Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, bokor):
     self.bokor = bokor
     self.db = self.get('memory', 'sqlitedir', '/tmp') + '/' + 'master.db'
     self.memory = MasterTorrentMemory(self.db)
     self.path_ftp = self.bokor.get("upload", "path_ftp")
     if self.path_ftp[-1:] != '/': self.path_ftp += '/'
     self.path_repo = self.bokor.get("upload", "path_repo")
     if self.path_repo[-1:] != '/': self.path_repo += '/'
     self.url_repo = self.bokor.get("upload", "url_repo")
     if self.url_repo[-1:] != '/': self.url_repo += '/'
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, bokor):
     self.bokor = bokor
     self.db = self.get("memory", "sqlitedir", "/tmp") + "/" + "master.db"
     self.memory = MasterTorrentMemory(self.db)
     self.path_ftp = self.bokor.get("upload", "path_ftp")
     if self.path_ftp[-1:] != "/":
         self.path_ftp += "/"
     self.path_repo = self.bokor.get("upload", "path_repo")
     if self.path_repo[-1:] != "/":
         self.path_repo += "/"
     self.url_repo = self.bokor.get("upload", "url_repo")
     if self.url_repo[-1:] != "/":
         self.url_repo += "/"
Ejemplo n.º 3
class MasterTorrent(Master):

    dependances = {"configuration": [], "interface": [], "transmission": [UnsafeSocket], "feature": []}

    needed_configuration = {
        "upload": {
            "path_ftp": {"mandatory": True, "type": "file", "permission": "drx", "exist": True},
            "path_repo": {"mandatory": True, "type": "file", "permission": "drwx", "exist": True},
            "url_repo": {"mandatory": True, "type": "string"},
        "memory": {"sqlitedir": {"mandatory": False, "type": "file", "permission": "drwx", "exist": True}},

    def __init__(self, bokor):
        self.bokor = bokor
        self.db = self.get("memory", "sqlitedir", "/tmp") + "/" + "master.db"
        self.memory = MasterTorrentMemory(self.db)
        self.path_ftp = self.bokor.get("upload", "path_ftp")
        if self.path_ftp[-1:] != "/":
            self.path_ftp += "/"
        self.path_repo = self.bokor.get("upload", "path_repo")
        if self.path_repo[-1:] != "/":
            self.path_repo += "/"
        self.url_repo = self.bokor.get("upload", "url_repo")
        if self.url_repo[-1:] != "/":
            self.url_repo += "/"

    def _save_upload(self, upload):
        for asset in upload["assets"]:
            self.memory.update_or_crate_asset(asset, upload["assets"][asset], upload["iddl"])
                upload["assets"][asset]["relative_path"], upload["assets"][asset]["id"]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # add_file management

    def pre_add_file(self, action):
        # add file is not to be tried on a master
        action.execute = False

        peers = self.bokor.transmission.get_peers(action)
        if action.ressources and not peers:
            # peer not connected letting transmission deal with this
            action.post = False
            return action
        if not peers or len(peers) > 1:
            action.transmit = False
            action.results = "add_file requier a peer token"
            action.code = PEER_MANDATORY
            return action
        peer = peers[0]
        token_file = ""
        if "token_file" in action.params:
            token_file = action.params["token_file"]
        path_file = ""
        if "path_file" in action.params:
            path_file = action.params["path_file"]
        tracker_url = ""
        if "tracker_url" in action.params:
            tracker_url = action.params["tracker_url"]
        upload = {
            "token": peer.token,
            "nb_files": -1,
            "nb_files_done": 0,
            "token_file": token_file,
            "path_file": path_file,
            "tracker_url": tracker_url,
            "status": "new",
        iddl = str(self.memory.create_upload(upload))
        action.params["iddl"] = iddl
        return action

    def post_add_file(self, action):
        # if no iddl exit
        if not action.params["iddl"]:
            return action
        iddl = action.params["iddl"]
        # if no valid reponse from a peer
        if not action.transmitted_answer or "code" not in action.transmitted_answer[0]:
            return action
        # if the add file take place but something went wrong
        # we update
        upload = self.memory.get_upload(iddl)
        if action.transmitted_answer[0]["code"] != SUCCESS:
            upload["status"] = "error"

