Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_variable(config):
    from bokeh.embed import components
    name, rank, df, decade_df = get_result(config.gender, config.decade, config.name)
    if config.name <> name:
        message = "%s not found. Do you mean %s?" % (config.name, name)
        message =""

    birth_table = df.pivot(index='Decade', columns='Name', values='Births').fillna(0).to_html()
    rank_table = df.pivot(index='Decade', columns='Name', values='Rank').fillna(0).to_html()
    result_table = df[df['Rank']==rank][['Decade','Name','Rank']].sort('Decade').to_html(index=False)
    top_table = decade_df[(decade_df['Rank']<=8) &
    from bokeh.charts import Line, save, output_file, ColumnDataSource
    from bokeh.resources import INLINE
    plot_path = "%s_%s_%i.html" % (config.name,config.gender,config.decade)
    output_file("output/" + plot_path, mode='inline')
    tooltips = [(c, '@' + c) for c in df.columns]
    p = Line(df, x='Decade', y='Rank', title="Rank across Time", color='Name',
             xlabel="Decade", ylabel="Rank",
    p.circle('Decade', 'Rank', color='gray', alpha=0.5, source=ColumnDataSource(df))

    #script, div = components(p)
    return {
            'plot_path': plot_path,
            'result_table': result_table,
            'rank_table': rank_table,
            'birth_table': birth_table,
            'top_table': top_table,
            'rank': rank,
            'config': config,
            'name': name,
            'message': message
Ejemplo n.º 2
def port_opt(constants, port_id):

    # Grab profile and portfolio objects
    prof = Profile.from_mongo(port_id)
    port = Portfolio.from_mongo(port_id)

    # Function for converting any rate to the specified time step
    def int_rate_convert(annual_int_rate, time_step):
        eff_rate = (1 + annual_int_rate)**(time_step) - 1
        return eff_rate

    tickers = constants.TICKERS
    mgmt_fees = constants.MGMT_FEES  # annual management fees
    trans_costs = constants.TRANS_COSTS  # transaction costs

    Y = prof['horizon'][-1]  # Entire length of planning horizon (WEBAPP INPUT)
    T = prof['time_left']  # Number of years left (WEBAPP INPUT)

    # If the goal was already reached, further optimizaton is meaningless.
    if Y - T != 0:
        if port['reached'][-1] >= 1:
            return None

    # Further optimization after time left = 0 is meaningless and returns None
    if T < 0:
        return None

    if Y < 2:
        time_step = 1 / 12  # Trading frequency is monthly
    elif 2 <= Y <= 5:
        time_step = 1 / 4  # Trading frequency is quarterly
    elif 5 < Y < 10:
        time_step = 1 / 2  # Trading frequency is semi-annually
    elif Y >= 10:
        time_step = 1  # Trading frequency is annually

    N = T / time_step
    if N % 2 != 0:
        N = int(N) + 1
        N = int(N)

    # Convert the annual rate to any frequency
    annual_int_rate = constants.INT_RATE  # assume constant interest rate for cash investment
    eff_rate = int_rate_convert(annual_int_rate, time_step)

    # Convert management fees to one-time expenses at the end of the planning horizon
    eff_fees = np.zeros((len(mgmt_fees) + 1, 1))
    for m in range(0, len(mgmt_fees)):
        eff_fees[m] = int_rate_convert(mgmt_fees[m], N * time_step)
    eff_fees[m + 1] = 0  # assume mgmt fees of cash investment is 0

    # Prices and returns of assets; nrows x nassets
    prices = None
    while prices is None:
            prices, returns = ia(Y, T, tickers, time_step)
    means = np.mean(returns.T, axis=1)  # mean return vector; nassets x 1
    cov_mat = np.cov(returns.T)  # covariance matrix; nassets x nassets

    # Terminate when time left = 0
    if T == 0:
        temp = port['shares1'][-1]
        shares = np.matrix(np.zeros((6, 1)))
        for i in range(0, len(shares)):
            shares[i] = float(temp[i])

