecutingScriptHash()

    contract_balance_key = get_balance_key(contract_address)

    current_contract_balance = Get(ctx, contract_balance_key)

    new_contract_balance = current_contract_balance + remainder_amount

    Put(ctx, contract_balance_key, new_contract_balance)

    added_to_circ = add_to_circulation(ctx, remainder_amount)

    # dispatch mint
    OnTransfer(False, contract_address, remainder_amount)

    return added_to_circ
Ejemplo n.º 26
def do_approve(ctx, t_owner, t_spender, amount, callingScriptHash):

    if t_owner == GetExecutingScriptHash():
        print("Cannot approve from contract address. Use transfer")
        return False

    # if the calling script hash is not the entry script hash
    # we force the `t_from` to be the address of the callingScriptHash
    if callingScriptHash != GetEntryScriptHash():
        print("Cannot call from another contract on behalf of other addresses")
        print("Setting from address to callingScriptHash")
        t_owner = callingScriptHash

        if not CheckWitness(t_owner):
            print("Insufficient priveleges")
            return False

    if len(t_spender) != 20:
        return False

    if amount < 0:
        return False

    # cannot approve an amount that is
    # currently greater than the from balance
    owner_balance_key = get_balance_key(t_owner)

    if Get(ctx, owner_balance_key) >= amount:

        approval_key = get_allowance_key(t_owner, t_spender)

        if amount == 0:
            Delete(ctx, approval_key)
            Put(ctx, approval_key, amount)

        OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, amount)

        return True

    print("not enough balance")
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 27
def registerDomain(executionerPublickey, domainName):
    if not CheckWitness(executionerPublickey):
        return False

    #check domain length
    if len(domainName) > 80:
        return False

    #check if domain exists
    if existDomain(domainName):
        return False

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    refs = tx.References
    if len(refs) < 1:
        return False
    ref = refs[0]
    sentAsset = GetAssetId(ref)
    if sentAsset is not GAS_ASSET_ID:

    receiver = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    totalReceived = 0

    for output in tx.Outputs:
        scriptHashReceiver = GetScriptHash(output)
        if scriptHashReceiver == receiver:
            totalReceived = totalReceived + output.Value

    if (totalReceived < FEE):
        return False

    ctx = GetContext()
    #save owner
    Put(ctx, domainName, executionerPublickey)
    #save first transaction id
    Put(ctx, createLastTransactionKey(domainName), ("n" - 0x01))
    #save score
    Put(ctx, createScoreKey(domainName), 0x30)

    tr = concat("m:", domainName)
    addDomainToStorage(executionerPublickey, tr)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 28
def handle_token_received(chash, args):

    arglen = len(args)

    if arglen < 3:
        print('arg length incorrect')
        return False

    t_from = args[0]
    t_to = args[1]
    t_amount = args[2]

    if arglen == 4:
        extra_arg = args[3]  # extra argument passed by transfer()

    if len(t_from) != 20:
        return False

    if len(t_to) != 20:
        return False

    myhash = GetExecutingScriptHash()

    if t_to != myhash:
        return False

    if t_from == OWNER:
        # topping up contract token balance, just return True to allow
        return True

    if extra_arg == 'reject-me':
        print('rejecting transfer')
        return False
        print('received MCT tokens!')
        totalsent = Get(t_from)
        totalsent = totalsent + t_amount
        if Put(t_from, totalsent):
            return True
        print('staked storage call failed')
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 29
def get_asset_attachments():
    Gets information about NEO and Gas attached to an invocation TX

        list: A list with information about attached neo and gas

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    inputs = tx.References

    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    sender_addr = False
    sent_amount_neo = 0
    sent_amount_gas = 0
    sent_from_contract_addr = False

    if len(inputs) > 0:

        for input in inputs:
            if input.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
                sent_from_contract_addr = True
                if not sender_addr:
                    sender_addr = input.ScriptHash

        for output in tx.Outputs:
            if output.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
                if output.AssetId == neo_asset_id:
                    sent_amount_neo += output.Value
                if output.AssetId == gas_asset_id:
                    sent_amount_gas += output.Value

    attachments = {
        'receiver': receiver_addr,
        'sender': sender_addr,
        'sent_neo': sent_amount_neo,
        'sent_gas': sent_amount_gas,
        'sent_from_contract_addr': sent_from_contract_addr

    return attachments
Ejemplo n.º 30
def get_asset_attachments(args):
    Gets information about NEO and Gas attached to an invocation TX

        list: A list with information about the tranzaction

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References

    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    sender_addr = None
    tokenAmount = args[1] * 100000000

    if len(references) > 0:
        reference = references[0]
        sender_addr = args[0]

    return [receiver_addr, sender_addr, tokenAmount]