        upload["nb_files"] = len(action.transmitted_answer[0]["answer"])

        action.transmitted_answer[0]["answer"] = iddl
        return action

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # notify_upload and management

    def pre_notify_upload(self, action):
        return self._execute_and_block_transmit(action)

    def notify_upload(self, seeder, infohash, iddl, relative_path, file_name, status, size):
        allow a peer to notfify the end of a file preparation
        print(self, seeder, infohash, iddl, relative_path, file_name, status, size)
        upload = self.memory.get_upload(iddl)
        if not upload:
            self._bokor_code = 99
            return "iddl is not valid"

        upload["status"] = "pending"

        upload["assets"] = self.memory.get_assets(iddl)

        if infohash not in upload["assets"]:
            upload["assets"][infohash] = {"id": None}
        upload["assets"][infohash]["status"] = status
        upload["assets"][infohash]["size"] = size
        upload["assets"][infohash]["file_name"] = file_name
        if "relative_path" in upload["assets"][infohash]:
            upload["assets"][infohash]["relative_path"] = [relative_path]

        upload["assets"][infohash]["url"] = self.url_repo + infohash + ".torrent"

        # how many file do we know ? we must count the relative pathes, not the
        # infohasheshes
        nb_known = 0
        for h_file in upload["assets"]:
            nb_known += len(upload["assets"][h_file]["relative_path"])

        upload["nb_files_done"] = nb_known

        if upload["nb_files_done"] == upload["nb_files"]:
            gstatus = "done"
            for hashf in upload["assets"]:
                if upload["assets"][hashf]["status"] == "error":
                    gstatus = "error"
                if (gstatus in ["done", "unvalidated", "known"]) and upload["assets"][hashf]["status"] == "unvalidated":
                    gstatus = "unvalidated"
                if (gstatus in ["done", "known"]) and upload["assets"][hashf]["status"] == "known":
                    gstatus = "known"

            upload["status"] = gstatus
            pass  # fix me call cinego

        if self._prepareFile(infohash):
            # sendMail("seeder: " + str(seeder) + "\ninfoash: " + str(infohash) +
            #         "\niddl: " + str(iddl) + "\nstatus: " + str(status))
        return upload

    def _prepareFile(self, infohash):
        # prepare file to be ready for acces to other peers
        # fixme: most of this should be in config file
        import shutil

        if os.path.isfile(self.path_repo + infohash + ".torrent"):
            logging.info("%s.torrent already exists in %s , should not happen" % (infohash, self.path_repo))
            return False  # not a new dl
                "shutil.move('" + self.path_ftp + infohash + ".torrent', '" + self.path_repo + infohash + ".torrent'"
            shutil.move(self.path_ftp + infohash + ".torrent", self.path_repo + infohash + ".torrent")
            if getHash(self.path_repo + infohash + ".torrent") != infohash:
                logiging.error("infohash mismatch, upload has failed")
                # fixme: remove .torrent ? handle error
        return True

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # list_upload and management

    def pre_list_uploads(self, action):
        return self._execute_and_block_transmit(action)

    def list_uploads(self, iddl=None):
        if iddl:
            uploads = self.memory.get_upload(iddl)
            uploads = self.memory.get_uploads()
        return uploads

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # validate and management

    def pre_validate(self, action):
        if "iddl" not in action.params.keys():
            return action
        iddl = unicode(action.params["iddl"])
        upload = self.memory.get_upload(iddl)
        if not upload:
            # we buid the results saying that the iddl is invalid
            action.results = "validate on an unknown iddl : %s" % iddl
            action.code = VALUE_UNFIT
            # we block all future answer
            action.execute = False
            action.transmit = False
            action.post = False
            return action

        hashfiles = upload["assets"].keys()
        if not hashfiles:
            raise RuntimeError("iddl %s is empty" % iddl)
        relpath = [
            {"hashfile": infohash, "relative_path": upload["assets"][infohash]["relative_path"][0]}
            for infohash in upload["assets"].keys()
        action.params["token_site"] = upload["token"]
        action.params["hash_pathes"] = relpath
        action.ressources = [upload["token"]]
        return action