        # the variable shares is a result from last optimization
        net_val = np.matrix(np.zeros((len(shares), 1)))
        for i in range(0, len(shares) - 1):
            net_val[i] = shares[i] * prices[-1, i]
        net_val[i + 1] = shares[i + 1]  # This is the 'true' net wealth
        init_con = float(np.sum(net_val))  # Terminal portfolio value!
        init_alloc = []
        nassets = 6
        for i in range(0, nassets):
            init_alloc.append(float(net_val[i] /
                                    init_con))  # Terminal asset allocation!

        inflation = constants.INFLATION
        goal = prof['goal'] * (1 + inflation)**Y
        reached = round(init_con / goal, 3)

            port['port_id'], {
                "port_id": port['port_id'],
                "user_email": port['user_email'],
                "name": prof['name'],
                "mean_term_wealth": port["mean_term_wealth"],
                "mean_var_wealth": port["mean_var_wealth"],
                "alloc_percent": port["alloc_percent"],
                "shares0": port["shares0"],
                "shares1": port["shares1"],
                "cont": port["cont"],
                "reached": port["reached"],
                "ambitious": port["ambitious"]
        return None

    # Simulate stock prices for each asset; each is ntrials x len(Wt)
    S00 = prices[-1, 0]  # Initial stock price for asset 1
    S01 = prices[-1, 1]  # Initial stock price for asset 2
    S02 = prices[-1, 2]  # Initial stock price for asset 3
    S03 = prices[-1, 3]  # Initial stock price for asset 4
    S04 = prices[-1, 4]  # Initial stock price for asset 5

    ntrials = 10
    # start_time = clock()
    Sprices0 = GBM(ntrials, N, time_step, means, cov_mat, S00, 0)
    Sprices1 = GBM(ntrials, N, time_step, means, cov_mat, S01, 1)
    Sprices2 = GBM(ntrials, N, time_step, means, cov_mat, S02, 2)
    Sprices3 = GBM(ntrials, N, time_step, means, cov_mat, S03, 3)
    Sprices4 = GBM(ntrials, N, time_step, means, cov_mat, S04, 4)
    # print("--- %s seconds ---" % (clock() - start_time))
    Sprices = np.concatenate(
        (np.mean(Sprices0, axis=0), np.mean(Sprices1,
                                            axis=0), np.mean(Sprices2, axis=0),
         np.mean(Sprices3, axis=0), np.mean(Sprices4, axis=0)))

    # Calculate returns from the simulated stock prices of each asset
    Sreturns0 = np.matrix(np.zeros((ntrials, N)))
    Sreturns1 = np.matrix(np.zeros((ntrials, N)))
    Sreturns2 = np.matrix(np.zeros((ntrials, N)))
    Sreturns3 = np.matrix(np.zeros((ntrials, N)))
    Sreturns4 = np.matrix(np.zeros((ntrials, N)))
    for k in range(N):
                  k] = (Sprices0[:, k + 1] - Sprices0[:, k]) / Sprices0[:, k]
                  k] = (Sprices1[:, k + 1] - Sprices1[:, k]) / Sprices1[:, k]
                  k] = (Sprices2[:, k + 1] - Sprices2[:, k]) / Sprices2[:, k]
                  k] = (Sprices3[:, k + 1] - Sprices3[:, k]) / Sprices3[:, k]
                  k] = (Sprices4[:, k + 1] - Sprices4[:, k]) / Sprices4[:, k]

    # Account for coupon rates as part of the bond ETFs' returns
    cr3 = constants.COUPONS[0]  # CSJ average coupon rate is about 1.6%
    cr4 = constants.COUPONS[1]  # BLV average coupon rate is about 4.5%
    Sreturns3 = Sreturns3 + int_rate_convert(cr3, time_step)
    Sreturns4 = Sreturns4 + int_rate_convert(cr4, time_step)

    # Cash investment i.e. savings account with constant interest rate
    Sreturns5 = np.ones((Sreturns0.shape[0], Sreturns0.shape[1])) * eff_rate

    ## Example plot of simulated asset returns

    # Calculate and reorganize total returns matrix
    # Notes on the matrix Returns
    # This is the total return matrix. For example, for 2 assets and 2 scenarios:
    # Row 1: asset 1 under scenario 1
    # Row 2: asset 2 under scenario 1
    # Row 3: asset 1 under scenario 2
    # Row 4: asset 2 under scenario 2
    nassets = len(tickers) + 1
    temp = 1 + np.concatenate((Sreturns0, Sreturns1, Sreturns2, Sreturns3,
                               Sreturns4, Sreturns5))  # total returns
    Returns = np.matrix(np.zeros((temp.shape[0], temp.shape[1])))
    for i in range(0, ntrials):
        for j in range(0, nassets):
            Returns[j + i * nassets, :] = temp[i + j * ntrials, :]

