Ejemplo n.º 1
def perft(board, depth):

    #Get all possible moves
    legal_moves = board.generate_moves()

    #Check if last move caused win
    lmv = board.last_move_won()

    #if last move won the game or no valid move available
    if lmv or len(legal_moves) <= 0:
        #Unmake last move made by calling function
        return 1

    #if last move did not win the game and valid moves are available,
    #but depth limit is reached
    if depth == 1:
        return len(legal_moves)

    #initialize variable to count leaf nodes visited so far
    count = 0

    #For all legal moves from current state, call perft recursively
    for i in legal_moves:
        count += perft(board, depth - 1)

    #Unmake last move made by calling function before returning count

    #return number of leaf nodes visited
    return count

Ejemplo n.º 2
def min_value(board, player, alpha, beta, depth):

    #if terminal state then return utility of leaf node
    if is_terminal(board):
        u, alp, bet = utility(board, player)
        return u, alp, bet, -1

    #if reached depth limit then return utility 0
    #that is, consider it a draw
    if depth == 0:
        u = 0
        return u, -1, -1, -1

    v = math.inf
    ret_mov = -1
    a, b = alpha, beta

    #get list of possible moves and shuffle it
    legal_moves = shuffle(board.generate_moves())

    #find a move with minimum utility
    for mov in legal_moves:
        min_val, a1, b1, m = max_value(board, player, a, b, depth - 1)
        if min_val < v:
            v, ret_mov = min_val, mov

        if v <= a:
            b = v
            return v, a, b, ret_mov

        b = min(b, v)

    return v, a, b, ret_mov
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def min_value(self, board, player, alpha, beta, depth):
		#check if termial state
		if self.is_terminal(board):
			u, alp, bet = self.utility(board, player)
			return u, alp, bet, -1
		#check if depth limit is reached
		if depth == 0:
			u = 0
			return u, -1, -1, -1
		v = math.inf
		ret_mov = -1
		a, b = alpha, beta
		#Get list of all possible moves
		legal_moves = self.shuffle(board.generate_moves())
		#Search for a move with minimum utility
		for mov in legal_moves:
			min_val, a1, b1, m = self.max_value(board, player, a, b, depth - 1)
			if min_val < v:
				v, ret_mov = min_val, mov
			if v <= a:
				b = v
				return v, a, b, ret_mov
			b = min(b, v)
		return v, a, b, ret_mov
Ejemplo n.º 4
def guess_move(board, major, prob_table, remaining, h=h_disable, w=1):
    ret = None
    best = -inf

    # Step 1: Generate moves
    moves = board.generate_moves(major)

    # Step 2: Update probabilities
    update_probabilities(remaining, prob_table)
    get_obs(board, prob_table, major)

    # Normalize boards
    for a in "WHMO":


    # Step 3: Rate a best move based on the given
    for move in moves:
        temp = eval(move, prob_table) + h() * w

        if temp > best:
            ret = move
            best = temp

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def is_terminal(self, board):
		legal_moves = board.generate_moves()
		lmw = board.last_move_won()
		#return true if no possible move or last move won
		if len(legal_moves) == 0 or lmw:
			return True
		#return false otherwise
		return False
Ejemplo n.º 6
def is_terminal(board):

    #Get possible moves
    legal_moves = board.generate_moves()

    #Check if last move caused any player win the game
    lmw = board.last_move_won()

    #Return 'True' in either of the two conditions is true
    if len(legal_moves) == 0 or lmw:
        return True

    #Return 'False' otherwise
    return False