    def post_validate(self, action):
        if not action.transmitted_answer:
            return action
        if action.transmitted_answer[0]["code"] != SUCCESS:
            return action
        res = action.transmitted_answer[0][u"answer"]
        iddl = unicode(action.params["iddl"])
        upload = self.memory.get_upload(iddl)
        totstatus = True
        for hashf, state in res.items():
            if state:
                upload["assets"][hashf]["status"] = "done"
                upload["assets"][hashf]["status"] = "error"
        hashes = upload["assets"].keys()

        for hashf in hashes:
            totstatus = totstatus and (upload["assets"][hashf]["status"] == "done")

        if totstatus and upload["nb_files_done"] == upload["nb_files"]:
            upload["status"] = "done"

        action.code = SUCCESS
        action.results = totstatus
        action.transmitted_answer = []
        return action

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # PEER management

    def list_peers(self, status):
        list_peers return all peers with a specific status

        # FIXME RETRO
        return [
                "token_site": peer.token,
                "ip": peer.ip,
                "port": peer.port,
                "superseeder": int(peer.ci_up) == -1 if "ci_up" in peer.__dict__.keys() else False,
                "misfit": peer.misfit,
                "version": peer.version,
                "category": peer.category,
                "status": peer.status,
            for peer in self.bokor.transmission.peers
            if peer.status == status

    def pre_showsuperseeders(self, action):
        return self._execute_and_block_transmit(action)

    def showsuperseeders(self):
        return [
            {"token_site": peer.token, "ip": peer.ip, "port": peer.port}
            for peer in self.bokor.transmission.peers
            if "ci_up" in peer.__dict__ and int(peer.ci_up) == -1

    def pre_showpeer(self, action):
        return self._execute_and_block_transmit(action)

    def showpeer(self, token):
        for peer in self.bokor.transmission.peers:
            if peer.peername == token_site:
                return str(peer)

    # post status_*

    def post_status_view(self, action):
        if not action.transmitted_answer:
            return action
        peers = {x.ip: x.token for x in self.bokor.transmission.peers}
        for peer_res in action.transmitted_answer:
            if peer_res["code"] != SUCCESS:
            res = peer_res["answer"]
            if not isinstance(res, list):
            for dl in res:
                for peer in dl["peers"]:
                    if peer["ip"] in peers:
                        peer["token"] = peers[peer["ip"]]
        return action

    def status_exchange(self, action):
        return self.post_status_view(action)

    def status_download(self, action):
        return self.post_status_view(action)

    def status_upload(self, action):
        return self.post_status_view(action)

    def status_paused(self, action):
        return self.post_status_view(action)

    def pre_get_conf(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action

    def pre_get_conf(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action

    def pre_set_conf(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action

    def pre_write_conf(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action

    def pre_create_section(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action

    def pre_remove_option(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action

    def pre_remove_section(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action
Ejemplo n.º 4
class MasterTorrent(Master):

    dependances = {
        "configuration": [],
        "interface": [],
        "transmission": [UnsafeSocket],
        "feature": []

    needed_configuration = {
        "upload": {
            "path_ftp": {
                'mandatory': True,
                'type': 'file',
                'permission': 'drx',
                'exist': True
            "path_repo": {
                'mandatory': True,
                'type': 'file',
                'permission': 'drwx',
                'exist': True
            "url_repo": {
                'mandatory': True,
                'type': 'string'
        "memory": {
            "sqlitedir": {
                'mandatory': False,
                'type': 'file',
                'permission': 'drwx',
                'exist': True

    def __init__(self, bokor):
        self.bokor = bokor
        self.db = self.get('memory', 'sqlitedir', '/tmp') + '/' + 'master.db'
        self.memory = MasterTorrentMemory(self.db)
        self.path_ftp = self.bokor.get("upload", "path_ftp")
        if self.path_ftp[-1:] != '/': self.path_ftp += '/'
        self.path_repo = self.bokor.get("upload", "path_repo")
        if self.path_repo[-1:] != '/': self.path_repo += '/'
        self.url_repo = self.bokor.get("upload", "url_repo")
        if self.url_repo[-1:] != '/': self.url_repo += '/'

    def _save_upload(self, upload):
        for asset in upload['assets']:
            self.memory.update_or_crate_asset(asset, upload['assets'][asset],