    ### Solve the problem!
    lamb = prof['lamb']
    if lamb == 0:
        lamb = 0
    elif lamb == 0.25:
        lamb = 0.01
    elif lamb == 0.5:
        lamb = 0.05
    elif lamb == 0.75:
        lamb = 0.4
    elif lamb == 1:
        lamb = 0.99
    dis_inc = prof['dis_inc'][
        -1] * 12 * time_step  # Investor's disposable income within a single trading period
    if Y - T == 0:
        init_con = prof['init_con']  # intial contribution to goal (User input)
        init_alloc = prof[
            'init_alloc']  # Recommended initial alloc (WEBAPP INPUT)
        temp = port['shares1'][-1]
        shares = np.matrix(np.zeros((6, 1)))
        for i in range(0, len(shares)):
            shares[i] = float(temp[i])
        # the variable shares is a result from last optimization
        net_val = np.matrix(np.zeros((len(shares), 1)))
        for i in range(0, len(shares) - 1):
            net_val[i] = shares[i] * prices[-1, i]
        net_val[i + 1] = shares[i + 1]  # This is the 'true' net wealth
        init_con = float(np.sum(net_val))
        init_alloc = []
        for i in range(0, nassets):
                float(net_val[i] /
                      init_con))  # New allocation restriction at "t = 0"

    # Financial goal (target) accounted for inflation (assumed to be constant at 2% annual)
    inflation = constants.INFLATION
    goal = prof['goal'] * (1 + int_rate_convert(inflation, time_step))**(
        (Y - T) / time_step)

    # Optimize!
    # start_time = clock()
    opt_soln, P, q = sp(nassets, ntrials, Y, N, lamb, dis_inc, Returns,
                        init_con, goal, eff_fees, init_alloc)
    # print("--- %s seconds ---" % (clock() - start_time))     # Measure run time

    dv = np.matrix(opt_soln['x'])
    mean_term_wealth = round(float(q.T * dv), 2)  # Mean of terminal wealths
    mean_var_wealth = round(float(dv.T * P * dv)**0.5,
                            2)  # Variance of wealths

    # Determine if the goal is "ambitious"
    diff = goal - mean_term_wealth
    if diff > 0:
        ambitious = 1
        ambitious = 0

    # If the goal is ambitious, how much extra should the investor be contributing to meet the goal (monthly)?
    if ambitious == 1 and (N - 1) != 0:
        extra_dis_inc = (diff / (N - 1)) / (12 * time_step)
        extra_time = diff / mean_term_wealth * T
        extra_dis_inc = 0
        extra_time = 0

    importance = int(prof['importance'])
    if ambitious == 1 and importance == 1:
        extra_dis_inc = 0
    elif ambitious == 1 and importance == 2:
        extra_dis_inc = 0.25 * extra_dis_inc
        extra_time = 0.75 * extra_time
    elif ambitious == 1 and importance == 3:
        extra_dis_inc = 0.5 * extra_dis_inc
        extra_time = 0.5 * extra_time
    elif ambitious == 1 and importance == 4:
        extra_dis_inc = 0.75 * extra_dis_inc
        extra_time = 0.25 * extra_time
    elif ambitious == 1 and importance == 5:
        extra_time = 0

    # t = 0 # of shares
    shares0 = dv[0:6]
    shares0[0:-1] = shares0[0:-1] / Sprices[:, 0]

    # t = 1 average asset allocation across all scenarios
    # (need this for next optimization)
    if N > 1:
        collect = np.matrix(np.zeros((nassets, ntrials)))
        ctr = 0
        for s in range(0, ntrials):
            ctr = ctr + (nassets + 1)
            collect[:, s] = dv[ctr:ctr + nassets]
        avg_alloc = np.mean(collect, axis=1)
        alloc_percent = avg_alloc / np.sum(avg_alloc)
        shares1 = avg_alloc
        shares1[0:-1] = avg_alloc[
            0:-1] / Sprices[:, 1]  # Cash investment is left in units of $
        for i in range(0, nassets - 1):
            shares1[i] = shares1[i] * (1 - trans_costs[i]
                                       )  # take away transaction costs

