def __init__(self): """Initialize agent instance, create subscribers and publishers.""" # Create a publisher for commands = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) # Initialize class variables self.agent = Boid() # Create subscribers subs = [ mf.Subscriber("nearest", OdometryArray), mf.Subscriber("avoid", PoseArray) ] self.ts = mf.TimeSynchronizer(subs, 10) self.ts.registerCallback(self.callback) rospy.Subscriber('/param_update', Empty, self.param_callback, queue_size=1) # Main while loop. rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): """Initialize agent instance, create subscribers and publishers.""" # Initialize class variables. init_vel_x = rospy.get_param("~init_vel_x", 0) init_vel_y = rospy.get_param("~init_vel_y", 0) frequency = rospy.get_param("/ctrl_loop_freq") wait_count = int(rospy.get_param("/wait_time") * frequency) start_count = int(rospy.get_param("/start_time") * frequency) self.run_type = rospy.get_param("/run_type") self.agent = Boid(init_vel_x, init_vel_y, wait_count, start_count, frequency) self.markers = MarkerSet() self.params_set = False # Create a publisher for commands. self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=frequency) self.markers_pub = rospy.Publisher('markers', MarkerArray, queue_size=frequency) # Create subscribers. rospy.Subscriber('/dyn_reconf2/parameter_updates', Config, self.param_callback, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/virtual_robot2/odom', Odometry, self.virtual_robot_callback, queue_size=10) subs = [mf.Subscriber("nearest", OdometryArray), mf.Subscriber("avoid", PoseArray)] self.ts = mf.TimeSynchronizer(subs, 10) self.ts.registerCallback(self.callback) # Keep program from exiting rospy.spin()
def setup(): size(600, 600) noStroke() global boid boid = Boid(width / 2, height / 2, 10, 1)
from p5 import * import numpy as np from boids import Boid width = 500 height = 500 flock = [Boid(*np.random.rand(2) * width, width, height) for _ in range(50)] def setup(): #this happens just once size(width, height) #instead of create_canvas def draw(): #this happens every time background(30, 30, 47) for boid in flock: boid.apply_behaviour(flock) boid.update() run()
def __init__(self, n, width, height): self.boids = [Boid(np.array([random.random()*width, random.random()*height]), width, height) for i in range(n)] self.width = width self.height = height
rule1W = 100 rule2W = 100 rule3W = 100 desired_seperation = 20 #desired_position = np.array([100,600]) #You can give static desired positions like this desired_position = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.int32) step_size = 10 # Create flocks N = 40 #Total number of boids flock = [None for _ in range(N)] for i in range(N): initial_position = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.int32) initial_position[0] = np.random.randint(0, width - 10) # x coordinate initial_position[1] = np.random.randint(0, height - 10) # y coordinate flock[i] = Boid(width,height,initial_position,horizon,max_speed,rule1W,rule2W,rule3W, \ desired_seperation) def setup(): global bg size(width, height) #Background image is width x height bg = load_image("images/UW_background.png") def draw(): #This is the main loop for p5 library global flock background(bg) for boid in flock: boid.tend_to_place(desired_position, step_size) boid.main_boid(flock)