Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_get_collection(self):
   # Instantiating the empty collection does not create a path.
   coll = ParametricType.get_collection([], ParameterizedList.all_lists)
   empty = ParameterizedList([])
   coll = ParametricType.get_collection([], ParameterizedList.all_lists)
   # Instantiating anything else does.
   coll = ParametricType.get_collection([int], ParameterizedList.all_lists)
   intlist = ParameterizedList([int])
   coll = ParametricType.get_collection([int], ParameterizedList.all_lists)
   self.assertIs(coll, intlist)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_get_list(self):
   coll = ParameterizedList.all_lists
   ParametricType.get_collection([bool], coll)
   self.assertIn(bool, coll)
   ParametricType.get_collection([int], coll)
   self.assertIn(int, coll)
   ParametricType.get_collection([bool, int], coll)
   first_type, second_type = sorted([bool, int], key=lambda t: t.__name__)
   self.assertIn(second_type, coll[first_type][1])
   pl = ParametricType.get_collection([ParameterizedList([bool])], coll)
   # There is now a reified parameterized list of bools that serves as
   # a key, e.g.:
   # { ...
   # <type 'int'>: (
   #   None, {
   #     }),
   # <google3.video.youtube.frontend.utils.python.bocado.classes.ParameterizedList object at 0x1490190>: (
   #   None, {
   #     }),
   # <type 'bool'>: (
   #   <google3.video.youtube.frontend.utils.python.bocado.classes.ParameterizedList object at 0x1490190>, {
   #     <type 'int'>: (
   #       None, {
   #       })})
   # ... }
   self.assertIn(ParametricType.get_collection([bool], coll), coll)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_init(self):
   coll = ParameterizedTuple.all_tuples
   ParametricType.get_collection([bool], coll)
   self.assertIn(bool, coll)
   ParametricType.get_collection([bool, int], coll)
   first_type, second_type = sorted([bool, int], key=lambda t: t.__name__)
   self.assertIn(second_type, coll[first_type][1])
   # Calling `ParameterizedTuple([int])` creates a key for an int tuple.
   ParametricType.get_collection([ParameterizedTuple([int])], coll)
   self.assertIn(ParametricType.get_collection([int], coll), coll)