# add_file management

    def pre_add_file(self, action):
        #add file is not to be tried on a master
        action.execute = False

        peers = self.bokor.transmission.get_peers(action)
        if action.ressources and not peers:
            #peer not connected letting transmission deal with this
            action.post = False
            return action
        if not peers or len(peers) > 1:
            action.transmit = False
            action.results = "add_file requier a peer token"
            action.code = PEER_MANDATORY
            return action
        peer = peers[0]
        token_file = ''
        if 'token_file' in action.params:
            token_file = action.params['token_file']
        path_file = ''
        if 'path_file' in action.params:
            path_file = action.params['path_file']
        tracker_url = ''
        if 'tracker_url' in action.params:
            tracker_url = action.params['tracker_url']
        upload = {
            'token': peer.token,
            'nb_files': -1,
            'nb_files_done': 0,
            'token_file': token_file,
            'path_file': path_file,
            'tracker_url': tracker_url,
            'status': 'new'
        iddl = str(self.memory.create_upload(upload))
        action.params['iddl'] = iddl
        return action

    def post_add_file(self, action):
        #if no iddl exit
        if not action.params['iddl']:
            return action
        iddl = action.params['iddl']
        #if no valid reponse from a peer
        if not action.transmitted_answer or "code" not in action.transmitted_answer[
            return action
        # if the add file take place but something went wrong
        # we update
        upload = self.memory.get_upload(iddl)
        if action.transmitted_answer[0]["code"] != SUCCESS:
            upload['status'] = 'error'

        upload['nb_files'] = len(action.transmitted_answer[0]["answer"])

        action.transmitted_answer[0]["answer"] = iddl
        return action

# notify_upload and management

    def pre_notify_upload(self, action):
        return self._execute_and_block_transmit(action)

    def notify_upload(self, seeder, infohash, iddl, relative_path, file_name,
                      status, size):
        allow a peer to notfify the end of a file preparation
        print(self, seeder, infohash, iddl, relative_path, file_name, status,
        upload = self.memory.get_upload(iddl)
        if not upload:
            self._bokor_code = 99
            return "iddl is not valid"

        upload['status'] = "pending"

        upload['assets'] = self.memory.get_assets(iddl)

        if infohash not in upload['assets']:
            upload['assets'][infohash] = {'id': None}
        upload['assets'][infohash]['status'] = status
        upload['assets'][infohash]['size'] = size
        upload['assets'][infohash]['file_name'] = file_name
        if 'relative_path' in upload['assets'][infohash]:
            upload['assets'][infohash]['relative_path'] = [relative_path]

            'url'] = self.url_repo + infohash + ".torrent"

        # how many file do we know ? we must count the relative pathes, not the
        # infohasheshes
        nb_known = 0
        for h_file in upload['assets']:
            nb_known += len(upload['assets'][h_file]['relative_path'])

        upload['nb_files_done'] = nb_known

        if upload['nb_files_done'] == \
            gstatus = "done"
            for hashf in upload['assets']:
                if upload['assets'][hashf]['status'] == "error":
                    gstatus = "error"
                if (gstatus in [
                        'done', 'unvalidated', 'known'
                ]) and upload['assets'][hashf]['status'] == "unvalidated":
                    gstatus = "unvalidated"
                if (gstatus in [
                        'done', 'known'
                ]) and upload['assets'][hashf]['status'] == "known":
                    gstatus = "known"

            upload['status'] = gstatus
            pass  # fix me call cinego

        if self._prepareFile(infohash):
            #sendMail("seeder: " + str(seeder) + "\ninfoash: " + str(infohash) +
            #         "\niddl: " + str(iddl) + "\nstatus: " + str(status))
        return upload

    def _prepareFile(self, infohash):
        # prepare file to be ready for acces to other peers
        # fixme: most of this should be in config file
        import shutil
        if os.path.isfile(self.path_repo + infohash + ".torrent"):
                "%s.torrent already exists in %s , should not happen" %
                (infohash, self.path_repo))
            return False  # not a new dl
            logging.info("shutil.move('" + self.path_ftp + infohash +
                         ".torrent', '" + self.path_repo + infohash +
            shutil.move(self.path_ftp + infohash + ".torrent",
                        self.path_repo + infohash + ".torrent")
            if getHash(self.path_repo + infohash + ".torrent") != infohash:
                logiging.error("infohash mismatch, upload has failed")
                # fixme: remove .torrent ? handle error
        return True