        # Additional contribution required by next time step
        cont = round(float(dv[nassets:nassets + 1]), 2)
        collect = np.matrix(np.zeros((nassets, ntrials)))
        ctr = 0
        for s in range(0, ntrials):
            ctr = ctr + nassets
            collect[:, s] = dv[ctr:ctr + nassets]
        avg_alloc = np.mean(collect, axis=1)
        alloc_percent = avg_alloc / np.sum(avg_alloc)
        shares1 = avg_alloc
        shares1[0:-1] = avg_alloc[
            0:-1] / Sprices[:, 1]  # Cash investment is left in units of $
        for i in range(0, nassets - 1):
            shares1[i] = shares1[i] * (1 - trans_costs[i]
                                       )  # take away transaction costs

        # Additional contribution required by next time step
        cont = 0  # Since there will no next time period

    # % reached of financial goal target
    reached = float(init_con / goal)
    reached_dollar = round(reached * goal, 2)  # In dollar value

    # Time weighted rate of return (TWRR)
    if Y - T == 0:
        hprr = 0
        twrr = 0
    if Y - T != 0:
        # holding period return i.e. rate of return on the portfolio in a single time period
        hprr = round((reached - port['reached'][-1]) / port['reached'][-1] -
                     port['cont'][-1] / (goal * port['reached'][-1]), 3)
        twrr = round((1 + port['twrr'][-1]) * (1 + hprr) - 1, 3)

    # Add elements into lists for historical view
    prof["horizon"].append((float(prof["horizon"][-1]) + extra_time))
    prof["dis_inc"].append((prof["dis_inc"][-1] + extra_dis_inc))

    # Update profile by changing the length of time remaining
        prof['port_id'], {
            "port_id": prof['port_id'],
            "user_email": prof['user_email'],
            "name": prof['name'],
            "goal": prof['goal'],
            "horizon": prof['horizon'],
            "time_left": prof['time_left'] - time_step + extra_time,
            "init_con": prof['init_con'],
            "dis_inc": prof['dis_inc'],
            "init_alloc": init_alloc,
            "lamb": prof['lamb'],
            "importance": prof['importance']

    # Update portfolio (export)
    shares0_ = []
    shares1_ = []
    alloc_percent_ = []
    for i in range(0, nassets):
        alloc_percent_.append(round(float(alloc_percent[i]) * 100))

    # Add elements into lists for historical view
        port['port_id'], {
            "port_id": port['port_id'],
            "user_email": port['user_email'],
            "name": prof['name'],
            "mean_term_wealth": port["mean_term_wealth"],
            "mean_var_wealth": port["mean_var_wealth"],
            "alloc_percent": port["alloc_percent"],
            "shares0": port["shares0"],
            "shares1": port["shares1"],
            "cont": port["cont"],
            "reached": port["reached"],
            "reached_dollar": port["reached_dollar"],
            "hprr": port["hprr"],
            "twrr": port["twrr"],
            "ambitious": port["ambitious"]

    temporary = shares1 - shares0

    list1 = port['reached_dollar']
    list2 = port['cont']
    list3 = [i * time_step for i in range(len(list1))]

    plot_data = pd.DataFrame({
        'reached_dollar': list1,
        'cont': list2,
        'time': list3

    list4 = [
        'Large Cap Equity', 'Small Cap Equity', 'International Equity',
        'Short-term Bonds', 'Long-term Bonds', 'Cash Investments'
    list5 = port['alloc_percent'][-2]

    alloc_data = pd.DataFrame({'category': list4, 'percent': list5})

    pie_plot = Donut(data=alloc_data,
    line_plot = Line(data=plot_data,
                     xlabel="Time Steps Passed",
                     ylabel="Dollar Value of Goal Reached")
    bar_plot = Line(data=plot_data,
                    xlabel="Time Steps Passed",
                    ylabel="Contribution at Every Time Step")

    return pie_plot, line_plot, bar_plot, temporary