# list_upload and management

    def pre_list_uploads(self, action):
        return self._execute_and_block_transmit(action)

    def list_uploads(self, iddl=None):
        if iddl:
            uploads = self.memory.get_upload(iddl)
            uploads = self.memory.get_uploads()
        return uploads

# validate and management

    def pre_validate(self, action):
        if 'iddl' not in action.params.keys():
            return action
        iddl = unicode(action.params['iddl'])
        upload = self.memory.get_upload(iddl)
        if not upload:
            #we buid the results saying that the iddl is invalid
            action.results = "validate on an unknown iddl : %s" % iddl
            action.code = VALUE_UNFIT
            #we block all future answer
            action.execute = False
            action.transmit = False
            action.post = False
            return action

        hashfiles = upload['assets'].keys()
        if not hashfiles:
            raise RuntimeError("iddl %s is empty" % iddl)
        relpath = [{
        } for infohash in upload['assets'].keys()]
        action.params['token_site'] = upload['token']
        action.params['hash_pathes'] = relpath
        action.ressources = [upload['token']]
        return action

    def post_validate(self, action):
        if not action.transmitted_answer:
            return action
        if action.transmitted_answer[0]['code'] != SUCCESS:
            return action
        res = action.transmitted_answer[0][u'answer']
        iddl = unicode(action.params['iddl'])
        upload = self.memory.get_upload(iddl)
        totstatus = True
        for hashf, state in res.items():
            if state:
                upload['assets'][hashf]['status'] = "done"
                upload['assets'][hashf]['status'] = "error"
        hashes = upload['assets'].keys()

        for hashf in hashes:
            totstatus = totstatus and (upload['assets'][hashf]['status']
                                       == "done")

        if totstatus and \
           upload['nb_files_done'] == \
            upload['status'] = "done"

        action.code = SUCCESS
        action.results = totstatus
        action.transmitted_answer = []
        return action

# PEER management

    def list_peers(self, status):
        list_peers return all peers with a specific status

        # FIXME RETRO
        return [{
            int(peer.ci_up) == -1
            if "ci_up" in peer.__dict__.keys() else False,
        } for peer in self.bokor.transmission.peers if peer.status == status]

    def pre_showsuperseeders(self, action):
        return self._execute_and_block_transmit(action)

    def showsuperseeders(self):
        return [{
            'token_site': peer.token,
            'ip': peer.ip,
            'port': peer.port
        } for peer in self.bokor.transmission.peers
                if "ci_up" in peer.__dict__ and int(peer.ci_up) == -1]

    def pre_showpeer(self, action):
        return self._execute_and_block_transmit(action)

    def showpeer(self, token):
        for peer in self.bokor.transmission.peers:
            if peer.peername == token_site:
                return str(peer)

# post status_*

    def post_status_view(self, action):
        if not action.transmitted_answer:
            return action
        peers = {x.ip: x.token for x in self.bokor.transmission.peers}
        for peer_res in action.transmitted_answer:
            if peer_res['code'] != SUCCESS:
            res = peer_res["answer"]
            if not isinstance(res, list):
            for dl in res:
                for peer in dl["peers"]:
                    if peer["ip"] in peers:
                        peer["token"] = peers[peer["ip"]]
        return action

    def status_exchange(self, action):
        return self.post_status_view(action)

    def status_download(self, action):
        return self.post_status_view(action)

    def status_upload(self, action):
        return self.post_status_view(action)

    def status_paused(self, action):
        return self.post_status_view(action)

    def pre_get_conf(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action

    def pre_get_conf(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action

    def pre_set_conf(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action

    def pre_write_conf(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action

    def pre_create_section(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action

    def pre_remove_option(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action

    def pre_remove_section(self, action):
        action.execute = True
        return action